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19869160 No.19869160 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I've been homebrewing my own kilju for a few months now using turbo yeast to make super cheap booze to get fucked on. I've tried mead as well but it's too expensive compared to just fermenting straight sugar.

You guys got any stories or cool recipes? I soaked and exploded a few brews in my kitchen at least 4 times so far. Finally got a bucket to stop that from happening.

>> No.19869172
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Made a few batches of cider and mead at one point. The cider I drank relatively quickly, was decent. I drank a bit of the mead and it was still too "hot"/fusel, put most of the bottles away to age and ended up dumping it when my ex who I made it with broke up with me.

>> No.19869333

Tea wine is super easy. Also super cheap, it's just tea, sugar, water and yeast.
Tepache is good when pineapple is in season.

>> No.19869344


>> No.19869362

Economy is so fucked booze is cheaper than the ingredients for making booze

>> No.19869382

Not here it is, the government thought adding fuck ton of taxes to the cheapest vodka would help decrease the amount of alcohol we consume. 2 bags of sugars are like 2 quid. Yeast can be reused so that's like 2-5 quid. Brew up to 10 litres and you got 15% wine for super cheap.

>> No.19869438

Tea wine:
To 1 gallon of boiling water, add 1.3 kg of sugar, a handful of raisins and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Let it steep for 15 minutes,.remove the tea bags. Pitch the yeast and cover loosely with saran wrap. After one week, I pitch it into another vessel to remove the raisins and sediment, then let it ferment for one to two weeks until fermentation stops (sometimes test by gravity reading, but sometimes just taste it to see if there's any sugar remaining). Then I bottle it and put it in the fridge and drink it cold. Delicious. Earl Grey is my favourite for this. Around 10℅ alcohol content.

Peel a pineapple. Chop the pineapple flesh into small chunks. Put the pineapple chunks, and (washed) pineapple peel into a bucket, with two cups of sugar, and 2 liters of water. Cover loosely with wrap or towel and leave to ferment. It will be finished in about 2-3 days. No need to add yeast, there is plenty on the pineapple skins. Strain and bottle, put in the fridge, and enjoy. Around 5% to 7% alcohol content.

These are summertime drinks for me, mixed with ice and lime etc.

>> No.19869446

If you put that sugar wine in the freezer for a few hours, the water content freezes first, leaving a much higher concentration liquor behind. You can get upto 50% alcohol using freeze distillation. Done it many times, it's super easy

>> No.19869501

making some apple cider for the first time at the moment, just a gallon but if it goes well I still have a ton of granny smiths off the tree this year. natural ferment, so far so good. another anon here mentioned pineapple rinds as a good source of yeast, was thinking of trying to make some wine next as I have access to some decent grapes

>> No.19869564

Thanks. Il do the tea wine. Pineapple too just to try. But not looking forward to having to cut a pineapple.

>> No.19869567

Il also be doing 15 percent alcohol.

>> No.19869623

The yeast on the pineapple is not as alcohol tolerant as wine yeast, it will die off at around 9% max. If you use stronger yeast, ditch the pineapple skins. Tepache is more like pineapple beer, but you can definitely get higher alcohol with better yeast and more sugar.

You can also just add pineapple to the tea wine recipe to make a super fruity tea and pineapple wine. There's no rules.

>> No.19869788
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Just beer

>> No.19870066

been home brewing cider for 4 years now, i just upgraded to a home keg setup which is so much nicer than having to sanitize all my bottles every time. if anyone's on the fence about it, it's a super simple hobby and you can make good quality hooch with minimal effort.

hell yeah, tea wine is based. i like to use an apple juice base with a tea concentrate for a cider hybrid.

>> No.19870072

Here's the recipie I used last time I made beer. Turned out pretty good.
>1kg basic malt
>125g caramel malt
>125g chocolate malt
>22g kent golding hops
>half a pack of ale yeast
Mash it with 3.75 liters of water, then add water up to 6.25 liters, boil it with the hops and you'll have a wort of about 5 liters. Add the yeast and let it sit for two weeks. Then add 40g of sugar, bottle it and wait another two weeks.

>> No.19870283
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I bottled some apple cider last week. I didn't add any extra sugar so it's only about 3.5%

>> No.19870286
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I've since started some mead (which should be around 9% when done, no added sugar), and watermelon wine (added sugar to 12.5%)

>> No.19870466
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Kefir and kombucha (I try to steer clear of booze nowadays). I'm curious about kvass but I've never been able to try it in any form and have no idea if I'd like it.

>> No.19870497

Am I retarded or did you fail to mention how many tea bags you're using?

>> No.19870802

Oops, i would use about 16 tea bags for 4 gallons. One teabag per cup of water, per usual.