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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19809005 No.19809005 [Reply] [Original]

Stories of situations where you have witnessed bad hygiene / violations involving food preparation.

Story 1:
>Be me, 16
>Get a job clearing tables at a bar for the summer
>Really bad moldy smell behind the bar
>Assume it is just the beer/gutter/floor
>Near the end of summer, come to work to find one of the staff cleaning the ice machine / ice box
>It is caked in mold
I have never accepted ice in my drinks anywhere after that

Story 2:
>Get work doing pizza deliveries
>this was in late 90s, pizzerias still had their own delivery drivers
>The place is run by a really disgusting slob who smokes in the kitchen, smelled like he had not taken a shower in years and I would bet anything had not heard of washing your hands
>The fucking idiot keeps all of the ingredients lying around the kitchen all day
>Gag any time you walk past the shrimp, the smell is so horrible it could be weaponized

Story 3:
>A friend lets his cat walk across the dinner table, kitchen counter, plates and cutting board
>Cat goes to the litter box
>Spreads the shit everywhere

Story 4:
>So many places do not wash their vegetables or lettuce

>> No.19809063


Story 5:
>Early 2000s, an actual job in a kitchen
>Fairly nice place, not totally fine dining, but still better than average casual
>Kitchen gets a sous vide machine, oooooh, fancy
>It is a used machine, been in use for like a decade already, the tanks reek, no amount of cleaning gets the stink off

Those early sous vide machines took massive amounts of water and ages to heat up so lazy idiots never changed the water and it would just simmer away for months

>> No.19809066

my brother worked in kitchens for a bit and i have NEVER seen him wash his hands, even when living with him at home as a child

he's too straight for that i guess

>> No.19809073
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>be me
>mid 40s
>these kids think they've seen it all

>> No.19809083

My boss at the mall food court's eatery told me to keep an eye out for the food inspector, to turn the heat up if we see him, that we can't keep food that hot all the time or it'll dry up -- this was over 15 years ago, since then, the food inspector have their own thing to test the temperature of the food?

>> No.19809124

Seriously, no place like that ever follows the temperature standards. The worst are all you can eat buffets. Those cheap chinese ones are the worst offenders in keeping food out for fucking ages in unsafe temperatures.

>> No.19809339

they were also preparing food on the floor, tub of chicken was on the floor, one of the owner's female relative was stinging them on skewers, the pack of wood skewers was on the floor.

>> No.19809379

>>Near the end of summer, come to work to find one of the staff cleaning the ice machine / ice box

Remains of supermarket employee missing for 10 years found behind cooler
By Tamar Lapin
Published July 22, 2019
Updated July 22, 2019, 4:30 p.m. ET

//Larry Ely Murillo-Moncada, 25, worked at the No Frills Supermarket in Council Bluffs when he disappeared on Nov. 28, 2009, the Des Moines Register reported.

Earlier that day, his parents said he got upset and ran out of their home, prompting them to report him missing.

Police now believe Murillo-Moncada went to the supermarket after leaving home, climbed on top of the coolers and fell into an 18-inch gap between the coolers and the wall, becoming trapped.//

So for over 10 years, they did not clean that spot, and rotting meat smell was so common nobody suspected anything?

>> No.19809388

A room mate thought I was warming blueberries up because I was washing them.

>> No.19809412

Knew a haitian that chopped vegetables on the kitched floor. Also gardened and never took shoes off in house. Worst thing they did though was deep frying turkeys without understanding displacement.

>> No.19809441

Apparently cleaning is a "frill."

>> No.19809458

A local supermarket has birds indoors and the fresh produce is always covered in bird shit. I am not going to buy anything fresh or unpackaged from there.

>> No.19809507

i was kitchen hand at an indian for a year, one day a new pajeet chef appeared fresh off the boat. could barely speak english, couldn't understand what english he spoke through his accent, never learned his name.
one day i found a container of fennel seeds infested with some bugs. he laughed and just toasted them, ground it all up, back on the shelf.
he would use the same cloth to wipe down everything. cut up some raw chicken, wipe the board with his cloth, flip the board over, chop some vegetables, wipe the board with his cloth, flip the board over, chop some herbs.
at the end of the night i would scrub all the benches down, then hit them with the sani for a spray and wipe. beautiful, shiny, clean stainless steel benches. then he'd come behind me with his disgusting chicken cloth and wipe the bench down again, leaving it dirtier than when i started.
he was fired after a couple of months.

when i was a chef at a restaurant/bar, the owner would help out in the kitchen with prep when we had something big coming up because he's a good cunt like that.
he was shuffling shit around in the walk in when i look over my shoulder to see him scooping chips up off the floor back into the chip bucket.
"i saw that," i says.
he just looks at me while he's bent over, scooping up chips.
"customers are the scum of the earth,"
to this day the best boss i've worked for. he wound up selling the business for something like 4 million.

>> No.19809782

My local chinese restaurant got shut down because of rats.
I mean completely shut down, apparently the health inspector showed up and a rat was on top of the dishwasher.

>> No.19810757
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>work at kfc as assistant manager
>every Tuesday night dismantle and detail clean the krusher machine
>take a month off to get married
>krusher machine has gone uncleaned for 3 weeks
>slimy black mold pervading the inner mechanisms
It gets worse
>time for a new job
>training the new manager before I leave
>stress the importance of cleaning the krusher machine frequently and thoroughly
>fast-forward 4 years
>catch up with a former colleague
>the krusher machine didn't get cleaned for 12 months until it literally started pouring brown one morning
>the machine was not salvageable and the store no longer sells krushers
Anything that can't be thoroughly cleaned with a cloth in a fast food store is likely hiding months or years of grime or mold, a couple anons mentioned ice machines as being particularly disgusting and I can confirm that is true, same goes for the nozzles on the post-mix machines.

