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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19872507 No.19872507 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like pizza, /ck/?

>> No.19872509

I like how you’re holding the peel like a gorilla would

>> No.19872510


>> No.19872515
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That's not the question I asked.


>> No.19872516

Never heard of it, what is it about?

>> No.19872541
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It's hot

>> No.19872543
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Looks like a lot of cheese to me, but I’ll know for sure once it’s cooked.

>> No.19872557

Clean your stovetop

>> No.19872563

The place under the burners is really hard to clean well regularly :(

>> No.19872565

Those grates lift up and weigh almost nothing. I’m sure you can do this

>> No.19872568
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It's just the right kind of cheesy for me today.

>> No.19872570

i llike to order pizza hut with chicken and onions, i dont know why i decided to order that specific combination one day but it stuck cause it was good

>> No.19872573
File: 1.91 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20231106_040206332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they do, I just didn't do it today.

Really nice undercarriage too.

>> No.19872576
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>> No.19872579
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Thanks for the pizza gorilla anon :)

>> No.19872592
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decent pizza, cool plants, not bad op

>> No.19872594

>be me
>stalk a girls social media
>see she worked at a pizza shop
>send her a photo of 2 pizzas im eating
>she says they look so good
>next day she posts a photo of her and a guy making a pizza together
i hate women

>> No.19872595

Got ph earlier, meatball and onion. Was good but I got the handtossed didn't realize you gotta get the deep dish I guess for it to be like old school pizza hut

>> No.19872619

> BITCH I showed you the two pizzas I was eating why DONT YOU LOVE ME

>> No.19872633

as absurd as that sounds that is actually how i feel right now

>> No.19872649

Man, really?

>> No.19872654


>> No.19872658

if you cant afford pizza, go fish some out of a dumpster

>> No.19872662

no not really but this one is a tough nut to crack.
>dumb eastern european gamer girl (says XDDDD and stuff like that)
>low self esteem (shes not ugly but shes not hot either)
>has 3-4 simps but none of them make any advances
>dont know who the guy she made pizza with is to her but they play games together
>fwb? friend? cousin? brother? idk, dont feel like asking
>have made some lazy advances at her, not really serious about trying to get nudes, but im gonna go full speed ahead later and add her on snapchat
>asked if she wanted to kiss me, she said yes

>> No.19872664 [DELETED] 

I don’t want to be rude, because I do not talk to women, but how did you think this would go?

>> No.19872670

put her photo through the age filter on social media and upload it and tag her. then say "haha!"

>> No.19873920
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>> No.19873924

Ask the bitch if she wants to make pizzas and play video games you retard.

>> No.19873929

shes on the other side of the planet

>> No.19873950

No, I just knew this would be a dogshit thread.

>> No.19873958

AI was a mistake.
>AI was a mistake

>> No.19874129
File: 2.59 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20231106_040241596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post ur pizza homo

>> No.19874232

nice job i never had a pretzel crust piza before

>> No.19874794

Actually a good looking pizza thread, nice job. Makes me wanna put my steel in the oven this weekend.

>> No.19874859

It's not a pretzel crust, it's blistered from the long fermentation and semolina flour from stretching and the peel.

Thanks anon, cheers.

>> No.19874871
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>simping for a girl on the other side of the planet
blud dont do this to yourself

also im gonna make a pizza later thats gonna mog yours

>> No.19874904

Looks good, anon.

>> No.19874924

Maybe if you weren't a two pizza at once eating fat fuck someone could find you attractive

>> No.19874957
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>buffalo mozzarella
>light sprinkling of bacon
Yep, its za time
Doner kebab meat is also fantastic. Doner meat is an underrated topping, its just a shame that Doner kebab isnt common in the USA

>> No.19875426

>shows an uncooked chicken pizza with mozzarella
>shows cooked pizza with cheddar and no chicken
>Responds to himself 10 times
Why though?

>> No.19875441

she finds me really attractive, i just havent made a proper move yet

>> No.19875541

also unfortunate that I keep asking for doner pizzas and forgetting to ask for no onions. Fuck onions, terrible pizza topping

>> No.19875574

Oh well in that case you are a faggot and you deserve it

>> No.19875579


>> No.19875625

That is what they are called niggerfaggot

>> No.19875724


>> No.19875733


>> No.19875760
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picrel my delicious pizza
gonna savor it with my bf as we cuddle watching a movie :)

>> No.19875765
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Not enough cheese bro
You should try making a deepdish with 1k of mozz

>> No.19875821

Fuck off egg crust retard

>> No.19875958
File: 600 KB, 773x584, Screenshot from 2022-04-14 15-16-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think mozzarella tastes better once it start to brown up a bit

>> No.19875979

looks a little overdone but i would still snag a slice. nice job.

>> No.19876002
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As it so happens, the delivery just dropped this baby off. Bon appetit, as they say, fellow pizza enthusiasts!

>> No.19876019

>people who cook slightly different than me are doing it WRONG
Cry more faggot

>> No.19876032

Pizza crust doesn't have egg you dumb faggot.

>> No.19876057

He’s doing what I do exactly. He had the stone first then got a steel. He bakes on the steel and uses the stone for top heat.

>> No.19876066
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Strange cause I just had some pizza a few days ago and the crust DID have an egg in it. I wonder what that was if it wasn't pizza crust??

>> No.19876074

>she made stuffed crust and fucked it up but thought it was worth taking a photo

>> No.19876095

Deep dish is shit

>> No.19876116

No one makes deep dish like that, retard.
It's not okay to be trans

>> No.19876123
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>if you're not a shitter tastelet like me you're a troon

>> No.19876143

I love how much seethe deep dish causes people
Like holy shit get a life lol
Deep dish is great and the fact that people hate it makes it taste even better

>> No.19876147

Yes, "ma'am".
You're powerful and brave.

>> No.19876722

is that pumpkin or yellow pepper?

>> No.19877114
File: 1.13 MB, 4608x3456, 20231106_184543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love making Pizza!
it's my favourite way to have a cheap meal or use leftovers. pic related is Burger leftovers pizza.

>> No.19877119
File: 1.10 MB, 4608x3456, 20230831_192546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftover sausage pizza to which i added a lot of basil because i felt it would taste nice.
looks great!

>> No.19877121
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pizza parma (Räucherschinken)

>> No.19878900
File: 3.43 MB, 706x720, pizza good.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza good