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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 441 KB, 828x939, mistaken orders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19885826 No.19885826 [Reply] [Original]

>bad service >:(
>bad service, japan :O

>> No.19885834

If there was a restaurant in the US where the waitresses all screwed up your orders and it was staffed by old Japanese ladies with chronic gas there would be five threads about it every day here

>> No.19885836

>they can't tolerate lactose
>they keep forgetting

>> No.19885843

don't joke about dementia dude it's fucking horrible

>> No.19885850

I imagine that the chefs don't actually have dementia but the servers might, I just hope the server doesn't forget what they're doing and start eating my meal

>> No.19885857

>we're headed to Weeabraps LETS GOOO
>roll for what you're getting
>dubs it's something you want
>trips it's something you never had and now love
>quads you get a brap to the face LETS GOOO

>> No.19885861
File: 100 KB, 1920x1033, MV5BNmJjYWI0YjAtMzE5MC00ZTMxLTk5MTEtN2MzNTk1OGQ4ZjUyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjgzNDU2ODI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Uncle Barry is your server

>> No.19885880

>it's all fun and games until you see your bill

>> No.19885886

>get a giant order
>only get charged for a soda
based resteraunt

>> No.19885893

>get a pack of menthols and some stubbies

>> No.19885910

Yeah, some people with dementia get really angry too. It wouldn't just be bad service. You'd have grandpas trying to beat people up.

>> No.19885933


>> No.19885952
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>> No.19885982

There is a restaurant in the US that runs off of insulting service. Not a new or novel concept. Our entire fast food service industry in big cities runs off bad service.

>> No.19885991

My grandma's dementia was so bad she didnt know she had cancer until a week before she died. She had cancer for 7 years

>> No.19886000


>> No.19886039

*dies from crustacean allergy* ACKKKKK

>> No.19886234

The last sentence doesn’t make sense.
>all employees,
All employees what? All employees have dementia? Did an employee write that?

>> No.19886238

>all employees, so you never know what kind of service you're gonna get

>> No.19886389
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>> No.19886618

massive lawsuits here in the us for allergies

>> No.19886621

Even the cooks?

>> No.19886652

the cooks have parkinsons

>> No.19886885

>All employees, so you never know what kind of food or service you're going to get.
All employees what?

>> No.19886929

>All employees, so you never know what kind of food or service you're going to get.
This sentence doesn't really make sense.

>> No.19886933

This is like a better version of that restaurant where everyone has AIDS.

>> No.19886937

what do they do when you start crying do they step on your cock?

>> No.19886997

If there was ever any evidence for a lack of a separate consciousness from thr brain, its fucking mental disorders.
And don't give me any of that "they are fully aware of everything behind the scenes, their body and brain just won't listen!" Bullshit

>> No.19887004

only if that was the employees previous job before getting dementia.

>> No.19887070

Very true. All the more reason to take care of your brain as much as you can. The health of your mind is perhaps the most important thing you have.

>> No.19887071

The social media manager also has dementia

>> No.19887123

This sounds genuinely hilarious, I would absolutely eat here at least once.
I'm genuinely applauding Japan for this one, this is some real wild ideas they've got brewing and I'm all for it.

>> No.19887130

it’s because of all that mercury filled fish they love to eat so much

>> No.19887172

>seeks out niche japanese factoids just to seethe about them

>> No.19887200

Same nigga, grandpa died of parkinsons and it made his brain go a little fucky for the last few years, he was also a stubborn af WW2 vet so that didnt help

>> No.19887206
File: 547 KB, 960x713, burger death rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all fit af so the brain goes before the body

>> No.19887230

I'd try get their numbers and meet them for sex later.
I live in Japan and have boned several (two) grannies in their sixties. It's pretty good not gonna lie and you can jizz in them without a worry in the world. Bummed one too. I need to get out and get me some more granny poon gaht damn.

>> No.19887257

>1 out of 5
Is that a normal number? Do really 20% of the population get dementia?

>> No.19887310

Lol, I was gonna mention that one too.
Tho tbf, the aids one prob isn't actually that risky. Dementia elderly people definitely aren't washing their hands, and probably rubbing their genitals all the time.

>> No.19887315

Dementia happens eventually no matter what, it's just a matter of how long you live. If you die in your 60s, you probably lose much cognition in your final year.
If you're Japanese and eat a Japanese diet and love a Japanese style life, you'll probably make it to your early 90s, in which case age onset dementia that hits around let's say 70, has had 22 years to fuck you over.
My mom died of cancer when she was 60, and was just as clever and quick witted as I remember her through my childhood. My dad is mid 70s now and I already see the signs, and it's actually heartbreaking. Absent minded is maybe the "cute" or popular way people think about it, but the really ugly side is how they get very angry and frustrated when they get to blank spots in their mind. A person you knew all your life for being very logical and ethical is all of a sudden totally irrational and angry.

