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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19864522 No.19864522 [Reply] [Original]

How do I meet my caloric needs while eating cheaply and (relatively) healthily? I've heard of the "chicken, rice and broccoli" diet but assuming that isn't a meme you'd need to eat a fuck ton of the stuff to get even just 1500kcal a day.

I only have a fridge and microwave, but that means I can still do frozen and fresh fruits, veggies, and stuff like frozen grilled chicken. Since I have no way to cook rice or pasta, I was thinking about going which whole grain or rye bread and either oatmeal or muesli for carbs since veggies aren't too calorie dense. Otherwise peanut butter, nuts, seeds and maybe some dairy could help with fat and protein while not adding any non-naturally occurring sugar. Aside from milk, just waster to drink really. I don't think I'm missing anything (though maybe a multivitamin could be a good addition?) but I still feel like it'll be hard to eat enough every day and I'm already skeleton mode. How do you guys do it?

>> No.19864537

You can buy bags of frozen, cooked rice for cheap. Or just go to shartmart and get a rice cooker for $15. I got one in college and used it in my dorm room to cook everything.
When I got more money I bought a nice rice cooker.

>> No.19864548

If you want more filling, add potatoes or replace it with rice.

>> No.19864557

That all sounds reasonable OP. Could add some huel or soylent or whatever if it fits your lifestyle. They've got good vitamins and minerals and fiber.

>> No.19864581

Just eat when you get hungry dumbass, it's not like motherfuckers in medieval times had calorie charts and shit. Calorie counting is for fat fucks that need to slow the fuck down with the mouth stuffing.

>> No.19864583

potatoes and rice are way different recommendations. white rice is basically nothing except carbs. potatoes at least have potassium and fiber in the skin.

multivitamins don't do shit unless you're eating only a single food source like an African. they can actually be harmful if you already are getting enough vitamins and then you pile more on.

if you want to gain weight buy a cheap gainer supplement from the workout section of the supermarket and mix it in milk and gulp it down. if you really want to gain weight on a poverty diet buy pork shoulder. it's extremely fatty. get a toaster oven and you can bake small portions of meat. it's going to be difficult to eat whole foods using only a microwave. I mean, it can be done but it's going to be super unpleasant.

If you're going to stand by only using a microwave then get the biggest microvable bowl you can possibly fit inside and make soup. Boil chicken or fatty pork in water with vegetables for 45 mins.

>> No.19864597

It seems like bread is more calorie dense than rice, and my freezer is full so I may stick with this. Is there something else I'm missing though? Why is it that rice is so often recommended as a staple food?
Potatoes could be fine but I can't boil them.
I've been recommended whey protein but it seems awfully expensive and I'm convinced that there has to be a catch to the stuff. Trying to get a definitive answer on whether multivitamins are safe for everyday use or if I'd end up going overboard on something but I still haven't been able to determine that yet, I do wish I had a place to prepare and cook food.

>> No.19864610

One time I got a bag of trail from the gas station for like $3 and then I noticed it was about 2k calories. Probably more sugar than is optimal but there's definitely some protein and fat in there too

>> No.19865368

Shit dude, get a fucking electric cook top then, they are pretty cheap and you can get pretty fancy induction stuff now (with like temp hold and stuff). Then get a compatible skillet and pot. Now you can basically cook anything.

Or if you can't, get a instapot and use it to cook stews, rice, and sear stuff. Or better yet, replace the microwave with a combo microwave that does oven & airfry shit.

>> No.19865421
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Im in same situation and in Auschwitz mode. I would fit right in as a jew prop in a ww2 movie. I tried the chicken, rice and brocoli grindset today, but its hella expensive. I though it was supposed to be cheap?

>> No.19865488
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>> No.19866829


I eat peeled potatoes raw with salt. Sometimes I add some olive oil and spices. Is also great in a salad but don't leave it overnight on the fridge or something peeled potatoes hate moisture.

>> No.19866832

Supposed to be chicken thighs and drumsticks. If you're eating chicken breast like in OP's pic then you're paying a lot more for less calories.

