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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 650x805, TABASCO-Red-Pepper-Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19879414 No.19879414 [Reply] [Original]

It just tastes like spicy vinegar

>> No.19879418

Wild how that works out.

>> No.19879422

Are you saying a hot sauce tastes spicy? That's fucking crazy man!

>> No.19879426

Spicy and vinegary?
Count me in

>> No.19879434

>It just tastes like spicy vinegar

>> No.19879442

How is it that in 2023 high school sysadmins haven't figured out how to block 4ch
Are you just so laden with data that you can ask these questions with no regards to caps?

Am I paying too much for cell service? These are important questions for my wife, I actually don't care, she does all of that shit

>> No.19879444
File: 102 KB, 1440x1440, 1682794047327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit
It just tastes like savory saltwater

>> No.19879461
File: 7 KB, 258x196, 36467652-A7C3-400A-B738-C277B2C67D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit
It tastes just like OP’s mom’s crotch

>> No.19879501

just what were you expecting it to taste like. Im not trying to be an ass, just wondering what you thought it should/would taste like.

>> No.19879503
File: 70 KB, 400x388, d487585a932599586ce11196e7e74eb21930b300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmmm.... gonna be tasting that tonight

>> No.19879626

shut up

>> No.19879655
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, *squealing faggot pepper suddenly appears on your kitchen counter at 3 a.m.*.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spicy and vinegary?
>Count me in

>> No.19879729

>Tobasco was invented in the 1800s
so you're retarded... got it , thanks for playing

>> No.19879740

its boomer hot sauce, this was what blew minds along with hairy bushes and torpedo tits in the 80s

>> No.19879807

Try the chipotle one and thank me later

>> No.19879816
File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you're retarded... got it , thanks for playing

>> No.19879890

try adding some capsaicin extract to plain vinegar. not the same

>> No.19879899

I'm glad I'm not the only one to think this
Off all hot sauces THIS is the one that's everywhere? It goes with fries and fuck all else

>> No.19879914
File: 63 KB, 479x356, Opie's MOM-That's the ticket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What number you have on your ticket?
I have #323, but I have this thing I gotta go to at 8.
I know the doors open at 4, but I can't miss this thing...Can we trade? I'll even sweeten the deal with a fiver. You know what that gets you, right?

>> No.19879916

'basco on the 'log!!! based

>> No.19879920

Hell yeah brother!

>> No.19880229
File: 562 KB, 680x680, soy sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19880553

>the big four are salt, fat, acid, and heat
>you can blast a meal with three of those four via a few drops of something that's cheap, readily-available, and lasts forever
There are more exciting hot sauces but 'Basco is a perfectly sensible staple.

>> No.19880564

Tabasco has a slightly fermented flavor because they leave the peppers in a barrel for a month. Besides that, it's just vinegar and peppers. Most hot sauces are just peppers and vinegar, plus maybe garlic powder.

>> No.19880582

Tabasco is for pizza

>> No.19880586

Tabasco is made from peppers that have been fermented for months.

>> No.19880587
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, frg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19880589

it's really sad that you have these saved on your computer

>> No.19880687

I mean yeah that's the point of Tabasco

>> No.19880880


>> No.19880885

>ingredients: 80% vinegar

>> No.19880891

I love Tabasco sauce. I always have a bottle in the house because you never know when it'll come in handy.

>> No.19880893

I would turn it around and say that when I imagine what "spicy vinegar" tastes like, I imagine tabasco, which has a very distinct flavor. It's amazing that zoomers are unfamiliar with vinegar based hot sauces; when I was growing up that was 90% of everything available.

>> No.19880898
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, 1697488219313391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's really sad that you have these saved on your computer

>> No.19880903

The fact /ck/ dunks on sriracha at any opportunity yet defends fucking tabasco is just another manifestation of the terminal contrarianism that plagues this website.

>> No.19880904

>ingredients: peppers, salt, vinegar
>why does this taste like peppers and vinegar???
well golly gee i guess we'll never fucking know, dipshit

>> No.19880914

For me it's Mikey's

>> No.19880915

don't talk shit about hairy bushes and torpedo tits

>> No.19880921

decent joke taken way too far, work on your comedy

>> No.19880923
File: 590 KB, 1080x1419, 1699339377892274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19880924

>the terminal contrarianism that plagues this website
That's...actually really cute.

