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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1200x900, tomatoes-canva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19832955 No.19832955 [Reply] [Original]

Tomatoes fucking suck; they taste like shit and ruin anything they're added to.

>> No.19832964


>> No.19832968

I will clarify, blended or pureed into a sauce, like ketchup for example, is fine but throwing raw bits of ketchup into anything truly ruins the dish.

>> No.19832969
File: 156 KB, 800x600, sexy tomato-jameshaskins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't saying that last night when you took down two michael phelps sized trays of pasta with marinara with ketchup

>> No.19832976

>need spices and vinegar to make yourself edible

>> No.19833000
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A humble salted tomato is all it takes to satisfy a complex fruit/vegetable craving

>> No.19833001

You’re just eating bad tomatoes. Grow your own and I promise they’ll taste fuckin’ heavenly.

>> No.19833004
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>> No.19833006

>seasoning is bad
American hands typed that post.

>> No.19833007
File: 55 KB, 600x600, tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suit yourself. More tomatoes for me.

>> No.19833021

The ones in the store are fucking aweful. If they are home grown they taste 10x better. The mass produced produce is trash.

>> No.19833635

Alright, you know what, I'm not gonna stick it in anyone's ass who hates tomatoes or peas any longer.

>> No.19833642

Canned tomatoes are almost always better than fresh ones

>> No.19833652

These threads are what sucks. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. I really could not care less about you and your finicky baby ways. Do what you want and shut up.

>> No.19833656

sprinkle a little salt on a tomato and eat it, they are delicious.

>> No.19833659

At what age was your autism diagnosed?

>> No.19833684

i used to be like you. i didn't like tomatoes, or mushrooms, or olives. then i realized that i was a fucking baby and just started eating these foods more and now i genuinely enjoy all of them. tomatoes are a necessity on almost any sandwich for me now. mushrooms are savory and delicious. and don't even get me started on how many olives i eat now.

>inb4 if i have to acquire the taste then it's bad
people generally don't like vegetables as children yet they eat them as adults, does the same logic apply?

grow the fuck up and stop being a picky eater you BABY.

>> No.19833690

>I forced myself to eat shit therefore you are a child

>> No.19833701

whatever you say, enjoy having your mommy pick the vegetables off your food for the rest of your life. baby.

>> No.19833703

>ewwww mushrooms are too MUSHY
>ewwww tomatoes are too MUSHY
>mommy mommy I only want candy cereal wahhh

>> No.19833708

lol unlike you I have acquired taste and don't just eat everything

If you would not eat balut and bugs you can't bitch about picky eaters

>> No.19833710

Mushy tomatoes are fucking terrible though.
Have some standard and don't accept anything less than fresh crisp tomatoes.

>> No.19833713

>comparing bird embryos to vegetables

>> No.19833714

You don’t even know what acquired taste means lol

>> No.19833716

t. autistic manchild

>> No.19833720

No one is obliged to eat everything, we are not third world country where food is scarce

>> No.19833732

Lol looks like I struck a nerve

As others said store bought tomatoes are shit 90% of the time and taste like wet sponge

>> No.19833736

Congratulations, you want a fucking prize?

>> No.19833737

But why would you buy those? Buy the good ones. This is clearly your own fault

>> No.19833739
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>> No.19833742

tell your mom to go to a better store
get it? because you're a baby

>> No.19833746

Stop with the ableism

>> No.19833750

Yeah good luck finding those over here in Northern Europe
Plus tomato season only lasts a few months

>> No.19833777

lol never change

>> No.19833800

shut up retard, go somewhere you're wanted

>> No.19833803

I can eat most vegetables, raw tomatoes just suck

>> No.19833881

are you white? food from the americas somehow it does not meet anglos tastes

>> No.19834642

Would it be British hands instead?

>> No.19834653


The tomatoes in the grocery store are picked when they're still unripe so that they survive shipping from the fields to stores thousands of miles away. If you pick a tomato at the peak of ripeness, it's tender and flavorful in a way that is completely unlike most store-bought tomatoes.

>> No.19834662

Tomatoes are delicious in every single format. When I was a kid, I used to chop up tomatoes and put salt and lemon juice on them. They were my dessert of choice. Cherry and grape tomatoes are delicious as is. They enhance any sandwich, burger, salad, etc. Sun-dried tomatoes take flavor to a whole new level. It's like concentrated perfection.

Tomatoes are a fruit.

>> No.19834672

Primarily because top brand canned tomatoes are always the best Italian motherfuckers. Napolina canned tomatoes mog whatever you grew in your back yard.

>> No.19835455

Actual child detected, tomato sandwiches are god tier

>> No.19835488

sure is underage in here

>> No.19835501

It's acid. Store-bought beefsteak tomatoes outside of summer are bland and lacking in brightness. The only exceptions are plum and cherry tomatoes.

