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File: 25 KB, 640x640, poopov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19847126 No.19847126 [Reply] [Original]

who the fuck is this made for
>besides me

>> No.19847148

Alcoholics. Not like the
>I get drunk on the weekend and say stupid shit
kind. Like people who take it like prescription medicine. I'd recommend you get out of this game, it's playing with fire.

>> No.19847153

Also alcos with no money, like me.

>> No.19847166

when i get to the $8 handles end of the grade i usually just stop for a while

>> No.19847172

But anon i like shitty vodka drunk it's fun like a nice gin buzz is.

>> No.19847177

It's cheap vodka. It's made for high school kids, homeless people and alcoholics with 10 bucks.

>> No.19847196


>> No.19847197
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, DRUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys its not like this taste any different than the 20$ a fifth shit

>> No.19847217

It's the principle of the matter.
If you're reduced to buying fucking bottom-shelf vodka with a screw-on cap, you need to re-evaluate your life.
Also it definitely does taste different because more expensive brands just taste like alcohol, while Popov tastes like degreasing fluid.

>> No.19847243

I felt more like a degenerate because it was in a plastic bottle than the cap, glad I stopped having one of these a week years ago

>> No.19847252

it's not about taste, it's about economy dingus

>> No.19847289
File: 84 KB, 510x510, 0c8c89c8-9828-4e64-bea5-07fa07b050c8_510_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name your poverty-tier vodka after the horrendous hangover you're guaranteed to have the morning after consuming it
Does any other brand of alcohol come close to this brutality?

>> No.19847325

Mad dog
Night Train
Wild Irish Rose

>> No.19847347

Skol, McCormick, and Burnett's in that order. Smirnoff, Russian Standard, and syrupy Svedka at least take middle tier.

Oddly enough, Burnett's gin --and gin is the original flavored vodka, is king. What I've defaulted to.

>> No.19847360

I don't even know what it is like to feel hungover, I can only assume I've been hungover for so long it is now normal

>> No.19847369

I only drink rumpleminze friendo

>> No.19847370


The only thing that has ever given me a similar hangover was cocaine.

>> No.19847376

I'm talking about the NAME.

>> No.19847377

I prefer the simple Fris 1750ml. For some reason it's 9.95 for the fifth and 11.95 for the half gallon in my state.

>> No.19847378
File: 35 KB, 383x576, dKgeYoURm6ah6ClHspWB_sKh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be my go to, nice fat swigs with a lil sip or two of cactus cooler or shasta

>> No.19847381

sup slut

>> No.19847383
File: 22 KB, 640x640, FRISVODKA175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic. Haven't even opened mine yet.

>> No.19847438

ive never had a bad hangover from skol

>> No.19847559

You haven't tried. That's the worst that needs to get watered down with ice in your cup during the day.

>> No.19847567

popov makes flask shaped fifth bottles so you can comfortably drink a fifth the way you would a pint. it's for alcoholics

>> No.19847610
File: 1.01 MB, 2946x2956, 08292821431__17532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me, i can't aford that fancy shit so i drink fleischmanns.
It's not even bottom shelf they just leave it in a pile on the floor

>> No.19847612

>always buy fifths or half gals in plastic bottles if possible, as i'm afraid of breaking the bottle
>have never broken a bottle, like ever
fear is a funny drug

>> No.19847627

college students who want something better than Aristocrat but are unwilling to move up to middle shelf
Smirnoff is the best vodka btw

>> No.19847638

>Smirnoff is the best vodka btw
its not
smirnoff is the floor. its vodka by definition. anything worse is alkiebait and anything better has flavor

>> No.19847643

>make six figure tech income
>still feel compelled to buy bottom barrel vodka
It's not about household management. It's about making a point to my body. You made the mistake of surviving for another day, these are the consequences.

>> No.19847648

Vodka isn't supposed to have flavor, it's ethanol. It's something that you either chug down as a shot or add to a mixed drink with the purpose of it having as little flavor as possible
Smirnoff is as tasteless as you can get and wins lots of blind taste tests while being cheap

>> No.19847661

>Vodka isn't supposed to have flavor
which is why i said its vodka by definition
most vodka does have flavor though and there are plenty of people drinking it neat

>> No.19847696

What are some vodka brands that are overlooked? Is local "craft" vodka (le titos for me) worth it?

>> No.19847702

Titos is unironically one of the WORST vodkas.

>> No.19847703

Overlooked vodka gets looked on pretty quickly. Pinnacle Vodka, for example, was quite cheap for like a year until they got popular and realized they could charge more.

>> No.19847751

Is it the yellow corn profile or the price point?
Keeping it secret, I see. I buy polish vodka. reliable.

