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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19886122 No.19886122 [Reply] [Original]

Making my first sauerkraut. I dont have an airlock, so I was wondering that as long as everything is submerged in the brine, is it okay if it is exposed to the air? only the brine will be making contact with air. or will the air enter the brine or something?

>> No.19886138

you can do it like the old romans and create an oil seal

>> No.19886147

im going to do this. thanks for the idea

>> No.19886182

actually, reddit said this potentially causes botulism so idk anymore

>> No.19886184

Have sex with the cabbage

>> No.19886193

Use one of the big outer leaves as a "lid" and push it under the surface of the brine. People often weigh it down with something to keep it all submerged. I've used a plastic bag with water as a weight/airlock, it works ok

>> No.19886214

yeah i think ill just do this thanks

>> No.19886487

It will be fine if submerged in brine but you'll want to transfer it into smaller jars with lids to refrigerate after.

>> No.19886813

No, air is enemy of vegetable fermentation. Buy some weight to keep the cabbage submerged and close the lid of the jar

Once a day open and close the lid to prevent the carbonation or exploding whenever you will open it
Don't do that, it increases the risk of botulin

>> No.19886851

>No, air is enemy of vegetable fermentation.
why does it matter if none of the veg make contact with air. just the brine..

>> No.19886860

as long as the veggies are below the water line you're good. and the water is supposed to be exposed to the air just to be clear, cover it with cheesecloth or something like that to keep bugs or whatever out

>> No.19886888

ok thanks, this is what I figured. guess ill find out

>> No.19886981

It doesn't has to be completely locked. My grandparents used casks to make Sauerkraut.

>> No.19886999

just buy an airlock and keep fermenting

>> No.19887127

Coffee filter and rubberband till u put it in the fridge which kills the bacteria or ur making a bomb

>> No.19887131

airlocks are dirt cheap

>> No.19887148

botulism only grows in >4.5 pH
sauerkraut is less than that

>> No.19887171

god i miss /fap/

>> No.19887174

start one up. you can do it for free

>> No.19887396

Put a condom on it

>> No.19887558

Because in the air there are molds and yeasts that could fuck up your vegetables fort taste and texture

>> No.19887567

>Fermented Sauerkraut
That's like saying "toasted toast".

>> No.19887592 [DELETED] 



>> No.19887752
File: 996 KB, 500x332, history ex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really expect us to click that shit homes

>> No.19887762

On his end it doesn't matter. It takes literal seconds for him to advertise his channel on here for free, and jannies are nowhere near fast enough to catch it. I mean, mods COULD do something obvious like add the URL to the filter so people can't post direct links, but that makes too much sense so they won't.

>> No.19887774

Remember, mold and yeast bloom are fine, as long as they float on the surface. Just scoop them off or add more brine until it overflows and the mold flops into your sink

>> No.19887789

Honestly the hardest part of making your own shit is slicing the cabbage thinly. I fine that removing the heart then slicing what's left in half then cutting from the centre outwards works best.

>> No.19887835
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Just get one of those.

>> No.19888067

A food processor with a slicing function and cutting the Cabbage into vertical sections then inserting into processor perpendicular to the blade is easiest.

>> No.19888154
File: 37 KB, 600x392, sour cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made sauerkraut for the first time last week
turned out amazing

it surprising how easy it is and how good it turned out. i didnt do any of the internet advices to be honest, didnt even measure my salt cos i didnt have a scale near me, just eyeballed it, i initially tought i fucked up and its too salty while the cabage was fresh, but after the fermantation it turned perfect. just salted the cabbage, squeezed the shit ouf of it, then poured everything in the jars

anyway, i made two big 3 liter jars, i had a pretty big cabbage, so i decided to test it, one jar was just with pure cabbage and salt, nothing else. the other one had caraway seeds.
ive notived that the pure cabage femented way better. the one with the caraway didnt have that typical sour cabbage smell to it, i dunno if its only because of the caraway seeds, at times it smellled even a bit alcholic. i squeezed both jars pretty well with the cabbage, then just covered with all the water it released during the salting and crushing process(its a lot, dont worry, you dont need to add any extra water), but the caraway jar started floating after a few days. dunno, something just went wrong with its fermantion, even its water looked a bit more murky. But the weird thing is, it actually tasted great. I decided to risk it and eat it, and it was completely fine. But I finished it quick, because it felt like the fermantation is indeed going bad and its gonnna get fucked if i keep it more. It tasted amazing.
Still have half a jar from the "pure" cabage in my fridge, its been 2 weeks now, that also tastes great, im thinking of actually cooking with it tomorrow, have that big piece of fatty pork meat that will be great roasted with some sauerkraut.

