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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19873565 No.19873565 [Reply] [Original]

>To heighten their colour, the rhizomes from which the spice is extracted are routinely dusted with lead chromate, a neurotoxin. The practice helps explain why South Asia has the highest rates of lead poisoning in the world. The heart and brain diseases it causes—to which children are especially susceptible—accounted for at least 1.4m deaths in the region in 2019. The economic cost is crippling; that year lead poisoning is estimated to have lowered South Asian productivity by the equivalent of 9% of gdp

>The poisoning has many causes. Weak or absent regulators permit lead-infused cooking utensils, cosmetics and other products. Yet adulterated turmeric looks like a major culprit almost everywhere, chiefly owing to poor practice in India, which produces 75% of the spice. India was the source of much of the poisonous pigment found in Bangladesh and is estimated to have the highest incidence of lead poisoning of any country.

Sirs pls stop putting lead in my turmeric, I thought I was being healthy not giving myself brain damage.


>> No.19873577

man I loved turmeric
fuck this gay earth

>> No.19873580

me too I use it all the time
what the fuck

>> No.19873581

I knew I was doing well not be eating that junk.

>> No.19873631

>Oops! All Lead!
i’m so beyond sick of indians at this point

>> No.19873648
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>one of the most diverse countries on the planet
>somehow they all talk and act the same way and have the same abhorrent tastes
Doesn't matter if they're from Kerala or Assam, it's like meeting the same three or four mildly retarded people again and again, sharing the web with those guys.

>> No.19873655

>7 years ago there were no indians on the clearnet, all they did was listen to telugu bollywood songs on youtube
>”pls sir open bob i kiss u” hornyposters were rare and laughed at
>now literally every social media platform is filled to the brim with indians
i blame xiaomi

>> No.19873661

Is India's entire culture abou5 scamming people?

>> No.19873670

zika was supposed to make a lot more 3rd worlders infertile and I'm sad it didn't...

>> No.19873686

Nah, that's China, but it looks like India is trying to catch up!

>> No.19873690
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>9% of GDP
>To fucking lead

>> No.19873771

even low degrees of lead poisoning can lower your IQ, give you all kinds of expensive, distracting and usually incurable health issues, and it's linked to an increase in violent crime.
The latter is a lot more noticeable than one might think. The ban on leaded gasoline is visible in violent crime statistics all around the world, and some nerds even did statistical analysis to confirm this.
I guess this is the minimum amount of statistics you have to do to convince an economist reader that giving over a billion people lead poisoning is bad, actually.

>> No.19873786

Thats true anon.
But 9% most likely comes from health issues + measurable early death. Such as being unable to work more at 60 instead of 65, etc.

>> No.19874027
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Boomer medicine.

>> No.19874041

Wait, this is purely done for the sake of colour? It's not even because of preservatives of shipping or some 0.1% increased yield/profit dogshit?

I hate Indians. It probably tastes BETTER if you don't, yknow, dust it with lead too. Fuck.

>> No.19874231

it looks like the lead is bright yellow, costco tumeric is distinctly a duller orange so i wonder if that means it’s lead-free

>> No.19874268

good morning sirs

>> No.19874276

Literally yes. The entire culture is fashioned around scamming and cheating, goes back to the caste system. Unlike other hierarchal systems in other parts of the world, there really wasn’t any real tangible difference between the castes. You have every Indian being a street shitting retard, so you develop a culture around scamming and lying about your caste.

>> No.19874340

Don't forget the babyjirls who become hote mommas

>> No.19874348

the mac weldon ad they did where nick says they prevent odor unless you're too indian was one of the best bits they ever did

>> No.19874351
File: 3.89 MB, 640x360, indian vegetable scam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anons

>> No.19874356

We know you want to post the webms of the Indians eating literal cow shit.

>> No.19874362
File: 3.14 MB, 1280x720, 1698695778710285.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.19874363

>fresh and hygienic vegetables are also unhealthy
It's like I'm really on /ck/!

>> No.19874369

No, no not that one. There's more than one, huh.