>> No.19866948

I've cooked potatoes in the microwave, try cutting them up, throwing into a serving-size bowl with some water (just half a cup for steam) and covering tightly with damp paper towel or linen cloth. With rice it's a bit more complicated (more water and it's much better to soak it first), but doable. Just be careful with the heat anon

>> No.19867005

>I tried the chicken, rice and brocoli grindset today, but its hella expensive
are you buying chicken breast, the worst and most expensive cut of the bird
just buy a whole chicken and learn to butcher or get thighs instead

>> No.19867008

Microwave pressure cooker for rice. Easy peasy.

>> No.19867162

>replace the rice OP suggested with rice
great thinking retard

>> No.19867412

You are actually autistic or retarded. Rather than seeking the answer to this question, you need to focus on ways to expand your kitchen, like buying an induction cooktop ($50) and rice cooker ($50).

>> No.19867422

The *only* definition of healthy that is actually meaningful assuming you can meet your macros is having a varied diet. That's why threads like these that focus on reducing your diet down to a few specific foods completely miss the point.

>> No.19867522

>varied diet
So KFC on monday, McDonalds on Tuesday, subway footlong on wednessday, and a bottle of scotch on thursday?

>> No.19867622

Get a hot plate, rice cooker, do stews.
>organic eggs, lots and lots of eggs, every day
>seasonal veggies learn to eat them, learn to cook them, buy huge bags of rice, beans, lentis etc. whatever you prefer for cheap from ethno stores
>pecans, walnuts, few brazil nuts, easy to salt and roast
>mackerel/sardine in tomato sauce (usually the best around here with no seed oils or other bullshit)
>eat organs every now and then
Also try making your own broths with bones and taking marrow etc. Its good stuff and marrow/organs are miles better than any multivitamin crap. Seriously, 99% of supplements are useless rubbish.
And just avoid anything with seed oils in it. Its all processed garbage anyway and its the quickest way to just check if whatever you're buying is okay to eat.

>> No.19867734

Make sure you're not making some basic mistakes:

1. Buy your groceries from where you can get them the cheapest.

2. Buy frozen broccoli, bot fresh. They will have retained more of their original nutritional value and there is no need for cleaning pruning them.

3. Buy either chicken thighs or whole chickens (frozen or fresh, whichever is cheapest). Breasts have very little fat content, making them taste much less, easier to overcook for someone not used to cooking, and lower in calories overall.

4. Always compare prices of brands/size options per unit, not per pack. As in $/lb or €/g or $/fl.oz. or €/cl etc. You might have to do some simple math while in the store, but it's literally just dividing price by amount/volume. If you suck at arithmetic, just use your phone's calculator and write down each option's comparative cost.

5. See 4, and remember that buying in bulk is OFTEN better value for staples like rice, fats, frozen goods. This means: the bigger the amount, the lower the comparable cost, usually.

If you are not making any mistakes contrary to these guidelines, then see if spinach, brussel sprouts, or kale is cheaper than broccoli where you live. That may be the case. Other than that, if things are expensive anyways, start buying non-perishables of beans, onion, rice, the cheapest non-detrimental fat you can find, eggs(pricing?) And whatever fruit is on a great deal the days you shop and ignore the chicken option.

>> No.19867766


In college I ate lots of oatmeal and eggs, both cooked in a microwave. I also ate lots of peanut butter.

>> No.19867785
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What's the cheapest and most delicious way to meet your caloric needs? Health is a spook, I don't care.

>> No.19867846

Motherfuckers in the medieval times most likely just ate what they managed to get and were lucky if they didn't burn more calories than what they got from it while getting it.

>> No.19868155

Eat nothing except butter and cheese

>> No.19869717

Pork Belly, rice, onion, butter, green beans, and fat fish.