Oh, and you dont really need anything like airlocks and shit, just put the lid on the jar, dont tighten it too much, and just remember to open it like once a day so the gases can go out, i really doubt you'll fuck it up and make your jars explode, but still

>> No.19888159

and yeah, be sure that its all sumberged, i even used those outter, shittier leaves of the cabbage(after i washed them) itself and put them on top to kinda push down the shreded cabage under even more, just to be sure, but i threw them away after 2-3 days

>> No.19889406
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Ok so I mashed the cabbage with the salt (2% by weight) and a lot of juice came out but not enough to submerge the cabbage. Will more water escape as it sits or will I have to add brine because it's a wide pot?

>> No.19889435

Put it in a jar, it should be fine.
If not just add a litte water and pinch of salt
More juice will come out later

>> No.19889443
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I like (whats left of) my fingers

>> No.19890181

it will, yes. i left it for like an hour after i mashed it well, it released mroe than enough of water before i started stuffing it in the jars
you can alwayus just add some more water from the sink if you really need it, but you most probably wont

>> No.19890189

it really isnt
i literalyl just cut it in big pieces with my knife, i dont even bother shredding it. the whole mashing process is enough to make it in eatable size. to be fair i prefer bigger chunks anyway, gradet cabbage is just annoying to eat , im even thinking, next time i make some, ill try just tearing the lefs by hand, like making a lettuce salad or something and see what will happend, want it to be more like kimchi with bih whole chinks of cabbage leaf

>> No.19890217

>Lacto Fermentation
I'm going to try it with apricots next year.

>> No.19890251

Have done and ate kraut with washed hands, salt, fill to high level, with leaking jar lid, and no boiling. In fact you can leave the kraut in mixing bowl with small diameter plate for a day so that you can press for water and air out before transfering into containers.

>> No.19890676
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Redpill me on lacto fermantaton
I know sour cabbage is very easy and great to make, but what about other veggies?

Ive recently found out muself in posesition of shitloads of chilli peppers, that I dont know what to do
Ive been thinking of picklimg them somehow, ive made sauerkraut before, but will it work for hot peppers too? meaning, not making some vinegar brine, boiling and sealing them, but just pouring some salty water on them, leaving them in an unsealed jar in room temperature? or will i kill myself with botulism or some shit?

>> No.19890823

i tried making lacto fermented fennel with some fennels i grew this year but i had to leave it unattended for a week due to bad life choices and it got some mold on top so i tossed it...
felt bad because i think it would be pretty rad

>> No.19890831
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cabbage went ok though, not sure why considering it was made the same day and left the same as fennels...
oh well, 2 liters of packed sauerkraut to enjoy
must ask /hgm/ about how to keep snails and worms out of cabbage though, it was a paint to clean

>> No.19890889

mold is mostly not an issue, you can just scoop it our and the layers under are fine, you just fucked up and didnt submerge it well enough, but no need to toss out the whole jar

>> No.19892277

so how much should you mash the cabbage? I beat the shit out of it and kinda kneaded it until it was completely wilted. is that too much or can you not go too far?

>> No.19892728

I started my first sauerkraut batch a few days ago and it seems promising. The only ingredient I added on top of cabbage and salt was some caraway seed. Any recs for more exciting flavors for a future batch?

>> No.19892976


>> No.19892980

It might be a little soft but the reason you mash it is to move lactobacilli from your skin onto the cabbage

>> No.19892994

the more you mash it, the better

>> No.19892997

It works look up Maangchi for ideas
Back in the day Bon Appetite did a bunch of fermentation stuff, I'm sure it's still up on YT

>> No.19893002

ok thanks

>> No.19893575
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I was able to make these last summer. I filled the brine to the top and let it ride outside on my back porch so the smell of hellish sharts remained away from my living space. Braindead easy stuff.

>> No.19893589

I added carrots, garlic cloves, red pepper flakes, and dill weed. The garlic made the biggest difference in smell and flavor, and the carrots helped to bind it a little for topping application.

>> No.19894762

Anyone here make kvass? I've never seen it available anywhere in my country but would love to try it.

>> No.19894926
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Ive fucked around for 3 years with lacto fermented hot sauce now and this works the best: fruit/vegetable that you think pairs well with your chili pepper, preferable the same colour. Always add onion, garlic and a few cilantro sprigs.

>> No.19895204

I make sauerkraut. Keep everything submerged, you'll be fine.

>> No.19895211

In the future be careful with garlic, it is the most common source of botulism