>> No.19847765
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, giwtwm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun times!

>> No.19847766

Walgreens house brand of vodker is pretty good

>> No.19847782

Everything about it, it's just not good. Charging the amount they do, for the swill they produce, is astounding.

>> No.19847833

I haven't tried it, but it does take up too much space in the American/Texan Vodka discussion. I'll try some smaller distilleries first.

>> No.19847943

any vodka is good if you store it in the freezer. i buy a bottle of cheap shit and keep it in a water bottle in the freezer for when i want to use it.

>> No.19847981

Kids trying to get drunk, people making big bowls of cheap punch, and hard core alcoholics

>> No.19848251

Oh boy did this hit me when I just woke up at 4am on a sunday morning. Fuck.
Last dryout it wasn't even the normal not having booze withdrawals, the lack of sleep had me having audio, tactile, and visual hallucinations. It'd be easy to say it was because of the booze, but it was all too familiar before I started drinking from odd work hours and insomnia.

Lack of sleep can kill you, and really fucks with the noggin. There's even a Star Trek episode where they couldn't get into REM sleep because of some bug or something, and it made them wig out and want to kill each other.

>> No.19848262

ive downed many liters of this actually
still the worst hangover ive had was from drinking 2 bottles of some awful bordeaux. skol has never done me wrong

>> No.19848341

Yeah, if you’re buying it to get slammed, there’s no need to waste money on Grey Goose. If you’re serving friends, you’re still a retard but at least understandable so you don’t look like a complete degenerate.

500IQ way to go is refilling a bottle of top shelf vodka with swill. Literally nobody will notice the difference. Try not to use a company that changes its branding too frequently or else you’ll lose face and / or need to spend that much more to remind yourself why you’re doing this to keep up appearances.

>> No.19848347

Top move is a decanter. They don't know what brand you're serving them, but it's glass and classy!

>> No.19848379

All vodka has a screw on cap, retard.
Poser alert!

>> No.19848410

If you're going to drink, at least drink something that tastes good like a decent whisk(e)y.

>> No.19848417

>he drinks for the taste
The OP was popov.

>> No.19848425
File: 51 KB, 603x640, A610E89F-7D11-4959-8180-9F6CDE185499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark eyes
my brother lives in the desert and says this is the brand that keeps the natives in a rolling blackout
>remove cap
>wing it out into the brush
>gotta drink the whole thing now, h'ta

i've only gotten debilitating hangovers with sweats and vomiting from taking shots of high proof sugary liquors at parties. i've been an alcoholic for so long, i dont get hangovers because i dont drink stuff that gives me hangovers. i drink water regularly as i drink, i dont do shots and i avoid anything flavored or colored. recently i was with friends and couldn't decide what i wanted to drink so they ended up sharing their white claws with me. i only drank six but woke up with a ripping headache like i hadn't felt since my teens

>> No.19848439
File: 18 KB, 400x400, aristocrat-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For high schoolers who managed to get this once, and never again

>> No.19848442

polish vodka. luksosowa, sobieski, sawa, soplica

>> No.19848451

bro good on you for even trying at that rate and i hope you can get out of that swamp. stopping's hard enough for me and i've never had any serious DT symptoms besides insomnia. i just took 5HTP and melatonin for a few weeks til i was over the hill. my cousin is like the guy in the gif, i think if she stopped drinking she'd probably die. i used to give her shit for not trying harder but i think i understand now. her brain is fucking goo and we've both been on a bender since we were 13. pure genetics and fucking grim

>> No.19848465

Yeah, same. I can only assume it means getting up and feeling good right out of bed. Like no groaning, nausea, etc. Imagine those tv shows where people get up, make pancakes and eggs and stuff, then have zero problem getting out the door. I haven't had that for years, so idk.

>> No.19848468

The dark comedy is navigating the medical system. "Grim," as you put it is apt, but I'd say dire. Tossed from specialist to specialist, no talk to this nurse, actually if you don't want to go in you have to talk to financial to not pay $200 for a Tylenol.
All the while, feeling like a diabetic without insulin trying to claw my way out. It's nasty. And the mental aspects can't be overstated. Take every cartoon or tv show episode you've seen where they're starting to lose their mind but know they have to right the ship. Boy oh boy what a fun ride!

>> No.19848474

Kek, I keep an old Belvedere bottle and refill it with cheap stuff when I have friends over. None the wiser.

>> No.19848490

Luksusowa is good, but not twice as good as two bottles of $10 stuff. Sobieski is awful, it gives me bad hangovers.