>> No.19810959

>cooks threw a bad raw porkchop in the trash
>smelled like death
>no one took it out so I had to take the trash bag outside sprinting

>> No.19810989

I worked at a pizza place back in the day, and honestly the only thing to note was that the soda machine was only supposed to be cleaned by pepsi, not us or maintenance, and they only came out once a year. Our beer taps, in comparison, were cleaned once every 2 weeks.

Also the ice machine was always filthy inside, and the shit that drains from these machines can get absolutely vile. Never, EVER get ice from any establishment.

>> No.19811004

did the dishwasher know?

>> No.19811027

thanks based marvin for telling me forever ago to not get ice, ever

>> No.19811031

A burger place which is a big fast food chain in Sweden (Max if interested) seems to never clean their milkshake machine. All the tastes are the same lol. I bet they stopped cleaning it properly.

>> No.19811069
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>Listen as someone is rage vomiting in the restroom.
>Moments later, a kitchen goblin waddles out and into the kitchen.


>> No.19811113

he probably got mummified from the hot air and dried out

>> No.19811138

The forbidden jerky

>> No.19811143

i did pest control in an indian restuarant before and their ice machine was immaculate
they had a horrible rat problem that after the rats got eliminated turned into a horrible cockroach problem though

>> No.19811224

Health inspectors should frequently check these then...but we hare a shortage of health inspectors across the west right now, increase of things like health inspectors and courthouses, housing, haven't caught up with the population explosion. My local Loblaws and Longo regularly sell moldy vegetables on the discount cart, and sometimes they get moldly before. Also a vicious cycle where because the local supermarket in the city is so gross, people drive or even take the bus to the suburbs where the products are rotated faster -- haven't sat in traffic as long -- so the city selection gets worse.

>> No.19811228

Thanks asshole, I'm eating when I read this.

>> No.19811411

Rats keep roaches away.
This is why you feed rats clean food and put medicine in their water.
Hygienic rats achieved.>>19811224

>> No.19811543

Lmao a hearty chuckle from me

>> No.19811566


>> No.19811599

How's he taste?

>> No.19811607

This is the kind of commitment to keeping costs low that I can believe in

>> No.19811817
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>Near the end of summer, come to work to find one of the staff cleaning the ice machine / ice box
>It is caked in mold
>I have never accepted ice in my drinks anywhere after that
Same, also why I won't use the fountain soda dispensers. Ain't nobody got time to clean those to a sanitary satisfaction.

>> No.19811914
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Ok then,
>Work in bars and brewpubs long enough to be the floor manager at a fairly well-known Bay Area brewery
>Be a couple months in and notice the mold just running riot all over the walls
>Call attention to it
>Just water damage from the rains we've had. Pay no mind.
>Guise, it's in the brewery too. The floors are black and greasy.
>Don't worry about it. One of the 2 owners does the brewing. He'd have said something.
>Guise, it turns out that when there's heavy traffic through the women's shitter, the pipes back up. Like, HARD.
>Yeah, we have a plumber on speed dial. He's here like 3 times a month. Especially on baseball home game days at <whatever the stadium 2 blocks away is officially designated.>
>ok I guess
>Guise, those woman's shitter pipes? They back up into the fucking brewery. There's 2 inches of sewage in there, and more's coming. You know, where it's supposed to be a mostly sterile environment? Where we have already canned 6-packs just soaking it up? Where the kegs for front-of-house are? Where you're canning for national distribution? I need fucking hip waders here.
>...you're fired.

Do not EVER drink anything from 21st Amendment. I'm serious.

>> No.19811927

Wait seriously? Fuck man, I used to drink Brew Free all the time when I lived there

>> No.19811947

DON'T. The most disgusting conditions and crumbling infrastructure I've ever seen in more than a decade of the restaurant/bar/brewery industry.

>> No.19811965
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Ha, now that I think about it, Brew Free OR DIE takes on a different connotation.

>> No.19811970

Is everyone on this board immunocompromised or something
Do all of you have AIDS
I have a little thing called a functional immune system

>> No.19811982 [DELETED] 

If i wanted to ingest fecal matter, I'd kiss your mom after she rimmed me.

>> No.19811996

If i wanted to ingest fecal matter, I'd kiss your mom after she rims me.

>> No.19812011

What bullshit is this? We cleaned soda fountains on a nightly basis. You take the nozzles off and soak them in soda water from the fountain. Takes 30 seconds. The mix ratio was checked weekly by the slightly above lowest wagie.

>> No.19812036

I'm talking about the INSIDE of the machine, not the nozzles.

>> No.19812157

Those get sanitizers run through the lines, much like beer taps.
Unless of course, the establishment isn't adhering to health regulations...

>> No.19812165

You're extremely tough and cool and based too for eating mold, bugs, and rat shit from your local goyslop factory anon. Don't let the haters tell you any different.

>> No.19812190

>Cops said they’ve now closed the cold case.

>> No.19812287
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Yeah, that's kinda why I posted in this thread...

>> No.19812298

Then don't be a cunt when someone posts something relevant.

>> No.19812307
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>Post in a restaurant horror story thread about my experiences on the matter
>You, being the genius you are, come in and misread my post
>I correct you
Are you retarded or something? Legit question here.

