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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19881075 No.19881075 [Reply] [Original]

I kneel.

>> No.19881081

I need it bros

>> No.19881088

Erhm, oh my science! Is that the fabled ghost pepper? Well, I would have MUCH preferred the carolina reaper, as you know I am quite the hot sauce connoisseur, but it will do. *snaps fingers* Waitress? Come hither my poppet - I have decided on what I shall dine on this evening!

>> No.19881091
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Ghost Peppers and Scorpion Peppers are just "too" hot. Like to the point where they're just not enjoyable and it literally hurts to eat them. Also the nuclear bomb that erupts from my ass is horrifying.

With that said, every once in a while...like one every few years I just NEED to eat a Habanero Pepper raw. I can't explain it, but I can literally feel my body feeling better; especially my heart and my mood. When I do that I also don't get the fire shits. Strange.

>> No.19881093

One of the rare big corporation ghost pepper products that actually is spicy. I wasn't a big fan of it because I am a chicken noodle traditionalist but, it does bring some heat.

>> No.19881312

Habaneros are the perfect balance of heat and flavor. A good fresh one has a very bright fruity taste. I don't really get any good flavors from ghost or reaper. Meme peppers

>> No.19881447
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>Erhm, oh my science! Is that the fabled ghost pepper? Well, I would have MUCH preferred the carolina reaper, as you know I am quite the hot sauce connoisseur, but it will do. *snaps fingers* Waitress? Come hither my poppet - I have decided on what I shall dine on this evening!

how long until we start seeing people in grocery stores posing like this in the soup aisle

>> No.19881465

just because there are ghost peppers in it doesn't mean they're spicy. they just use a little ghost pepper.

>> No.19881479

>soup that eats like a meal

are they paying boomers to come up with these cringe lines?

>> No.19881498
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..except it is though


>> No.19881570
File: 165 KB, 1024x1024, reaper faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I kneel.

>> No.19881593

probably just an endorphin rush

>> No.19881646

Scotch bonnet, or mild ghost pepper is better.

>> No.19881858
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This is the thumbnail for the video directly after that one lmao

>> No.19881918
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The memes are real…

>> No.19881994
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For me it's Mikey's

>> No.19882018

Do they know that they are a walking living meme?

>> No.19882025


what videos are these? I don't see it on my queue.

>> No.19882086


>tfw fat nerds have more friends than me

>> No.19882095
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the people who do this are doing it "ironically" because you are encouraging them to do it with your sooyboy rhetoric--ignore them and they will go away. the whole sooybean-enthusiast rhetoric is a 4channer self-fulfilling-prophecy

>> No.19882102

sounds like cope to me

>> No.19882117
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>you are encouraging them with your sooyboy rhetoric

>> No.19882133
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the matter, anon? Can’t take the heat??

>> No.19882185

dudes wearing a fucking trilby for fuck sake

>> No.19882212
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They can't be serious, right...?

>> No.19882232

say what you will about this fella, he knows what he likes and he's not afraid to show it

>> No.19882250
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>> No.19882312

the meme exists for a reason

>> No.19882325

Move along....

>> No.19882672

i picked up a can at walmart yesterday and then said "wait i can just use the hot sauce i own on any soup i want and it will be spicier. there is no way campbell would sell something actually spicy"
but i'm still thinking about it.

>> No.19882674

I get scorpion peppers sometimes. eat half of it when cutting it, use the other half on my sandwich or soup or whatever.
the pain is good, i cry a little, but the real problem is how it hurts my stomach for an hour.

>> No.19882683

>spicy chicken noodle
i'd rather eat spicy beef ramen than that. a staple in my household. gonna make some now that it's on my mind

>> No.19882684

Didnt these used to be hotter

I feel like they took one x off
Xxx to xx

>> No.19882691

If you want a laugh look up “spicy food masculinity”.
>Researchers at Penn State University found differences in the personalities of men and women who like to eat spicy foods containing hot chilli peppers
>Women who liked chillis seemed to be seeking the enjoyment of the burn
Men who liked chilli peppers had personalities that sought social rewards
>Scientists say these men may be driven by macho cultural associations
>Men who claim to like eating extremely hot chillis are only doing it to prove their masculinity, according to a new study
The men in the pics ITT certainly have no reason to prove their masculinity, oh no, not at all.

