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19864009 No.19864009 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't Asian cuisine use tomatoes?

>> No.19864015

It does. There are plenty of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai dishes that have tomatoes.

>> No.19864025

Asian cuisine is incompatible with reductive sauces and long cooking times. corn starch, vinegar, and sugar preclude tomatoes entirely.

>> No.19864026

For example?
I seriously have never heard of one that did.
inb4 Mosburger

>> No.19864037


it's pretty good too

>> No.19864043

>is a result of mixing Chinese and Western cuisine
Fusion doesn't count, mate.
inb4 Mosburger

>> No.19864046

Chinese egg and tomato stir fry
Spaghetti naporitan
Tom yum

>> No.19864047

Damn I guess we should exclude all dishes with chilis also since those were brought from the America’s by European traders.

>> No.19864048

Stir fried eggs with tomato.
Tomato kimchi.
Ham and tomato fried rice (huge classic if canto cuisine).
Any balado/sambal goreng dish.
Some siipyan (Burmese curries) use a considerable amount of tomato.
Shan green tomato stir fry (and while we're at it, Shan people also do a potato stir fry).
Jeow maklen (basically Lao salsa; 'mak' is prefix used in Lao in a similar way to berry as a suffix in English).
Ayam masak tomato.
etc etc etc
Just off the top of my head

>> No.19864054

Tomatoes originate from south america, its a rather long way over to asia.

Just not a vegetable they had access to for a very long time. It's been incorporated into a lot of dishes over the last century, thats what these anons are sharing, but you will be hard pressed to find any historic dishes with tomato in them.

>> No.19864057

Best post of the thread so far.

>> No.19864063

Because it's a fruit and is gross in main dishes/entrees.

>> No.19864065

Oh, also that Viet soup with the tomatoes and carrots and beef brisket. It's so fucking good but idk the name. And they're crab and tomato soup. And Khmer sour chicken soup, somlor machu. I think since variants have tomato in it. And this is, of course, not too mention so the Indian, Sri Lankan, Bengali, Pakistani etc dishes with tomato because Mat Saleh don't consider them Asian lmao

>> No.19864071

Fusion cuisine doesn't count.

>> No.19864079

None of those or any of >>19864048 are fusions, Mat Saleh.

>> No.19864084
File: 293 KB, 1651x812, well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those are tomato dishes either, anon

>> No.19864089

aren't tomatoes from South America? if anything using tomatoes is a fusion dish then so is any cuisine that isn't Tupi or some shit

>> No.19864092

This is correct.
Every Asian dish that uses tomato is either from this century or a fusion dish.

>> No.19864099

If those dishes are fusion then so are every French and Italian dish that feature tomatoes or capsicum.

>> No.19864103

>tomato and eggs isn't a tomato dish
>tomato kimchi isn't a tomato dish
>ham and tomato fried rice isn't a tomato dish
>green tomato stir fry isn't a tomato dish
>ayam masak tomato isn't a tomato dish
>jeow maklen, which literally means 'tomato dip' isn't a tomato dish
And ricarica has dozens of variations, itself being a variation of balado (which always has tomato). Many of these variants have tomato.

>> No.19864116

>asia never ate tomato before y2k

>> No.19864306

>Why doesn't Asian cuisine use an acidic nightshade berry that wasn't available to them until 300 years ago, is native to the other side of the globe, and was thought to be poisonous until 1820?

>> No.19864313

>Why doesn't Asian cuisine use peppers?
That's what you sound like, OP

>> No.19864349

>[tomato] was thought to be poisonous until 1820
Antonio Latini wrote a cookbook in the 1600s that included a "Spanish style" tomato sauce IE it dates to even earlier than his writing since he was just writing about how Spaniards cook it.
Why do people make these retarded fucking claims like hurrdurr ppl thot tuhmaterz wuz pozunuss!
Think about it: Spaniards encountered tomatoes through contact with (and conquest of) Mesoamerican natives in the 1500s. They would have seen natives eating them and known they weren't poisonous.