>> No.19869720

frozen meats are cheaper. especially chicken. you can get a good deal on frozen wings or drumsticks. defrost, season, bake. easy. tired of chicken? ground beef is cheapest beef you can get. also look into organ meats. in this economy anything under $6/lb is a good deal. adjust for your local currency.

my entitled boomer parents buy proteins for more than that.

you should have a bookmark folder of local grocery ads which update each wednesday.

i don't eat 100% protein even though i know i should. but fruits and mac/cheese help round things out. it's filler, yes, but will have to do for now.

t. brokeass loser but pro at budgeting when needed

>> No.19869737

round here i noticed the unfrozen chicken thighs are a little cheaper, i freeze them myself and a bag of the bones which i make stock from later

>> No.19869774

Just add some beans for a little extra protein and fiber and it's much more filling. Just like 6-8 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli and 1 cup rice and beans and it'll be very solid.

>> No.19869783

yeah that can be the case too. cheapest chicken parts are around $1.50-2/lb....decade ago it was $1.29/lb...anyway, a whole chicken is now too expensive, around $15-20. i used to get them for about $6-12 depending on where and if it was organic.

canned food is a rip off if you value high protein. it's mostly flavor additives. i'm thinking of trying the new yellowstone brand chili just because i'm stupid and liked the first couple eps of the show. i would probably need to add more ground beef.

>> No.19869824
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pork is also very cheap...might not be the case for long.

>> No.19871282
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Would this be considered healthy? It's just a simple lunch.
-2 eggs
-1 tbsp of butter
-0.5 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
-0.5 clove of shallots
-1 tsp pepper
-1 tsp prapika

-1 tsp olive oil
-1 tsp salt
-1 tsp pepper
-1 tsp chili flakes

It's pretty delicious.

>> No.19871301

How do you cook chicken without drying it out? What do you recommend for seasoning?

>> No.19871310

>organic eggs, lots and lots of eggs, every day
I do love eggs but I have high cholesterol

>> No.19871316

>eat organs every now and then
Do things like braunsweieger or liver patte count?

>> No.19871351

Redpill me on anchovy paste. It sounds atrocious

>> No.19871492

instant pot and scale. should be straightforward from there. just dump everything in the instant pot and select a time limit. instant pot needs a bit of water, so generally it will be wet, but who cares.

>> No.19871541

spatchcocked and drowned in butter and herbs

>> No.19871555

use a little and it boosts the "umami". up to you re: what dishes to use it in. obviously goes well in seafood, stews, etc. i use it in pasta and don't even taste any fishiness. it's really just a salty-buttery taste. asians use fish sauce, also made from anchovy.

>> No.19871563

if it scares you, just use tomato paste in a tube instead. they sell it at traderjoes, made in italy, for like $4. lasts longer than getting the canned version. and a tin of anchovies is around 2-$3. they also come in jarred version. it's just pure saltiness if you eat it on its own. i like it. at steakhouses, when they make a caesar by your table, they use anchovies.

>> No.19871802

Cook bone-in chicken or anything but breast
Seasoning is literally whatever you want. I keep a couple spices mixes around to douse chicken with

>> No.19871941

NTA but I struggle with drying out chicken too. Problem is my gf won't eat things with bones in them. Will marinating them work? Anon above mentioned using a lot of butter, but for the health conscious, would just dousing in olive oil coconut oil keep them moist?

>> No.19871991

It for sure isn’t healthy, but when I’m really broke, I’ll buy 1 kg of hot dogs and a shitton of macaroni. Add a shitton of hot sauce and use any spices you have. Even some ketchup adds some taste. The hunger makes it good. I can usually get 2-3 meals healthy and varied dinners from my work a day so it works

>> No.19872056
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grilled cheese sandwiches probably. A whole loaf of sliced, store-brand white bread is 50 cents at aldi, or $1 at a normal chain store. If you go to a store with a deli that slices their own cheese, you can get like half a pound of sliced white american for like $3-4. Mayo up the bread, sear, add cheese, combine, flip, wa la. probably somewhere around 500 calories per sandwich and well under a dollar.

