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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 800x800, oatmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19883985 No.19883985 [Reply] [Original]

>he eats oatmeme

>> No.19884022

Yeah ok sit there and act like apple and cinnamon oatmeal isnt a top tier breakfast get outta here

>> No.19884034 [DELETED] 

Boys who eat oatmeal and other poor breakfasts give me the ick. I want a fancy brunch or nothing

>> No.19884706

kys and your faggot thread

>> No.19884752

>whities really be proud to eat lukewarm gruel like prisoners as long as it's marketed as "healthy"

Hard kek

>> No.19884773

Literal tranny food. Oatker promoted it for sterilizing the population.

>> No.19884777

Squats and oats baby

>> No.19884784

maple and brown sugar is better

>> No.19884786

For me, it's linen porridge. Does wonders to my digestive system.

>> No.19885007

Don't worry, there must be a deepfried version for POCs, just check some Scottish recipes.

>> No.19885030

Blueberry+honey for me

>> No.19885064
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Yeah, so what?

>> No.19885528


>> No.19885536

only eaten with butter or you're a nigger

>> No.19885549
File: 154 KB, 1200x1200, cheese-grits-feature-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmmmm lawd we's be eatin gooooooood chil', mmmmmhmmm

>> No.19885670
File: 122 KB, 2048x1053, pigsoatsoriginal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19885675
File: 46 KB, 800x649, LLR_MULL_1971_188-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those old super exaggerated paintings of cattle are the funniest fucking shit to me

>> No.19885693

>Unironically eat breakfast
What are you 9?

>> No.19885702

it's strangely good with eggs

>> No.19885732

>Unironically eat breakfast
Better than eating ass

>> No.19886442

oat/carb hating keto shill

>> No.19886457

what do think I want a gnarly case of the grain brains??

i soak in some apple cider vinegar for at least 8 hours before a cereal grain enters MY body

>> No.19887708

I just finished a delicious bowl of oatmeal with dried cranberry for breakfast
while I'll be good and full til lunch and my shit tomorrow will be large and powerful

>> No.19887735

you can eat oats on keto. blows the whole carb budget but its worth it sometimes

>> No.19887790

Tastes good. I put a little bit of honey and butter in mine and it keeps me full for basically the entire day.

>> No.19887809

Sometimes I treat myself to a nice BLM (bacon, lettuce, and mayonnaise). Not tomato, because I don't eat them. Away!

>> No.19887851

try beef jerky

>> No.19888205

I need fiber on account of my high cholesterol

>> No.19888278


>> No.19888288

I automatically think less of anyone who unironically enjoys eating oatmeal

>> No.19888476
File: 94 KB, 605x528, OatsGood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts threads on a Panamanian underwater macrame forum
Uh, cringe. No thank you.

>> No.19888528
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>> No.19888531

Steel cut quick oats are nice enough in texture and fast enough in the microwave.

>> No.19888543


>> No.19888544

How else am I gonna keep myself Yeerk free

>> No.19889104

Then you get nothing.

>> No.19889191

Oatmeal, Muesli, cream of buckwheat, etc , are heavenly.

>> No.19889226

Before oatmeal I used to have to come up with something new for breakfast every other week. Oatmeal is just impossible to get tired off.

>> No.19889401

Raw oats + natural yoghurt with cane sugar

And a cup of coffee afterwards.
My every day breakfast.

>> No.19889418

Instant and only the maple and ginger flavor specifically.

>> No.19890256

The answer is meat isn’t it?

>> No.19890404

what the fuck kind of retard cooks it?
its much better cold with milk like cereal

>> No.19890406

>oatmeme for breaky
>kraft mac and soy for lunch
>frozen 'za for dinner

>> No.19890408
File: 31 KB, 640x480, sddefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they belonged to the Habsburgs.

>> No.19890479

Is oatmeal the same as porridge?

>> No.19890487

I actually go out and do things that require energy and protein

>> No.19890494

Hello based department

>> No.19891237

oatmeal is a milling process that produces the product. Porridge is the name of the dish created from that product.

>> No.19891396

There is no milling process called oatmeal, no one oatmeals oats

>> No.19891410
File: 449 KB, 1079x808, Screenshot_20231111_174747_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breakfast of the civilized world

>> No.19891512

I like to roast rolled oats before dunking them in whatever diary I feel like that day. Milk, skyr, joghurt, kefir, cottage cheese even. Always eat it with a vit C. Fuck phytic acid, but I can't be assed to soak them for hours.

>> No.19891685

Today I replaced the milk in my oatmeal with coconut milk and it was pretty good.

>> No.19891703

Insulation foam?

>> No.19892916

It's the ideal winter breakfast. Also, if you make it with water instead of milk, you should be shot.

>> No.19893573

lmao this nigga actually does the overnight oats reddit faggotry

>> No.19893605


>> No.19893634
File: 28 KB, 398x376, 259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating reddit gruel

>> No.19893659

Yes. What you gonna do, come to my house and kick my ass?

>> No.19893695

Eggs and old fashioned oats with salt and msg is a fantastic replacement for an omelet with meat.

>> No.19893705

if I knew where you lived, sure

>> No.19893714

>Yes. What you gonna do, come to my house and kick my ass?
Tell him where you live so we can find out who is a real man and who is a fucking pussy. I'll record everything and be like "Worldstar hip hop!"

>> No.19894008

no you just add milk immediately wtf is this overnight shit?

>> No.19894022
File: 4 KB, 302x207, 1643771460779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting PB2 and sliced nanas into your oatmeal

The food of the gods

>> No.19894110

iirc you leave it in the fridge overnight so the starches in the oats break down while they soak in the milk/non-dairy milk alternative. i don't really know why breaking the starches down is better than eating them immediately but there's probably some lengthy explanation as to why it's beneficial.

>> No.19894113

Oatmeal is absolutely disgusting. It's slop in the actual sense of the word. It's most redeeming quality is being a vessel for brown sugar.

>> No.19894498

I can only eat two spoonfuls before feeling full. Then 30 minutes later I'm hungry as fuck again.

>> No.19894784

I meant that oatmeal is derrived from a process. It's what you get after the groat has been split, flattened and partially cooked. In a similar fashion we have semolina. I don't know whether that anon was serious or not. Who doesn't understand the difference between, for e.g. wheatberry, bulgur, flour, semolina and 'cream of wheat' ? Pretty basic.

>> No.19894797

>it defeats the purpose but you can still do it
Yeah, I guess you can eat foie gras on veganism too.

>> No.19894799

How much of a twink are you?

>> No.19894801

>oatmeal is a milling process
No it isn't. It's a milled meal of oats.

>> No.19894809

huh, my oats always end up looking chunkier and less soft. Like, I can see the oats shape. I guess it's a different cut or I'm not cooking them right.

>> No.19895005

Eat steak and eggs nigger, or beef liver for brownie points

>> No.19895172

cook a mashed banana in it

>> No.19895254

cinnamon is a disgusting flavor and I can't understand why anyone likes it

>> No.19895495

pitifully infantile taste palate, NGMI

>> No.19895522

95 eastwood lane springfield nebraska
i'll be waiting

>> No.19895711

I don't care about non-white opinions

>> No.19895726

Can't spell GOAT without OAT

>> No.19895823

Looks like a big sloppa shit

>> No.19895845

based small sloppa enjoyer