>> No.19848503

Regular people who are not alcoholics

>> No.19848707
File: 456 KB, 1179x1280, 694F1B9E-C2E5-46E6-9F98-C87AB879B0F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luksosowa is $10 where i live. i dont think i would pay more for it. i went to a shop in the hood once where the teetotaling akhmeds tried to price the bottle $40 because idk they have a pretty aesthetic bottle for ten dollar vodka, probably looks like a $40 bottle to some hoodrat who just buys bottles to wave around for the gram on payday. i laughed and they sold it to me for $11. i like sobieski and it's also $10 for a fifth in my city but once i drank so much of it for so long i got keto acidosis so i have an aversion to it now

>> No.19848726

it's made for people who enjoy really good vodka at a reasonable price-point

>> No.19848727

Where I am, Luks its 12 and Sobi is 10

>> No.19848759

it was always bottom shelf vodka for me
started with a handle of ABC vodka in undergrad
fifth of burnett's when I was living in Colorado
2 pints of skol for $4 at publix
pint of popav, minute maid lemonade, and a cup of ice at the ghetto liquor store

man sometimes i miss the routine of getting my drink on and that first buzz...but after that its pure oblivion and i can't fucking go back to that shit. been over a year now...

>> No.19848784

It's made for popping off op.

>> No.19848787

a pint of burnets vodka and a pint of canadian mist comes to exactly $10.00 even here, after taxes. I call it my ten dollar special

back in my school days, everyone knew you had to run Aristocrat through a brita filter to get it drinkable

Popov is best bottom shelf desu. Taaka is close second

>> No.19848806

this is the most depressing thing in this thread

>> No.19848828

There's a documentary that used to get posted in druk threads a lot about a guy who was completely fucked by alcoholism. They paid to send him to a professional rehab clinic and he still died from DTs.
I'm looking around trying to find it now but not having any luck.

>> No.19848850

made by demerara from sugarcane

>> No.19848891

I can get fifths of burnetts for $6 at trader joes(within walking distance), I don't have any liquor stores near me so i never drink popov. They used to sell this 40% whipped cream vodka for $3 a fifth because nobody was buying it, it was disgusting but my brother and i kept buying it.

>> No.19848988

my favorite flavored vodka is smirnoff whipped cream. it actually tastes good straight

>> No.19849006
File: 3.82 MB, 640x352, ser wars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are lucky its $13 for a 750ml and thats the cheapest plastic bottle garbage and it seems to rotate for month to month from one mystery brand to another.
drinking is killing my bank account.

>> No.19849225
File: 86 KB, 989x894, B7F6E2A4-5BF8-460C-99F9-9D2C610FB63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof yeah. when i start economy drinking that's when i know it's time to sober up for a while, i really dont mind drinking plastic handle enbalming fluid, but if i'm drinking it because i'm drinking so much that i can't afford better bottles, it's time to stop.
pic rel my fav jug vodka. it's always on 'sale'

>> No.19849336
File: 53 KB, 981x949, 50fl13ykyy811-3055696442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still get drunk from something that tastes decent. That Popov is only 40% ABV, which is pussy shit and low for whiskey.

>> No.19849373

i don't think i've ever seen anyone refer to popov as fancy. how many more years has the doctor said you have?

>> No.19849381

>pussy shit
>won't drink a $6 handle of vodka because it tastes bad
pick your fights bro. or actually just enjoy your alcoholism tough guy

>> No.19849399

I acknowledge your dubs but HS kids get the flavored burnett's

>> No.19849410
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 009674931210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just post this and we can wrap the thread up. It's not even real whiskey

>> No.19849427
File: 61 KB, 500x362, 1550741432021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>limit 6
can you buy me 6 and shit them to me?
even with shipping costs and you taking a profit it was still be more then half price

>> No.19849440
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1920, 1695864340602497.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 and that was 10 years ago...fucking lair

>> No.19849458

you gotta get bourbon since its highly illegal to label something bourbon that not actually whiskey.

>> No.19849465
File: 357 KB, 2250x3000, Better-Homes-and-Gardens_Must-know-wall-terminology2-35e78fa5bada44f68758f2bd18f36f27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what pisses me off about this is someone clearly didn't build this house with fire blocking in the walls

>> No.19849545

Southern Comfort
The kicker is that it tastes like vomit too

>> No.19849571

you gotta get the 100 proof
for whatever reason bourbons always taste better at or above 100 proof

>> No.19849584

Maybe all the ones you can afford...

>> No.19849596

who is this strange man in my house?

>> No.19849598

At least the webm explains why!

>> No.19849609
File: 67 KB, 800x450, RzBfHYCwGnwNbfW-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love him so much

>> No.19849695
File: 30 KB, 639x640, SKOLVOD175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Sköl if I want some cheap ass shitty vodka, got absolutely fucked up on Popov though some years back though. But as another anon said my middle ground go-to is Smirnoff.