>> No.19864692
File: 191 KB, 860x1290, YXVjZS0yLmpwZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that standard any Asian dish that uses Chili peppers, peanuts, or potatoes is also a "fusion" dish. Or for that matter, any European dish using those ingredients as well.

>> No.19864715

because the english thought they were until the 19th century and anglos have impacted relevant culture and therefore online discourse more than the spanish

>> No.19864735

You must be tired. Such a little girl casting a goalpost so far, far away. The claim was that tomatoes were thought poisonous until 1820. That claim was wrong. The claim was not that a bunch of snaggletoothed inbreds who can't cook and are afraid of vegetables thought tomatoes were poisonous. And even then, that claim's wrong, too.

>> No.19864738

isn't it your siesta time?

>> No.19864751

Certainly yours. As said: you must be exhausted. How did you manage to carry those goalposts such a distance? Past 1758, when Hannah Glasse published the first known English language recipe containing tomato?
No matter how you slice it, ma'am, you're wrong. Just take the L.

>> No.19864789

oh you're the anti-natalist guy from last night. how's things?

>> No.19864856

No. Yet another thing you're wrong about lmao

>> No.19865454

Masses of south asian dishes have tomatoes in. It's a complete pain in the ass when your doctor's told you to not eat so many tomatoes.

>> No.19865478

my dad did this growing up also added mushrooms was super fire. I doubt he learned it from a china men tho he was in the navy....

>> No.19865503

Here's a recipe for Sichuan mala beef that has tomato in it.


>> No.19865517

They hate the tomate

>> No.19865522
File: 130 KB, 540x690, vindaloos with and without tomatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why doesn't Asian cuisine use tomatoes?
Vindaloos - hard to find a place that makes it WITHOUT freaking tomatoes. I prefer it without

>> No.19865535

Her lips are blue
She should breathe more
I know I would

>> No.19865563

top tier sloppa
my new favorite chinese restaurant has this

>> No.19865617
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1506059814824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some thai thing with tomatoes in it. With the thai basil and garlic, some bites had this weird Italiany overtone.
It was just kind of barely there, like the noodles were occasionally haunted by the ghost of mario.
Weirdest shit really

>> No.19865638

OP is clearly using "Asian" in the American usage, to refer exclusively to Orientals, not the British usage where it includes Indians and Pakis.

>> No.19865690

Kamala Harris is the first Asian American vice president.

>> No.19865781

Asian cuisine is absolute shit

>> No.19865801

tomatoes don't grow in asia. duh.

>> No.19865803

It does though.

>> No.19865879

i hate this fucking meme. europeans spent 400 years domesticating those plants.

>> No.19866050

Yeah, which is why the places where they originated have literally thousands of varieties vs Europe's dozens lol
Compare that to, say, crucifers, which are native to the old world and have thousands of varieties throughout Eurasia compared to, like, three from the new world lmao

>> No.19866060

>Why doesn't Asian cuisine use tomatoes?
Why don't places that don't have access to the ocean have fish in their cuisine?

Like this guy said

>> No.19866073

Hungarian cuisine includes fish dishes.

>> No.19866080

chili pepper is also from the nightshade family and asians use the shit out of that one

>> No.19866845

ketchup originated in china.

>> No.19866852

because they’re only good for ketchup

>> No.19867059

>thought to be poisonous until 1820
Were did this retarded myth come from

>> No.19867072

These thousands of varieties are as much a European influence on those places as it is a domestic development. Those shitholes didn't have half of dishes without european cooking utensils and methods that were introduced by colonizers. Also, entire national cuisines in Europe are built around new world foods, for example the Spanish one.

>Why don't places that don't have access to the ocean have fish in their cuisine?
What do you think freshwater fish is, anon?

>> No.19867078

It was thought of as poisonous for several decades in the 16th century and the myth sporadically persisted for some time. It spread across Europe as a decorative plant first, rather than an edible one.

>> No.19867095

>Europoors are fucking retarded
Makes sense

>> No.19867107

confucius said tomato is gay and for bitches

>> No.19867139

Same reason cast iron nerds don't use tomatoes.