>> No.19812355

You're replying to the wrong poster anon. And still being cunty. Don't be cunty.

>> No.19812361

Go back to where you came from, holy fuck retard.

>> No.19812429
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>owner filled hot sauce and ketchup bottles from a large tub, never cleaned the containers
>bottom of the ketchup bottle had a black layer of fossilized ketchup

>> No.19812528 [DELETED] 

Awesome riposte.
You're doing terrific.

>> No.19812535

Devastating riposte.
You're doing terrific.

>> No.19812598

This but unironically.
All these low sanitary places create a robust and diverse bacteria for the immune system to adapt to.
Imagine how many people have a heightened IS from this place.
They also have stronger gut biome that will defend their lives foe decades to come.

>> No.19812622

In the mid 90s, I worked for a chain resto whose name sounded a little like Benjamin's. Was a manager. Store in suburban Detroit had gotten closed by the health department. A bunch of managers flew out to clean it up to reopen.


Every corporate resto has the wall of chicken. Thawing and held in the big lexan tubs. We pulled the tubs and there were wings mashed into the wall, rotting.
The deli slicer had maggots in the motor and the stone.
The dish tank didn't hit 100F.
The hoods had half an inch of black tar grease on them.
The soda guns had more black mold than clean plastic.
The bar was teeming with flies.
The produce cooler had a case of 6x6es that had turned to black, furry mush.
The cukes were watery mess.
Nothing was dated
And so much more. It was awful. We worked our asses off for five days.
GM and AD got canned.

>> No.19812647


>> No.19812672 [DELETED] 

I’ve found that now clean a kitchen/restaurants operation ruins is directly correlated with how many niggers/shitskins are working there.
DESU if you see even a single brown hand in BoH you should seriously reconsider eating there because you’re gambling with your life.

>> No.19812681 [DELETED] 

gbt/pol/, retard
Nothing could be further from the truth. The white boys in the kitchen are trailer trash/meth dealers/assorted criminals. The browns are worried about getting deported and need the money. 30 years in restaurants. Fucking hate, hate, hate whiteboi kitchens.

>> No.19812718

Maybe you speak the truth but I have never seen another white guy that isn't a white mexican in the cleaning area.
It's almost all niggers mutts and spics in the dish and cleaning.
The place is clean as fuck thanks to the spics.

>> No.19812730 [DELETED] 
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Aaaand the thread has turned to race, because anon can not keep his mind off black cock for more than 15 seconds and poltards can not fathom a board where the discussion is not always about cock and sperm, and therefore must go there to speak about black cock and girl sperm.

>> No.19812734 [DELETED] 

Depends on the type of ethnic. Latinos are usually not bad, blacks are generally lazy but will clean if told to do so, however if the kitchen is full of pajeets definitely don't eat there.
>t. lazy jogger buttmad they were told to clean by a white chef

>> No.19812745 [DELETED] 

Witebois in a kitchen: when's my break? I need a smoke? I'm scheduled to 9. I know we're slammed, but I'm out. I need all of the holidays off. I just got 3 tickets. I'm slammed. Help je.
Browns: Yes, boss. Sure I can stay. Overtime? Yes, please. Kevin called off? I'll be there in 10 minutes (I live 20 miles away.) Just flat-sat the whole place? No worries, I'm on the motherfucker.

>> No.19812772

>implying blacks even show up on time, let alone stay late
It's always blacks and women who show up late, if they even show up at all.

>> No.19812780

>I don't run kitchens
Sure thing, kiddo.

>> No.19812792

>30 years in kitchens
>hate hate hate
I bet you do. Seethe away with your wasted life, you old fucking fat worthless subhuman

>> No.19812802

Oh, honey, I'm fine, I have a good sense of separation between work and life. Been married 23 years. 2 great well-adjusted kids. Never cheated, not an alcoholic, don't do drugs. Most of the resto stereotypes exist for good reason. But I don't fit them.

>> No.19812808

Lol he posted his fucking diary.
Get lost you worthless fat fuck

>> No.19812814 [DELETED] 

You should stop beating your wife.

Ha, who am I kidding, you've never seen a woman naked.

>> No.19812818

So did you..?

>> No.19812963

Use the little arrow triangle and hide thread or hide post, it's how I make /ck/ and /hm/ palatable. It's a big tent and we'll just have different preferences so hide thread.

>> No.19812972

>I disagree with you
>women and sex thing
You are fucking useless. And you know it.

>> No.19812973


>> No.19812974

I moved into an apartment that had cockroaches, one when I moved in, another one a few months later, then never again. I ate in one area on a tray I spray with soap and rinsed afterwards. No food crumbs, no food smells, no cockroaches. I keep my sugar and opened cookies inside rubbermaid containers. I keep food garbage in a slipnot bag in a bin in my fridge till I toss it outside.

>> No.19812979
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You keep your food garbage in a weird place, anon

>> No.19812982

Oh I also moved my furniture to be inches from the wall. I don't have sofas, I had the comfy IKEA skarpo armchair with cushions that I could wash, i prefer metal and plastic furniture to wood -- there was no place for roaches or spiders to hide.

>> No.19812985

You did tho

>> No.19813009

Show me where I did that

>> No.19813030

/pol/ has rotted your mind

>> No.19813065

Why didn't you call the health department on them after you left?

>> No.19813075
File: 518 KB, 599x707, mfwdogslobber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>dating white girl
>go over to her house for dinner
>find out her family has 7 dogs that live inside
>parents serve me some pretty average food, nothing special
>whole family finishes their dinner
>proceed to place their plates on the floor for the dogs to lick clean

>> No.19813117

I just know, but do you?