In any case, I've never thought Sriracha was anything special. I use it more often than Tabasco, but if Tabasco all of a sudden disappeared from shelves I would feel it, while I really haven't missed not having Sriracha. You have to understand that most of the people you're talking to are not American, and typically underage. Even the most flyover of flyovers has had Tabasco before. You're not talking to contrarians, you're engaging with trolls and bait threads. You should have been here when Secret Aardvark started being sold outside of the PNW, and even at fucking Walmart. That was more of a /pol/ thing, but the hate it almost immediately got was pretty funny.

>> No.19880925

tabasco is in a class of its own, no need for comparisons

>> No.19880940

only good thing this board has ever produced

>> No.19880974

>the terminal contrarianism that plagues this website
you're about 10 years behind on this

>> No.19880984

I go through a phase where I crave it. Have it on everything and the suddenly it disgusts me.

>> No.19881001

>It just tastes like spicy vinegar
It is a vinegar based hot sauce, what did you expect?

>> No.19881008

>chink meme-ketchup status?
still kicking

>> No.19881219
File: 57 KB, 640x825, 1692169815550740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tabasco would be so much more popular if they discontinued the absolutely shitty original sauce and made Habanero the default. Chipotle and Green are great too but if you just get the original Tabasco to give it a try you don't want to try any other ones because it's just disgusting red vinegar

>> No.19881291

The whole point of Louisiana hot sauces is that they're essentially red vinegar. It would be absolutely pants on head retarded for the most iconic Louisiana hot sauce brand to discontinue their Louisiana hot sauce. My only gripe with the original Tabasco is that it's too damn expensive. A 12oz bottle of Crystal is about 90% as good as Tabasco for half the price.

>> No.19881295

Dude, Crystal mogs Tabasco

>> No.19881305

I consider it about 90% as good as Tabasco because I can actually taste that Tabasco has been aged in oak barrels, but with Crystal I don't get that same flavor. I know Crystal is aged, but I can't find anywhere that actually says for how long.

>> No.19881311

can you please not egg on ritualposters

>> No.19881317

In case you haven't noticed yet, people here don't have real opinions, and are barely even real human beings.

>> No.19881345
File: 128 KB, 1024x1010, 1652656829317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole point of Louisiana hot sauces is that they're essentially red vinegar
so they're supposed to taste like shit? no. fuck you

>> No.19881401


>> No.19881452

If you can't think of a culinary use for an aged vinegar infused with fermented peppers then that's your problem.

>> No.19881461

Nah, that's Franks.

>> No.19881543

>if they discontinued the wildly popular version, they would become popular
now you're thinkin
most normans find regular tabasco to be plenty spicy. I don't think it's spicy at all but the flavor is good

>> No.19882219

hmmmmmmmmmmm indeed!

>> No.19882376
File: 127 KB, 1200x678, conferencia-mananera-presidente-lopez-obrador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tabascofags, rise up

>> No.19882493

That's exactly what it is

>> No.19882612

It's good hot sauce. Just enough kick to make bland food more interesting. When faggots start talking about how hot of hot sauce they've tried, I just start showing them the assortment of scars I have across my body. They typically shut the fuck up when I ask them if their hot sauce is as painful as the red hot rebar that impaled my left thigh.

>> No.19882784

Perfect for dosing your heat, a few drops or you can drink it like milk bottle

>> No.19882788

>red hot rebar that impaled my left thigh.
Just pour tobasco on it, will heal right up

>> No.19882826

Tabasco is just a shitty version of crystal. Less spicy and less flavor too. Tabasconiggers are legitimately gay and retarded.

>> No.19882867

i love tabasco. i took acid once and ended up at an IHOP at 3 am or so. the waiter was asking me what i wanted so i asked for eggs and a side of fruit. he asked if i wanted hot sauce, and i said "tabasco". he just repeated "TDAH-BAA-SK-OH?" like no one had asked for it in years as i stared at the ugly stock paintings swirling in and out of van gogh style images. i'm sure i was making a face like i was trying not to giggle at him

>> No.19882869

How did you manage to get impaled by red hot rebar, anon?