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File: 81 KB, 638x638, baijiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19865509 No.19865509 [Reply] [Original]

Alcohol edition. Bought this Chinese stuff because I was curious. By itself it's completely fucking vile. adding it to mixed drinks a little at a time is how I made it through the bottle

>> No.19865519

Kimchi. I just hate that stuff.

Also cherry alcohol chocolates.

>> No.19865573

Did you really bought cheap hobo-tier chinese booze thinking it was remotely drinkable?

>> No.19865588

I slowly developed my drinking and ended up drinking tall cans of Old English. Not a daily drinker but few times a week. Didn't mind the taste at all. Then I stopped drinking for a month, and the next time I got my usual it tasted like dogshit. Took me a couple of weeks to tolerate it again.

>> No.19865653

fresh red star straight from Dongbei jet engine. get you fucked fast.

>> No.19866027

shit will definitely sprout some hairs on your sack; bai jiu is pretty brutal. cheap too if you find yourself in china. you can get a 26er of 56%+ liquor for the equivalent of a few bucks. i think this one is red star er guo tou baijiu.
not bad mixed with ginger beer tho

>> No.19866052
File: 598 KB, 700x700, 1635600030098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is fucking disgusting. had some at my buddies and i had double vision while we played mortal kombat

>> No.19866058

>their food is poison
>expecting their poison to be healthy
Do you think China runs on Opposite Day rules?

>> No.19866061

tripfagging has been scientifically proven to be the most homosexual thing in existence, followed closely by actual homosexuality.

>> No.19866147
File: 162 KB, 853x1280, Jeppsons-Malort__59978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is awful. Tastes like grapefruit skins mixed with acetone.

>> No.19866157
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 18b95983011b7e6911681c338585f4af_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First sip this stuff tastes like if you drank a steel reserve then threw it back up into your mouth. Finish a can though and everything tastes good. You'll be ready for a second one.

>> No.19866325

Talisker 10

>> No.19866336

shit take

nastyiest shit i have ate was eggplant. shit makes my mouth numb and my throat hurt.

>> No.19866341

>nastyiest shit i have ate was eggplant. shit makes my mouth numb and my throat hurt
Whomever cooked it must be trying to kill you. Eggplant is fucking delicious. Ratatouille is proof that g*d loves us and wants us to be happy.

>> No.19866379

room temperature jaegermeister was pretty vile

>> No.19866425

I see this at the liquor store and am always curious to try it as I usually just drink vodka. But I just know it's fucking shit so I puss out

>> No.19866432

ha. I've had this. still not as bad as Baiju. also this stuff you can mix with fruity or fruit infused beers. that sweetness actually complements the malort. I was actually expecting it to be a lot worse and was even a bit disappointed it wasn't as disgusting as it was cracked up to be. kek

>> No.19866498

malort is weird. it's like half of a drink, all the other flavors that should be there to round it out are missing and all you've got is the wormwood funk. grapefruit skins is generous, it's very disappointing.

the only liquor i wont's drink any more is cachaça, and by extension white rum. instant headache.

>> No.19866501

lol, that's an allergy, бpaтaн

>> No.19866538

My ex introduced me to this stuff. Second cheapest drink outside of box/clean-skin wine.
Fairly awful.
I'm glad I don't drink these days.

>> No.19866564


>> No.19866697

I don't want to drink and drive no more.

>> No.19866715

>shit makes my mouth numb
you have an allergy, anon, and a serious one

>> No.19866816

I had the 10% version of earthquake and it just tasted like a shitty watered down lager but very metallic and with a little alcohol taste. Pretty good and even better value than hurricane/steel. I am become poverty.

>> No.19867247

if it’s cheap you should give er the old college try. you’ll hate it, but grab some ginger beer for mix and it transforms the drink into something potable.
i read somewhere that baijiu is the fourth most consumed liquor on the planet

>> No.19867535

>he can't into baiju
literally drank it again last night

>> No.19867584

Fernet-Branca. Maybe not the absolute worst, but if you want to know what it's like, take your car for a hard drive after a rainstorm. That muddy, hot water running off your tires? Suck on that and you'll understand Fernet-Branca.

