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19825146 No.19825146 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got a chips, pop n a bar on a chilly October night

>> No.19825160

Tfw toasty warm wood stuff running a full send to keep me warm and not cost me a dime to heat my whole house

>> No.19825166
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what's your go-to chips, pop and bar combo?
for me it's zesty mordant doritos, smarties (leaf version), and pepsi

>> No.19825171
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>goes to a bar
>orders pop

>> No.19825175
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Disregard I'm illiterate and suck cocks

>> No.19825176

>tfw no Trevor or Corey to hook me up with chips, pop, and a bar

>> No.19825182
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>tfw my fat ass is on a diet so i cant have chips,pop,n'a'bar

>> No.19825199

>Texas so we hit high 70 f even during a cold front
But soon I will be able to make egg nog and use my fireplace, just need patience.

>> No.19825227

Who calls a candy bar a bar? But uh, what chips, pop n bar we talkin?

>> No.19825233


>> No.19825291

Nothing like hitting the pool tables in the bar on a cold rainy night like where I'm at RN.

>> No.19825343

That does sound nice. Wish I still had friends to shoot pool with.

>> No.19825429

a mug of warm tea is better than your slop on a cold october night

>> No.19825453

Peanut M & M's
Coca Cola

>> No.19825512

>a bar
nigger just smoke some weed or something, that shit is gonna kill you.

>> No.19825845

doritos spicy sweet chili
king size reeses bar
calpico mango or strawberry

>> No.19826408

Of course zoomers choose the only drug that isn’t fun at all, fucking retarded generation

>> No.19826837
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Drugs weren't even remotely on my mind when I posted this.
t. not a zoomer piece of shit


Paqui salsa verde flavor or Dorritos
Any soda except lemon flavored shit

And you're ready to chill.

>> No.19827229
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Corey, Trevor, smokes let's go.

>> No.19827236

such a comfy feel. Now I want chips, pop n a bar too. going to get them rn.

>> No.19827238

Xanax is amazing and you're a faggot

>> No.19827241
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>the high is 90 today in texas
i hate it so much bros, i gotta get out of here

>> No.19827373

>Hey instead of doing coke (which makes you feel good) or oxy (which makes you feel good) or shrooms (which are trippy and interesting), let’s take xanax which makes you feel nothing at all
W rizz bussin ong fr??

>> No.19827408

Xanax is a shit drug. Feel nothing and then roofie yourself.

>> No.19827426

It does make you feel amazing. Carefree and happy. Coke makes me feel twitchy and anxious. Obviously yes opiates are great and I enjoy those too.

>> No.19827436

>The high today is 100 in Arizona
A-at least it’s a dry heat…

>> No.19827465

I used to absolutely hate the shit when I was in high school.
In the days before fentanyl became a common issue street bars were all the rage.
I called it “literal think-less” and kids were getting all loopy and totaling their cars like fucking idiots.
Those were the type of kids who didn’t need to be thinking less, ya dig?
I thought it was dumb, and all it did was make you sleepy.
Then in my mid twenties I developed anxiety (got a script), and holy shit.
The stuff is a godsend.
It’s awful if you mix it with alcohol, but standalone it is the most effective drug in existence.
It does exactly what it’s supposed to do, quickly, and with no undesirable side effects.
And it has a short half life, it’s out of your system quicker than a beer.
I wish even fucking headache medicine worked as effectively as the stuff does.
It’s still LITERAL think-less, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes that’s what you need when life’s unrelenting stress is crushing you from every possible angle.
It gives your brain a breather.
People that party with the stuff are hopeless fucking retards, but when used as directed that stuff is the most incredible drug ever imo.
I’m not denying that the potential for abuse is very high, but it’s 10/10 for what it does.

>> No.19827467

i bet you drink lean regularly as well

>> No.19827526
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That's the shit that got me through the college for several years

>> No.19827563

Lean is a meme.
Nobody ever even gets real shit anymore, just fake Canadian qualitest and then they act like goobers due to placebo.
If anything it’s like the Dom Perignon of the drug world.
It’s a status symbol, and people like to show off their double cup more than they care about the actual sensation.
Shit, that’s why they don’t even mind that it’s fake.

>> No.19827578

preach, my guy.
you’re right about the degenerates who think it’s a party drug though, mixing that shit with alcohol is what gives it a bad name.
idiot kids and alcoholic housewives alike.
on it’s own, it’s a blessing, but as soon as alcohol enters the equation people turn into insufferable tard gremlins that are incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions because somehow what they do isn’t their fault anymore.
i fucking hate it when people that can’t handle their shit ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.19827580

Most intelligent post ITT

>> No.19828619

I took Xanax 1 time and it was the best I've ever felt in my entire life. I was in a train station in Chicago on a layover. I'm from a small town so it was the most people I'd ever been around in my entire life. I tried walking outside of the station and the towering buildings made my head spin. I was about to lose my mind so I took 4 of the .25 mg that my psychiatrist gave me months ago that did absolutely nothing at such a low dose.

All of my problems washed away in an instant. I became a regular person. I went to the cafeteria and got some food. Talked to some strangers and got some advice. I think I would have missed my train and died in Chicago hundreds of miles from home without Xanax.

>> No.19829136

Just know that you looked like a stupefied barely coherent retard to the people you interacted with, even if you don’t remember it that way.

>> No.19829146
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>> No.19829149
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>> No.19829295

I've never taken it since then but I'm confident it saved me from having to borrow a cell phone and call my family 2 states away to rescue me from the middle of Chicago. It cleared my mind enough for me to just do what I had to do instead of losing my mind. I used it for its intended purpose and it worked fantastically.

I dont support people being Xanax zombies but I'd give my left nut to have 1 Xanax in my pocket at all times to level my head once a month when I'm almost psychotic with anxiety. I even took an ambulance ride that cost thousands of dollars during a panic attack once and wasted valuable EMT and dispatch and manpower. All could have been solved with a Xanax.

>> No.19829316

>tfw pack of cigs, asmr, and instant coffee

>> No.19829336

Sounds like you are the actual intended user for xanax, glad it was able to help you.

>> No.19829339
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>> No.19829349
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>t. not a zoomer piece of shit
xanax was a late millennials thing,early ones were prozac kids

>> No.19829358
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one day you'll pray for that feeling

>> No.19829360


>> No.19829366

used to be any chips + a choco taco, but they fucking killed the choco taco.

>> No.19829369

Or I could just pop and oxy and actually feel relaxed AND euphoric

>> No.19829866

based rational drug enjoyer

>> No.19829886
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ITT drug addicts and zoomer soundcloud rapper fans who ruined a perfectly wholesome thread

>> No.19829894

americans hate anything that's wholesome. even when american culture was wholesome there were americans hating it and making fun of it

>> No.19830331
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>dope nod from oxy
that doesn't last long unless you chase the dragon real hard.