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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19870337 No.19870337 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your beverage of choice in the morning?

>> No.19870338

Voodoo Ranger Juice Force

>> No.19870339


>> No.19870352

Miller lite

>> No.19870358

I have water and coffee and then after I finish my first coffee I have a second coffee and then drink water and tea the rest of the day

>> No.19870360

Ok, this is based.

>> No.19870388

Diet pepsi

>> No.19870394

Coffee except for in the hot months of summer, I make iced tea from Jun-Sept

>> No.19870442
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Instant coffee.

>> No.19870452
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>> No.19870486


>> No.19870488
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>> No.19870662

Water, like a normal man who isn't a substance addict.

>> No.19870668

a cup of water with 5-10mg of methamphetamine dropped in as a coffee substitute.

>> No.19870670

natty daddy

>> No.19870676

Coffee, eventually water
Get a new meme beer ffs. Stuff is ass and I like ipas

>> No.19870677

32oz coffee

On days it's snowing 30oz hot chocolate with marshmallows on top

>> No.19870686
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>I like ipas
whatever gaylord

>> No.19870692

I like dick so it doesn't really mean all that much. But by all means, keep running that one into the ground

>> No.19870704

Cappuccino at the local cafe.

This thread sure went of the rails early.

>> No.19870709

i have gay sex but i don't drink IPAs. i'm not a fucking faggot.

>> No.19870713


>> No.19870717

coffee and some water to wash the coffee down

>> No.19870718

a glass of buttermilk

>> No.19870721
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Surprised nobody has said orange juice.

>> No.19870724
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Poor people thread

>> No.19870725


>> No.19870733

Stuffs getting expensive
>inb4 hurr durrr poor fag
I am. Only buy it when sick or mimosas

>> No.19870770

Bad harvest for OJ this year, they only have it once or twice a week at my workplace cafeteria

>> No.19870818

Juice Force tastes like carbonated orange juice and it’s 9.5%ABV, I don’t know how you can’t like it.

>> No.19870826

Tea but I'm considering drinking hot chocolate

>> No.19870893

Tea is better for you.

>> No.19870919
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>> No.19870925


you and me both sis

>> No.19870927

Can of diet coke - can't function without it.

>> No.19870934

Captain Morgan 100

>> No.19870961

Dr Pepper Zero Sugar

>> No.19870984
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homemade cold brew
splash of whipping cream

>> No.19870987

Original Monster Energy Drink

>> No.19871031
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Milk. I want to start every day with a good dose of sugars and proteins in my system.

>> No.19871146

>brew pot of coffee
>turn off the warmer
>finish routine
>le cold brew
When did cold coffee change its name? What am I doing wrong?

>> No.19871149

I keep a box of keurig pods in my desk cabinet because the break room has a keurig in it

>> No.19871180
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Coffee but mostly towards the colder months and pic related

>> No.19871183

the whole bottle of chew spit i collected the day before

>> No.19871214

Whatever I feel like that morning. Tea, vanilla extract, Chateau Lafite 1959, whatever. I'm not an automaton who follows the same pattern every day.

>> No.19871255

Futa Fox cum. Sometimes Futa Elf cum.

>> No.19871276
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I don't drink a lot of coffee anymore but when I do it's usually this

>> No.19871281
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>> No.19871323
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a sip of malt vinegar and a 7 or 8 shots of vodka

>> No.19871338

Can't afford a grinder orrr?

>> No.19871346

why would you drink vinegar?

>> No.19871348
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>> No.19871354

triple espresso in double chocolate protein shake with water

>> No.19871363

How do people ITT have half this shit on an empty stomach

>> No.19871379
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its yummy

>> No.19871381

warm shot glass filled with freshly milked cum, and black coffee, If I feeling fancy I will even mix them for the creamiest, nuttiest flavored coffee you will find.

>> No.19871402
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cha know bout that

>> No.19871409

>dunkin donut coffee

>> No.19871412

Tea that I brewed right before I went to sleep and has been steeping all night

>> No.19871432

Based tannin drinker.