>> No.19867651

In beijing they sell these in 5 liter jobs for like 8 dollars

>> No.19868270

My man, I drank baijo when I lived in china. Everyone I met out there had a story. The interesting thing about baijo (and also cigarettes) is the brands have little difference in quality but staggered pricing (so 10 quai, 100 quai etc.). The different brands are bought by differing professionals - so the factory guys get their liquor and ciggies, the police get their brand, the government guys get their etc. etc.
This shit is like battery acid - 60% apv, explosive and really really gets you bad messed up pissed drunk. I woke up in prison after a sesh - my mate woke up with a broken arm pissed his pants. And the factory guy brand costs about 50 pence a bottle.
Will post baijo stories if interested

>> No.19868448

got a bottle of baiju once out of curiosity, worse than any American rotgut liquor I've ever had.

>> No.19868457

sure go ahead, why not

>> No.19868515

I had some cheap smoke flavored whiskey. It tasted like ashes only.

>> No.19868568

Heineken beer, tastes absolutely vile

>> No.19869064

one thing about baijo is that it’s smell permeates your body for days after drinking- it’s really cloying and sweet, like gone off fruit. When I was teaching in china i had a night on the shit and my students all mentioned the stink even after I had about four showers. I also ended up puking in front of the class. It’s vile shit but I would like to have a night on it again just to see.

I got arrested after we drank a hip flask size bottle of factory worker baijo each - ended up having a fight with full garbage bags and setting fire to a fireworks shop.

>> No.19869075

Wouldn't a beer or wine suffice? Is there any other type of spirits besides baijo?

>> No.19869275


>> No.19869279
File: 75 KB, 550x550, voodoo_beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aunt got me this. it sounded like a meme but it tasted like a burning wood pile. awful, ashy, acrid

>> No.19869291
File: 163 KB, 1155x648, gentian-root-1296x728-header[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to an Italian couple's house and they said their parents made liqueur from gentian. It was pure black, tried some and it was the bitterest and most astringent thing I've ever had in my life, all the moisture left my mouth immediately.

>> No.19869517
File: 211 KB, 600x2652, gambina-muovipullo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. Ever. Again.

>> No.19869609
File: 68 KB, 677x381, malort gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people can't into 'jiu
>people can't into 'lört
>people can't even into fernet-branca
if i could afford it i'd have moutai every night. the aftertaste is sublime, it just lasts and lasts and lasts.

>> No.19869723


>> No.19869730

12%? Is it cheap at least? If so move over Steel Reserve.

All of the Rogue meme flavors are really bad. I don't know if they still make it but the pink donut one, which I thought this was before expanding the image, tastes like absolute ass. The Hazelnut stuff is actually ok.

>> No.19869762

that thing in your pic (baijiu) is wretched, it's one of the worst spirits i've ever tasted

i think it's one of those things chinese only buy for appearances, like tiger bones and deer dick

>> No.19869787
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, Pirassununga Cachaça 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! I never expected to see this. I entered this thread trying to remember this old bottle of horrible rotgut I "inherited" from my grandfather, trying to remember the name.
As a Rum drinker,I wanted to like it, but it really tasted like the tails of a rum distillery.
And, as you said. instant headache.
>pic rel
is the bottle, but the 80s version of it.

>> No.19869791
File: 531 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_20221001_150541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never trusting germans again

>> No.19869815

Tastes like drinking a car part.
Baijiu is like of someone distilled the flavor of the realization 10 years after the fact that the girl you had a crush on in high school was hitting on you, and you never noticed.

>> No.19869837
File: 269 KB, 1024x896, DUALITY!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you Anon, ya made me chuckle.

>> No.19869848

But that is what separates a run of the mill Bloody Mary from a top shelf one.
Kraut juice is hard to find in the states, I mean, sold without the kraut, of course.

>> No.19870058

got introduced to it by a homie of mine who brought some cans of 51 back from a brazil trip, absolute trash.

>> No.19870070

pitu cachaca
southern comfort was not comfy at all
any and all grappa
licor 43
inlander rum

>> No.19870093

This is shit is absolutely goat when you have a bit of a blockage. It's also high in Vitamin C.

