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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19820575 No.19820575 [Reply] [Original]

I recently got diagnosed with a fatty liver, because I'm a fatty fuck. My doctor's note was vague on recommendations, so I decided to do my own research to find a fatty liver diet:
>No fruits or fructose.
>No breads or carbohydrates.
>No dairy or milk-like products.
>No eggs, salt, soy sauce, or butter.
>Only fresh fish and chicken breast for meat.
>No potatoes, no cooking oils other than extra virgin olive oil, and even then sparingly.
>No sugar, added sugar, honey, maple syrup (raw or processed, doesn't matter).
>No canned goods, like beans or tomatoes.
To name what I can recall off the top of my head.

I've been trying to follow this for about a week now. The food has been incredibly bland and small, despite reading that I'm supposed to feel more motivated and satiated. Are there any decent, efficient meals that can be made with these restrictions, or should I just suck it up/kill myself? I just ate a potato salad and leaning towards the latter.

>> No.19820577

try eating less fatso

>> No.19820649

Already at >=1,500 calories a day, but I bet 1,200 calories of salads and 1,200 calories of pizza are gonna have very different effects.

>> No.19820669

maybe try:
roasted root veggies (carrots, parsnips)
Brussel sprouts
Spaghetti squash
riced cauliflower
Miso? (maybe qualifies as too salty)
you didn't mention nuts, but I'm guessing they are probably a no-go too?

>> No.19820681
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literally just >>19820577. Cold turkey cutting out various food categories isn't going to last, just eat less of them. Stop drinking and eliminate diet sodas first if anything

>> No.19820687

Most of that fat is sugar, just do keto and expect it to be hard at first

>> No.19820694
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yaass I love shitting oil and balding #keto

>> No.19820723
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I will not do your hairloss meme diet rabbi

>> No.19821344

Lean pork should be fine. Eat some ham.
You should probably have an egg yolk a week for the micronutrients. Egg whites, you should be able to have ad libitum.
I’d ignore the no-salt rule. Add salt and seasonings to your food.
What’s wrong with canned goods?

>> No.19821363

>What’s wrong with canned goods?
The sodium content in the broth and other preservatives.

>> No.19821388

Preservative hate is just something fattys do to feel theyre doing something right with their diet. Not sure if this is true but I will believe it from now on.

>> No.19821394

buy a bunch of spices to cook your vegetables with. by the way, you can eat as much fruits and vegetables that you want to. the fiber lowers your insulin response, which means less fat being produced in your blood

>> No.19822364

Just checked my cans: tomatoes have only salt and citric acid while the beans have only salt and vitamin C (used as an anti-oxidant). Maybe they meant to avoid processed foods in cans, like ready made soups? I just make my own soup from raw ingredients.

>> No.19822382

I’m not saying it’s bad, but you do know sodium is salt, right? He said the sodium content was the issue.

>> No.19822389

>The guys eating red meat and eggs everyday suffer from anemia

>> No.19822744

>dieting retards don't structure their meals well