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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.84 MB, 4032x1816, 20230810_151812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19864475 No.19864475 [Reply] [Original]

I'm back co/ck/ bros.
A couple months back I made an OC thread showing my whole process for making 'zah. I made a simple 'zah, nothing fancy besides stuffed crust, but in that thread I said I would make another and try my hand at deep dish. I'm from Shitcago and deep dish is 'zahkino.
Sit back, enjoy, and shitpost at me about it.
I love pizza so much it's unreal
>pic rel, last 'zah I made

>> No.19864478
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First thing im gonna do is boil some spinach so it can cool down in time
I'm using alot. Only boiled for a couple minutes, just to get is nice and soft, but not enough to turn it to mush

>> No.19864487

>deep dish is 'zahkino
no it isn't and you're a fucking moron

>> No.19864492
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All my dough ingredients
>2 cups of flour
>a little less than 200ml warm water
>1 tbsp of yeast(I think, I didnt measure)
>2 tesp of salt
>1 tbsp of sugar (including what was used to activate the yeast in a separate bowl)
>1 tbsp butter
>1 tbsp olive oil
>1 egg (not necessary, some people were upset with me in the last thread for this. Don't care + didn't ask. An egg mades the dough lean into a cakey texture, which I like)
Also keep in mind the spoon mesurements are roughly estimated. I dont use actual tea or table, I just eyeball it with the spoons my mom taught me how to use. Soul.

>> No.19864518
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It appears my superiority has caused some controversy

I forgot to take pics of the combining process as my hands were all doughey. I decided to hand kneed the whole thing because I didn't feel like using my standmixer
>flour, yeast, salt, sugar, water
> Igoofed the ratio and used too much water so I had to add more flour little by little to correct
>once it combines and begins sticking together add butter, then egg, and lastly olive oil. Keep kneeding until all is uniform.
>move from bowl onto your clean and flour'd countertop and continue kneeding for about 10m

>> No.19864527

That's a cake not a pizza.
Good luck with your cake though.

>> No.19864536
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Here are a few gifs of my kneeding. I'm not very good, but you can learn something if you've never done it before. Previous one was a one hand method. Use your dominant hand's palm to push and fingers to squeeze together. It should cause a naturally rotating motion so you go all around the dough. Off hand holds and guides
Pic rel is a two hand method. Alternative pushing and pulling

>> No.19864543
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You can also give her a bit of a SLAM if she likes it rough (she does, they all do)

>> No.19864549
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Yeah those ingredients do make it more cakey, which I prefer. If I were making a super thin crust I would not use those, but that's not they style im going for
I suggest you try it sometime, it's yummy

>> No.19864556
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And when youre done dont forget to give her a little pet so she knows you love her :3

>> No.19864565
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Forgot to take a pic like this, but of course I covered the dough with a towel so it can rise. I let it sit for about 20m while I prepare toppings

>> No.19864569

I'm super lazy and here's how I knead:
>1/3 fold outside to center with one hand
>rotate 1/6 with other hand
Only takes 1-2 minutes instead of 10 minutes.
After the first rise I do it again for about 30 seconds. Yields smooth strong stretchy dough. I find it's the folding that does most of the work, the rotating is just to even it out.
Maybe 10 minutes of kneading helps maybe not, I didn't notice any difference beyond about 2 minutes.

>> No.19864576
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Here is an overview of all my toppings
>mozz cheese
>onion (half diced, half sliced)
>bell pepper(only about 1/4th of one. Diced)
>chicken pieces, lightly seasoned
>sauce (I've never made my own pizza sauce, perhaps in the future this will be one of my ways to improve)

>> No.19864578

Looking good.
Last time I made deep dish I put on about 5 pounds of fat weight even though the whole pizza wasn't that much and I didn't even use butter or sugar or anything. Weird how that works.

>> No.19864584

Super lazy tip:
I put raw baby spinach leafs flat on top of the sauce before I put the cheese. Delicious.

>> No.19864591

>thick 'za
>greasy 'za
>Greek 'za
>healthy 'za
>York 'za
>'go 'za
>'roit za
>Louis 'za
>bakery 'za
Goddamn I like pizza. It's all good.

>> No.19864600
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I'll try that out next time. I primarily kneeded for so long because I like doing it tho. I do know the fold method, but I've not practiced that one much. The ones I showed are how my mom taught me to kneed
Last time anons (rightfully) yelled at me for using h*ppy farms poorfag 2008 recession cheeses. I have since stopped using it. This is a block of mozzerella cheese from a deli my parents frequent. I think it's a polish deli? Idk. It's where we get all our cold cuts and cheese slices for sammiches from
Great improvement

>> No.19864605

you seem really amateur

>> No.19864608

Not him but show your own work.

>> No.19864609

I didn't even know lou's pete was a thing

>> No.19864616
File: 2.97 MB, 360x537, 20231103_010121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking phoneposting get me again.
Shred the mozz block
Last time I used a 3cheese blend of mozz, colbyjack, and white cheddar. I love that, but this time I went simple since I had an over 1k block of cheese, which you really need that much of for a deep dish

Based and correct opionon
All 'zahs are good 'zahs
Simple as

>> No.19864620
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Never said I wasn't
I cook as a hobby and have only been doing it since march or something

Look at all this yummy cheese

>> No.19864638

i like your threads but pleas keep your arm hair out of my pizza
i like my pizza like i like my women bald from the eyebrows down and covered in pepperoni

>> No.19864642
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Yeah, deep dish is a weekend killer kinda thing. I was actually coming off a 3 day water fast, too. So I probably shouldn't have made this, but whatever, lol
I have had that before at blaze pizza and it does taste good. I prefer boiling it when at home tho
So i actually made a mistake here. I didnt drain the spinach enough. After it cooled in a strainer, I squeezed it to get most of the water out, but didnt get enough. So there ended up being alot of water in the zah at the end. Wasnt a big problem, as i simple cut slices out and titled the pan to let the water out so the dough wouldn't get soggy. If you boil your spinach, make SURE it's drained enough. I also cut it up into smaller pieces and put a little bit of cornmeal on it( i think, my mom just calls it "gris") to help absorb some of the water

>> No.19864647

You don't like women with eyelashes?

>> No.19864649

I appreciate the extra effort to make the gifs, I hope this ‘za turns out extra yummy.

>> No.19864652
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My arm hair is the secret ingredient
After about 20m I gave the dough another light kneeding, only a couple minutes. This was the size just before I did that

>> No.19864654
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you wouldn't understand

>> No.19864661

retard detected.

>> No.19864665
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Yeah i found out my phone can make gifs super easy out of videos after looking though some concert videos. Here's one of my favorites from that concert, just to add a bit of variety to my thread. Most of them are over 4mb tho, so i often had to shorten and crop the vids to get them to ba able to be posted on this board. I think those dough gifs looks really good because of the light from my window on the table, but the video was a little out of focus. There are more gifs coming which are better

>> No.19864677
File: 1.20 MB, 2768x1816, 20231102_140648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here we have our completed toppings list, all ready for the building.
Deep dish requires ALOT of ingredients. If I were making a normal pizza I would use about half of what I have here. What kind of toppings do you guys like?

>> No.19864685
File: 843 KB, 1816x2456, 20231102_141258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dough has sat for 30m after that second kneeding and is now ready to be stretched out

>> No.19864697
File: 2.00 MB, 360x358, 20231103_010221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flatten her a bit first, then stretch gently from the middle out. For some reason my phone recorded the first video upside-down and the rest like this, so the rest of the gifs will be this angle

>> No.19864702
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Here is a pic of how I recorded everything, btw. I just put my phone up on my cabinet shelf and cropped out the useless area. You guys want some lemonpepper?

>> No.19864704

I use the same veg toppings but I use pork instead of chicken or beef. I usually make thin crust pizza with a lot of toppings.
Seasonings are important too:
>lots of "italian" seasoning (basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme)
>lots of garlic powder (important)
>little salt
>crushed red pepper (before baking)

>> No.19864706

I like putting anchovies on the sauce, under the cheese. Thank you for this thread 'za-non

>> No.19864711
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I really should get it to focus properly on the right thing tho, sorry bros. I'll do better next time

>> No.19864714

>under the cheese
I started putting most of the toppings under the cheese. Tomatoes are better sliced and on top of the cheese, and onions could go either way (do you like browned onions or just soft cooked onions) but the meat doesn't dry out when it's under a nice layer of cheese.

>> No.19864722
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Here's me trying to do a toss lol
Gotta practice my dough work alot

>> No.19864728

this thread = cringe

>> No.19864741
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Yea i gotta use more of those seasonings I mostly rely on onions and whatever the pepperoni and pizza sauce was already seasoned with. I seasoned the chicken pieces with vegeta and used some cayen pepper beneath the sauce (i couldve put this in the dough, but forgort)
I've never had anchovies. Not a big fan of seafood. What do they taste like? I'm glad you enjoy my threads :) i like making them
On normal pizza I do the same beside the pepperoni and tomatoes. It helps keep the topping from drying out. But deep dish is a different beast. You'll see

>> No.19864748
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Here is the final size. Measured with my pan so it would rise up the sides

>> No.19864755
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Butter pan lightly (dont forget the sides)
I should've recorded this part, too, but I basically just pressed my fingers into the dough to make little hills and valleys on the base. Then I pinched the ends so the crust would have a nice look when it would be done

>> No.19864756

>I've never had anchovies. Not a big fan of seafood. What do they taste like?
They taste like fish sauce but it's still a fish.

>> No.19864768

Looks like a pie crust.

>> No.19864776
File: 2.30 MB, 360x360, 20231103_153448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about deepdish 'zah is that it's built upside down. You need a thick layer of cheese to prevent the sauce and other toppings from drenching the dough and making is soggy. This is where many people draw the line and call heresey. I say fucking cry about

>> No.19864781 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 360x373, 20231103_140047.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do call it a pizza pie, dont they?
Hmmm. Am not convinced..
Over one kilo of cheese is alot. But we still have not gone to far. We are still within God's light

>> No.19864782

That's insane.

>> No.19864788
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They do call it a pizza pie, dont they?
Hmmm. Am not convinced..
Over one kilo of cheese is alot. But we still have not gone to far. We are still within God's light

>> No.19864794
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Do not be afraid my child

>> No.19864802
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Lower pepperoni layer

>> No.19864804
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Another blogposty thing I'll metion is this entire time I was listening to Tame Impala's slow rush album. What kind music do you listen to when you cook?

>> No.19864807
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Diced onions and bellpeppers, with some slices too

>> No.19864813
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Spinach! Again, shouldve squeezed out more water, but whatever. Live and learn

>> No.19864815
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Put some more of the onions and diced veggies ontop

>> No.19864819
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Chimken next

>> No.19864825
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We're almost there bros

>> No.19864834
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Second layer of pepperoni. This is important as it holds the sauce. It's find for some of it to slip through, but you want most to remain on top

>> No.19864835
File: 1.27 MB, 2268x2218, 20231102_143204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put the rest of the sliced onion ontop so some of them peak through the sauce

>> No.19864843
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Pizza sauce! In the future I should learn to make my own, but for now this is good. For deepdish i shouldve used one that was a little less liquidy

>> No.19864853
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Spread it around

>> No.19864861
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I sprinkled the rest of my diced veggies ontop, then placed my sliced tomatoes. Lastly I added some parsley in the middle ring, just to add some nice color contrast
Forgot to record putting the tomatoes on, oh well. You're probably sick of gifs by now

>> No.19864870
File: 3.68 MB, 360x360, 20231103_140336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last step and last gif, drizzle a spoonful of olive oil over the top (this works best when you build a normal zah and have pepperoni ontop, it gives it a nice look, but I wanted to do it here, too

>> No.19864872

thanks for sharing OP

>> No.19864876
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You're welcome <3
Look at this absolutely beauty
What a queen

>> No.19864881

That looks like dogshit

>> No.19864886

Prove it's possible to cook that.

>> No.19864887
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In the oven she goes
I had her there for about 10m on 400, then lowered it to 365 for another 25m
Roughly 35m in the oven, a little more maybe. This thickness of dough and this amount of ingredients definitely needs the time to cook through

>> No.19864891

There's no way that's enough time to cook the insides.

>> No.19864898
File: 1.60 MB, 4032x1816, 20231101_183638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more
Not yet! You will have to wait a bit. As I've also made cheesecake the day before and will post pics of that too! You fools! You've all fallen for my trap! This is a cheesecake OC thread, not a 'Zah thread!!

>> No.19864903

The fat wrists are starting to make sense now.