>> No.19870094

Anon... didn't you read the piss wine scandal?

>> No.19870099

Try not to eat stuff you're obviously allergic to, that's generally the rule right?

>> No.19870241

Kraut juice is a common hangover cure in many East Yurop countries.

>> No.19870252
File: 22 KB, 500x639, metaxa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is probably the worst liquor I've tasted, or maybe some cheap Canadian whiskey. People talk about how bad straight vanilla extract is, but almond extract is much worse- I took a swig of it once and my body immediately told me "you fucked up."
Bourbon-barrel beer is pretty bad too.

>> No.19870434

you had me at the name
now I have a morbid curiosity about how it tastes

>> No.19870487

Earthquakes and hurricanes are the only times I have experienced a hangover

>> No.19870491

It taste like water you pansy

>> No.19870504

crown royal

>> No.19870514

Just this morning I poured a half liter bottle of "Booster Energy Drink" syrup concentrate that would have been good for 12 liters of beverage down the drain because it tasted so awful. Bitter and acrid and 110% chemical and artificial, like it was just waiting to give you cancer. How doe people drink that crap??

>> No.19870563

Malört isn't that bad. The flavor isn't the best, as it's only bitter, but it goes down smooth.

>> No.19870573

This shit is fucking nasty. We really underrate how good Steelie is compared to other high ABV malt liquors.

>> No.19870579

Fernet Branca is dope. Tastes just like scented hand sanitizer

>> No.19871273

Most chinese booze tastes shit except maybe Tsingtao.

>> No.19871325
File: 64 KB, 450x800, Budweiser-Bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still to this day the most disgusting beer I've ever tasted, I don't mind cheap shitty macro lagers but budweiser tastes like sickly sweet rotting piss

>> No.19871399

I like fernet. It’s certainly the most bitter apertivo money can buy but if you’re alright with the bitterness it has a really interesting flavour to it.

>> No.19871440

The most disgusting drink was a gin and tonic I tried making one time. Runner-up was trying the gin I used straight. Absolutely vile and it all got poured down the drain immediately.

>> No.19871469
File: 311 KB, 1622x2560, 81xbQ9dvsRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to yours, I tried Shaoxing wine with some college friends at the end of senior year. The bottle was all in Chinese so I didn't realize what it was, I just took a gamble and spent the $10 at the Asian market. Supposedly, people out in southern China actually drink this shit straight. It tastes like someone steeped dirt and rotten vegetables in white vinegar

>> No.19871509

you know that they add salt to culinary wine so people dont drink it straight, right

>> No.19871520

It wasn't culinary wine, it was hard to find a picture of Shaoxing wine that didn't also say "cooking wine" on it. It had ingredients printed in English and no mention of salt and no salty flavor (like that you'd find in Gatorade or Monster)

>> No.19871569
File: 190 KB, 1600x1600, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know how literally rotten corpse and death tastes like...try this.

>> No.19871582

One time an alkie from a friend group made moonshine out of this in his home still. We mixed it with coke and drank.

Then I woke up on someone's patio couch in the middle of the night.

>> No.19871588

either horrible gin or weak little tastelet

>> No.19871596

>I was actually expecting it to be a lot worse and was even a bit disappointed it wasn't as disgusting as it was cracked up to be. kek

That was my experience when I first started using Windows 10.

>> No.19871606

Don't care, not trying it again

>> No.19872035

that's greek you inbred mutt

>> No.19872311

el jimador
tasted like drinking perfume, chemical taste and all. absolutely revolting. at least cuervo tastes like tequila

>> No.19873060

You can really taste the rice and corn syrup they use in the brewing

>> No.19874605

never wanted to know but thanks

>> No.19874636

Kimchi is so inoffensive, it’s just like cabbage, why is everyone so buttmad about it

>> No.19874637

baijiu, no contest, even homemade stuff tastes like trash

>> No.19874657

>drank a hip flask of baijiu and set a fireworks shop on fire
this is the most bong-in-China story I've ever heard, I need more of this so badly

>> No.19874671

they buy it for the same reason people by vodka like karkoff, it's cheap and shitty but it gets you fucked fast

>> No.19874675

this is the most specific description of it, I don't think this would help anyone who hadn't tried it but to anyone who has its strangely accurate

>> No.19874722


>> No.19876627
File: 32 KB, 476x734, crapcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this once. took forever to finish it

>> No.19876672
File: 357 KB, 650x450, 16830987920[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also J&B tastes liek literal puke.
the anise flavored thing people put in gin & tonic is prety gross too.

