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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19840068 No.19840068 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19840076
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>> No.19840255 [DELETED] 
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I wonder what she's thinking about.

>> No.19840342
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>> No.19840356

I would never let an animal anywhere near my food. One time I was visiting a friend’s house for dinner and she had this goddam dog just wandering around. The disgusting hound sat beside me while I was eating and kept trying to sniff my food. So I grabbed the beast by the neck and strangled it to death. My friend kept crying and screaming at me to stop, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. I did not let go of my hold until I squeezed out the last drop of life, and the mutt dropped dead on the floor.

>> No.19840440 [DELETED] 
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Daily reminder that /ck/ is, and always has been, a dog board.

>> No.19840460

i miss francis so fucking much anons

>> No.19840632
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agree. We are a dog board because we love eating dogs

>> No.19840644

nooooo me gusta dog gumbooo

>> No.19840766
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>> No.19841227

dogs are obnoxious
no sense of respect for personal space, cant stop zooming around like a retard, and stink

>> No.19841339


>> No.19841356

anon, you have to wash your dog like you wash your other rides, like your car.

you also have to discipline it and instill respect in it like your other rides as well.

>> No.19841360
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>> No.19841368

allowing your dog to show signs of disobedience is only going to cause confusion and emotional illness in your pet.

>> No.19841428

this. Dogs are happier as honest slaves rather than slaves with feigned patronizing suzerainty.

>> No.19841463
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>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.19842614
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poor Beag

>> No.19843505

So they're just like you then

>> No.19843528

This is actually the chef btw.

>> No.19843611
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>> No.19843631
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These dogs... they appear to desire something.

>> No.19843641

Did they befriend us because they can not cook?

>> No.19843645
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You know, neighbour, they say that shared joy is double joy

>> No.19843647

Brown hands typed these posts

>> No.19843696
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Imagine being the kind of awful "person" who doesn't like dogs

>> No.19843702

Aww this made me cry

>> No.19843714

A kitchen shark? fucking love shark week

>> No.19843721

That just means you're human

>> No.19843724

Eh, too obviously set up to have any emotional impact.

>> No.19843743
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I don't like dogs anymore because my neighbor's dogs bark all the time and my parents dogs piss me off whenever I go over there because they're fucking dumb as shit.

Also because my old dog was the best dog ever and no dog matches up. I miss my dog.

>> No.19843751

Master has given Dobby a sock!

>> No.19843753
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>> No.19843755
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Your neighbour's dog is barking because it's not treated right.
Are you gonna hate all children because someone was beating his kid and you didn't like the sound of the crying?

Grow a few braincells and start hating your asshole neighbours instead of their abused pet. Maybe call some social services about it.

>> No.19843760

No it's because they're barking at the other neighbors and their dogs for daring to exist.
All my neighbors have barking dogs. And one old bat just lets hers bark because "they're just talking to each other"

God damn, did you really go for the CHILD ABUSE route? Can't just be the dog is poorly trained by people who treat them as children rather than an animal?

>> No.19843768

You think think this is cute? Just wait until that dog goes for the knife. We'll see who's laughing.

>> No.19843770

I wouldn't go so far as calling it child abuse, but I'd definitely call it incompetence in raising an animal.

Idiots should not have animals OR children.

>> No.19843864

Every one of my neighbor's dogs bark to varying degrees daily. It got to the point where I was thinking, "damn it sucks that I'm going to have to drown all my neighbor's dogs". I have a dog and she never barks and just sleeps all day. It's going to be hard to top her once she dies

>> No.19843880
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>> No.19843910

What are some of his best recipes? I'm going to start with the sloppy joe and the pancakes

>> No.19843981
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>> No.19844018

Must be a great actress then

>> No.19844021

>one guy brings pitbull into diner
>makeshift "harness" by wrapping the leash around the dogs body
>warns us it's not a service dog
>tries to jump at whoever brings food around it
what the fuck
the very next day some queer couple brought their huskie (in Florida) that they left in their faggot jeep parked on the parking space line fucking white niggers. anyway they ate first and then went out and brought the dog in and it jumped in a booth and was trying to get leftovers from a couple who just left. i let it eat a couple raisins from the toast because fuck you and fuck dogs and fuck anybody who brings any pet for whatever reason into a grocery store or restaurant deserves to have the pet die and God needs to let the pet know it was their owners fault

