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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 583x641, 1697353476146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19802681 No.19802681 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder how fat those kids grew up to be.

>> No.19802692


What did he mean by this?

>> No.19802696

I think you watched a different video.

>> No.19802722

What's wrong with using every part of the animal like our ancestors taught us?

>> No.19802723

Why do people pretend le pink slime meme matters to almost anyone aside health freaks? It's still fucking chicken its just emulsified and reformed, who gives a fuck? Bash chicken up at home enough and run it in a blender it looks pink and slimy too.

>> No.19802740

>shows children that chicken nuggets are made from chicken
>children say they would eat chicken
>truly we are lost

>> No.19802746

>thing, blended

>> No.19802752

yeah he's a good guy. tried to save us from the slop

>> No.19802779

Yeah him and Michele Obama basically everyone else gave up

>> No.19802780

shitty processed food can still be tasty.
hot dogs or chicken nuggets production can look gross from the outside, but they are probably not among the worst things you could eat.
anyway, nothing wrong with eating goyslop if it's just once in a while. Your lifestyle and diet as a whole are what matter.

>> No.19802787

probably Jamie Oliver fat

>> No.19802838

Over here chicken nuggets are made from real chicken breast meat. Like it's literally illegal to do so otherwise

>> No.19802847

that's great, anon
in the civilized world, you simply have a choice about what type of nuggies you would like to buy

>> No.19802863

Which generally means if you want good quality you buy chicken thighs, bread them and cook them in butter.

>> No.19802865

I occasionally wonder what's actually in a tube of "ground beef" but I soon suppress that urge when I notice the ground beef I see the butcher making costs almost twice as much per pound

>> No.19802869

I genuinely wonder why some people buy 20% ground meat
>yes I want fifth of my """meat""" to dissolve into a gross liquid I have to pour down the drain
>another fifth disappears into the air as moisture

>> No.19802888

>Fat on meat is just "a gross liquid"

>> No.19802890

Where are you buying ground beef in tubes

>> No.19802891
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Skin and tendon West: Yuck....!

Skin and tendon Japan: Yummie!!!!

>> No.19802960

I dont see you rushing to the store to buy yummy beef/pork fat to use for your daily cooking

>> No.19802976

he never said you're supposed to use it for cooking

>> No.19802979

tallow isn't unusual and does taste good
i already save my bacon fat and do use it in cooking

>> No.19802991

It was Britain so the chance is reasonable.

>> No.19803002

No, it was in Huntington, West Virginia, the fattest city in America.

>> No.19803007

Damn really? I never knew that

>> No.19803008
File: 446 KB, 1500x1000, R01948_Korean_Chicken_Feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see the problem with it. He took completely edible yet usually wasted parts of a chicken and made them into a yummy food. You'd think that would be a really good thing. Does the guy freak out that some people eat chicken feet and that it's actually pretty tasty? I mean it's sad when a room full of children is more mature than the only adult in the room.

>> No.19803016

I like nuggets and I'm not fat.
The trick is to not eat a huge pile of them every fucking day.

He literally tries to make chicken skin seem disgusting in that video, brosef.

>> No.19803027

>physics is hard

>> No.19803034

i do tho

>> No.19803036

I render my own porkfat from belly cuts when they're on sale.

>> No.19803237
File: 33 KB, 853x480, im tired of pretending its not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken nuggets are just breaded meatballs and im tired of everyone pretending they're not

>> No.19803257

Of all the things to demonise why nuggets? The worst thing about them is the breading.
The ones I've seen locally are literally chicken breast and there's tempura ones which can easily fit the macros of someone on the steepest cut.

>> No.19803263

Idiot clown, they are breaded poultryballs.

>> No.19803275

It's just thinly veiled hate for the lower class.

>> No.19803280

Are you people happy you put a fucking chicken nugget into your mouth?

>> No.19803284


>> No.19803359

Moron jester, poultry meat is still meat.

>> No.19803370

Yakitori is literally just skinless chicken breast that's been cubed and put onto a skewer though

>> No.19803379

They were right to react that way. He blended up some chicken carcasses and tried to frame it as disgusting while preparing his own version made from chicken breast. Is this a good way to teach young people about food? That the chicken's breast is the only good part and finding a novel use for the rest of it is somehow gross and we should just throw it out? The real problem with commercial chicken nuggets is the chemical additives but he really doesn't drive that part home, he goes over it only very briefly.

>> No.19803415

The chitterlings are based and redpilled.