>> No.19864913
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I might have left it for 45m, I don't recall exactly
For the cookie base
>450ish grams of cookies(half biscof pictured, half honey graham crackers with cinnamon
Crush it up with a rolling pin in a bag. You can use a blender I guess

>> No.19864921
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I am fat, but have been losing weight
I will never stop eating pizza and cheesecake tho
>1.5 sticks of melted butter
>about half a cup of brown sugar, maybe a little less
>a bit of lemon and orange zest
Save some of the crumbs in a separate bowl first for decorating later. Mix until it can stick to the walls of the bowl when pushed

>> No.19864924

When I'm cooking Italian sometimes I like to listen to Italian restaurant music like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJhot6-27MA

>> No.19864928


>> No.19864929
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Put it in your pan and press down with a glass. Push up against the walls with the glass, too

>> No.19864944
File: 1.32 MB, 3243x1816, 20231101_190043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest of the cheesecake ingredients
>1.1k Philadelphia original cream cheese (the cream cheese of the gods) (this tub has 1.3k which will come back to cause problems later. Shouldn've used less lol)
>(you can also substitute 200g for mascarpone if you have it, meaning 900g philadelphia, 200g mascarpone, but it's expensive and sometimes hard to find)
>powedered sugar about 2.5 cups (i used a little more as I tasted it and it wasnt sweet enough. Tweak this to your liking, 2.5 isnt extremely sweet for this amount)
>a dash of salt
>a tablespoon of lemon juice extract
>1 cup sour cream
>6 eggs, give or take one depending on their size. I ended up using 7 since they were small and there was alot of cream cheese
>a packet of vanilla sugar or vanilla pudding
>can add a spoonful of flour, this gives the cake some stability

>> No.19864947
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x1816, 20231101_190447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat your cream cheese first, then after a couple min, add your sugar and salt. Mix it until it's fluffy

>> No.19864956
File: 990 KB, 1816x2296, 20231101_191247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy probably isnt the right word. More like smooth, like creamy, but the creamcheese is already creamy. Idk how to say it. More creamy? The cheese custard doesnt need to be mixed for long. Add the sour cream and the lemon juice extract and vanilla sugar
Very nice atmosphere anon

>> No.19864960

>2.5 cups sugar
Fake sugar probably works fine if you don't want to get diabetes. Sucralose (splenda) + cream cheese has a great taste.

>> No.19864961
File: 979 KB, 1816x2514, 20231101_191411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add in your eggs slowly. You can do them one at a time, or beat them in a separate bowl and pour them. That's easier in my opinion

>> No.19864969
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x1816, 20231101_191659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is powdered sugar, it's not as sweet and 2.5 cups is not equivalent to 2.5 of granulated sugar
Lastly add the spoonful flour if you want. Again, it's optional, but it adds stability.
Should look like this when done. You can get a pallet and make sure there's no stuck clumps of creamcheese on the bottom

>> No.19864981
File: 839 KB, 1807x2711, 20231101_192004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldve used a different arm for the mixer, or left the tub of cream cheese out to soften because this could be smoother. Just went through it with the palette spoon but you can't mix this too much

>> No.19865001
File: 1.16 MB, 1816x2405, 20231101_193347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set that aside and make some strawbjam
Cut up pack of strawbs, like 500g worth and set it to cook on the stove with some sugar, idk 1/8th a cup of it? I just used spoons to measure it, i used three big spoons im not gonna go break out a scale right now it's jam make it sweet

>> No.19865009
File: 856 KB, 1816x2395, 20231101_195239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once it looks like jam and has most of the strawb bits crushed I let it cool then put some of it in with a part of the cheese cream filling. I also used some red food coloring cause it was too pink and not enough red. I cheated myself and the game and have won nothing

>> No.19865010

Is this thread your suicide note or something?

>> No.19865016
File: 1.47 MB, 1816x3425, 20231101_195451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom layer of cheesecake with strawberry jam mix. I shouldve put this on top as the rest of the cream cheese ended up pushing all this to the side

>> No.19865022

>no crust blistering
Shit recipe, 2/10

>> No.19865026
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What makes you say that?
And here is where I realized I am retarded and should not have used as much cream cheese as I did.
Bake in a water pan for 1h20m at 325. When it's done, leave it in the oven turned off with the door open for half an hour, then let it cool completely on the counter for several hours before refrigerating overnight

>> No.19865036

I don't eat cheesecake often but I would be PISSED if someone served me a thin piece of cheesecake.
So what if it's thick? That's fine.