>> No.19849725
File: 66 KB, 413x395, Take A Drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least part of the house was well insulated.

>> No.19849795

>paying top dollar for ethanol and water
You're getting scammed. But go ahead, name one that isn't a screw top. I'll wait. (Actually I won't. I'm leaving this thread and not coming back)

>> No.19849808

>top dollar
Even Grey Goose uses cork for their smaller bottles. Holy hell how poor are you??

>> No.19849811

So was this like, someone's relative that died and he's finding their hidden shame?

>> No.19849819

>oh shit I got called out for talking out of my ass
>better move the goalposts and bail so I can't see any mean words
many such cases

>> No.19849838
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 8966483_2b05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, this shit is good drinking if you run it through a Brita and water it down. Guaranteed no adulterants besides some glycerin

>> No.19849854

but grey goose is garbage???

>> No.19849880
File: 232 KB, 500x792, SKYY-Vodka-1750ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y middle ground go-to is Smirnoff.
Smirnoff is paint thinner
Skyy or Svedka are the same price and noticeably smoother

>> No.19849883

Not the point. Anon asked for an example of non-twist cap vodka. I provided one and didn't even have to scratch my head to do it.

>> No.19849885

Why does it matter if a drink that tastes like nothing has a cork or a screw cap

>> No.19849891

i'm guessing his teen/young adult son/daughter that was trying to hid their drinking by dropping the bottles in the wall instead of the trash where it would be obvious that they needed a bottle a day just to get by.

>> No.19849909

>drink whiskey everyday
What a frontiersman!
>drink rum everyday
What a pirate!
>drink vodka everyday

>> No.19850019
File: 471 KB, 1030x1552, 0cpczph6ug60jbo3sz826i0v6e3uxjjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of cheap swill, real vodka from Russia is probably no longer sold in the store because of sanctions

>> No.19850106
File: 1.42 MB, 4160x2167, yum!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a fellow Skol chad. It was literally the only thing I drank for years because I couldn't rationalize buying anything more expensive to get drunk, save for when I'd buy whiskey for my birthday. Everything about the bottle and the taste is emblazoned in my mind, and the amount of unfathomably stupid shit and harm I've done to myself thanks to Skol is really something else.

Most of the time I just guzzled it straight and chased it with some water, but here's one of my fine mixed drinks. It was more disgusting than drinking it straight.

>> No.19850161

what is kirklands good for

>> No.19850240

Your opinion on both Burnetts vodka and gin is correct

>> No.19850358

hahaha is that vlad the fucking impaler

>> No.19850370

Put the shitty liquor in the blender to make it not taste like shit

>> No.19850431

popov isn't shitty u punkass BITCH, now apologize to OP

>> No.19850540

any luck?

>> No.19850561

You're drunk, anon. Go to bed.

>> No.19850590

Popov tastes better than a lot of more popular brands. Svedka is trash, same as Ciroc, Grey Goose, New Amsterdam, Smirnoff, etc. Popov is better if you do a blind A/B.

>> No.19850637
File: 1.76 MB, 1136x860, Screenshot from 2022-09-05 12-29-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice i 'm the same way, i made orange gummies to chew on while i sipped Skol straight

>> No.19850653

>fucking around with GRUB/bootloader issues while drunk on skol
You're my kind of guy, I've done the same thing many times myself.

>> No.19850694

Popov and McCormick's always give me the absolute worst hangovers. Taaka is king for me.

>> No.19850750

It's cheap vodka that mogs most mid shelf vodka.

Easily take it over stuff like stoli or titos and honestly found it comparable to russian standard which is supposed to be decent.

>> No.19850980

my computer is still not quite right

>> No.19851000

serious question cause ive never ordered shit online, how/where can i get Popov? im in Ontario, Canada.

i cant keep spending 100+ a week and seeing how cheap it is for you guys is making me sick, shits fuckin retarded, HELP!!!!

>> No.19851001

It's genuinely king-tier if you're a weekly drinker. Titos absolutely btfo

>> No.19851008
File: 8 KB, 344x341, 1690046609235948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this so hard. Russian Standard Gold was my favorite martini vodka. Especially when mixed with gin for vespers.
I fucking hate my ZOG country.

>> No.19851040

Drink less, retarded nigger

>> No.19851042

Skol vodka is definitely my go-to for cheap vodka. Still $13 for a 1.75L bottle in Florida.

However Publix usually has some really good sales on low end stuff like Platinum 7x or Seagrams where it'll be buy 2, get $3 off, dropping the price to $12.50 per bottle of that.

>> No.19851054

no, faggot.