>> No.19844028

dogs when left to their own devices are obnoxious cunts, just like you
immediately lose respect for anyone who does the following:
>using treats as incentives because they can't command their dog
>let dogs into house, let alone on couches or beds
>literally giving the dog the food that the family is having for lunch at the table
glad they are gone now, good riddance. this is some saviour complex shit

>> No.19844158
File: 585 KB, 1335x751, Screenshot 2022-08-25 at 03-37-27 Tonight's Big Bear - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your neighbour's dog is barking because it's not treated right.
my dog barks every time i let him out but thats because he's afraid of the dark so he runs out acting like a badass trying to scare away anything that might be out there but the second he hears something he beelines for the house.
And you know what my neighbors can learn to fucking deal with it because we have bears and shit walking through our yards on a weekly basis

>> No.19844168

>but I'd definitely call it incompetence in raising an hunting dogs are trained to bark to indicate something is there like a bear

>> No.19844408

The other day I cooked pimento bacon cheese burgers and didn't feed the dogs until after I finished cooking (mind you I didn't eat yet either). They were both so confused that I just gave them dog food, they walked back and forth looking at each other's bowls like wtf, where is the bacon? I don't know why they are like that since I never feed them human food

>> No.19844435

>Master has given Dobby a sock!

>> No.19844442
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Will your dog play fetch with, and then consume a raw pumpkin?

>> No.19844443

Mix their food with a bit of bacon grease. I mix some of the fat/juices of a steak to get my dog to eat his virtually untouched kibble

>> No.19844454
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>> No.19844471

Placing a treat my dog enjoys or a piece of low sodium london broil, or some wet dog food on top of kibble will convince my dog to eat his kibble.

>> No.19844596

Least insane catfag
supremely based

>> No.19844662
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How do we feel about cats and food?


>> No.19844667

Me? I like cats and I also like food

>> No.19844879 [DELETED] 
File: 668 KB, 705x1000, 1616643927009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corn dog stand who's mascot is a dog who looks like he's watched a thousand corn dogs being made and eaten right in front of him but has never tasted one himself
That's pretty fucking wholesome.

>> No.19844880 [DELETED] 

That's the face most dogs make when they watch you scoop dog food into a dog bowl.

>> No.19844888
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as long as their ass isnt near the food im fine

>> No.19844937

Calm down, retard. The dog looks like Dobby and you got the reference yourself so you've probably seen the movies yourself same as every other person on the planet.

>> No.19844964

Awww. Poor doggo. But, they really will eat anything, all of it, and as quickly as possible if you let them (all while begging and insisting they are starving to death). My chihuaha has been on a strict “NO SNAX!” diet for a week because he kept begging various family members for nibbles and he was, errr, “outgrowing” his little harness. Bless his heart. Caught the problem in time, though. Between the NO SNAX and extra running him around outside he’ll be back to his girlish figure in another week and a half or so. That little guy LOVES to eat.

>> No.19845006

I appreciate when these creative writing projects just go whole hog. Wasn't expecting the logical conclusion.

>> No.19845146

That dog is gunna have a rough time later. Pumpkin is a laxative for dogs

>> No.19845590

top 3 cooking channels

the guy is an efficiency machine

>> No.19845615

Lost my childhood dog a few years ago, he was 15. In his later years he started to get picky with food because of some medication we had to give him. He would refuse to eat his normal dog food, but would be all over some lunch meat. After a while he even started refusing basic ham and turkey, his palette became so refined he only wanted fine cured meat like prosciutto. I would try to give him a little treat of some ham or something and he wasn’t interested until I busted out the nice italian stuff. Little guy just wanted a taste of the finer things. Miss you bro.