>> No.19882692

i believe mason nandela took off the 3rd x, i remember it

>> No.19882697

I knew I was a girl at heart.

>> No.19882706
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its not that good
its not even that spicy
if I had to have a canned soup, rather just take a progresso and dash in a hot sauce of my choosing, would be far superior (relatively)

>> No.19882708

I hate this shit, I genuinely really like habaneros and arbol peppers and just think they taste good but now I'm lumped in with faggots like that by association, even though I'll be the first to say there's a pretty clear line between "heat that enhances flavor" and "heat for heat's sake that tastes like shit"

>> No.19882711

This is the type of ad thread I can live with. If you are in America I hope they offer you good health insurance.

>> No.19882735

Do these people just not have any self awareness?

>> No.19882750

i love spice... but it's infact useful to mask shitty quality of the meat and such

so remeber, the spicier the shittier the product

>> No.19882760

Excerpt from some random article after searching “spicy food masculinity”
>Personally, I have always felt that there is a bizarre correlation between toxic masculinity and one's preference for spiciness. You have to occasionally question why someone wants to order the spiciest thing on the planet. Is it just to prove some point or to flaunt your tolerance? No one cares, dude! I mean, at a certain point, you're not even enjoying the actual taste because your tongue is literally numb.

This shit is fucking retarded. I guess that means all the women in countries that eat super spicy food are just exhibiting internalized toxic masculinity. All the Indian women who can eat ghost peppers by the handful must just be trying to prove how big their balls are. The white people who write this nonsense about spice and masculinity just ignore a substantial part of the global population who consume very spicy food because it’s part of their culinary tradition.

>> No.19882970

>it’s part of their culinary tradition
That is the difference, retard. Macing yourself for a spicy wing challenge isn’t the same thing, it’s just juvenile wankery.

>> No.19882976

I mean even discounting all that there is a bit of a notion of "hot sauce culture" that exists now that runs sort of parallel to IPA faggotry, I don't like IPAs but I do like good spicy food and there often seems to be an onus placed on anyone who eats spicy stuff to "prove" they really like it and aren't just doing it as a flex (especially if they're white), which is gay as shit
I like spicy stuff just as much as I like bland stuff or savory stuff or whatever, it all just depends on how well the flavors complement each other or just what I'm in the mood for. Some days all I want is some plain old mac and cheese or a ham sandwich, some days I really want spicy lamb biryani or camarones a la diabla

>> No.19882981

Heat wasn't part of any culinary tradition in the world aside from central american food until 500 years ago, chili peppers literally did not exist outside of central america before the columbian exchange. Mexicans being the only people "allowed" to eat spicy food is a retarded notion

>> No.19882988

>find excuses to eat or snack just to use strong hot sauces
need my fix. it might be related to that thing i read about. there are three types of people. those with 60K (normal) tastebuds on their tongue, those with 90K (supertasters, probably sommeliers) and with 30K (this might be me)

>> No.19882990

What about the UK Chili Queen? Her name is Shamina Waseem and she’s an Indian or Pakistani woman in England who enters chili pepper eating competitions and absolutely dominates. Is she engaging in juvenile wankery or embracing her cultural heritage?

>> No.19882995

*Shahina Waseem

>> No.19883019


>> No.19883038

flexing her culture penis
like zoolander getting the massage

>> No.19883106

I wonder if the woman named Shamina Waseem is flexing her tolerance for spicy food while living in a country that's internationally notorious for having some of the blandest food in the world

>> No.19883111
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>Better Spicy Soup

>> No.19883118
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Shit wrong one

>> No.19883215

>how can we sell noodrs to Mexicans
Based Japan does it again