>> No.19851073
File: 133 KB, 900x600, dsc_3616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One anon recommended me this vodka

>> No.19851083

That's impossible on the East Coast US. I'm thinking about changing jobs just for better access to quality vodkas. Also access to Tatratea.

>> No.19851096
File: 45 KB, 1242x705, HRbVLo-521276878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thinking about changing jobs just for better access to something that tastes like nothing

>> No.19851098

>Calculating price/ml of alcohol to more efficiently get drunk
Ok looks like it's time to stop and reflect on what am I doing.

Also the answer is cheap strong beer.
If mixing, the cheapest tolerable whiskey/vodka with your (generic brand) mixer of choice.

>> No.19851100

Whiskey cocktails are only good if you use good whiskey

>> No.19851104

bumpin this question cause fuck you i wanna drink

>> No.19851169

You can ask someone to buy vodka in Russia and just send it by mail, it will be more expensive, but this is a working way

>> No.19851179

I don't know any Russians at the moment but I'd definitely do that if possible. Unfortunately the economic climate does not permit such things.

>> No.19851191
File: 2.41 MB, 3000x4000, PXL_20221223_221058314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19851245

Coulsons $10.99 for 1.75L where I live in Florida.

>> No.19851380

big bend? cheapest i've found is $13.50 +tax + .02cent/dollar extra county tax

>> No.19851568


Wyborowa Potato is one of the best Polish vodkas and one of the best non-flavored vodkas. And if you take the value for money into account, it is the best one It's smooth, kind of buttery and easy to drink.

t.Pole here.

>> No.19851582

Ah, good to see my fellow alcoholics in the thread. If it aint a bottom shelf plastic bottle fo vodka at less than 10 dollars, it's just too fancy for me.

Fruitcakes can say whatever they want about oooh muh flavor profiles ooooh my subtle aftertones of butthole and floral notes... to me, it's all shoe polish anyways, I might as well have it cheap!

>> No.19851600

It's good for mixing. I wouldn't drink it straight.

>> No.19851674

>80 proof
I wouldn't drink this but it's good for making tinctures

>> No.19852081

I want to thank everyone in this thread for making me feel better about myself. Turns out drinking 2 - 3 glasses of wine 4 - 5 days a week is nothing, and here I was thinking that was "a lot".

>> No.19852090

"proof" is just double the ABV percentage. 80 proof = 40% ABV which is standard for spirits.

>> No.19852092

>that wallpaper
>that glass
clearly russian, but why is the bottle in english?

>> No.19852247
File: 29 KB, 512x512, ce9d5d1761f2f1c5d116e5363654f636_62fc5cf6-dd67-48cb-90ed-f57260c2388c_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Kavlana

>> No.19852255

i'm so glad i hate hard liquors, i'd probably be dead by now if i didn't

>> No.19852267

Lorraine McFly

>> No.19852290

>caring about vodka flavor
Here in the country that invented it nobody gives a shit

>> No.19852299

Produced before the 2022 sanctions

>> No.19852303
File: 51 KB, 960x1280, 446559.jpg.thumb.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buy this one because it camadian
>im canadian as well :o)

>> No.19852341


cleaning hibachi grills

>> No.19852371

>40% ABV which is standard for spirits.
You mean low for spirits.

>> No.19852713
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 118575605846-talking-heads-once-in-a-lifetime_music_video_ov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a lot easier to go full blown akly on beer/wine without even realizing.
Vodka drinkers know and acknowledge their situation so they can do better damage control unlike you where you wake up one day in with draws and think
"And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again, after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground
And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?"
And you may ask yourself, "Where is that large automobile?"
And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"
And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife"
Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by, water flowing underground
Into the blue again, after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was
Water dissolving and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Under the water, carry the water
Remove the water from the bottom of the ocean"

>> No.19852722

all bottles are made in English so as not to bother for a separate bottle for import

>> No.19852733
File: 840 KB, 1736x2320, output-onlinejpgtools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The homeless. Tolerable, affordable, smooth. Perfect mixer for OJ. Panhandle a $10 bill from grandma for a 1/5th. The essentials and the in crowd drinks it. Pint to freedom.

>> No.19852744

often one side is in russian and the other in english

>> No.19852790
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>> No.19852805
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>> No.19853047

Popov then dropov

>> No.19853097

Is Popov the official vodka of /ck/? I can only find it in the default size: 1.75 L.

>> No.19853396
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Cheapest vodka they have at my local store, it taste fine when mixed

>> No.19853427

just looking at that bottle gives me shivers
the little flavored pints are the worst. birthday cake, my favorite. pink lemonade! for a festive twist.

bad times.

>> No.19853482

I can't ever sleep when i quit alcohol. Is that normal? I'm talking like multiple days of being awake for 24 hours or more.