>> No.19876702
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, worm on a stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue cheese. I've eaten jungle worms before but will never eat blue cheese. Tried it three times, each time it was horrible.

>> No.19876815

there is a brand of baiju called ming river. quite available stateside, but it goes pretty hard. i only ever drink it when eating spicy food though

>> No.19876888

Shaoxing wine quality is very inconsistent in China. I have had both "sipping" wine which tasted awful, and "cooking" wine which actually went down smoothly. Goes very well with seafood by the way, especially crab. Try and go for a bottle of Nu'Er Hong (Red Daughter) if you can, it's pretty good.

>> No.19876902

If we're talkin' booze, the worst was a Taiwanese "rum". It tasted like someone ran some water through a pile of dirt to give it a brown coloration. If there was alcohol in it, I couldn't tell. I thought about giving it to a friend of mine who's an alcoholic, but decided not to put her through that. I ended up literally pouring it down the sink.

>> No.19876910

>nastyiest shit i have ate was eggplant. shit makes my mouth numb and my throat hurt.
>serious allergy
>obviously allergic

It took me years to figure out that the burning sensation I experienced from kiwifruit was an allergic reaction. I also didn't know why my palms kept itching, or why part of my lip swelled up enormously a few times. But when my throat started swelling shut, I finally got it.

>> No.19876919
File: 268 KB, 1600x2048, southern-comfort-whiskey-175l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only does it taste like nasty ass cough syrup, but the fact that SoCo used to actually be good back before it was soullessly mass-produced makes it even more insulting.

>> No.19876944

Man, this shit made some good times when I was a teenager.

>> No.19876988
File: 630 KB, 855x735, Tsingtao beer worker urinated into tank after argument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19877568

>windpipe closed, eyes open

>> No.19877577

Paid a korean schoolgirl to defecate into my open mouth once, the taste was rancid and I regretted it almost immediately. Still choked back every morsel as to not offend her

>> No.19877611
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 1606151535321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got perhaps the most shitfaced, blackout, totally-fucked-up on this one time as a student and I just cannot even bear to look at the stuff even after all these years.

The kind of hangover that even as a fresh-livered teenager left me pale, shaking and feeling like a vampire in the morning sun as I staggered home the next day.

>> No.19877640

Baijiu isn't that bad. They feel the same way about whisky. Spirits have a kind of bad flavour anyway without them also being totally alien drinks from a foreign culture. The main problem with baijiu is that nothing mixes well with it except tonic. All you can do is drink it straight.

>> No.19878393
File: 178 KB, 490x686, dirty martini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is the right bottle but I picked up a dirty martini mix in a glass bottle and jesus christ it was the worst thing. You couldn't tell it apart from cooking wine.

>> No.19878435

I actually hated kimchi until I was maybe 25 years old. Now I think it's really good.

>> No.19878444

I've had so many bad beers now that everybody got into homebrewing. Just some of the most awful stuff.

>> No.19878467
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPA. Bitter diarrhea straight from Satan's pulsating sphincter.

>> No.19878541


>> No.19878548

Yeah I always thought kiwi was just supposed to burn

>> No.19878557
File: 24 KB, 644x644, aalborg-taffel-akvavit-45-70-cl-f72d3_644x644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs everything in this thread

If you know, you know.

>> No.19878561

If this isn't a meme, the bottle you tried was definitely compromised. Or you got it from a moldy and old tap. Budweiser may be watery and boring but it's so inoffensive, there's no way you could actually dislike it.