>> No.19887337

Anyone who has lived the last 30 years in western countries should be in a constant state of anger.

>> No.19887351

How? I would pay to forget the past

>> No.19887429

I work in the elderly care and I've seen some grim shit. One day it's all hunky dory and the next day we have a grandma who barricades herself in the bathroom because she can't recognize her husband she's lived with the last 60 years and thinks she's getting kidnapped.

>> No.19887432

I think the brain/mind distinction is useful in that brain states are mental states but the experience of a mental state is different to a brain state.

>> No.19887433

That's called a tsundere cafe in japan.

>> No.19887443
File: 56 KB, 550x412, dick-s-last-resort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad service as a gimmick is everywhere Dick's insults you and heart attack grill lets you eat free if you're a fatass

>> No.19887445

I've seen my grandfather have a 10 or so year decline into dementia. As a witness I can attest that I rather die instead of slowly losing my mind and my self because my own brain fails me.

>> No.19887487

If there was a restaurant in the US where the waitresses all screwed up your orders and it was staffed by old Japanese ladies with chronic gas there would be five threads about it every day here

>> No.19887551

>1 in 5 old people will have it by 2025
now imagine in a couple decades when it'll be 1 in 5 people, Japan will turn into a mental asylum

>> No.19887553

in my humble opinion, people with dementia should be carefully euthanized because it only brings suffering for both the affected and the people around them

>> No.19887559

>Dementia happens eventually no matter what
Blatantly untrue but whatever

>> No.19887571

don't joke about dementia dude it's fucking horrible

>> No.19887578

go hang out with anyone with dementia for more than one minute

>> No.19887854

>didn't know they had cancer because dementia
How does a person instinctively know they have X illness/disease with 100% precision?
Here's a powerful example:
Many people don't even realize that they ARE cancer (i.e. shitposters).

>> No.19887908

On second thought, thanks to American mental gymnastics, fat fucks don't realize they're fat until the mobility scooter starts screaming "UNCLE!" because of the fAt AcCePtAnCe movement.

>> No.19887918

Was that pic written by one of the employees?
How do they maintain hygiene standards?

>> No.19887927

>fugget about it

>> No.19887932

redditor detected.

>> No.19887948

It absolutely is. Its the loss of cognition in the brain which happens with age. You're probably thinking of alzheimers which is a literal observable element as brain matter breaks down.
Anyone who's alive at like age 95 who is otherwise very sharp will even admit to having poor memory compared to when they were younger. Its why we encourage people to retire even if they're otherwise physically capable of doing a job.

>> No.19887949

morbidlyobesefatman detected.

>> No.19888118

Doesn't Heart Attack Grill make you get on a scale in the middle of the restaurant if you want to eat free?

>> No.19889920

augh yeah

>> No.19890121

My Mom had vascular dementia in the last year of her life, mainly hallucinations at home, delirium at hospitals and rehab. It was... a lot to deal with. I don't want to even think about what it would have been like if she'd lived longer and started having severe memory loss.

All I know is that, if I ever get to the point where I'm seeing shit that isn't there, or crapping myself and not even realizing it, or not remembering my family? Fucking an hero time.

>> No.19890122

They should get Bruce Willis to do a commercial. Japs love Bruce Willy.

>> No.19890134

My father passed away last year after years of Parkinson's and dementia. Absolutely the same feeling, I would not let myself go on if I were diagnosed, even if it was early. Seeing how it progressed was just terrifying.

>> No.19890136


>> No.19890146

I'm sorry you and your mother suffered through that hell, but can you stop being a debbie downer? At least make a joke or something, jeez. Way to bring down a thread about Japanese people embodying the stoic Bushido spirit while living through the worst kind of mental and physical degradation. :(

>> No.19890166


Some ESL in the air tonight, huh? Anyone with even slight understanding of English gets what they are trying to say.

>> No.19890168

And what is that then?

>> No.19890177


All employees have dementia.

>> No.19890198

It seems to mean
>all employees suffer from dementia, so you never know what kind of food or service you're going to get
but the orignal sentence is horribly structured and makes little sense without the previous two sentences to provide context. Taken by itself
>all employees, so you never know what kind of food or sevice you're going to get
makes no sense. If a sentence makes no sense on its face, then it is poorly written.