Another option is store-brand macaroni and cheese: <$1 a box, which prepared is like 1400 calories. A negligible amount of milk and 1/4-1/3 stick butter per pox.

>> No.19872099

rice, potaotes, nut butters, oats, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, look in the bargain bin for meat, lots of eggs, whole milk, jerky.

>> No.19872214
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>A whole loaf of sliced, store-brand white bread is 50 cents at aldi, or $1 at a normal chain store
Have you been in a coma for the past 4 years

>> No.19872216

you sound like a fitcel

buy whole chicken or chicken thighs, drumpsticks or quarters not meme breasts

rice, legumes, milk, cream, butter. just measure calories / $. it's not hard

>> No.19872228

Peanut butter, rip cholesterol though

>> No.19872231

Homemade bowls of Chili.
>roughly 350 calories a cup
>covers most of the fat, protein, carb, and vitamin needs for the day
>Can mix up toppings to add variety

Hell dip veggies in it to cover any missing vitamin needs

>> No.19872239

Save up for one of these. I think they have them on sale at Costco right now if you know someone with a card.


>> No.19872248

>whole chicken or chicken thighs
is grocery store chicken or the chicken they get safe to eat raw? serious question. has anyone tried? im not talking about a whole mean of raw chicken. but like a few sashimi sized pieces.

>> No.19872252

>a whole mean of raw chicken.
a whole MEAL

>> No.19872263

bought a loaf at aldi for 55 cents a week ago king

>> No.19872341
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What state my G

>> No.19872362

Maryland, 30 minutes from baltimore

>> No.19872363

lfg ravens

>> No.19872393

actually long pork is free if you catch it

>> No.19872500

Can I eat sardines every other day? They're cheap and tasty

>> No.19872892

yeah if you want, you don't need my permission

>> No.19872907
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>> No.19872911

>Mayo up the bread
A grilled cheese? That's gross af dude

>> No.19872920

it's an easily-spreadable fat for toasting the bread properly. You can use butter if you have some that's spreadable, but it makes very little difference.

>> No.19873252

Peanut butter bananas oatmeal and protein powder

Eat spoonfuls of pb as a meal replacement

>> No.19873275

dietary cholesterol intake has virtually no impact on your blood cholesterol levels

>> No.19873326

Nigga, buy a portable stove

>> No.19873356

Grains aren't healthy and broccoli is literally poison.

>> No.19873371

I've never seen varied diet shills or balanced diet shills or food pyramid shills tell people to eat fast food or drink alcohol. Fuck you.

>> No.19873394

gallon of milk a day

>> No.19873410

>misses an obvious stupid joke
surely you are not this autistic?

>> No.19873437

Vile weed!

>> No.19873642

Ok i have been buying chicken breasts so thats why its been so expensive. I will look for chicken thighs when i go to the store next time. I make them the same way i do the breasts, right? Just put it on the pan for a few mins on each side?

>> No.19874638
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Even after reading maryland, I simply do not believe you.

I've lived in North carolina for the last 17 years but before that I moved around as a military kid. That's not normal at all. I don't believe you when you say you bought a whole loaf of bread for 55 cents or a dollar or less than 1.49 in the last...decade or two.

>> No.19874644

same but mostly I'm just not hungry. I eat like 1000 calories a day on a good day.

anyone know any good ways to increase my appetite that isn't smoking weed

>> No.19874648

>anyone know any good ways to increase my appetite that isn't smoking weed
Eating more.

>> No.19874668

I try to eat as much as I can but I get nauseous if I eat too much and then I don't get hungry for like 10 hours. I made a protein shake at 8 am this morning in my blender and haven't eaten since then because I put too much shit in it and it made me feel like I ate poison.

I think this is what cancer patients feel like. My bmi is 19.6. I feel like I'm going to die.

>> No.19874669

>Motherfuckers in the medieval times most likely just ate what they managed to get and were lucky if they didn't burn more calories than what they got from it while getting it.

