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19821336 No.19821336 [Reply] [Original]

It's tea season. name your favorite tea

>> No.19821347


>> No.19821351

Me? For me? My favorite tea? Well if you asked me what my favorite tea was, I’d say that, well for me, it’s Darjeeling and good old black tea.

>> No.19821362

I wish I could tell you. It's in a mason jar my grandmother gave me eight years ago. It's one of the best teas I've ever brewed. It has this sweet raisin-like aroma and it goes well with either a bit of cream or just black. It has the subtlest taste of fruit, and it makes me wonder if all those coffee and wine snobs were really onto something and I've been in denial all these years.

>> No.19821369

i'm too lazy to find good tea
also i dont value tea enough to find good tea
i dont drink tea at all actually

>> No.19821379

green tea because it reminds me of Japan

>> No.19821385

>black tea

>> No.19821393

roobios and green

>> No.19821395

Regular store bought Yogi's Egyptian Licorice.
I miss it so much, bros

>> No.19821399

Beans on toast

>> No.19821403

There's a shop near me that sells tea by the pound. They buy lots of imported Indian and Chinese teas. I can't remember any of their names but they're pretty goddamn good.

>> No.19821425

decent coffee is way more accessible than decent tea
they both taste like shit btw

>> No.19821434

brown sugar boba milk tea

>> No.19821439

summer is tea season for me, it’s blendy stick season now. got a bunch of flavors and my favourite one so far is sweet potato.

>> No.19821440
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>> No.19821453
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Black tea. 1 teaspoon of sugar. Perfection.

>> No.19821571

I'm not too picky but I really like Taj Mahal.

>> No.19821585


>> No.19821649

That's about it. Longjing is also ok, along with most light oxidized oolongs that aren't smoked or roasted over wood.

>> No.19821654


>> No.19821830
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>> No.19821897

I just pour boiling water over sliced ginger, a quartered lemon and a tbsp or so of honey.

>> No.19821921

Green tea.

>> No.19821936

anyone here had skullcap tea? how is it? i have bad insomnia since i quit drinking every day and i want to try it but i'd have to order it online.

my favorite tea is probably earl grey with lemon, or spearmint. iced black tea with cider vinegar and honey is really good in summer. i remember liking white teas, but i haven't had one in a long time

>> No.19821948
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Pic related steeped for probably longer than necessary is my favorite. Four red fruits is pretty nice too. They're good for being as cheap as they are. In terms of other teas that aren't black, Pukka's night time one for sleep. Or just some fresh mint leaves with a slice of lemon and honey.

>> No.19823580

I am a earl grey purist always drink it black and a small cup

>> No.19823591


>> No.19823708

I recently bought some green tea with cherry blossoms that's really nice

>> No.19824081

Black tea is nasty

>> No.19824090

We had some really good lemongrass-ginger tea a while back. Don't remember the brand.

>> No.19824149

low t?

>> No.19824175

earl grey with cinnamon and three baby spoons of sugar in a big mug with milk

>> No.19824176
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I really like this assam tgfop from Porto Rico Importing Co in NYC. It's really bold but without any nasty bite, it drinks very smoothly somehow. It also gets a really gorgeous auburn color if you steep it long enough (doesn't get tanniny for me even if I oversteep a bit).
I also really like the puerh I got there, though that's kind of a different experience.

>> No.19825302

Favorite tea? Tough one! Going to have to go with Lipton.

>> No.19825659

Is sweet tea and black tea the same? It's the only type of tea I ever drink.

>> No.19825699

Poleo. Haven't found it where I live though so I can't have it everyday.

>> No.19825706

>real tea
Lapsang Souchong

>> No.19825708

sweet tea is usually made from black tea

>> No.19825746

Lapsang souchong is fucking delicious. I can only have it once in a great while but every time I do I wonder why I waited so long since the last time.

>> No.19825759


>> No.19825772

your standard chamomile tea from the grocery store should help you fall asleep.