>> No.19865039

Deep dish pizza is such fucking garbage

>> No.19865040
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Here it is the next day (the day I made the pizza. Dont worry pizza bros, were almost back on track from this side quest)
Taking the cake out was difficult because of so much cheesecream. In the end separates it from the pan aith a knife it up side down to get it out. This is dangerous as it may ruin the cake if it's too soft, but I had no other choice. Turned out fine, except the cookie base kinda broke from the side so it wasnt perfect
I am a failure

>> No.19865043
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x1816, 20231102_152009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decorate with the rest of the jam topping, some cookie crumbles around the edges, and a strawb in the middle

>> No.19865047

When I make deep dish it's about 3/4 of an inch thick.
When OP makes deep dish it's 3 inches.
Looks okay. Crust is looking suspicious.

>> No.19865048
File: 1.75 MB, 4032x1816, 20231102_152109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? The 'zah is ready? HOLY SHIT CLEAR THE TABLE

>> No.19865053
File: 1.15 MB, 4000x2250, IMG_20231102_152428961~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There she is bros
A lovely deep dish 'zah
With a strawberry cheesecake desert

>> No.19865061

I dunno about that pizza anon. How about showing us a slice with a good layer profile?

>> No.19865065
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x1816, 20231102_152401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for coming to my thread
I hope you had fun and enjoyed the ride
I have a few more pics to post, and hope this thread continues for some time. Please talk about pizza and pizza related thing! Please share your own recipes and pics! Please recommend 'zahs to others. This was my first real attempt at deep dish and I feel it turned out great, with some room for improvement. In the future I will like to try NY style super thin crust pies, but that is a thread for another day
Thank you again friends! May your 'Zah's be wonderful and filling!

>> No.19865076
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Deepdish does end up looking like a beautiful mess on the inside, but it's meant to be eaten fork and knife. If you let it cool down before cutting, you end up with more stable layers, but I'm not gonna wait long once it's out of the oven

>> No.19865081


>> No.19865084
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Sloppy slice buy very VERY yummy

>> No.19865088
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>> No.19865090
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For reference, this is what it looks like the second day after being reheated in the oven. You can see the layers more clearly, but when it's right out of the oven, it's very volatile
Fear me

>> No.19865092

Looks like it could have been cooked hotter and longer and the crust would have survived.

>> No.19865093

Looks much better there. The extra cooking helped it alot.

>> No.19865098
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Probably, but it turned out great anyways
The fear you feel only makes it taste better to me. This was the first day

>> No.19865109
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And a cross cut of the cheesecake
My mom ended up adding some whipped cream as another toping while I ate

>> No.19865113

Have you tried making lasagna yet? You can make it with dry pasta, at least for the inner layers, and it soaks up the moisture from the other ingredients.

>> No.19865114
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An individual slice
Very good taste, though it is a bit too soft. It could've used another 15m in the oven OR a bit more flour. Regardless, my dad likes it like this anyways, so it's fine

>> No.19865116

That looks great.
I never learned how to make cheesecake because I don't want to be fat.

>> No.19865127

Absolutely gorgeous anon. I literally get a watery mouth looking at your pictures (not American and never had deep dish). Very good original thread anon, thank you very much for sharing. Enjoy!

>> No.19865128
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I have not but probably should soon. I love italian food, but usually my mom always made some form of pasta. She's never made full on lasagna, so that's something I'll have to learn myself. Maybe I'll make a thread about it in the future!
Crust is suspicious. Again, most of it broke apart due how I had to get it out of the pan. It SHOULD look like this. This was the last cheesecake I made a couple months ago it's a bit shorter, but overall more pleasing to look at since it didnt break apart lmao. I'm just glad it came out not cracked in half

>> No.19865129
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>> No.19865148
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Another anon pointed out you can use fake sugar as a substitute, but anon one cheesecake a year won't make you fat especially if you already live a healthy lifestlyle (I am fat and do eat it more often, but still, give it a try! It's super easy!)
Thank you, friend! I'm glad you enjoyed it, i certainly had fun making it, both the food and the thread. I especially liked how the gifs turned out. I'll be making threads like these every so often so keep an eye out for me.
One thing I'm making soon is "pogacele" theyre basically romanian cheese biscuits and theyre absolutely delicious. Here was the last time I made them. I didn't pic and record the process like I did with these meals tho. Next time :)

>> No.19865150

I'd rather have the tall cheesecake. The crust is the least good part of a cheesecake, I could do without it honestly.

>> No.19865153

Looks good but watch out for your health, anon!
I had some friends who always made super-rich foods like that and they both developed major health problems in their 30's.