Superpower by 2030

>> No.19874391

there is one where it's three guys and they're doing big fake social media smiles and they pick a bunch of shit off the floor and then take it to some outdoor area and just start eating it. they are smiling really big the whole time and it really freaks me out.

>> No.19874394
File: 3.97 MB, 360x640, 1670058077578746.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.19874398

yep, that's the one. i am not watching it again

>> No.19874423

>there is no harm in selling painted and injected vegetables
god i want to nuke India until it's a giant sheet of hard glass

>> No.19874426

>im a retard and didnt click the webm

>> No.19874457

No I watched the whole thing, the entire rationale is that Indians find fresh hygienic vegetables unhealthy as well so it's okay to cover them in poison.

>> No.19874501
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spice fraud is a well know thing.
like putting papaya seeds among black peppercorns

>> No.19874528 [DELETED] 
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Be careful, jannies will ban you. Not only once, but 3 times for a single post.

>> No.19874549

I feel like I should have known that non-vibrant meat and vegetables are more safe to eat. Everyone cheats more or less in making stuff appear more appetizing. I will now go find the blandest most bleak brown looking vegetables instead.

>> No.19874560

Therein lies the rub anon, vegetables are supposed to be big and bright and colorful and factory farming and lack of crop rotation and breaks means soil is exhausted and makes shit vegetables. The vegetables that look shit are shit, and the vegetables that look good are fake good and also shit. The vegetables that are actually good are difficult to find and difficult to distinguish from shit veggies that have been dolled up.

>> No.19874566

Oh well, I wasn't going to use it anyways because it's not used in white people food (except neon yellow mustard, which I don't use). But I have an extra reason to avoid it now.

>> No.19874581

With enough public torture and executions of scum doing this, along with their families, the behaviour of these animals would improve

>> No.19874641

Is that a 120mm CoolMaster fan powering their stove there?

>> No.19874659

turmeric is toxic even without lead.

>> No.19874661

so this explains the lead exposure warnings on the Japanese curry boxes

>> No.19874665

lead is supposed to be sweet I think. I wouldn’t know, though maybe that was arsenic…

>> No.19874727

oh fugggg DDD: no wonder I was feeling a bit retarded lately

>> No.19874734

Lead acetate is sweet tasting tasting lead compound; you get it by putting fruit juice or wine in a lead container.

>> No.19874756

This has been common knowledge for years, haven't had turmeric in like 10 years. When they recall turmeric it's because the heavy metal levels have gotten past the "acceptable" limit. This acceptable limit is already extremely high to begin with. Trust indians at your own plight.

>> No.19874774

I wonder if those little paint lead testers would work on turmeric.

>> No.19874796

Its not really an issue if you dont live in asia

>> No.19874811

They obviously test it when they import it here

>> No.19874832

Who tests the testers?

>> No.19874836

It's called good old fashioned anglo competence

>> No.19874839

Yeah if I were you I wouldn't look up how sugar or canola oil is produced.

>> No.19874857

I don't see a problem with sugar being made other than being a long and complex process. It's not like they're extracting it with chemical poisons which is the case with some canola oil.

>> No.19874897


>> No.19875170

Western Turmeric uses egg for the color, so that's not my problem.

>> No.19875186

Anyone tried planting their own turmeric? I live in the tropics, and my grandma had some in her backyard, but never really cooked with it, I think she just used it for infusions.

>> No.19875954

Very easy, just get some fresh rhizomes and put them into soil. They will spread and make a tick patch with a silly amount of tubers underneath. You can harvest more than you ever need after a few years and the only care it needs is cutting back some overgrowth from time to time. To use, just grate the fresh root. Its much more aromatic than the powder.
Mix with fresh galangal, lemon gras, chilies, cilantro and coconut milk for an amazing curry.

>> No.19876239
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Compared to that taking a bath in it seems almost normal.

>> No.19876245

>He thinks there's such thing as a canola in nature
Anon I-

>> No.19876253

average brampton female

>> No.19876300

I'm not worried. Most turmeric in the US is pretty safe. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5415259/

>> No.19876313

Swear to god India has got to be the strangest country on earth

>> No.19876407
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The stupid canadians keep importing them. https://twitter.com/chaosismygoal/status/1719812724560134603
North America is Traditional Catholic clay. Indians have to be expelled. The only cure js a Traditional Catholic Reconquista.