>> No.19853497

Have you tried melatonin? I find it does the trick.

>> No.19853508

Never tried it before. I'll pick some up at the store today see if it does the trick. It sounds promising. Thanks for the tip

>> No.19853516
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.19853517

Very, very normal. I never had luck with melatonin, but did with magnesium and chugging Arizona RX Relax tea (ideally you could just make your own chamomile tea, but let's not bullshit about how much longer that takes).

If you're having around 4 hours, by day three, take Benadryl. Lack of sleep seriously fucks with your mind and this off-the-shelf drowsy bitch can maybe at least knock you out so that you don't start going nuts.

>> No.19853528
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I want to amend my post. The normal stuff you find as magnesium on the shelf has such low bioavaliablity that you may as well have been swallowing a capsule of sawdust. Magnesium citrate has had its supply chain cut out from China for like two years where it would've been available as a laxative in every town in America.

I seriously do recommend magnesium though. Booze takes out your electric lights, so potassium, calcium, even goddamn table salt sodium are worth replenishing.

>> No.19853565

I hesitate to answer this seriously as I keep my good vodka pretty under wraps so normies don't jack up the price. There are some brands that I will share
Pretty okay for the money but it always has this mild sweet after taste for me. Got me through college and some places you can still get a handle for 20 bucks. Its a solid 7/10 if you know vodkas and like an 8/10 if you only drink swill.
I like it. 12 bucks for a handle and makes decent martinis and vodka sodas. Drinking it straight though is a bit rough.
>Kettle One
They've started selling this for much cheaper because I'm pretty sure marketing and sales have dipped off pretty hard. I remember when Kettle One was going for Grey Goose prices when I was growing up and going well into college. There's better Vodka's for cheaper but if you have a costco I'd skip it because
I know it's a meme but the 13 dollar handle isn't grey goose distillery in fact I'm almost certain its Svedka because it tastes nearly identical imo. Now the 19 dollar french one I'm certain is Grey Goose or at least a really good competitor because that one is from France where Grey Goose is based out of. Honestly if the bottles weren't so obnoxiously tall I'd buy it more because 19 dollars for a high quality vodka like that is amazing.

>> No.19853573

they still sell it around Vegas, I went to the lees discount liquor in mesquite and bought a liter

>> No.19853600

Thanks man. Yeah it's driving me nuts i close my eyes and nothing even though i know i am tired mentally. Yesterday i had the luxury of sleeping for 4 hours then woke up. No wonder so many people say fuck it and keep drinking.

>> No.19853660

Lack of sleep can kill ya. Stay well. Maybe do something physically as well in your room like a weighted blanket and blackout curtains. (obviously working yourself to exhaustion works, but some of us are cubicle retards, a shower before bed can help too even if you did nothing all day)

>> No.19853905
File: 27 KB, 500x500, eyJlZGl0cyI6IHsicmVzaXplIjogeyJ3aWR0aCI6IDc1MCwgImJhY2tncm91bmQiOiB7ImFscGhhIjogMCwgImIiOiAxLCAiZyI6IDEsICJyIjogMX0sICJmaXQiOiAiaW5zaWRlIiwgIndpdGhvdXRFbmxhcmdlbWVudCI6IHRydWUsICJoZWlnaHQiOiA3NTB9fSwgImJ1Y2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheapest shit on the shelf

>> No.19854058

bumping again man what the FUCK

>> No.19854069

Russian standard is one of the few vodkas with an identifiable flavor to it

>> No.19854070 [DELETED] 

Do you know if the Kirkland brand is sold at any normal Canadian Costco’s? I saw something about membership only, and 2 different articles talking about the prices, one says like 14 bucks and the other says 44.

>> No.19854074

Depends where, BC for example doesnt have any. Just call your local store and see if they do

>> No.19854137

stop living in canada. wasn't your milk bags like $20 a gallon pre-covid

>> No.19854171

>The only thing that has ever given me a similar hangover was cocaine.
Interesting. Maybe I didn't do enough because with coke I feel 105% the next day.

>> No.19854189
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Epsom salt for magnesium
cream of tartar for potassium
and a multi B vitamin and maybe even a extra B1 on top of that

>> No.19854194

drive down to the US every month and load up your suitcases with cheap liquor, lie to the border faggots, generally works for the relatives i have who live in canada. They buy bourbon that costs $40 a bottle in BC for $20 down here

>> No.19854268

This the one? From NGC "Drugged"

>> No.19854311

This Anon:>>19854268
found it. Thanks boss!

>> No.19854460

I went to a trip to visit my sick Aunt in Niagra. Probably spent as much in two weeks than I do in two months for booze. Light beer is like an idiot tax, and the best I could find was a stack of PBR tallboys for a buck 75 at Wal-Mart.
You can buy weed and codeine legally though.