>> No.19845631

We had a husky Willow who was the perfect dog, quiet, obedient, good with humans. Her only negative was we couldn't leave her with other dogs since she'd fight/kill them.

Then my mom and sister brought home some mixed little mutt puppy from Mexico. I fucking hate that little yappy dog, I don't know why women are drawn to loud obnoxious little shits.

Our husky kept the mutt quiet with just her silent presence, though we had to seperate them with a baby fence. Husky had to be euthanized when cancer fucked up her body too much. Now that mutt is 100% more annoying, before he'd be content with humans just being in the same room as him but now he'll whine even when someone is there with him.

I fucking hate that dog and he had so many close calls of dying early. Idiot ate blankets that fucked his stomach and cost my mom $800 to go to the Vet and then a couple years later a shitbull had attacked the mutt but he survived that too.

>> No.19845763


>> No.19846213

Nah. He was 100% fine. I didn't let him eat a whole lot of it.

>> No.19846284
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oof, enjoy the MS!

>> No.19846479

a lot of people including me feed our dogs pumpkin to keep them regular

>> No.19846553

>the mutt dropped dead on the floor
I know Americans are not very popular nowadays but calling them dogs and strangling them when they are hungrily sniffing at your food is overreacting.
Don't be a woman, think before acting.

>> No.19846935

Unlike the west, most of the world treats dogs as if they were nuisance animals, and little more than large rats. Since they're mostly poor fags, they don't have the money to run animal control programs, so dogs are free to multiply and roam in large feral packs where they shit all over the place, run through trash, and pose a significant risk to children, elderly, and livestock.

Cats, on the other hand, are far more revered since they hunt the abundant rodent populations.

Hence, why some cultures have no problems eating dogs.

>> No.19846963

If the dog doesn't understand it's permanently off limits after the second time you raise your hand you pretty much failed as a dog owner.

>> No.19846971

I'm of the mind that dogs are by far the must rewarding companions you can keep, but having explored some remote parts of east asia, coming across the packs of feral pests that roam around, I can fully understand killing and eating them. It's the most use they could ever have. The dogs that are captured and slaughtered in markets over there are nothing at all like the domesticated Fido we think of

>> No.19847587

>most of the world
Most of the non western world is china and India, is that who you want to emulate?

>> No.19847681

Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi

>> No.19847867

>no sense of respect for personal space, cant stop zooming around like a retard, and stink
holy shit just admit you hate niggers and set yourself free

>> No.19847874

Working in other peoples homes made me hate dogs. No one trains their animals and just lets them shit and piss wherever they want. One pitbull was watching me work for 5 minutes then suddenly lunged at me. Hit that thing in the head so hard with my channel locks that the dog ran face first in to a wall and fell over. Didn’t get up. Told the owner it’s probably napping or something

>> No.19848013

no you didn't.
and if anything a random dog probably not a actual pit just looked at you and you got sketched out and fantasized about killing it.

>> No.19848066

>soviet border guard looking over the berlin wall, 1981

>> No.19848201

You never know what kind of fanfiction you'll find here

>> No.19848206

What the fuck is wrong with letting the dog in the house kek
Most dogs stay in people's houses. If it's too hot or cold out you may need to keep them inside for their own good

>> No.19848237
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I had to google "is my dog retarded" and "dog dementia" because my little bastard is getting old and has always been retarded. He can be the sweetest thing for cuddles and playing, but is almost too much of a good guard dog where he goes fucking nuts thinking he's protecting the house or people. But only at the house, he's never acted up going to other people's or on outings even in crowded parties or just a grocery store run.

I love this goddamn idiot.

>> No.19849258

Your dog isn't a retard, he's just been conditioned to associate "acting like a psycho" = "whatever I see outside goes away". This happens with most dogs left alone in the house when they see the mailman, a delivery guy, cat, bird, squirrel, dog outside, or whatever. It's a sign of poor training, as you should have trained him that he'll be rewarded for sounding the alarm, but he needs to shut the fuck up and calm down when you tell him to, and quit acting like a fucking spaz.