>> No.19813128

>be me
>go to Chinese buffet
>sticky mess in pan labeled lo mein. oh well.
>guy comes out of kitchen with fresh pan of lo mein
>instread of replacing pan he dumps everything from his pan on top of the sticky buffet pan
I think I stopped going to those places when I was 15 or so.

>> No.19813150

Fucking this...

We have a few chains of cheap pizza buffets where I am from and they always have a few shriveled up slices of pizza that nobody want and the staff never clear away. Yuck.

>> No.19813171
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>I keep food garbage in a slipnot bag in a bin in my fridge till I toss it outside.

>> No.19813852

>Crackhead linecook I worked with used to douse cast iron pans with salt every night
>Doesn't really clean the pan with the salt as an abrasive, just swirls it around then dumps it in the trash

>Dishwasher doesn't show up until 30-45 min into the shift, we clean after ourselves during prep
>Kitchen manager is getting annoyed that new guy keeps piling the dish pit up with shit he's not cleaning, yells at us (but mostly him)
>Now new guy just starts reusing cambros and hotel pans when portioning out stuff so he doesn't have to wash dishes

>Sanitizer comes from a hose that pre-mixes it to the right dilution
>Big sign to the right of it giving directions, noting that sanitizer needs to be around 72F for it to be stable
>Since it's in the dish pit, the water is usually set to hot
>New guy just keeps bringing hot sani because he's too fucking lazy to change it to cold
>Yell at him to stop doing that, he insists it doesn't matter

he's no longer the new guy, just "that one guy"

>> No.19813867

I remember taking a ServSafe class and the instructor kept apologizing for constantly picking on chinese restaurants when giving examples for health code violations... while explaining that they all came from personal experience.

>> No.19814288

Don't worry, the 7 dogs were closer to being human than you, Derrick.

>> No.19814488 [DELETED] 

I do that, the plates go into the dishwasher.after.

>> No.19814504

it's ok anon
white families wash the plates with dishwashing solution rather than the chicken

>> No.19814536

How is this different from people who keep their compost bin next to the sink? On the same counter as their food?

>> No.19814589
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this put me off curry houses

>> No.19814624

>be 19
>don't know anything
>let's try working in a commissary
>2.5 hour bus ride one way
>frenly cig and coffee morning ritual before doors open with salt of earth frens
>enjoy being a small part of a big operation
>comfy spot grillan in massive refrigerated warehouse
>one day I get sent to vegetable prep for some garnish cause night crew guy got sick
>forgot to change one piece sanitary suit
>abuelita rushes me as I enter, reminding me to at least change the little foot coverings
>in the process, elbows de-greaser into a vat of caeser sauce
>I shit an entire brick
>am assured after changing foot coverings, everything will be fine
>can't sleep, expecting to see a public health alert in the news/recall

You should probably learn how to cook, cause it only got worse from there lol.

>> No.19814632

I don't see a problem with that.

>> No.19814654

Yep. We had one of those and I stopped going there, too. In fact I just don't go to any buffets anymore. This particular pizza buffet also served a "desert" pizza. Anyway, one day we sat down to start off with some pepperoni pizza and the crust tasted slightly sweet and cinnamony. Which told us they weren't washing any of their pans.

>> No.19814656

anon, they found a bottle covered in human shit in the kitchen
> A senior environmental heath officer felt physically sick when she found Mahbub Chowdhury had the two pint plastic Tesco container stored under the sink.
>.... the container, which had brown finger marks on the outside of it

>> No.19814671

the food is cooked so that kills any bacteria

>> No.19814748

....and I'm actually better off browsing /pol/ then /ck/ when I'm eating...but this definitely puts me off eating out for good. I already avoid it because it's a rip off, and they use anti-customer features like loud music so you can't talk so you will just eat and leave -- um, how about I just don't go to your restaurant at all then?

>> No.19814776

It is the house special, brown sauce.

>> No.19815997

Body of grocery store clerk missing for 10 years found behind cooler

...as seen from the name of the link, they probably went with Cooler Cold Case as their original title before they read the room temperature and decided it would be too insensitive to the mommy of the mummy.

>> No.19816545
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>> No.19816567

Nobody brags about being 40, kid.

>> No.19817043

I don't brag, I simply state.
it's an honor and privilege to reach every birthday you get. Lots of lads aren't that lucky.
Let me guess, you aren't aging well.
I am, faggot

>> No.19817417
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>go to a buffet restaurant
>they are actively doing some sort of construction or renovation
>a layer of debris on the floor, dust from drilling is covering everything, including plates
>I do not think I am hungry right now

>> No.19817427

Your childhood home must have been grody as fuck, oil and grease on everything? The walls? the furniture?