>> No.19867179


>> No.19867183

>These thousands of varieties are as much a European influence on those places as it is a domestic development.
Prove it.
>Those shitholes didn't have half of dishes without european cooking utensils and methods that were introduced by colonizers.
Prove it.
>Also, entire national cuisines in Europe are built around new world foods, for example the Spanish one.
No shit.

>> No.19867188

Prove there was anything beyond mud cakes and baked human sacrifices in your god forsaken shithole before White Man came and brought civilization to it.

>> No.19867217

Nigga, I'm from Italy.
I'm just pointing out that you made a claim and ain't do shit to back it up (because you can't).
And besides: you're setting up a false equivalence. No one claimed they weren't eating mud cakes and weren't baking human sacrifices so no one has any need to prove otherwise. You made the claim. You need to back it up.
I claimed Italians were eating tomatoes in the 1600s and backed it up. I made the claim that the British were reading tomatoes before the1750s and backed it up. That's all I'm telling you to do: back that shit up.

>> No.19867228

how can i prove aborginals had no food variety besides pointing out that all they could have is open fire, pots and an oven?
>I claimed Italians were eating tomatoes in the 1600s and backed it up. I made the claim that the British were reading tomatoes before the1750s and backed it up.
you're not wrong and i didn't dispute that, though

>> No.19867246

I didn't necessarily think you did dispute those, I just used it as an example of claim+evidence.

>> No.19867279

Guizhou food uses tomatoes and stuff like fermeneted tomato paste as a common ingredient. The red fish sour soup is tomato based. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WNoM97WIt4

>> No.19867286

>how can i prove aborginals had no food variety besides pointing out that all they could have is open fire, pots and an oven?
Forgot to address this part.
You can't prove it because it's false. The Inca and modern-day Quechua have been eating potatoes for over 10000 years and cultivating them through farming/agriculture and developing varietals for 7000 years. This is why they already had thousands of varieties before the exchange, some suited to some areas, others suited to others, some made for baking, some for boiling and some for freeze-drying. It's not an exaggeration to say that the Inca developed an empire and culture rivaling that of the AfroEurasian ancient world and that this culture was built almost exclusively on potato in the same way the ancient world developed its empires on grain (and developed similar myriad varieties and usages as the Inca and potatoes).
And touching on the bit on "baking" human sacrifices, the Inca used coca leaves to as an analgesic or local numbing agent in much the same way novacaine is used today. Sacrifices were numbed before being struck unconscious by a blow to the head and allowed to die of exposure to the Andean cold. The process is almost literally the opposite of "baking." We know this from examination of the huge number of freeze dried mummified corpses found throughout the region.
Sacrifices were also treated extremely well beforehand. Not much of a consolation, IMO

>> No.19867526
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, tomato-egg-sitr-fry-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is egg and tomato
this, cheap, easy to make, and tasty

>> No.19867536

They're not native to Asia. Do you think cooking is developed in a vacuum?

>> No.19867557

sorry about your gay dad

>> No.19867659

Why did post Tiffy? What does tiffy have to do with tomato. Is there tiffy tomato clip I haven't seen?

>> No.19867720

he's a racist fuck

>> No.19867839

All food is fusion food nimrod
Humans have been trading globally for hundreds of years. Potatoes, strawberries, garlic, peppers all were regional and now you find them everywhere.

>> No.19867899

so do chili peppers, fucking retard

>> No.19867917

Why didn't the East Asian countries discover America?

>> No.19867923

Exposure to invasion by nomadic steppe peoples encouraged the formation of large empires, which entrenched themselves with complex bureaucracy, encouraging stagnation

>> No.19867925

I vaguely remember a fiction book where the Aztecs' need for human sacrifices had them cross the Atlantic to capture Europeans
Probably happened in a different timeline

>> No.19868261

who is Tiffy?

>> No.19869490
File: 203 KB, 512x361, unnamed+(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, it's Tiffy. You're talking to Raw Time
>Hueh hueh hueh Hey bitch you wanna suck my ram rod?
>Your ram rod? *click* next caller. Raw time.
>*click* next caller. Raw time.

>> No.19870592

>why don't asians, who did not have access to tomatoes for thousands of years, not use tomatoes for thousands of years?