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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19835036 No.19835036 [Reply] [Original]

How would you handle this situation? How often do you use food delivery services?

>> No.19835041

I'm not american so I don't risk getting shotted for not tipping

>> No.19835042

Send the video to corporate

>> No.19835058

lol what a shit country

>> No.19835061

is that Mike Stoklasa?

>> No.19835069
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call the pizza place, embellish the interaction, and get him fired

>> No.19835074

better than yours lmao

>> No.19835096

I wish the dog was a shitbull and after the comment, she sic the dog on him and his throat got ripped out.

Also why do some boards get webm with sound and other don't?

>> No.19835101

>tattling over something so trivial. A 25% tip is good but you guys are huge fags.
I would go into my nice house, watch a movie on my big tv, and share a slice with my darling wife.

>> No.19835109

I used to work in the service industry, have a nice house, and I'm saying send this to corporate
Hell I might even write up an action proposal and bill them for my time
They take notice when you bill them

>> No.19835120

Stage a photo of food tampering and send both it and the video to corporate.

>> No.19835134

>How often do you use food delivery services?

>> No.19835135

I have a dog that likes to shneef people at the front door. Obviously they made the handoff, why didn't you have a $10 bill or something in your hand. You never paid for drugs before?

>> No.19835150

I would never be in this situation. I always tip a minimum of $10 for deliveries.

>> No.19835166
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>> No.19835172

This is doordash/ubereats, right? I miss it when pizza places had their own drivers and $5 tip was considered generous.

>> No.19835233

>$5 tip
>for a $20 order
A 25% tip is damn good. This fucking pie jockey is expecting steakhouse tips. Christ alive.

>> No.19835236

>This is doordash/ubereats, right?
If it is, then that driver's even more retarded.
The app tells you how much you'll be tipped before you accept/decline the offer, you don't get to be bitchy when you knew full well what the deal would be.

>> No.19835258

I'd do this if my dog wasn't the size of that dog's head

>> No.19835263



>> No.19835269

I live in a rural area. It's easier to drive (drunk) the 20 mins to Domino's if I want pizza.

>> No.19835271

post dog

>> No.19835291

with my front porch confetti cannon, of course. 15% is a social nicety, and higher income doesn't mean you're entitled to a bigger tip, or a tip at all.

>> No.19835310

yeah, you would get fired if you did that working at a pizza place.

>> No.19835487

>app tells you how much you'll be tipped before you accept/decline the offer
What the fuck? The tip is based on the service, how is the customer expected to tell the driver the tip ahead of time?

>> No.19835496

How do you just bill a random entity? They didn't request your services, why would they care you sent them a bill?

>> No.19835498

>that dog's head
it's a chimpanzee

>> No.19835503

Pretty sure on uber eats you can change your tip after the foods delivered

I wonder how many people abuse that and overtip to get good service then dial it back once they have their food

>> No.19835513

>This order pays $5. Would you like to accept or decline?
>only $5??? that sucks shit wtf??
Some people were born to never make it

>> No.19835517

Thank god for being european and not having to deal with entitled people who expect tips.

>> No.19835519

Don't tip. Period.
No. Stop enabling the owner/manager to set low wages and them tell employees that they can make up the inadequacies of their compensation by guilt-tripping to the customers directly. FORM A DAMN UNION.

>> No.19835547

At least he got in a fuck you. I usually get stun locked in these situations because I’m never expecting people to be such entitled shits.

>> No.19835551

why is the pie 20 fucking dollars?

>> No.19835616

>Pretty sure on uber eats you can change your tip after the foods delivered
Yeah. I'm not sure if it has changed, but you had like an hour to edit the tip after it was delivered.

Just reminds me of when my food arrived cold because the guy was riding a bicycle like it was NY not the Australian suburbs but with how fucking quick he was I gave him a few bucks more. The app didn't even know how to properly predict where he was but it kept flashing his location to a walking trail and the guy was just hauling ass. It wasn't even an e-bike.

>> No.19835679
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I would chase after him and slam his head into the fucking concrete
Then I would pull the tip I generously gave him out of his pocket and shit in his pocket instead his pocket
Then I would tell him to clean himself up and get back to delivering like a good wagie
Fucking loser

>> No.19835683

If I had a gun I'd shoot the punk in the back of the fucking head

>> No.19835686

How the fuck do you know, dipshit? You don't even know what country they're from, you fucking retard.

>> No.19835687


>> No.19835688

>he doesn't know how to see someone's country

>> No.19835690

You stupid money burning motherfucker. This is your fault. You and the morons who throw piles of money at these entitled cunts are why this happens.

>> No.19835697

You've spent so much time on /pol/ that you've gotten dementia

>> No.19835704

it's an add on

>> No.19835714

what's my country, then?

>> No.19835719

you don't have it enabled. get extra flags.

>> No.19835720

north macedonia

>> No.19835766


ahahahahaha you fucking liar

>> No.19835780

sorry had to color correct my monitor
you're in imperial japan

>> No.19835807

>I would go into my nice house, watch a movie on my big tv, and share a slice with my darling wife.
I imagine a lot of men have done that.

>> No.19835831

>without sounding mad

>> No.19835857

easy, you just have to be a larping faggot

>> No.19835868

why does he keep looking so surprised when he comes back? After the first time, you'd think that he'd expect the chimp

>> No.19835875

You can send anyone a bill. Doesn't mean they have to pay it. That's what small claims court is for, or if you have a jew lawyer you can put a delinquint record on their credit history

>> No.19835881

Doordash fired him and issued her a $75 credit. She came out on top. She also made several appearances on major news networks. That video is on the Internet forever and everybody I know IRL knows about this happening. I don’t know if that guy will ever work again. Of course he was an asshole but I hate it how one incident like that can ruin a person’s life.

>> No.19835889

yeah this, I used to deliver pizzas. sometimes you don’t get a tip, $5 is decent on a single order. driver is a bitch and deserves the publicity he’s receiving for being a bitch.

>> No.19835902

don’t act like an asshole. one act of murder can ruin your life too, just don’t do it.

>> No.19835928

>being mean to someone once is just like killing a person
Whatever you say, snowflake

>> No.19835930

they're kind of asking for it. but you also are exploiting your neighbor. sucks both ways.

this is why i actually do not like delivery. you are not only paying the cook, you're paying the delivery man, on top of the price of food that pays the cook. these are essentially your servants. up to you whether you want to be a cheap or charitable aristocrat.

>> No.19835975

I solve the problem by not living in a shithole country that has "tipping".

I literally can't think of a more scummy custom in human history. MAYBE the papa new guinea tradition of bashing babies' brains against rocks. Maybe. It's close.

>> No.19835977

>n-noooo you can't just get me fired!!! y-you sound mad!!!
and you're unemployed

>> No.19835978



The entire "custom" is a joke. America is a shithole. Don't try to make sense of it.

>> No.19835979

>read thread first
>expect video to be some insane bullshit like one of them pulling a gun on the other
>it's just some crybaby snarky comment while walking away
lmao everyone in this thread is an incel except me obv