>> No.19817463

nta but my brother did the same, still doesnt wash his hands, not even after using the loo

growing up we could never work out why we were going through so many xbox (original) controllers, we thought they just broke after a while,
buttons would constantly stick or the triggers so even if you werent pressing them the controller registered them as pressed he must have gone through about 10 controllers
it took a while for me to work out that all the controllers were covered is a layer of dried grease and that the the grease was getting underneath the buttons
thank you for subscribing to my blog

>> No.19817586

oh i have another good one

the family had made a cheese fondue, we were eating it, he blew his nose into his hand and then dragged it down all of the pieces of bread that were at the center of the table before taking one

>> No.19817711
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I worked at a pretty decent restaurant washing dishes in some kind of open shopping center or outlet mall. I’ll just list off a few good ones I can remember off the top of my head.
>waitress was serving a table, and saw a rat bolt out from beneath the table and run over her feet, then just froze in the middle of the dining room. She yelled “OOH FUCK A RAT!!” and crushed its head with her heel.
>the guy working flambé was a 56 year old fat Mexican who sweat buckets, likely into the pans and food and would try to work shirtless if the manager wasn’t in
>idek how this next one came to be but somebody put a whole haunch of pork into a tray, filled about halfway with blood, and put it on the top shelf in the produce fridge. It spilled everywhere.
>manager had the line start cleaning behind the ovens and fryers. There was at least an inch of caked mold and rotten fryer oil that had layered onto itself. We started cleaning with wet rags and I was electrocuted within 15 seconds because the fucking moron didn’t shut power to them.
>grill cook just straight up smelled bad. don’t know where the fuck they found his bum ass, but he was apparently related to somebody.
>rather than give me a lunch break, I had to leave into the utility building behind the restaurant, go into a closed room with two open dumpsters and eat. Eventually I just started eating while I was working.
Finally, my favorite. Not hygiene related but still funny.
>dishwasher before me comes back to restaurant about 20 minutes after closing, gets in through a propped back door. he ran into the office, grabbed the manager and tied him up, then kicked the shit out of him and stole 3800 dollars from the safe, and left. never caught.

>> No.19817722

Wageslave here, let's begin.
>middle aged spic women threw a tray of leftover oil and vegetable down the dishwashing areas drain
>completely plugged and heavy duty equipment had to be called in to suck up the food
>forks and plastic also found in there
>young tall dishwashing dude arrives and works fast and great, cleans machines and everything
>he leaves the water you soak the stuck and greasy cooking trays in a complete mess
>if there's fish that day it's a complete disaster with the most disgusting water you've ever seen
>was fired for being unhygienic
>women won't clean the big dishwashing machine
>food scraps eventually clog the machine and it also overheats
>maintenence takes hours cleaning the pipes and had to replace the wires
>cafeteria lady nearly chokes to death on a yam before being saved by cpr
>bunch of accidents like fingers cuts from chefs and trash men cutting their hands on broken glass
>the big movable food hotboxes for events tipped over and fell on the supervisor bitch, got her leg fucked up

>> No.19817932
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>Story 3:
>Spreads the shit everywhere
fake news! Note how the cat first walks on the table, et al, THEN goes to the litter box. Sounds like a clean cat to me.

>> No.19817941

Not my problem pilled

>> No.19817968

If you give a shit about the cleanliness of your food, then do your own cooking. When you eat out, you're paying them to be fast and consistent, not to be clean freaks. If every restaurant was as clean as you fags would like, then they'd have to serve 1/4 of the people at 1/3 the speed. It's just not a reasonable expectation.

Eat at home if you have such ridiculous standards as sanitizing the knives and cutting boards between every single fuckin ingredient. That's not how real chefs operate unless they're on camera, and then it slows everything down and fucks up the workflow and process.

>> No.19817984
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>> No.19817994

Makes sense if he has the space. The twisted top will keep the shit in there, and the refrigeration will keep it from going bad long enough. Sucks throwing out a mostly empty trashbag just because there's some meat trimmings or whatever in there that are starting to stink. Just wasteful.

>> No.19818165

>get into university
>classmate that used to work at mcdonalds: “never eat at mcdonalds”
>classmate that used to work at KFC: “never eat at KFC”
They never told any stories except one of an ice cube with a frozen cockroach in it.

>> No.19818997

>"restaurants" run by kids
>woah, how could these places be so dirty

>> No.19819046

>sanitizer needs to be around 72F
Is this ChemStar Q-san?

>> No.19820131

He was drunk probably

>> No.19820148 [DELETED] 

>willingly browsing pol
fuck off back to your BBC threads retard

>> No.19821604

I've wanted to try that place a few times when I've visited sweden but why the fuck are all of the burgs so fucking expensive? Like the basic bitch burg costs there the same as a whole meal elsewhere.

>> No.19822801

Hey, kids and illegal immigrants.

>> No.19822841

unfortunately they are forced to pay their employees

>> No.19822896

You're not special.

>> No.19822930

My first job was at Subway and my manager started in food service at Papa Gino's (a New English pizza chain) and told me his manager used to piss in the sauce and thought it was hilarious. And one time he was hungover and puked into it.

>> No.19823783

most people eat at restaurants at least sometimes we all get the same immune system boot camp when we go out so it makes sense he isn't special

>> No.19823811 [DELETED] 
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Would you?

>> No.19823812

>When you eat out, you're paying them to be fast and consisten
This isn't a fast food thread

>> No.19823826

>I moved into
Found your problem. The entire moving process should stop and you should go elsewhere. They can't give you an infested place when promising it isn't.

>> No.19823841

Wouldn't put no other bug above em

>> No.19823854 [DELETED] 

I was recently at a cumberland farms and there's 2 ceiling panels missing, directly above the rollerbitess.
You can see pipes, wires, fiberglass insulation, spiderwebs.

>> No.19823882

whats the problem?

>> No.19823894 [DELETED] 

They usually only get cleaned once a week or when it stops working.

