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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19828306 No.19828306 [Reply] [Original]

ITT post some recipes and ideas for when you suddenly find yourself with unused stuff.

What to do with egg whites? How can you use ghee butter solids?

I have half an onion left over, wat do?

>> No.19828338

egg white omelette with diced onion

>> No.19828348

Cut it up put it in a bowl and use it the next day. Onions go in like everything. Slice it and put it on a sandwich, mix with some green peppers and make an omelet.
If you cook every day it's hardly a problem.

>> No.19828363

Feed it to your chickens

>> No.19828455
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Take that 1/2 an onion & turn it into a suckling pig. If you had the other half of the onion you should turn that into red wine and maybe some figgy pudding. That's what I do anyways.

>> No.19828481

>egg whites
Souffle, meringue, protein shakes
>butter solids
Toast and add to sauces, eat as is (protein)
>perfectly good onion
Use as onion, chuck into bag of scraps for stock

>> No.19828711

just put it in stuff are you retarded

>> No.19828952

Don't onions lose almost all their pungency after about 5 minutes?

>> No.19828974

>I have half an onion left over, wat do?
Chop it up on garnish a hotdog with it

>> No.19829030

Egg white goes in cocktails or gets turned into meringue in my house.

People saying egg white omelette are you okay? Do you need help? Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.19829032

>I have half an onion left over, wat do?
Cook literally anything that uses onion, aka like 90% of all dishes in existence

>> No.19829043

lrn2 "fridge soup"
Any broth plus whatever you have in the fridge = soup.

>> No.19829049

eat it raw. I always take my leftover onion out of my fridge during a meal and alternate bites of food with bites of onion.

>> No.19829082

Stir fry the onions with the egg whites for breakfast.
Feed the butter solids to your dumbass chickens or put them in your Compost pile

>> No.19829143

i just put the odd half an onion in a ziplock bag in to the fridge

don't feed onion to chickens, it'll thin their blood and they'll die to death depriving you of egg

>> No.19829162

Spare egg whites become coconut merengues in my home. As for other spare bits, it varies. I freeze scraps to make stock. I put other scraps into the composter (I garden). Oftentimes bits of this and that mean it’s pizza night. I waste nothing.

>> No.19829184

They do start to lose pungency if you leave them sliced in the fridge overnight.
As a matter of fact I have been going to the same sandwich shop for like 20 years, and the owner does that with his sliced raw onions for sandwiches, It takes the punchy overpowering taste out and actually makes them very nice and mild as topping.
If you don't want to do that just wrap it up and don't chop it and leave it in the fridge till tomorrow peel on.

>> No.19829194

I do this too, but I cut it into chunks and soak in water to take a bit of the edge off. then eat with bread and cheese and pickles and any leftover meat in the fridge between vodka shots. I’m not russian but a good idea is a good idea

>> No.19829200

Also, try out smaller onions if you like to cook with onions but struggle to use them up.
Try out a bag of shallots, they are really nice and a single shallot is like a perfect serving size for most things you might want to make, like an omelet, pan sauce, etc.

>> No.19829202

dice your leftovers, shove them in a condom and cram

>> No.19829206

You could turn many left over veggies and egg into fried rice with some rice.

>> No.19829225

>half an onion
wrap it in film, put in the fridge and it will keep for several days just fine

>> No.19829243

This nigga eating fried rice with rice

>> No.19829244

Only put whole anounts of onioms into things and you won't have any leftovers. What's an extra half an onion in your tomato sauce, anyway?

>> No.19829251

Speaking of leftover egg whites, what the fuck do I do with leftover egg yolks? I already turn my whites into meringue or egg drop soup if I don't feel like sweets. Yolks, though, I don't have many ideas for. Mayonnaise, maybe? But I'd like some other ideas, too.

>> No.19829254

If you’re careful with them you can salt cure them, it seems kind of memey but it might be good. otherwise make a custard

>> No.19829268

>cured egg yolks
Ah, fuck, I used to make those sometimes. It's been a while, thanks for the reminder. They're pretty good on toast.
The other thing I was hoping to avoid, but honestly a good suggestion. Thanks, anon.

>> No.19829689

Perfect excuse to make carbonara

>> No.19829880


>> No.19830562

Chocolate pudding.

>> No.19830936
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When I make fries at home I chop of the sides of it in order to make them more cube shaped and easier to cut into fries. the ends of potatoes i stuff in a bag and let sit in the fridge until I have enough to make pyttipana with whatever bacon/sausage/cheap meat that I can dice up. fry with thyme and rosemary, top with a fried egg and beetroots and voila

>> No.19830954

If you have leftover chicken that's still good but you dont want to eat that meal 3 days in a row you can make a "salad" out of it.
>boil a few carrots
>boil a few eggs
>you can add other things like diced pickles or bell peppers but I feel like that's too much stuff
>dice these up into small pieces
>shred the meat up to the same size
>make some homemade mayo out of an egg yolk and oil and a dash of mustard
>season your mayo with salt, pepper, whatever else you like
>mix it all in a bowl and now you have a yummy spread you can eat on toast with some shredded cheese over it
Just make sure you have the proper amount of mayo. Too much it'll be too wet and gross, too little, it'll be too dry and tasteless. You just kinda gotta feel for it

>> No.19830958

This. Niggas on yt be like
>i use ALOT of onions when i cook :P
Nigga everyone uses alot of onions when they cook
Onions are the baseline of seasoning right up there with salt

>> No.19830966

Get into baking and store your unused egg parts until you use them for a cake on the weekend
My mom goes overkill and has a full ziplock bag of like 25 egg whites in the freezer to make cake with lol

>> No.19831261

>What to do with egg whites?
sponge cake. meringue
>I have half an onion left over
put it in your salad or dish tomorrow

>> No.19831297

Seriously, there is a million things you can do with yolks, I'd tell you if I wasn't sleepy right now

>> No.19832538

It'll go bad faster if you dice it.

Wrap it with foil/plastic wrap and keep it in the fridge until you need it. Use it as an ingredient within a couple of days. Slice off the exposed area before you use it.

>> No.19832762
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>> No.19832775
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i add leftover egg whites to an omelette - of whole eggs - but whites only just screams of fitness influencer bs.

>> No.19832799

>I have half an onion left over, wat do?
cling wrap it until you want to eat something with onion in it? wtf

>> No.19833108

>a homemade coconut
every time

>> No.19833118

cut up onion, fry it, add it to literally anything because it's that good
your egg whites can do meringues

>> No.19833146


>Ziplock bag
>Freeze until ready to use it

>> No.19834741

Put it all in a burrito

>> No.19835453

Anything veg freeze and make your own stock. Combine with chicken or beef offcuts to make related stocks.

Plan ahead with your meals. You're buying 2 eggs and only using the yolks? Plan something for the whites.