>> No.19854468


>Who the fuck is this made for

Raging alcoholics and people making house party punch

>> No.19854496

Try tapering down to <= 3 drinks a night before stopping.

>> No.19854525

>a night
Oh boy, we've crossed to the beyond zone on that one by this point.

>> No.19854686

damn that used to be me except jim beam

>> No.19855101
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where does WT101 fall on the alcoholism scale?

>> No.19855122

>I get drunk on the weekend and say stupid shit
I don't even say stupid shit when I'm drunk. Being drunk just makes me feel normal; no overthinking, no anxiety. Just peace. I don't keep track of how much I drink a night, but I can easily do a liter+ of vodka. It's funny because I know at this point I have to technically be an alcoholic, but nobody knows. Not even my own wife. If anything, she likes me more when I'm drunk because I'm more relaxed and talkative, while sober I'm stressed and keep to myself. I'll never be able to understand the people who turn into complete fucking animals when they're intoxicated. I feel like I'm just so internally repressed and anxious that I have to get near blackout drunk just to feel normal.

>> No.19855148

slippery slope, though king of middle-shelf value

>> No.19855413

It's classic alkie stuff but I've noticed richer alcoholics tend to go for this. Stuff for doctors, military men, lawyers.

>> No.19855478
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its the equivalent of bottom shelf vodka but for people with more then one bank account
i went hard on WT101 when i had 5 figures in my savings account and two cars and a mortgage... now i rent and drink 4loko when it goes on sale
Don't be me!

>> No.19855524
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solid bourbon for the price but its not for the weak as its the brownest of brown liquors
t. why is there a block of cheese in the dish washer and where did the cabinet doors go? "idk you tell me"

>> No.19855588

ive been on a taaka kick lately

>> No.19855628

take the cheap vodka pill ,its worth it
unless youre a pretentious feg who cares about brands

>> No.19855642

taaka really isnt that bad

>> No.19855669
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thats what i said.

>> No.19855674

>>19855669only reiterating for emphamsis

>> No.19855823

Popov is actually pretty good if you can get past the plastic bottle. I can't so I buy Luksusowa.

>> No.19855831

Evan Williams 1783 is the best value.

>> No.19855844

dang, I could've saved so much money during my 3 alcoholic phase. I bought so much stoli

>> No.19855860
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Yo how come faggots shit on pic related? I don't get it. It's the most consistently mid vodka for a mid price. Same price as utter garbage like Smirnoff yet at least 50% better.

>> No.19855876

It does taste different, but more importantly it produces a much worse hangover.

>> No.19855897

I honestly don't get how people can drink clear liquors, they taste like nothing but alcohol. at least with bourbon the heat is accompanied by some kind of flavors

>> No.19855901

My go to, basically drink one of these every 5 days. It's cheap and honestly very good vodka. It's really what vodka should be, ethanol and water, no flavor whatsoever.

>> No.19855911
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My current addiction. Of all the bottled-margarita-premixes, this is the only one I don't feel compelled to salt the glass, it has that sweet-n-sour-n-salty flavor woven into it. My favorite is to freeze lime-flavored-seltzer-water in an ice cube tray, and pour it over those cubes. I'm sipping on it right now.

>> No.19856119

I don't know but all spirits taste awful to me. I hate the smoky/diesel/leather/etc flavors in whisky or herbaceous flavors in gin, etc.
Whereas vodka (room temperature) goes down smooth. Yes it burns, but so do other spirits on top of their other strong flavors.

>> No.19856312
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I drank more of this trash in my prime alkie days than I care to remember. There's one store near me that sells handles for $7.99, much cheaper than Taaka even and gets the job done.

>> No.19857458
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This, basically. I hate the taste of alcohol. I drink to get drunk, and the most painless way to do that is just to have a shot or three and chase it with water or whatever I'm actually drinking.

Picrel has been my poison of choice for a while. It's decently smooth and I can get a handle for 20 bucks, which seems to be the low-end for prices in my region. Honestly I could probably handle something shittier if it were cheaper, but none of the liquor stores around me seem to carry anything.

>> No.19857531

No kid has the money to buy that much booze, and not smart enough to hide the empties.

>> No.19857552

Not every teenager was as lazy/ignorant as you were, anon.

>> No.19859022

Drinking causes your baseline anxiety while sober to increase, drinking a liter plus only makes it worse

>> No.19859433

drinking a liter + means you're staying drunk 24/7, well maybe not drunk but definitely never sobering up

>> No.19859457

ayyy fine fucking choice Anon, I get a handle of this every week. Glass bottle, mid shelf, tastes perfectly fine, even comes in 50,000 dumb flavors if you're into that.
Now the real hobo tier stuff is single tallboys/40oz of malt liquor. That's the kind of thing you see people counting out change to buy.