>> No.19879514

>Nu'Er Hong
i bought a bottle of this at my booze shop for like $6 with no idea if it was cooking wine or not and I really liked it, its like more savory tariyaki sauce kinda, really herby. It made my friend wanna puke but i drank the bottle. I never knew the name of it, i just called it chinese mystery potion, thanks anon

>> No.19879525
File: 163 KB, 1200x2125, 187643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first whiskey, worst whiskey

>> No.19879549

the perfect drinking buddy for being trapped in a rented American legion hall all Christmas eve with all those weird aunts and cousins you only see once a year.

>> No.19879640
File: 51 KB, 733x1100, 1681765786779514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not particularly bad but I tried drinking this neat since it's only 15% and I didn't care for it

>> No.19879649

Excellent take. It is incredibly smooth in terms of heat, but that aftertaste is like pencil shavings and regret (to quite J. Hodgeman).

Overall, I still get it on occasion out of some sick sense of novelty. It sure wakes one up, I can say that much.

>> No.19879652

that was jack daniels for me
put me off trying whiskey for years
it's good mixed with stuff but no way in hell could I drink it straight, I'd say the same about peach schnapps too

>> No.19879829

The only time I drank triple sec straight was when I was 15 and it was the only alcohol my parents had for me to steal

>> No.19880158

I dunno what it is about Chinese and their booze but it's like the government decided to make it taste as fucking terrible as possible to stop people from drinking. my worst experience is I got a random bottle once, as always tasted like shit, googled what it was and its called something like 3 penis. and its made from the penis of a dog, a seal and a fucking deer.

thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.19880174

>fall into the habit of drinking OE
>return to it and realize how much it sucks
>force yourself to start drinking it again anyway
seriously what the ufck?

>> No.19880177


>> No.19880188

worst alcohol i ever tasted was from a reddish-mahogany can at a kegger in high school. nothing has really come close to that in over a decade, wish i knew what it was. it was getting passed around because nobody wanted more than one sip. best way i can describe my memory of it is like Big K malt liquor, but still worse

>> No.19880324

Baiju can be very rough especially the cheap stuff, however the more expensive stuff tends to be great especially Moutai. Luckily for me most of the times I don't have to pay for my drinks in chink land and i get the good stuff. That's why I have a bottle of vintage Moutai sitting at home that I take the occasional shot from. The most weird thing I found in chink land was ice wine made in Gansu province, which was surprisingly good.

>> No.19880327
File: 757 KB, 573x817, Kweichow-Moutai-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I forgot the pic

>> No.19880787
File: 22 KB, 657x438, IMG_0351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thai sticky rice fermented wine. It is so horrid that I was sick from the waste and my wife who is Thai almost threw up as well. Disgusting. Thailand has great food but outside of singh and chang it’s un- drinkable

>> No.19880795

kek my friend brought me back some of that Chinese grain alcohol as a souvenir back in college and it was hilariously gnarly.

>> No.19880836
File: 151 KB, 1231x653, kweichow moutai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. you must be a high roller. poorfags like me aren't gonna be buying this just to try it out. kek

>> No.19880855
File: 198 KB, 300x600, gasoline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this from a dead hoarders basement after scavenging through his house. Drank two bottles of it before going to work thinking that it would be weaker than when I do this with whiskey. The only time I've ever been completely out of it from alcohol ABSOLUT GAS/10.

>> No.19880856

kek it's only expensive because Chinese people buy it up to scalp it. They go crazy over it because it has the prestige of being sanctioned by the CCP as their official gift to foreign heads of state or something. Costco and Total Wine sell it for a more reasonable price.

>> No.19880987

Like this anon says>>19880856
It is the official commie party drink so the gift the cheaper versions think 200~dollarish as gifts bribes for anything that has to get done. I got the one you pictured from a Huawei exec that I know, so i did not have to pay a dime for it.

>> No.19881493
File: 830 KB, 1440x1080, 1000019027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had Baijiu and it was pretty bad, also had the possibly non salty >>19871469 shaoxing wine which was not very pleasant either
But the prize of worst dogshit drink goes to costco's spiced rum. Saddest thing about it was that I had to buy it in canadian cuckbucks. Since it was so pricey I kept forcing myself to drink it so as to not waste the money but my body recoiled every time and I still have like 1/3 left

>> No.19881571

>eggplant makes my mouth numb and my throat hurt
You're supposed to cut it up and chew it before you eat it faganon.