>> No.19849360
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while i agree with you not all dog breeds are the same.
My black mouth cur can be taught anything but if he doesn't feel like doing it he won't. No amount of training will change his personality, i know because i got him from a dog trainer that was bested by him

>> No.19849387

that never happened you fucking liar you've never strangled anything in your entire life except the little weiner hanging from your groin

>> No.19849394

>sweetie sit on the couch with your dolly. Yep. Just like that. Okay. Now don’t look at the camera.

>> No.19849416
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she was crying because they said they'd get her a dog for her birthday so she was excited but it tuned out to just be a stuffed dog which can be crushing to have your expectations let down but it was just a set up before they brought out the real dog.
I think /r9k/ might be a more appropriate board for you

>> No.19849449

I have a great Pyrenees who's the same way, she does what she wants, comes and goes as she pleases. In the summer she stays by the ac vents inside all day, only goes outside to potty, and in the winter she just lays in the snow all day and night, refuses to come inside. She gets pets when she wants pets, otherwise she just walks away from you, you can sometimes bribe her to do things with treats but even that's a coin toss.
She's 16 and on her way out the door, so I just let her live her life how she wants.

>> No.19849569

at least she sounds chill, great Pyrenees can be a handful

>> No.19849825
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>always had dogs growing up since I can remember
>sometimes up to 7 at once at the highest point
>also recently had a roommate for a few years that dog sat as a second job
>mfw recently diagnosed with ms
Well shit

>> No.19849893


>if he doesn't feel like doing it he won't.
That applies to all dogs, if not animals. Training is just an attempt to increase the probability that the dog will choose the desired behavior, but you're absolutely right in that there are no gaurantees in every circumstance.

The problem is that most people don't even try to learn about canine behaviors, how to train them, or even what role they play in the attitude and behavior of their dogs. Especially women.

>> No.19849922

> people don't even try to learn about canine behaviors
yea i see a lot of say "aw he like it" when the dog is clearly indicating that they are uncomfortable

>> No.19849941

based sanitary environment enjoying fiction writer

>> No.19849956

you ok bro?

>> No.19850010

I believe that, more people are alegic to dogs than they think. Allergies cause inflammation which end up being MS

>> No.19850034

I only have singular sclerosis.

>> No.19850064

I have trans-sclerosis.

>> No.19850067
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Where my Bird bro's at?

>> No.19851342


>> No.19852339

90 sample size kys

>> No.19852484
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>when i forget to re-season my cast iron after every use

>> No.19852502

if people knew this was from jack and jill i think they would stop posting it

>> No.19852508

>getting sad about the perfect excuse to fry up some tomatoes

>> No.19852517

The parents probably asked her to pose for a pic with her stuffed animal

>> No.19852527

Just spend 10sec and finish you sa dwich so you can go about your day. I mean, view or whatever, but christ. Imagine being bested by half a ham & cheese.

>> No.19852529

Fondue? That cockatoo should've been fetching pokemon creatures.

>> No.19853449

do white people really?

>> No.19853452

lol she almost turns as red as the skyrim baby

>> No.19853471
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He basically adopted me, so yeah. He probably could've been trained better. I hear little ones concentrate how spastic their tendencies are.

>> No.19853472

we keep you around does that count?

>> No.19853489

damn white people really do kill dogs just for annoying them

>> No.19853491


>> No.19853649
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>What the fuck is wrong with letting the dog in the house kek
And it wasn't my dog
it was my brother's who refused to train it properly
it bit everyone in the house, yes, serious, hunting killing bites. The ones that fed the mutt were the ones with the worst injuries because they put their hands close to the mutt's snout.
>Mom's was so bad that cortical bone and cartilage were showing, when she was feeding it treats (cooked pork bone with meat on it)
>Aunt got bitten while petting it, serious bite near leg arteries
>Dad got bitten when he was moving a flower pot
>I got bitten just because I was going pass it (TWICE)
There are good dogs, there are bad dogs, and there are dumb owners. But I would NEVER let a dog enter the house. Niggas got their own house outside, plenty of tree shades to avoid the summer heat. Ironically, the mutt was named after the sweetest dog that cured my fear of them - my grandma's dog. When she passed away, grandma's dog refused to eat and went with her awhile later.