They actually had a pretty varied diet. Assuming you’re speaking of the peasant class. Seasonal ovo-vegetarians for the most part. They had greens and root veggies. They also made use of stuff we don’t consider as good so much these days. Every colonial era cookbook has entire recipes devoted to dandelions.

There were a lot of stews and soups and such. There is such a thing as palate fatigue which naturally decreases caloric intake. Plus broth based soups give good nutrients and satiate as well.

>> No.19874755
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Whole wheat bread, mustard, greens, deenz. Filling and delicious, full of nutrients.

>> No.19874773

Chicken liver

>> No.19874775
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the sale thing is a lie, they're always this price and have been since the store opened like 4 years ago.

>> No.19874808

50 grams of butter
100 grams of broccoli
250 grams of chickenbreast
100 grams of rice
4 eggs

~ 1348 kcal.
~ 96 g protein
~ 74 grams of fat
~ 81 grams of carbs
Add the butter to the chicken after you plate it so it melts over it all or add it to the rice after cooking and straining it. Don't leave even a single drop of fat behind.
Total cost:
4,69 USD (at the time and date of posting this).
You get the remaining kcal at your discretion.

>> No.19874830


>> No.19874851

I have seen. I don't disbelieve you. I've been to an aldis. Nothing jumped out to me as markedly cheaper than walmart. Perhaps, on a lark, I will go see if they also have 55 cent bread.

>> No.19874855

i always find it funny when people say they cant meet caloric demans when i'm a 400+lb death feeders and just one of my meals in a day would be around 2k cal easy

>> No.19874866

how do you resist the urge to eat more?

>> No.19874883

nta and not a slender wimp fag, if you don't eat goyslop the urge for gluttony disappears
if you're american you may have trouble knowing what is not goyslop. if you want, you can reply with dishes you think are healthy and i can judge them for you
t. common sense european with traditional food culture

>> No.19874912

it's case-by-case at aldi. some things, mostly snacks and staples, are much cheaper - a dozen eggs was 96 cents in July (haven't checked since then), but there's $5 jars of salsa right next to the $2 jars. Cereal is a huge saver, $1.59/box for fruit loops clones at my local store. Pre-sliced meat is hit or miss, vegetables are cheap but the quality varies wildly depending on where you are.

>> No.19874933

I don't have an urge to eat more. imagine you're sick with the flu and on the verge of vomiting. that's how I feel about food all the time.

>> No.19875091

yes, they're fattier than chicken breasts so you dont really need to add much oil

>> No.19875516

Chili is great. Last time I made chili I used chorizo, green bell peppers, beans, and added some bulgur wheat for additional bulk. Served with tortilla chips. Easy to make, lots of leftovers, filling and tasty, and a good deal of fiber

>> No.19876254

I got that way after I was sick for a couple weeks and couldn't eat much. Like anything else it's a skill. Make yourself eat. Eat for hours if you have to. You have to train. Maybe chug water when you're not eating gotta stretch those stomach muscles out.

>> No.19876459

Is it healthy though?

>> No.19876485
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picrel is my favorite cheap and healthy food
just add milk and use a spoon
requires less effort than instant ramen

>> No.19876532

Only on /ck/ will you find people that think making a bowl of cereal is cooking lmao

>> No.19876557

This has nothing to do with sauce bearnaise - not even with hollandaise.

>> No.19876710

The meme is that you're supposed to eat thighs which taste objectively worse so that you can shut people down by acting like a superior contrarian

>> No.19876972

you can get a specially made microwave bowl to cook rice in. Or just cobble it together yourself if you have the necessary parts (bowl with fitted lid that has slits). I'm not sure how long-term safe it is but I cook rice that way on the rare occasion I have some.

>> No.19877137

Bake with a thermometer and it’s nearly impossible to dry it out - perfect, moist chicken every time

>> No.19877146

>Ameri-trash cereal
In what way is this healthy?

>> No.19877191

Literally one of the most healthy foods. 1 cup is gonna range from 250-350 calories depending on your ingredients and choice of meat and if you make from scratch use dried beans the sodium content is only gonna be whatever amount of salt you put in.