>> No.19881778

Old German beer. It tasted like old tuna. Not rotten, but almost as if tuna somehow became mummified.

>> No.19881787

When did they fuck up the recipe? I remember thinking it was fine about 15 years ago. There were definitely better whiskeys but it wasn't offensive or anything.

>> No.19881827

It's sad but back in the 90s rogue was really good. They had rogue-n-berry and st. rogues red, good stuff I used to drive up to GA and order cases because you couldn't get 22oz bottle in Florida back then. As far as gross liquor I bought some mezcal one time that was probably the most disgusting thing I ever tasted, sort of like if you made burnt caramel out of pine tree sap

>> No.19881901

Should've gotten that edumacashun when it was free, retardanon.

>> No.19882205

Once had some Virginia moonshine. I'm sure it would have tasted better if I'd used it for its main purpose: cleaning paintbrushes after redecorating the house.

>> No.19882220
File: 221 KB, 902x1600, camo black extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff though, finish a can and you will hate all humanity especially yourself. I know different alcohol giving one different highs is a meme, but this shit will get you feeling all sorts of wrong, it's a spiritually evil drink.

>> No.19882713


its like drinking rye bread

>> No.19882843

>not posting old crow

>> No.19883223
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 4901777020320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can go straight to hell. Tried it at 17 never want to taste it again

>> No.19883374
File: 122 KB, 960x1280, 049726.jpg.thumb.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the exact same time tastes like drinking syrup and burns like hell

>> No.19883383
File: 2.05 MB, 2400x2400, guac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19883581
File: 123 KB, 894x944, 81G3YHBKJ4L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't even choke one down. It tasted like something designed to make you throw up.
The carbonara one is really good.

>> No.19884346

It's nice to try new things

>> No.19884416

Kek came here to post this, people who answered with aperetifs or something don't even know the true meaning of bad.

>> No.19884426
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, 1543131570956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based life experiencer.

>> No.19884556

For anyone who wants to try baijiu for the first time, it’s worth noting that the type of baijiu that smells like soy sauce (reputed to be an acquired taste) is the most expensive, exemplified by a brand called Moutai.

Moutai is considered the finest baijiu and the drink of choice for high-end meals in China. It can take more than five years to produce a bottle of this pricey spirit, which can cost more than $220 for 500 mL fresh out of the factory. And the price is often hiked by resale or increases in storage time. Yan Xu of Jiangnan University and Keliang Ji, former president of Kweichow Moutai Distillery, describe Moutai’s chemical composition in a chapter in the book “Alcoholic Beverages: Sensory Evaluation and Consumer Research” as containing 873 chemical components, including 380 esters, 85 acids, 155 alcohols, 96 ketones, 73 aldehydes, 36 nitrogenous compounds, and 48 other chemicals, although this complexity is not unique to Moutai.

>> No.19884944

sounds like a rip off i’ll pass
no way this chink shit has any serious complexity compared to scotch yet these niggers are charging like 3x the price for something aged half as long. honestly i’m curious to try it in principle but that price is insulting

>> No.19885038

Flexing wealth is ironically a huge deal for Chinese people despite living in a communist country. They're driving endangered animals to extinction so they can brag about eating them or turning their horns into paperweights/dickpills.

>> No.19885124
File: 23 KB, 450x450, Shi-Wan Yu Bing Shao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most famous rice wines in the Foshan region, Yu bing shao is unique in that the steamed rice wine is introduced into a large urn, steeped in fatty pork, and aged in a large urn before becoming the famous Yu Bing Shao. This brewing rice wine process has continued to this day.

>> No.19885156

you need to fry that shit

>> No.19885184

Anon, you've blown your tastebuds out on plastic handle rotgut if you think Jimador tastes cheaper and more chemical than fucking Cuervo. It's not top shelf by any stretch, but it's a damn sight above Cuervo.