>> No.19853846

origin story

>> No.19853896

Is she autistic? Why the hell she's crying?!

>> No.19853918

>probably could've been trained better
It's never too late. Small dogs, especially, benefit from training as it instill confidence in the owner as a leader. Without the trust in the leadership of the owner, smaller dogs are far more likely to feel threatened in certain situations, which leads to shitty behaviors and aggression that can get it hurt.

>> No.19854558

He just decides who he's defending. If my brother comes over, and he even snuggled with me all day, he'll start protecting him and bark at me. Same with my dad, mom, and friends who's in the pecking order he's going to attach to one and defend against the next one down the line. Previous owner said he's been like that his whole life.
And he's always affectionate to women, he probably got beat by a dude as a pup. I figure at this point (morbidly) just let him be because he'll be dead soon enough. As a matter of fact, he's sitting next to me right now wrapped in a little blanket on the couch because it snowed overnight.

>> No.19854572
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>> No.19854617

Going to say it again
Pumpkin stems are harmful to dogs
Pumpkin stems are harmful to dogs

>> No.19854622

30 is enough

>> No.19854693

He doesn't eat the sharp, spikey stems.

>> No.19854756

I have a 14 month old shiba. Every time we come inside from a walk, we take a baby wipe and clean off his peepee and paws. If he poops, we wipe off his butt.

They shed 2x a year and otherwise minimal shedding.

I cook him two 4 egg omelets a day and occasionally some dog food. He's jacked as hell and larger/more muscular than his peers. He can jump to my collarbones and I'm about 5'10.

>> No.19854817

You still haven't explained why the dog should stay outside in below freezing temperatures.
If your dog stinks it's because you don't bathe them enough. I don't blame you for hating that dog you describe because it sounds like a shitty dog from shitty owners.

>> No.19854874
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That's some heartwarming shit right there, boys.

>> No.19855084

Based autist

>> No.19855553

I'm pretty sure this is the kind of sick and twisted shit borne of parents that tell the kid they're getting a puppy, meme it up, give them a doll and film it and then bring said puppy in.
Alternatively, do what my mother did, have your neighbour take the dog for an hour and tell you that your dog fucking died.

That'll get some tears from a kid who has no idea. Second one might not, they could be a sociopath.

>> No.19855583

>using treats as incentives because they can't command their dog
Literally the most common way to properly train dogs, professional trainers do it all the time
>let dogs into house, let alone on couches or beds
Actual sociopath behavior, dogs are part of the family and they want to be around you, and many breeds will fucking freeze to death if you leave them outside all the time in the wintertime
>literally giving the dog the food that the family is having for lunch at the table
Giving a dog table scraps is fine so long as you don't do it too often or give them things that are bad for them like onions or garlic
I hope you've never owned a dog, and if you have I hope it was taken away from you

>> No.19855592

I fucking hate dogs and dog people. Dogs are smelly and obnoxious. The people who bring them everywhere are even fucking worse. I'm out at home Depot and I have to step over dog shit because some asshole thinks his 80lb "pupperino" needs to come in and slobber and shed all over strangers. Places need to be stricter on the no dogs policy. This isn't even touching on the "my dogs are my children" weirdos. If you like dogs that's cool but fuck off I don't want to see them, smell them, hear about them

>> No.19855597

this but kids 2bh

>> No.19856075

this but black people 2bh

>> No.19856082

That's not true. I've strangled several other weiners on other men's groins.

>> No.19856086

>And you know what my neighbors can learn to fucking deal with it
god you dogfags are just like niggers

>> No.19856159


>> No.19857123

>Literally the most common way to properly train dogs
it's not training if the dog refuses to do anything without treat.
>dogs are part of the family
>many breeds will fucking freeze to death if you leave them outside all the time in the wintertime
good thing my cunt is tropical, innit?
>Giving a dog table scraps
nice reading comprehension, bro.
The family IS HAVING, understand?
refer to this story to know why I hate "dogpeople" and their "dogs". I honestly love good and well behaved dogs. Knew two of them, all passed away.
>I hope you've never owned a dog, and if you have I hope it was taken away from you
never had, never will. Feel free to let your smelly shit ridden furballs lick you and get on your bed.