>> No.19865167
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Yeah I need to get a taller pan honestly. A 3in pan is decent, but I want to get a 4 or 5 to make tall cakes. The way I see it, the crust base should be there mostly for a contrast in the texture. It should be the least sweet part (with the most sweet being whatver topping is on) and usually have a subtle flavor, cinnamon and brown sugar work well, or maybe a slight SLIGHT coffee taste. But I do think the most important part is the cheese itself
Here's another picture my mom took after she added the whipped cream (which btw was mixed with a hand mixer had a little bit of sour cream and powdered sugar mixed into it)

>> No.19865177
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I have been getting healthier actually. I've been working out consistently and losing weight. Most of the food I cook these days are some form of vegtable soup/stew with the meat mixed in, or straight meat with veggie sides. It's rare that I make something that's more delicacy level, like maybe once a month or less. I just find making a stew makes for less intresting OC threads
>and now I put the carrots in the hot water
Fucking snoozefest
Pic rel is beans and porkrib stew I made earlier this week

>> No.19865186

>The way I see it, the crust base should be there mostly for a contrast in the texture.
In my opinion only the bottom of a cheesecake should have a crust, and it exists only to keep the cake from sticking to the pan and later to the plate.
>vegtable soup/stew with the meat mixed in

>> No.19865187

Looks good. Would you ever have a second cheese layer so its not just a pile of topping on a bed of cheese? Deep dish has always been a favorite but I haven't had it since I was in Chicago years ago. Maybe I'll make one now.

>> No.19865216

You can absolutely use a second layer of cheese! Make it how you like! I only didn't because "traditional" deep dish doesnt do that. Every deep dish I've had has been tomato sauce ontop with only tomatoes above it. HOWEVER you might run into a problem of the top cheese burning, especially if it's thin, since you need to leave it in the oven for a longer time. Idk, I've not done it that way. The bottom cheese layer doesn't burn because it's insulated i guess, so it just melts and stays melted

>> No.19865223
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That's fair. I personally like the cookie crust
Want a bite?

>> No.19865395

you gotta spread something on that crust. butter baste or garlic honey or olive oil. it's looking way too dry out there on the fringes.

cheesecake looks hella good tho

>> No.19865706

I should try that
Note that the reason the crust is so large is because I had stuffed it with cheese that time
Thanks about the cheesecake tho. It tastes better than it looks

>> No.19866020

Sometimes I mix fine shredded cheese right into the pizza dough.

>> No.19866178

Fucking based holy shit
Doing this next time

>> No.19866179

that's what the sawdust parm is best for

>> No.19866251

>half diced, half sliced
y tho

>> No.19866327

it looked more appealing without the whipped cream but i bet it tastes even better now

>> No.19866337

Yeah, i agree. I like the look without it, but it does add to the taste

Diced pieces ensure you get a hint of onion in every bite as theyre spread every, but sliced pieces make it so you occasionally get a large crunch extra flavor in that mouthful. With deepdish there's so much ingredients that you can be selective and choose which topping you bite with what. It's mostly preference, but it was also revealed to me in a dream that this is the best way

>> No.19866344

Thanks for the 'za cook-a-long 'za bro.

>> No.19866374

You're welcome
I just hope my thread doesnt archive overnight. Last time I made one of these I had a lot more anons following along and it was super fun for a few days

>> No.19867063

I won't let it die anon, I like bread derivatives

>> No.19867203

>My mom ended up adding some whipped cream as another toping while I ate

>> No.19867222

cor. looks great.

>> No.19867426

Last time she even added a blueberry to it
Absolute heresey

>> No.19867516

Does anyone have a recipe for a NY style 'zah I can try out another time?

>> No.19867534

>sausage fingers
How short and fat are you, holy fuck.

>> No.19867542

You are garbage. Deep dish pizza is great.

>> No.19867556

>Over one kilo of cheese
You fat fucking fuck lmao. Kys.

>> No.19867578

>I am a failure
At least you got that right.

>> No.19867678

No it isn't.

>> No.19867707

I'm not him and i think you're wrong

>> No.19867739

That's unfortunate for both you and him that you two are tastelets.

>> No.19867974

>iodized salt
>minced garlic in a jar
>target pizza sauce
You have to understand that OP is one of those people who takes lots of pictures and can make some pretty decent looking food, but despite how confidently he posts all of it, if you really pay attention he has no idea what he's doing.

>> No.19868098

I see alot of talk but I dont see you posting your pizza