>> No.19877332

It's legally plausible* that it may not kill you instantly**.

>> No.19877428

I thought ground beef was bad for you though. Although I'm not opposed to using half the amount a recipe suggests, or opting for a leaner substitute (could grounded turkey work?)

>> No.19877457

>I thought ground beef was bad for you though
you know what? just kill yourself

>> No.19877561

Ground Turkey works well in my opinion. Generally, avoid processed meats, since there is strong evidence linking them with cancer, and limit red meat consumption as there is strong, but limited evidence suggesting it is carcinogenic.

>> No.19877573

>limited evidence suggesting it is carcinogenic.
if you eat 2 tons of it like a mutt glutton
stop vilifying this or that (non-processed) food like a neurotic woman. eat in moderation and balanced and you will get the nutritional benefits of it all

>> No.19877589

>eat in moderation
>limit consumption
Thank you for providing slightly different wording you dumb fuck

>> No.19877644

you or he was suggesting to specifically limit consumption of red meat, that is an entirely different message than eat in moderation in general
to most people it means "i'm going to hecking die of cancer AVOID!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.19877749

Lads what diet will help me turn into a twink? I want to be. A twink and not a malnourished skele so no vegan shit I think

>> No.19877753

>Lads what diet will help me turn into a twink? I want to be. A twink and not a malnourished skele so no vegan shit I think
Just eat one meat lover's pizza from pizza hut every day. Nothing else except water or alcoholic beverages.

>> No.19877770

Rofl bloat mode

>> No.19877786

>only fridge and microwave
Just KYS and get it over with. No life is worth living in such misery. Dig a pit somewhere and make a camp fire, at least. I think I would prefer a homeless lifestyle fending off meth addled invaders with clubs on a weekly basis than only being able to use a microwave to cook food.

>> No.19878077
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to get my "daily values" for nutrients I just supplement since I get literally zero amounts of some "needed" nutrients. It came down to AG1 ($3/day) vs Thorne's 2/day vitamin ($0.90/day)
my comparison attached

>> No.19878096

just a heads up: iron deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency in the US.

>> No.19878131

From what I read, it is a strong majority women due to their biological processes

>> No.19878145

Women are a meme which should not be considered in such circumstances. If they need beards to reproduce properly, so be it. Just make their happy trails all soft and cushy. We can keep pushing so long as they can take it.

>> No.19878191

To add variety to the other suggestions:
Canned tuna with hot sauce;
corn is best cooked in the microwave before shucking;
sweet potatoes and potatoes are lanced and cooked whole in the microwave;
bacon, if you can afford it, cooks very well in the microwave, but you lose the grease;
and rice is best cooked in the microwave. Use the recipe "How to Cook Basmati Rice in the Microwave - Champagne Tastes" for any rice and adjust power and time if necessary to get the same energy.

>> No.19878196

>sweet potatoes and potatoes are lanced and cooked whole in the microwave;
lancing isn't used like this, it's used like
>i lanced a boil into your mom's mouth last night

>> No.19878208

I realized that after posting, but it gets the point across.

>> No.19879590

First, clean up your diet. You're on the path now. Next, improve the quality of the foods you are buying. Budget will be your pressure here but over time you can find better deals on better quality items. If you really want to eat healthy, once you've gotten the first part down, increase your budget slightly and over time. I.e., a little bit better rice. Grass fed cuts. Stuff like that.

You do want to look at your macros. That would be your calories, protein, fat, and critically fiber. Then after this your micros which takes time learning about all the different foods. Grapes are great for resveratrol. Get interested in that stuff but don't sweat it. Focus first on your meal making and cooking skills and the macros. Then deep dive in how to improve over time.

>> No.19881138

Use it like you would use a seasoning. It adds flavor depth to a lot of things.

>> No.19881142

I bought 12 eggs for 25 cents at a North Carolina Aldi somewhere in suburban Charlotte in 2020.