>> No.19823898

once a week is plenty for taters

>> No.19823904

>be member of local green party
>advocate for migration from south asia

>> No.19823939

>Aaaand the thread has turned to race
>because anon can not keep his mind off black cock
The projection is off the charts

>> No.19823947

Ratfrens are fun though

>> No.19823959

My one takeaway from working in the food industry is that no one is more unhygienic than cat people

>> No.19824001

>work at posh butcher shop, about a week until Christmas
>some guys have to start doing night shifts
>finishing up my shift getting ready to go home
>night shift has an open jar of Tesco pasta sauce behind their butcher block
>every 2 minutes or so they go from preparing people's turkey, dip their fingers in the pasta sauce, and go immediately back to prepping turkey
> no hand washing no glove change no nothing

>> No.19824011


>> No.19824049

based rat enjoyer

>> No.19824061


>> No.19824063 [DELETED] 

Almost everything about your post is weird.

>> No.19824067 [DELETED] 

you're just as autistic as protein pizza anon

>> No.19824078 [DELETED] 

You should be using sunscreen daily anyway, and the zinc is natural antibacterial.

>> No.19824085

Found that out on Dec 7th, 1999. A day that will live in infamy, as the day I found out that if you projectile vomit long enough, you'll blow out blood vessels in your eyeballs, until your eyes literally turn blood-red and scare the shit out of everyone.

>> No.19824094 [DELETED] 
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Can't find the image I'm actually looking for but yeah, I've seen that after a new year's eve party.

>> No.19824107
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>> No.19824135

I did this from vomiting after partying and had to explain what happened to my eye at work the next day
Can't remember what I said but I gave some lame excuse

>> No.19824159

they can't do that that's illegal....

>> No.19824225

happen to me like 3 years ago, wore sunglasses day and night, for like a week

>> No.19824395

You wanna see horror stories, go to any HVAC repair site on youtube. Those dudes pull the shiny stainless steel panels off ice machines and other equipment and holy fuck, it's cockroaches sitting on top of mountains of old food that looks like an archaeological dig-site.

>> No.19824640

they would lick their fingers clean before going back to prepping turkey

>> No.19824720

Nothing compares to Papa Gino's

>> No.19824787

>treating mom and grandma out to lunch
>go to a nearby Wendy's
>go in, mumble ghetto rap blaring in the back
>pothead stoner is working the cash register
>takes 10 minutes for our order, when the restaurant is empty
>soda machine is broken
>ketchup dispensers are broken
>tables are a mess
>food finally comes out
>everything is ice cold, mum sees that the food lamps weren't even on
>they give her an attitude when she asks them to reheat it
>ask for ketchup
>2 packets between three people, they say we're all out
>black woman working the fryer gives us a look like we just scuffed her 5 inch long nails (why do they allow you to have nails that long )
>burger wasn't even properly cooked, half of it was still semi-raw
>leave and never come back

>> No.19824790
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>> No.19824797

>be me Gordon f. Ramsay
>Every kitchen filled with mold mice and feces
>Eat the food and make antv show about how unsafe it is

>> No.19824904

I'd pay extra for that

>> No.19824998

>>dishwasher before me comes back to restaurant about 20 minutes after closing, gets in through a propped back door. he ran into the office, grabbed the manager and tied him up, then kicked the shit out of him and stole 3800 dollars from the safe, and left. never caught.

>> No.19825013

I have never seen a white person working in a Wendys.

>> No.19825028

I don't know if he was white. He had pothead dreadlocks and could barely speak english.

>> No.19825816

That's why Gordon Ramsay quit doing Kitchen Nightmare, it was too hard on his body. There was also an episode with bad seafood, I think it's oyster, that got an ambulance called to the restaurant for a customer, it's the American issue, and the owner cried because he had a lot of issues.

>> No.19825831
File: 2.93 MB, 480x852, pol gf trad wife host ettiquite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend gets job at shady Chinese dumpling place
>says cooks are all illegals from China
>they hate muslims and will just grab pork out of soups with their hands and send it back when someone sends food back for having pork
>never washed their hands spit and swore all the time
>did illegal shit like docking wages if someone dined and dashed
Paid like 5 bucks over min wage so i guess it was too good to be true

>> No.19825839

is that ice krusher?

>> No.19825843

shit i drank some lady liberty meme they made once

>> No.19825846
File: 29 KB, 720x553, white women fuck dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That aint the only thing they are licking

>> No.19825849

>go to thai place
>cunt waitress doesnt refill my water once

>> No.19825878
File: 654 KB, 908x1613, 20211122_104824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last place I worked had a ridiculously bad mouse/rat problem when they hired me. Every morning I made rounds to the traps and I'd find at least one or two like this and their solution was to bring their shitty pest control guy in to replace the traps. I wish I took a picture of the time I found two rats caught in the same large spring-loaded trap and a third rat had literally eaten their brains. Eventually they hired a different company that actually closed all the entrances they were getting in from and I never saw any since.

>> No.19825899

I'd love to drink beer with trace amounts of female feces in it

>> No.19825910

>working at bar
>slow day so i look up how to clean the soda gun thing
>layers upon layers of mold, gunk and other vile stuff festering inside
>clean it and have this lingering feeling of disgust for the next few days

>> No.19826137

...I thought glue traps were illegal now since they are cruel, I've only ever seen the snap shut type of trap where I am...but I just found out that Canadian Tire does sell them. Geez, I read a page talking about how a glue traps are effective at trapping rodents and letting them starve to death in 48 hours -- I wish someone can come up with humane version where the glue has something that will drug them. Maybe a rat trap where they can run in and then get gassed. Like a roach motel for rats.

>> No.19826143

They're rats bro. If you want to be humane just coexist with them. One love. One peace.