>> No.19890209


Indeed, but any American will understand enough from context to not even think twice about it. That's why I am advocating for and will continue to advocate for 4chan range banning non-US IPs from all boards except for /int/; would clean this place up real quick.

>> No.19890215

Then why didn't they say that?

>> No.19890216

People past 60 shouldn't work.

>> No.19890220

dont tell me what to do faggot
hope I get dementia so i forget your whiny ass post

>> No.19890222

Yeah, Mom had been diagnosed with Parkinson's two years before we found out she had dementia (which was when she went into the hospital after a minor stroke, which was a massive fiasco involving a medication fuckup that put her in the ICU, the actual stroke itself only barely affected her mobility). I could fill the entire thread recounting all the bullshit we went through, but for the sake of people like >>19890146 I'll spare you the blogpost.

On the actual topic of the thread, it's nice that they're trying to find a way to give these men and women something to do in their final years, and to be honest what I've read about dementia is that being physically and socially active is one of the best ways to stave off it's onset, essentially by keeping the brain active and creating/regenerating neural connections.

>> No.19890223


Pretty sure it's on accident. Most neurotypical English speakers are able to parse the intended meaning anyway, so it's not a problem.

>> No.19890226

who asked about your stupid dead grandma

>> No.19890232

don't joke about dementia dude it's fucking horrible

>> No.19890235

Try and stop me fag.
Did I hurt your woke little feelings?
Verification not required.

>> No.19890239

I searched “dementia symptoms” on Google…
All of the links were purple.

>> No.19890286

You know where to go if you want to sad post or ernest post about your dementia mom for (you)s. Fuck off. Go volunteer at your local senior center and do jigsaw puzzles with lonely old folks if you really care so much. Otherwise, laugh at how retarded a dementia restaurant is. And it's probably only a thing becaue Japanese people live so long that thier children end up abandoning them.

>> No.19890290

horrible joke about dude it's fucking dementia

>> No.19890326

imagine you get dementia and you shit yourself and piss into the fridge

>> No.19890371

I did it for 10 fucking years. I don't wish that hell on anyone. My entire 20s are gone.

>> No.19890411

I had the same experience. A big message to potential parents out there: don't have kids in your 40s, it's not fair to them. I don't mean this to sound judging towards my own parents, they didn't know better.

>> No.19890419

Unless your parents actually had mental disabilities, they knew the risks of geriatric pregnancy. Your parents were just selfish fucks who shit out a retarded autist. It's been known for decades that old parents produce genetically damaged offspring.

>> No.19890432


>>"Dementia affects millions of people and is more common as people grow older (about one-third of all people age 85 or older may have some form of dementia) but it is not a normal part of aging. Many people live into their 90s and beyond without any signs of dementia."

>> No.19890452

I hope they just mean that the wait staff have dementia.

Having people with dementia cook your food doesn't seem very safe. I wouldn't want the chef adding bleach to my food instead of vinegar.

>> No.19890465

What is wrong with you

>> No.19890468

That bleach flavour is part of the fun!

>> No.19890474

He's based is what.

>> No.19890495

I think you're just making excuses for lazy writing.

>> No.19890575


This. Even the mention of a memory disease is enough to ruin my day.

>> No.19890701

I've eaten at the Heart Attack Grill. Not free, fortunately.
Yes, I saw some people get on the scale. It's huge and it's optional. Didn't see anyone win a free meal when I was there. Lots of people stepped on the scale, though, fat and otherwise.
The waitstaff there are all really, really nice and ridiculously hot. My friend was sure this was their day job and they're escorts by night. And of course they're all dressed up like nurses which makes everything sexier. Honestly, I've been to Hooters before and the waitresses and this was better.
The food is alright. We bought normal-sized burgers. The shake was way too thick though. Diabetes in a cup. The real sugar cola was good, though.
But basically nobody there was rude to us and it's just a really fun experience.

>> No.19890702

Oh fuck forgot to answer the question. The scale isn't in the middle of the restaurant. It's out in front of the shop by the entrance. You can see the number when people step on it both inside and outside the restaurant. It makes a noise and assume an alarm or something goes off if you're over 350 but again I didn't see it happen.

>> No.19890718

Dementia is a symptom and not everyone who ages has the diseases that cause dementia.

>> No.19890737

sing a different tune you obsessed faggot retard

>> No.19890748
File: 10 KB, 480x236, 1592019973739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ordering crab because I hate it!