>> No.19871468
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i might know a thing or two

>> No.19871560

Dark roast Arabica coffee, black, water, cigarette

>> No.19871579

Green tea if it is going to be a chill day. Coffee if I foresee dealing with bullshit.

>> No.19871652

>all the alcoholic replies
Holy shit. In solidarity, tomorrow morning I'll do a few shots of vodka to see how it goes.

>> No.19871697

Full fat goat milk. At least a glass, often two.

>> No.19871732
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>bulk of my drinking
water, it's about 90% of what I drink
>something to keep me entertained in the afternoon at work
Mother or Monster, OG flavours only but sometimes I get the mango monster
local cider, pic rel. Their apple and cherry is great

>> No.19871756

Monster Energy Drink.

Red Bull Energy Drink every other day.

>> No.19871798

Mom was bein weak

>> No.19871809

Based us waterchads keep winning

>> No.19871825

prolly tons

>> No.19871829

based nomadic herdsman

>> No.19872348

iced coffee

if I am gaming, then g fuel (especially hype sauce aka raspberry lemonade)

>> No.19872560
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>> No.19872601

prolly none

>> No.19872794

Coffee and water. A small cup of oj if I have it. A mason jar of whole milk with a reciept stuck to the bottom if I’ll need to be extra strong that day.
Here’s how you do it
>make double strength coffee
>mix in sugar/cream/whatever while its still hot
>add ice till regular strength
Wa la
It’s nice in the summer and doesn’t take any longer. It’s not just cold coffee because it still tastes fresh and is much colder than tepid left-out-all-day coffee.

>> No.19872796

>all these energy drink shills
D-dad is that you?

>> No.19872799


>> No.19872823
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It's 1 in the morning so I'm drinking beer

>> No.19872898

I'm a femoid

>> No.19873317

Ruby Red Grapefruit juice

I'm going to go ahead and /thread now since ruby red grapefruit juice is far superior to anything ITT.

>> No.19873345
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Primarily coffee, situationally water, and alternatively black tea

>> No.19873348

Leftover beer from the prior day.

>> No.19873425

> It’s not just cold coffee because it still tastes fresh and is much colder than tepid left-out-all-day coffee.
That's silly, it tepid left-out-all-day coffee

>> No.19873463

Cold brew is brewed slowly at cold temperatures, the water is never heated.
Iced coffee is brewed hot but then cooled afterwards.

It tastes different.

>> No.19873610
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>Voodoo Ranger Juice Force
Oh it's real.
I thought you were making a Power Rangers joke

>> No.19873615

sips from the cup of agony and despair

>> No.19873629

Are you Greek or Italian? Only girls I know that have a breakfast like that are Greek or Italian.

>> No.19873676

Why are all the cool flavors zero sugar aspartame shit? I fucking hate the artificial sugar aftertaste

>> No.19873677


>> No.19873687
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Based. I love to start my day with a cold malt beverage.

>> No.19873692

Steel Reserve
what you know about that?

>> No.19873700

black tea

>> No.19874230
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>> No.19874239


>> No.19874243

post nose ?

>> No.19874255
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>> No.19874510
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If your a fucking full grown Aussie, this is what you’d have for breakfast you fucking dog cunts, a fackin’ VB LONGNECK At 20 to eight at in the fucking Morning get that up there.

>> No.19874514

probably tons

>> No.19874529

Espresso and water.

>> No.19875653

Coffee pourover and a bit of whole milk

>> No.19875761

You can ether drink Orange or Milk, and you can never have both.

>> No.19875788

I know too much about that. Tons, even.

>> No.19875814

hot chocolate, warm milk, warm spiced apple cider.

Sometimes i drink water with honey, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne. It wakes you up instantly and is a great hangover cure too.

>> No.19875824

water to wash down the caffeine pills

>> No.19876789

Based as fuck. For me it's Community.