>> No.19826253

Just check them more often and kill them

>> No.19826539

You consider ratting them out instead of just asking for yous here?

>> No.19826783

>wish someone can come up with humane version where the glue has something that will drug them
Idiots would find a way to get high with it.
>Maybe a rat trap where they can run in and then get gassed
There's ones that shock them to death.

>> No.19826819

>this jamaican ugly bitch never cleans the dishwashing machine
>near the end of the shift the dishes are bathing in filthy hot water
>have to change it when she goes to pee

>> No.19827180

Thats funny because 3 years in kitchens and spics were always the biggest corner cutting lazy asses I've ever worked with. Maybe one good gem per crew

>> No.19827249

>dishwasher before me comes back to restaurant about 20 minutes after closing, gets in through a propped back door. he ran into the office, grabbed the manager and tied him up, then kicked the shit out of him and stole 3800 dollars from the safe, and left. never caught.

Based as hell desu, what a chad.

>> No.19827653

That's already a lot.
One good worker is worth gold to the team that's constantly coming and going yet gets paid peanuts.
Pay more and everything will be clean.

>> No.19827774

I used to drive through Pottsville PA every few weeks, one day I noticed a HUGE chinese food place had popped up out of nowhere, in an odd area not near any other businesses. It was a 3 story monstrosity the size of a barn. No cars out front.

Drive past it a week later, burned to the fucking ground lmao. Most obvious insurance scam I've ever seen.

>> No.19827786

what is it with ice machines? I have a small tabletop icemaker that one day when I looked inside had started growing this orange slime all over the inside. The only thing I ever ran through it was plain tap water. After just one summer of use.

>> No.19827803

Bacteria gets to the bottom of sides really from a mere touch of the ice or from the scoop.
The bacteria is in the water anyways which can mean they fester into a specific ice resistant typewhich is either black or orange.

>> No.19828452

The fuck is going on here. Why would you pour a beer with that much head? I'd send that shit back and pour it myself.

>> No.19828525
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Worn and old. Lid missing. Hasn't been cleaned in months. Just laying around in the sun for everyone use.

>> No.19828807

>waitress was serving a table, and saw a rat bolt out from beneath the table and run over her feet, then just froze in the middle of the dining room. She yelled “OOH FUCK A RAT!!” and crushed its head with her heel.
Wife material.

>> No.19829245

>I am faggot
No shit

>> No.19829270

I never had those, but once I ate peenut mix with maggots because I didn't look inside and only after few handfuls of peenuts I noticed something moving in a bowl... :-(

>> No.19829272

for me it's story 4

>> No.19829273

He was teriyaki.

>> No.19829279

shut the fuck up retard. Ive been in the industry 5 years and every place I've been cleaned while they worked. And then you spend an extra hour or so cleaning after service. I dont want these fuckers to be clean to make me happy i dont want to fucking die of salmonella. Just because youre a fat lazy fucking retard doesnt mean we all are

>> No.19829445

A little bit of mold or shit didn't kill anyone. Stop being such pussies. If you want sterile food eat only at hospitals.

>> No.19829935

Yeah it doesn't kill anyone, ignoring the 3000 or so people who die every year because of foodborne illnesses

>> No.19829973

a friend claimed an old guy who washed stuff would piss in the sink, when he was caught he wasnt even fired.

>> No.19829978

pipes are pipes, just run some water when your done no problem

>> No.19829985

I didnt explain this properly, he was emploted to wash dishes in a restaurant.

>> No.19830092

That's 3000 where? 3000 in a 3rd world where it's all they eat is poo and mold? 3000 where there's high chance to die from flu because all local doctors are with fake diploma? 3000 where most of HIV cases exist?
Good thing I don't live there and can eat some mold or shit without consequences.

>> No.19830108

Just look it up you sperglord, 3000 deaths in America

>> No.19830451

its not like hes pissing on clean dishes. wtbd

>> No.19830852

Sounds like natural selection. It's merely culling off the weak.

>> No.19830884

Almost like mass immigration is bad or something

>> No.19830928

You mean country full of poor indians, blacks and mexicans?
I believe that. Probably similar numbers in India.

>> No.19830944

>leave and never come back
wow you sure showed them

>> No.19830957

The population of the U.S. is 332 million. 3,000 is literally nothing for a population that size.

>> No.19831011

Overheard a couple of girls at the hardware store picking up traps
>we should get the glue ones, I don’t want to hurt it
Letting the thing either starve to death or give itself a heart attack with panic, amazing

>> No.19831025

The number should be zero, fuckwit. All food poisoning deaths are preventable. Go wash your hands Paco.

>> No.19831083

Based cute girls who have empathy for rats :3
Would have a threesome with

>> No.19831117

i'd jerk off a rat
they cute

>> No.19831171

>The number should be zero, fuckwit. All food poisoning deaths are preventable.
What do you think is happening here, like there are some super rare and deadly microbes that only infect 3,000 people a year and if we could just get everyone in food service to practice hospital cleanliness, these deaths could be prevented?

These people are dying from extremely common microbes, the kind that normal healthy people shrug off with no effort. These are weak, sickly, immunocompromised people who would have died from something else if they hadn't happened to encounter some entry-level e.coli first. 3,000 people a year in a country of hundreds of millions is actually a sign that the U.S. has excellent cleanliness standards.

>> No.19831174


>> No.19831182

I jerked off a turtle one time. True story

>> No.19831196

They're the reason the wages are suppressed you retard. You want higher wages, stem the flood of them coming in.