>> No.19835505
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 1675961094881073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a real tomato looks like

>> No.19835520

I used to hate them so much they made me gag but now they barely taste like anything, not sure what changed. Maybe a brain tumor that shrank or long COVID

>> No.19835523
File: 754 KB, 420x314, Jackson Popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's only one breed of tomato
You might qualify for disability. There are thousands of breeds of pears. Tomatoes? There's easily over ten thousand with insane differences. I'm sorry if the hipsters told you there's only grocery store and theirs; it's a big fucking planet.

>> No.19835531

there are thousands of fake and gay tomatoes, there is only one real tomato and it is the Cherokee Purple. Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.19835562

fuck you incel, enjoy your non-existent rent-free tomatoes

>> No.19835713

what about Brandywines?

>> No.19835777

Millions of Europeans never tasted tomatoes in their life so what's the big deal

>> No.19835878

>they taste like shit
buy some fancy tomatoes

>> No.19836321
File: 50 KB, 554x554, images - 2023-10-25T221650.079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19836393

It is just water, good for soup

>> No.19836403

Tomato has literally no vitamins and minerals. If you want veg go for brocolli, cauliflower and carrots like a big boy

>> No.19836407

There are two main reasons why tomatoes can be tasteless:
>mainline supermarket tomatoes were bred from genetic defect tomatoes with fucked up ripening for long lifespan at the cost of taste (look it up, this is a late 20th century problem as 'normal' tomatoes would go off in 3-5 days tops)
>you're a retard and you store them in the fridge

The first issue mostly only affects the largest cheapest tomato breeds since modern technology allows for them to ship smaller tomatoes with taste while still unripe and let them ripen during transit. Or you can pay more for larger tomatoes from different breeds that are gonna cost due to wastage. Or grow your own. Also notice how it doesn't cause problems with tinned tomatoes since they don't need to care about the taste:shelf-life ratio since they're cooked and will last years.

>> No.19836413


Lol, autism speaks.
Why do we allow picky eater threads? They're distinctly anti-foood & cooking almost 100% of the time.

>Wahhhh I don't like X
Don't go to a public space to discuss your personal weaknesses, OP. Therapists need jobs.

>> No.19836436

how does putting them in the fridge make them taste bad? i have never heard this

>> No.19836444

It damages the fruit somehow, I forget the reasoning but it makes sense for a tropical new world fruit to dislike the cold. But feel free to try it yourself by dividing a batch into fridge and countertop and see which tastes better over time (best done with home-grown or higher end tomatoes that won't have been shipped refridgerated).

>I have never heard this
Common advice around here. I pretty much immediately identify someone as a cooklet if I see their tomatoes in the fridge.

>> No.19836450

They're all wet and gross

>> No.19836565

I love tomatoes!

>> No.19836568 [DELETED] 

amerimutt dog detected

>> No.19836639

Do you know where you are?
4chan is full of autists

>> No.19837470

that's a nice way of saying retarded faggots

>> No.19837509

>Br*sh person tries to instruct others on how to make mediocre food

>> No.19837522

I used to fucking hate tomatoes and throw up if even a bit of one got in my mouth, but now all the sudden I like tomoatoes

>> No.19837609

wanna try that post again, chief?

>> No.19837626

You've been buying the wrong tomatoes AND you haven't been seasoning them. If the inside of any fruit is more white than color, it's gonna taste like shit. For tomatoes, my trick is to give it a soft, but firm squeeze before bagging it at the grocery store. If it yields, I know it's truly ripe and has the potential to taste good. If it's still firm and doesn't squish easily, I know it's gonna be some gay ass preripened bullshit.
If that's all you can get, then I suggest that you let the tomatoes you want to use ripen outside the fridge for a day or two before you use them.
Failing this, you can always grow your own in a garden. They're easy to take care of and hard to fuck up.
And don't ever buy roma. That shit cannot even be considered an excuse for San Marzano tomatoes, so don't even try.

>> No.19838364

>raw tomatoes
use less of them or cut them into smaller pieces. They're breddy gud as a garnish on sandwiches/tacos. I don't really like them in salads though, I only have them with some kind of meat.
almost impossible to fuck up, there's a good chance you're using bad tomatoes.

>> No.19839591

Get your nigger ass outta here. Cherry tomatoes are objectively KINO and I won't have a profligate like you spouting such heresy.

>> No.19839595

Cherry tomatoes are gay shit for trendy fags and women.
All skin, no flesh. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.19839621

There's clearly a large swath of people that just hate tomatoes. I'm sure every person that hates tomatoes has been told this 1000 times by now soni don't think it's that

>> No.19839623

post tits whore

>> No.19840386

you need to get some good tomatoes. try cherry tomatoes since we're out of season now, should be alright still