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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19854656 No.19854656 [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ the fattest board on average?

>> No.19854681

Transportation for sure.

>> No.19854688

This. Those bus riding faggots need to get hit by a bus

>> No.19854701

Well, the majority of people in industrialized countries are fat. So it's likely.

>> No.19854807

Based nonsequiter

>> No.19854808

A self-reporting poll a few years ago said /a/ was the fattest and /sp/ was the shortest if I remember correctly.

>> No.19854810

my guess would be /a/ or one of the gaming boards.

>> No.19854816

Probably /pw/ although they will all claim to be 6'5 gigachads

>> No.19854819

>he doesn't nonsequit

>> No.19854820

It's probably/ fit/ around new years, unironically.

>> No.19854844


>> No.19854867

I'm 5'1" and I only weigh 390 pounds. I'm pretty skinny compared to most Americans.

>> No.19854886


>> No.19854906

no its /tv/

>> No.19854909

You would what? Take 10 BBC to the face?

>> No.19854918

It's probably up there.
Those guys are losers but they're split into two subtypes of losers: the skeleton losers and the fat losers. Same for stuff like Linux shillers, they're either wearing XXXL or they eat 1500 calories per day

>> No.19854924

Damn son, those are rookie numbers.
>t. 4'9" 480lbs.

>> No.19854929
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They have to pack it on for hibernation, though.

>> No.19854954

Aren't they all cyclistfags and trainautists?

>> No.19854965

no that would be /fit/

>> No.19854971

The fast food threads probably have the fattest posters of almost anywhere on the site.

>> No.19855025

That’s because they can’t get a drivers license.

>> No.19855053

i dunnoooooooo that's sorta on the small side....

>> No.19855070

I doubt it, /a/ and /g/ are the strongest contenders

>> No.19855090

Bulking season definitely should by all logic drive the average up.

>> No.19855119

cooking is healthier than eating out. well, it can be. so I don't think we're fatter.

>> No.19855126

Is /trv/ the fastest board? Is /g/ the most technologically advanced board? Is /pol/ the most informed board? The answer in all cases is no, because boards are made up almost entirely by autists, not necessarily movie archetypes. There aren't that many l33thaxxors on /g/. It's mostly helpdesk distro hopping cretins who couldn't code their way out of a paper bag. /ck/ similarly isn't the archetype you'd probably associate with it. I'd guess other than people who visit general threads, the average poster rarely uses this board.

>> No.19855131
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Someone wrote this while smirking through a set of crooked eggnog yellow teeth

>> No.19855156

Logic dictates it should be one of the boards with the highest amount of crossposters since someone who spends a lot of time here is more likely to be fat

>> No.19855197

That's a major misconception. If you spend some time learning how to cook you quickly realize how many shortcuts restaurants take by adding a fuckload of salt/butter/sugar/msg or whatever. It's very tempting to do the same at home

>> No.19855209

salt/msg won't make you fat. There's a reason east asian are skinnier on average than westerners even though they dump msg on everything they eat. More rice. More vegetables. Less processed crap. The only reason India is dealing with a obesity problem is because burgerland infected poor indian areas with shit like Dominos and McDonalds.

>> No.19855213

Imma guess /pw/

>> No.19855249

Nobody here can cook

>> No.19855256

RIP in advance.
Please get rid of sugar in your diet.

>> No.19855261

nah, /fit/ is the board with the most lanklets

>> No.19855265

That's /fa/

>> No.19855275

This is like when people on /fit/ insist that everyone there is fat. Cope harder.

>> No.19855295

/fa/ is skinny (le thinspo) but I get the vibe that they're short

>> No.19855302

No we also like planes and city planning

>> No.19855340

Cook better

>> No.19855358

that would be /k/ shots fired (get it?)

>> No.19855375

Just don't add tons of salt and butter, it's not so hard

>> No.19855383

probably by BMI, they are definitely up there

>> No.19855387

I have to imagine it's /toy/ for the fattest
The over thinnest regardless of height must be /x/ the amount of nicotine coming off of that board will stain your wallpaper

>> No.19855448

I'm literally a sous chef at a nice restaurant, anon.

>> No.19855456

I eat like a fat piece of shit, but I work out daily. I weight 185lb

>> No.19855474

You're literally lower-middle-management at a food factory with high turnover. Cook better.

>> No.19855511

>nobody on /ck/ can cook
>maybe you can cook but not well
>maybe you can cook well but still a cog (YOU ARE HERE)
Nice save, cooklet.

>> No.19855516

Cook better, servant.

>> No.19855537


>> No.19855593

It's Tuesday. Get back to work. Maybe today's the day you'll get good.

>> No.19855594

/tg/ has an old school neckbeard feel that isnt present on other boards. In other words they are older and still sedentary, and their board topic doesn't happen to have any connection to nutrition or fitness. Therefore, quod erat.

>> No.19855601

>burger posting during his workday about other anons being bad at their job

>> No.19856187

yes, however roughly 85% fall into the fat loser category, so the skellies negative BMI 's don't offset the average enough to take the group out of first place.

>> No.19856197

of the big boards, probably /a/
of all boards >>19855594 is a good bet

>> No.19856221

fat people repulse me

>> No.19856230

I'm fat, austistic and frustrated by the ceaseless lack of others' growth too.

>> No.19856239

ngl I'd give her another kid

>> No.19856268

/x/ is also one of the most underage boards, full of retards who havent lived long enough to become fatasses yet
/xs/ is probably skinny too

>> No.19856269

/tv/ or /co/ probably has the highest proportion of American posters.

>> No.19856647
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i browse here more when im cutting to get ideas for what to eat on cheat days and once i reach my target weight. i can manage because my biggest trigger is crisps and i dont see that posted at all. i just need to lose 7kg.

>> No.19856661

I don’t get the point of cosplaying if you’re a fat fuck (unless you’re playing one lmao)

>> No.19856697

No, but /ck/ is probably the most drunk board.

>> No.19856751

why has no one mentioned /v/? come on now

>> No.19857025

/v/ is one of the inherently fat boards along with /a/, /g/, every vidya board, /tv/, /gd/ and probably /mlp/

>> No.19857032

no i just look fat but im 65kg

>> No.19857039


>> No.19857040

im 5'8