>> No.19885213

The original recipe was made with whiskey as the base, some time in the 1970s it was switched to neutral grain spirit, and it was switched back to whiskey again when Sazerac bought it out in 2016.

>> No.19885244

Am I a faggot for drinking fireball?

>> No.19885285
File: 52 KB, 384x433, Sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap plum wine? ick

>> No.19885289

Fucking abbos

>> No.19885319

I want to but they wont let me.

>> No.19885337
File: 83 KB, 900x506, 1569423636413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck ya!

>> No.19885344

Umeshu is pretty good though

>> No.19885568

oh wait im retarded it was montezuma
turns out it was my brain i blew out

>> No.19885607

Oh well I guess I had really bad taste in my 20s then because I was drinking it around 2010 and thought it was fine.

>> No.19885684

mid-grade vodka is smoother than goychow moutai. baiju sucks!!!!!

>> No.19886412

I remember sneaking this from my parent's (they thought it was gross) to drink with friends in Highschool. I remember it burned horribly. But it got the job done

>> No.19887173
File: 243 KB, 1280x1280, smirnoff-green-apple-vodka__79834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this blended with apples -- it was like unsweet apple sauce

>> No.19887974

Are you guys Brazilian? 51 is absolute bottom of the barrel trash, don't drink it at all, there are great cachaças available, try another type (not the branca/prata type,like the 51 you posted)

>> No.19888266

Baijiu is an acquired taste. It's good to take a shot with rye bread when it's cold.

>> No.19888402
File: 615 KB, 1065x2200, moutai millions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine dishing out for this. kek

>> No.19889064

It's ok, but definitely not good enough to be anything other than a fad for non-gooks.

>> No.19889078

flavored vodka is disgusting

>> No.19889086

Is it because Tsingtao tastes like piss?

>> No.19889761
File: 41 KB, 720x701, IMG_7627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I actually love that stuff. I moved onto the 100 proof version of it and nearly blacked out and haven’t really touched it since. But every now and then I’ll get a bottle of the regular and rock out in my room, the taste just reminds me of better times

>> No.19889813

i was 16 and driving around with friends on garbage night looking for scrap. we found a bottle of some kind of brown liquor in a triangular bottle with greek writing on it and thought we hit the jackpot. turns out it tasted like burnt rotten milk and vodka. i have no idea what it was.

>> No.19889832

holy chit this may be it.

>> No.19889836
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>> No.19889882

You're supposed to use it for cocktails like gin tonic, not drink it by itself tard

>> No.19889928
File: 852 KB, 1488x1111, Don't forget to LURK a bit....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I had no Idea what I was getting into.
like I said, It was some weird bottle of swill amongst the others I got when cleaning out my deceased Grandfather's wet bar.
It must've just been a keepsake from a vacation.
Or possibly some Masonic Shriner's bullshit.
But hey, Vá à merda!, look at the OP's poast.

>> No.19890254

Something like 80% of these fruit-flavored liqueurs cannot be drunk neat by anybody possessing functional tastebuds. They're exclusively a cocktail ingredient.

>> No.19890278

Traditional Chinese booze contains a considerable amount of glutamates. The same stuff found in soy sauce and MSG. That's why it tastes so weird to us Westerners. We expect "sweet" from our booze, but get "savory" instead.

>> No.19890323

i used to go to karaoke on friday nights at this shitty bar that had a beer and shot special where the whiskey was literally poison. i've never tasted fouler alcohol anywhere before or since. it would make me puke into my mouth with a single sip, let alone the entire shot. to this day i've never figured out what they were actually serving because it definitely wasn't what was on the label

>> No.19890450

Baiju tastes like a fruity barn filled with horse shit. It smells alright though

>> No.19890498

dont drink shit beer if you dont have to

>> No.19890501

well, its not terrible at least and it makes the coca cola get you drunk

>> No.19890662

SoCo's great when mixed with coffee. The caramel flavor goes nicely with it.

>> No.19890670
File: 68 KB, 600x600, large_7728ecd7-e278-4c42-82f5-f88ac2123393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to mix that with Squirt.

>> No.19891336

Lern 2 reed