>> No.19831266

Wrong. Shigella, Salmonella and E.coli 0157:h7 are not common bugs, and only show up where careless retards aren't following basic food safety. Do us all a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.19831276

What do you want me to do? i'm not gonna risk getting ganged up on by a bunch of wagies who are likely one bad shift away from playing minecraft.

>> No.19831374

bro i'm sorry you got aids and your immune system is fucked and you're gonna die the next time you catch a cold but 3,000 deaths is such a tiny number that we'd need scientific notation to express how small a percentage it is of the overall population
salmonella is all over the place
your body is literally full of e.coli right now
if it's such a problem for you, cook your own food

or even better, eat out more and let's see if we can make it to 3,001 this year

>> No.19832561

You know recently, a bunch of people in France died from eating artisan canned food in a restaurant. No wait, last i heard, ONE person died, but the others are still very fucked health-wise, and there will be a manslaughter charge.

>> No.19832653

that's what you get for eating while browsing 4chan

>> No.19832662

>>waitress was serving a table, and saw a rat bolt out from beneath the table and run over her feet, then just froze in the middle of the dining room. She yelled “OOH FUCK A RAT!!” and crushed its head with her heel

If I was the owner and saw that I'd give that bitch a 10% raise

>> No.19832731

that one guy who came into this thread every single day for the past week just to seethe about people wanting hygiene and having aids. holy mother of autism. please get professional help.

>> No.19832765

i worked a certain sandwich based fast food place. this guy i knew who i didnt like's dad came drive thru. i didnt like him or his family either, so i tagged every sandwich. swirled the meat in my mouth. wiped the buns on the bottom of my shoes. i did it in front of the shift supervisor who was receptive to my explanation that the guy deserved it. that was a good day.

>> No.19832951

Human sized rat like a warhammer skaven or a regular small one

>> No.19833030

Well fuck, I really like their Back in Black IPA and Hell or High Watermelon. Not anymore I guess

>> No.19833032

Go eat the rat feces raw then, you stupid fuck. You probably own or are related to someone who owns a shit hole restaurant that gets ten health violations a year

>> No.19833034

Broscience expert over here anons
Do you want all of my moldy food from my fridge? Sv3erige is that you?

>> No.19833045

So? The plates then get put into the dishwasher and are cleaned. They didn't let the dogs onto the table or let them mess with any of the food.
I see no problem here. You're a whiny weenie

>> No.19833049

Well they're a garbage band so that's pretty appropriate

>> No.19833074

No, not necessarily. Depends on the kind of bacteria and if the restaurant actually cooks it at the proper temperature. You're pretty gullible anon.

>> No.19833089

Lmao that dishwasher, the owner definitely treated him like shit and he chose vengeance

>> No.19833114

Rats have a fren in you anon

>> No.19833124

Found the restaurant owner who doesn't clean his place, ever
Keep on shilling for shit in your food, fucknugget

>> No.19833126

>he's excited to eat mold and shit
Imagine being this anon. Kwab

>> No.19833373

You have no idea how tempting it is for me to post furry porn of rats in this thread just to give you two barrels of the degeneracy you're joking about

>> No.19833533

how did that go
regular irl rat
i'd get a pair of rats if i didn't already have a cat
lmao feralfag thinks he's at the pinnacle of degeneracy

>> No.19833645
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>treating mom and grandma out to lunch
>go to a nearby Wendy's

>> No.19834296

>doesn't know the difference between e coli and e coli O157:H7

Just lol. Get out, retard.

>> No.19834299

for whvt purpose

>> No.19834368


>> No.19834384

dude was always humping stuff in his little box so i turned him over and went for it. also being upside down is supposed to be like emotionally rattling for turtles so he prob has a based fear-induced fetish now
went fine. turtle dicks are crazy looking though. should have sucked it looking back but i was worried about salmonella etc, idk what kind of frog aids this dude had ykwim

>> No.19834431

yeah i always feel weird about non-mammals for that reason
i don't even know how you'd get a turtle horny, i doubt just rubbing their cloaca would work, how did that happen?

>> No.19834441
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like i said he was always humping stuff. turtles have a pretty sizeable Dick that pops out when they're going for it, i didn't provoke that part. pic related

>> No.19834515

>First job in the kitchen, at a diner
>Head would ditch us to fuck whatever waitress he conned into a relationship that week, didn't even wash his hands before returning to the line
>After being told we could not pick dropped food of the floor and serve it (I wish I was making this up), some of the staff interpreted it as "anything on the floor is ours" and would sometimes "accidentally" drop food and set it aside
>Got fired for refusing to cut around mold/rot in produce
>Second job, at a buffet
>Kitchen was decent
>Buffet side was a disaster
>Management wouldn't let us "waste" product by dumping uneaten food
>Nobody cleaned the soda or ice cream machines because that was FOH's job and management never trained them on it
>Eventually figured out roach infestation was in the soft serve
I work catering now and it's honestly incredible how much more professional and sanitary they are

>> No.19834615

So is the takeaway from this thread that the world is a disgusting place and I need to embrace that fact instead of worrying about it so much?

>> No.19834622

The takeaway is that you should make your own food instead of resigning yourself to waiting to die of dysentery when jamal at the domino's puts dirty mop water in your pizza sauce.

>> No.19835932

So their food escaped... big deal!

>> No.19836246

The only thing I remember being used for way too long was the deep fryer oil, I barely even remember it being changed ever. They also fried everything in it, fish, chicken, fries, one of my coworkers would fry bacon in it. I’m not fully sure what the risks of that are but I don’t think you are supposed to do it.