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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19829207 No.19829207 [Reply] [Original]

Did you eat your vegetables as a kid?

>> No.19829209

yes, except lima beans. Those fuckers taste like dirt. Feel like eating dirt, too.

>> No.19829210

Couldn't stand peas when I was a kid but I'd eat just about anything else, including brussel sprouts.

>> No.19829220

Yeah, and I liked most all of them too. Except for brussels sprouts, those were my first encounter with a 'bold' flavor.

>> No.19829230

I hated artichokes. Couldn’t eat them. Tried and threw up. Everything else I could eat though. Still don’t like artichokes.

>> No.19829231

No, I ate other people's vegetables.

>> No.19829240

No, still don't, yet I'm in my 30s with all my medical shit doing well. It's almost like it's a meme spread by jewish people that humans, which never were proven to eat anything but meat in all but fairly recent history, required them to survive.

>> No.19829564

Most people don't know this but if you eat enough broccoli you gain the power to talk to trees

>> No.19829566

Yes. My parents had more difficulty getting me to eat meat. I didn't like steak fat. I disliked the way my mother cooked octopus. I went a few years not eating chicken on the bone because I ate a chicken kidney that was in a thigh and it was disgusting. My mother had a habit of overcooking lamb, pork, turkey and goat so I didn't like those very much when she did. And I dislike fried oily fish (and still do to this day). Excepting the fried oily fish, I enjoy all of those now.
The only meats I would always eat as a child were duck, rabbit, veal, quail, pheasant, faraona, horse and seafood (except for oily fish, which I didn't like fried but was fine every other way) and most of those aren't everyday sorts of things.
Only veg I disliked was mushroom and that was only for a short while.

>> No.19829696

most of them
didn't like spinach because we only had creamed spinach that I still dislike
didn't like brussel sprouts because they were always boiled until mushy(breadcrumbs sauteed in butter used as a topping helped, but not by much)
that's about it

>> No.19829700

I did eat most of my veggies, for some reason I hated broccoli with cheese

>> No.19829712
File: 318 KB, 1200x2761, damvegetables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a meme
and yes I did I loved raw broccoli and carrots and still do

>> No.19829729

Vile weed!

>> No.19829741

You sound retarded. Even as a child you'd figure out if you hate the bone cut the food off, if you hate the steak fat cut it off, etc. All your food issues came from being too fucking dumb to cut something LOL

>> No.19829743

crow's feet lol

>> No.19829754

Yeah. Vegetals are based

>> No.19829761

Only thing my parents cooked I wouldn't eat as a kid was fried liver and many years later when I made it myself I discovered that was just because they overcooked the fuck out of it. I like it now, when I make it myself.

>> No.19829776

no. i eat vegetables now, but different ones.

my parents always tried to make me eat peas, broccoli, string beans, and brussel sprouts - I still hate all those, except peas.

but all the vegetables i encountered as an adult - kale, arugula, pumpkin for example - i do like.

so the question is, did being forced to eat certain veggies make me dislike them forever - or was it that my boomer parents only ever served them boiled or steamed? probably both...

>> No.19829782

You are not very smart.

>> No.19829790

Yes. Loved peas, carrots, cauliflower uhhhh what else? Fuck eggplant and zuchini. I still only tolerate that slimy shit.

>> No.19829791

At first I didn't eat a lot of them, only certain ones (carrots, peas, corn, a few others). As time went on, my taste expanded but my parents also improved at cooking vegetables, going from steaming / baking to properly roasting / sauteeing. By high school I liked probably 80% of vegetables, and by college I don't think there's a plant I wouldn't try to eat if someone made it look good.

>> No.19829797

>humans, which never were proven to eat anything but meat in all but fairly recent history
nigga they opened otzis belly up and most of what was inside was like birdseed type grains.

but it is true that primitive peoples probably didnt eat all that many "leaves" - most arent naturally nutritious or very digestible - but the green vegetables we have now are the products of 3000+ years of selection and breeding. Ancient romans had a huge number of herbs and vegetables.

looking at what monkeys eat, the big missing factor in modern human diets is unironically bugs - monkeys and chimps are constantly eating bugs off of each other, and also eating grubs and maggots out of fruits and leaf litter.

africans and aboriginals still do this today - look up "anthony bourdain witchetyy grub" - and the other main thing they eat is starchy roots like yucca and taro.

so if you want to eat the diet of your ancestors, all you need is some yams from the grocery store and mealworms from petco. light a fire, let it burn down, bury the yams in the hot ashes, scatter the mealworms in your pubes and back hair, and now youre ready to feast like your 1000th great grandpa

>> No.19829800

99.9% sure anon is asian based on the foods - over there they use chopsticks like civilized people, they dont hack their meat with daggers at table like barbarian viking gwailoh.

>> No.19829804

first eggplant thing i ever liked was topping a 1/2 inch thick slice with cheese & tomato sauce, and cooking it HARD in the oven like a pizza. it gets crunchy on top and meaty in the middle. you just have to cook the slimy out which takes longer than people usually cook it for.

also asian ping tung eggplants are 100x tastier and not slimy, theyre thin though, more suited for stir frying. if you a skinny eggplant in the asian grocery, try it, youll never go back to the bulbous slimy euro eggplant.

>> No.19829900

I'm Swiss.

>> No.19829903

Fuck me, brainfart.
I'm Italian. My mother is Swiss (also Italian, but raised in CH).