>> No.19876419
File: 10 KB, 146x127, moesuffers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well SHIT...

>> No.19876519

It's probably to do more with the health care costs/lowered ability to work directly than the indirect crime and lower IQ. God only knows how you'd even begin to measure the opportunity cost of turning your 85 IQ populace into a 76 on average

>> No.19876711


>> No.19876797

what the hell have they done to rolling down to old maui

>> No.19876806

>manager in pharmaceutical company
Superpower 2030

>> No.19876809

Never seen them with yellow skin.

Anyway nobody cares there about dyes, they throw that coloured everywhere for that festival they do

>> No.19877018

Turns out indians are the hyperbole of all the worst qualities of humanity in a single race. Who knew?
>*looks at shit hole country*

>> No.19877099

it's remind me of the The Lost World

TV Mini Series

>> No.19878862

Thanks anon I'll try it out, I don't really like curry but I've only tried store-bought powder, it seems like having all the fresh ingredients could make it really good. I also got lemon grass and some (non-spicy) chili peppers in my garden.

>> No.19879506

Are you fucking kidding man. I make it a point to eat enough tumeric.

>> No.19879527 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19879554

Why are they so retarded? This is like putting fluoride in water.

>> No.19879563

if it's so easy and abundant, why bother adding fucking lead?

>> No.19879614

>Weak or absent regulators permit
This is the future conservatives want.

>> No.19879799
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To test if your turmeric has lead in it, add a teaspoon of it to a glass of lukewarm water. Don't stir. Let it sit for 20 minutes.
Pure turmeric will settle to the bottom. Impure turmeric will turn the water cloudy.

>> No.19879862

Winco bulk bin turmeric settles to the bottom.
Based Winco.

>> No.19879910

how about buying mexican turmeric instead pajeet's?

>> No.19879993


>> No.19879996

What the fuck

>> No.19880010


>> No.19880013

why the fuck does india even exist? are they a buffer state against china? do they have rare minerals? i know the brits colonized them but what did they actually gain? people shit talk africa for living in the stone age but i wouldn't be surprised if you went back a thousand years india would look the same minus the scooters and smart phones

>> No.19880015
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Huh, I thought this was a fake article before I looked it up. FYI curcumin a compound found in turmeric is the most potent natural anti inflammatory and it penetrates the blood brain barrier or something but you need to take it with black pepper. This seems like Jew propaganda. If this is a thing, just make sure you get your turmeric from a reputable source. I legit feel sharp as fuck after I take a tablespoon of this spice with some pepper after my meals.

>> No.19880030

how do you take it? mixed in something like yoghurt or water?

>> No.19880033

when that stuff ends up in U.S. stores, it's mostly at white people stores because the brands on the shelf are just resellers with questionable sourcing practices. Reputable brands like SWAD never shipped leaded turmeric.

>> No.19880048

It's a quote from the webm moron

>> No.19880051

So it looks better duh

>> No.19880273

Maybe you can buy cocaine with the same farmers

>> No.19880293

fresh turmeric is superior anyway

>> No.19880300

janniggers should be gassed
change my mind

>> No.19880306
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I just use saffron instead because I'm not a poorfag.

>> No.19880436

Fuk u bitch superpower 2026

>> No.19880448

Not him. It's gotta be mixed into a lipid because curcumin is fat soluble not water soluble. The piperine in black pepper, which potentiates the curcumin, is also fat soluble. So you need turmeric, black pepper and a lipid to mix them into.
The way I take it is as part of my daily generic Metamucil, because psyllium fiber is fucking lifechanging - daily 3's and 4's on the Bristol Stool chart. I first mix some turmeric and black pepper into some EVOO then I add generic Metamucil (Walmart brand is cheap and readily available), water and lemon juice (for flavor and to prevent oxalate stones), mix and drink.
Some people like to make a lot of paste with turmeric, oil and pepper and save it in a jar, but I found this got moldy pretty quickly so I don't do this.