>> No.19859493


>> No.19859511

he would have made it more than 17 days on the three pints lol

>> No.19859689

Did a light dig into this and he probably died from a heart attack. Why he wasn't detoxing in a hospital before his rehab is beyond me.

>> No.19859720
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Where can I buy just plain Steel?

>> No.19859723

At the Steel Reserve.
>404 steelie not found

>> No.19860425


runner ups
>entire caliber series of alcohol

>> No.19860430
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>shatter proof

>> No.19860848

you don't have discount liquor brands in canada? what do alcoholics drink there?

>> No.19861047

cum to buy fentanyl

>> No.19861089

i wouldn't say UWF is known as a agro university then again there aren't many to choose from

>> No.19861166

Dunno if that's true for me. Before I drank at all, I was so anxious I couldn't make phonecalls or use the bathroom while someone else was in the house.

I CAN do a liter plus, and only have a mild hangover. I generally do about half that, and only 3 or 4 nights out of the week. Right now I haven't had a drink since Sunday.

Honestly I'd fucking love to be able to find something in the 10 or 15 dollar range. I don't really care if my liver shuts down, but I want to be economical about it.

>> No.19861172

This or similar plastic bottle handles are what we drank in high school.

>t. 38 year old boomer

>> No.19861173

popov isnt that bad for floor shelf vodka. its dubra that might as well be paint thinner

>> No.19861191

WT101 is the most bang for your buck if you're flying southwest to Vegas. That's legitimately the only time ive ever drank it.

It's got a special place in my heart for that reason alone.

>> No.19861210
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>a special place in my heart for that reason
I've only had WT once in my life. When I went to Biloxi (a Vegas alternative for the South). Drank it with my not gf at the time but now my ex. I know I should have feeling towards it, but it miss that time. Haven't drank it since.

>> No.19861216

>Honestly I'd fucking love to be able to find something in the 10 or 15 dollar range
Do you live in some weird state or country? I'm in New Jersey and despite everything else being retarded expensive you can still find handles of vodka for around $15. It's pure garbage but it's there and fuck it if you're mixing who cares?

I feel like Southwest/Spirit/Frontier etc shouldn't serve alcohol at all and especially not WT101. No wonder so many of those flights have to do emergency landings because of chimp out.

>> No.19861223

When I was underage we mostly drank MD 20/20, smirnoff ice, or whatever pints of plastic bottle vodka we could pay the local burnout $20 to buy for us. The MD and smirnoff was because the girl we usually partied with had a "cool" mom that would buy her booze as long as we drank in the house and didn't go out.

>t. 34 year old boomer

>> No.19861233

My friends cool mom would buy us beer but not hard liquor. I had to get hard liquor from the college waitresses i worked with.

We drank cheap vodka, mikes hard lemonade and captain morgan in high school.

>> No.19861595

dont' remember any bad hangovers from Popov but haven't had it in years. i've gotten black out drunk multiple times but don't think it was due to Popov. only issue is the plastic bottle.


>> No.19861858

My Russian neighbor have a dog named Popov

>> No.19862085

According to this the blocking would be in the middle of the studs, only the bottom quarter of sheetrock is cut in the webm

>> No.19863580

>Do you live in some weird state or country?
I dunno. I live in Southeastern MA. It's definitely a region of the country where certain chains, franchises, or products never seem to show up.

>> No.19864193
File: 739 KB, 767x511, Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 13-28-06 big daddy don garlits museum of drag racing - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it seemed to me that the bottles were coming form up stairs most likely from a hole he punched in the wall when blackout drunk then covered with a commemorative poster he got from big daddy Don Garlits museum of drag racing after he had died only to blip into a new timeline where he's still alive

>> No.19864415

just picked up a 750ml of popov because i am a weak easily influenced person

>> No.19864564
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Don't be self degrading
be proud of your retardation like the rest of society

>> No.19864713

so whatcha think?

>> No.19864777

>just rememebered that i named my Fallout 4 character Taaka after my preffered cheapo brand at the time
jesus christ i do not miss alcoholism

>> No.19864791

me n anglin senpai like Russian Standard but no one carries it now because this country is 99% women and faggots

>> No.19865615

for me, its Wisla.

>> No.19865651

yep its vodka
took a shot when i got it, pourd two in a pint glass with some grapefruit juice. tastes like a greyhound.

idk its not my first popov

>> No.19865810
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>> No.19866240

I often find it higher in price than Svedka and its not bad I just don't understand the appeal. Didn't it use to be the go to vodka for Martini's