>> No.19829912

This is true. I ate a head of broccoli every meal for a week. Sometimes with chicken, sometimes in a stir fry. Then I had broccoli and some mushrooms I found and I found the ability to talk to trees.

>> No.19829927

I never ate vegetables as a kid because my parents never gave me them. I didnt even grow up poor, my mom was just an incredibly bad cook. When I got home from school we would eat the same soup that was pasta and boiled chicken in watered down tomato sauce and some chicken bouillon every day, and wash it down with milk. I was an incredibly skinny child. Ill admit I do remember occasionally eating carrots, though.

When I was 12 I spent my allowance on those bags of Green Giant mixed vegetables in butter because I was curious as to what they tasted like. That's when I started eating vegetables.

>> No.19830008

frozen lima beans. nigga why

>> No.19830013

boiled frozen veggies. lima beans and peas etc. every fucking meal.

>> No.19830024

Yes. Mash/Roast potatoes and roasted carrots. None of that green shite though.

>> No.19831409

Didn’t as a kid. Enjoy them now. Except carrots. I have to choke those down.

>> No.19831440

Everything except white/yellow/red onions, still makes me gag if I have that taste in my mouth.

>> No.19831491
File: 139 KB, 999x666, Lima beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know your pain anon...
It was both those and Brussels sprouts growing up. I still ate them, but until I had them at festival potlucks, fried in butter,( The ones mom made were always steamed or heated in a pan from frozen,) I didn't know just how good they could actually be..
Seriously. Lima beans from dry and Brussels sprouts from fresh are both great if they are sauteed in butter, or in the case of the sprouts, also drizzled in olive oil and seasoned then baked until crisp. Same goes for broccoli.

>> No.19831492

Everything except capsicum, cucumbers, and celery.

>> No.19831493

Yeah, the one thing i didn't like was chicken, i fucking hated it no matter how it was cooked and even to this day i still couldn't tell you why, i just hate it.

>> No.19831496

>because I ate a chicken kidney that was in a thigh

>> No.19831508
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No, cabbage literally made me gag whenever I had to eat it
Now im an adult and not picky at all. Always makes me wonder if being a picky eater is simply something you're just born to be

>> No.19831527

Was never a picky eater as a kid. Maybe it was the partial threats of violence from my mother or the guilt tripping from the media about starving kids in some African dust field. Maybe it's because I was a fatty too.
Only things off limits vegetable wise was cucumber.

>> No.19832594
File: 184 KB, 437x403, I love the onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, very slowly. Microwave vegetables are what I grew up on and I was not a fan.
That is just the wrong way to be treating your vegetables. I wish I spent more time in the kitchen when I was a kid.
That said, when I'm cooking now I hardly use vegetables still because it's a pain in the ass to work with them. The only exception is onions, because almost everything I cook comes out of a frying pan, and it would be a waste of a meal to not fry an onion in there whenever I'm cooking. Onions are fucking delicious.

>> No.19832614

I used to be extremely picky and tolerated only a few like potatoes, lettuce, broccoli or carrots now I can tolerate most but I still hate eggplant, green beans and bell peppers.

Apparently those have been modified so they taste better now.

>> No.19832617

If you don't like some vegetable you just didn't fry it or put enough oil in it.

>> No.19832753

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with gen x. They had no idea what the hell they were doing with cooking vegetables. Did we really take the first cultural stepping stone in the western world towards a reasonable culinary tradition for vegetables within the last 2 decades?

>> No.19832782

i liked carrots broccoli and peas. i dont really remember much more than that, maybe thats all we ate.

>> No.19833017

>Did you eat your vegetables as a kid?
only when forced to.
swallowed peas whole
refused to eat lima beans.

>> No.19833020

>wonder if being a picky eater is simply something you're just born to be

>> No.19833050

>Did we really take the first cultural stepping stone in the western world towards a reasonable culinary tradition for vegetables within the last 2 decades?
It's not a totally unreasonable proposition. In the US during the 1950's we were still putting shit like meatloaf dinners in aspic. I'd say we're making decent culinary strides, though maybe in another 30 years we'll be surpassed by the next generation. Food singularity when?

>> No.19833095

I like meatloaf dinner in aspic.

>> No.19833117

The answer to your question is the latter option. There are so many ways to make broccoli and Brussels sprouts and beans delicious, try some of those. I like to prepare broccoli like they do the mixed veggies at a hibachi restaurant, stir fried in butter and soy sauce. Deep fried Brussels sprouts are great and you can throw in many different sauces with them. String beans you slow cook with bacon and lemon juice.

>> No.19833153

I didn't. Now I crave them.
Haha, life is funny sometimes.

>> No.19833161


>> No.19833311

Certain ones. I was always a fan of peas and green beans growing up. Never liked broccoli because my parents sucked at cooking it (it was always just lightly steamed and borderline raw/crunchy). Hated lima beans but my mom did too so she never subjected me to them. I don't know if corn counts but that was something I was a fan of too.
As an adult I pretty much like everything. I got into cooking because my parents sucked at it so bad that I got fed up and decided to learn so I could have tasty meals at home. Even stuff I didn't used to like such as broccoli or brussel sprouts are things I like if they're prepared well. Haven't retried lima beans but I'm sure I could at least make them edible.

>> No.19833319

bad parents are a plague on society FUCK

>> No.19833326

Nah they were great in every other aspect. Raised me right and always had my back/were present and attentive. They just couldn't cook very well. Wasn't even inedible, just was rather sucky and tasteless.

>> No.19833414

this but also Brussel sprouts