>> No.19857398
File: 2.12 MB, 1080x1026, stealer mealer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogbros we made it..

>> No.19857402

bon appetit sneaky eater

>> No.19857496

I'm still in a dream, Sneak Eater

>> No.19857793

>take something extremely common and associate it with "insert random disease here"
Dang, I bet they also had dry skin sometimes or were thirsty. Dogs cause dehydration!

>> No.19858719
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I love dogs

>> No.19858732
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>> No.19858735

You’re memeing but yes they literally do. I went visit my European family friends homes and after a full 24 hours of traveling and bringing something back to eat she had two big ass dogs in the house that she let sit right on my fucking crotch at the dinner table the whole time I was eating. They were staring at me the whole 10-15 minutes of my meal and were so close their noses could have pushed their noses in my pockets. I kept waiting for her to acknowledge it and tell them to move but I was also staying in her house to help them with work during that time and didn’t want to ‘rock the boat’ on my first day.

She was a baker and made fresh pastries every morning for their event, and would let them sit right under her as she was moving around the kitchen and just put her hands on her hood and laugh when they would get their big asses up on the counter and snatch something off - even during dinner.

She’s a great person but fuck if crackers are not the most annoying sort of dog owners. But it’s only the rich crackers, all the others know how to discipline their animals.

>> No.19858990

this but the IRS 2bh

>> No.19859003

>shit that never happened
Nobody allows their dogs to sit on you, YOU do.

>> No.19859011

Why didn't you move the dog off? They must have thought you liked it. I bet they talked about how weird that was afterwards that you liked the dog on your crotch while you eat.
My family would be relentless about some non-euro coming in and eating with a dog on their lap kek

>> No.19859012


>> No.19859834

8/10, had me fooled until you said crackers.

>> No.19859854

I hate cat owners who let their little rodents all over the tables and counters and shit too.

>> No.19859876
File: 563 KB, 2000x1429, whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nefarious beast

>> No.19859882
File: 150 KB, 1001x667, DSCF1063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually was kind of bummed out when I first discovered that's where it was from.

>> No.19859968

you shouldn't let animals walk around on the counter, their paws track bacteria all over the place

>> No.19860004

kids actually evolve past overgrown smelly hairballs with the intelligence of a toddler thoUGH

>> No.19860094
File: 20 KB, 360x240, shutterstock_154188704_360x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the food

>> No.19860104

Actual subhuman post

>> No.19860139

no its not

>> No.19860170

why is there a porker in the apartment

>> No.19860180

doglovers fuck animals

>> No.19860239

when the fuck did this board turn to reddit

>> No.19860293


>> No.19860298

The heat of the pan educates the puppy

>> No.19860306

i hope that means the puppy is getting cooked

>> No.19860315
File: 42 KB, 1024x768, meatball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19860367

the sock ruse was a.........

>> No.19860379

Why the long face?

>> No.19860497

Unfathomably based.

>> No.19860635

I’m not making this up, it actually happened.
Because for one I shouldn’t have to, and two, it was *their* dogs in *their* house and my first day there? Great people aside from that but the husband was legitimately getting jealous at the attention they were giving me and blamed me when those untrained mutts reached until my bag and ate my entire pretzel I bough back from work after I sat it down and turned my back for two seconds. I actually did mention “wow they’re really up close to me, huh?” And she just said “yeah they just like you haha.” The request behind that statement should have been obvious.

>> No.19860850

typical stupid "dogpeople", now you know why I hate owners who see their dogs as "family members". They don't spend a second to think how a fellow HUMAN would feel, they place dogs - filthy beasts - over their own kin
absolute lunatics

>> No.19860955

Use your words. Say "I'm not comfortable with your dog(s) getting so close. Can you please do something about that?".