>> No.19803416

Michael Obama fucking decimated the school system beyond recovery

>> No.19803421

That's what we're supposed to do though. We got collectively scammed out of using fat in the interests of terrible replacements.

>> No.19803424

I have an entire tub of beef fat that I use to cook with

>> No.19803426

Typical neoliberal shit really. Identify problem, introduce restrictions and parameters that make inhibit the problem but don't replace the vacuum with anything positive, walk away. Remove bad options, leave people with no options instead of good options.

>> No.19803434

Dude the guy who made a youtube video about the dangers of seed oils put a photohop pic of a factory as an argument for why they're bad.

An appeal to nature isn't a legit argument. Its used to trick retards.

>> No.19803447

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19803451

Because they're processed, which equals bad in nuspeak

>> No.19803471 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 750x1334, p1ghd89b95c51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that reminds me of when rightoids made those "future liberal want" memes and everyone was like "yeah actually that sounds pretty good to me"

>> No.19803478

>leftoid can't even hide his thirst for the blood of children in his own falseflag attempt

>> No.19803479

That's not even what your picture is of though, your picture is just a right rightoid being fucking wrong.

>> No.19803484

I didn't say anything about that did I? You're already so manipulated you're going down the programmed responses before any context brings them into the conversation. I literally do not care about whatever youtube boogeyman you got reeled in to hate.

>> No.19803485 [DELETED] 

babies don't have blood you liberal atheist commie

>> No.19803487

Literally nobody did this.

>> No.19803495

Pray tell what were you talking about besides that 1 youtube video
Where did you get the idea that seed oils = bad
What evidence do you have for it besides a pic of a factory used to making it?

>> No.19803631

>be leftoid
>openly hate the working class and children
>noooo rightoids are wrong we dindu nuffin
zero self awareness

>> No.19804112

Refined Lard and tallow are extremely expensive and are extremely good to cook with. So yes.

>> No.19804476

Bitch what? I cook most my shit in tallow

>> No.19804545

The 2nd part of your initial comment goes completely against Jamie’s argument, though. He took “unprocessed = good” to a stupid level, and homemade chicken nuggies definitely have less oil than deep fried.

>> No.19804579

It's not
If you go to an actual yakitori place you'll see they have gizzard, heart, cartilage, etc.

>> No.19804596

The whole point of the video was to gross kids out of wanting to eat processed food and him being sad that it failed to work.

>> No.19804619

jamie oliveoil is a fat homosexual.

>> No.19804695

>looked sad
fat cunt literally cried over it

>> No.19804699

And all of these people will also have a $200 food processor

>> No.19804978


>> No.19804989

He looked really sad because his whole "meat bad" psyop doesn't work because kids would rather food that tastes good, no surprise.

>> No.19805012

I use my saved bacon grease literally every single time I cook. I do, in fact, go to the store and buy bacon when it's on sale explicitly for the lard. getting to eat the delicious bacon is a secondary benefit.

>> No.19805014

Fuck that bitch. She's the reason the cafeteria was no longer able to sell gooey chocolate chip cookies they cooked fresh every day.

>> No.19805017

the real gigachad

>> No.19805454
File: 129 KB, 393x309, 1682491400089185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't straining and refining the beef fat to use for kickass fries

>> No.19805462

If you're using seed oils instead of animal fats then you're either retarded or genuinely ignorant, you should only be using seed oils as a last resort because you have very specific health issues. There's nothing worse than seed oils.

>> No.19805466
File: 29 KB, 640x480, kid-eats-old-people-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id buy beef tallow and bacon grease if they sold them

>> No.19805722
File: 1.99 MB, 498x333, 1666934398498369.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this faggot bong

>> No.19805739

It was this moment that made me lose all respect for Jamie Oliver

>> No.19805765

He had a few different shows focused on school food. One was in England, another in Italy, and another in the US. The Italian show was like one episode because all the lunch ladies were like “we hand make this shit from ingredients every day the fuck you mean no one else in the world does?” The Brit one was a success because everyone realized kids are eating shit school lunches. The American one was a failure because it turns out the cooks aren’t the ones ordering the food it’s some admin bitch who orders a year at a time and hits the box that says USDA nutritional equivalent in order to get the federal reimbursement.

>> No.19805768

I usually argue against people who say shit like "oh so-and-so does this because he just hates [group of people]" but I actually do think that this dude simply hates "the poors" and things associated with them (such as chicken nuggets)

>> No.19805775

My favorite part is when he throws a literal temper tantrum and is like "They don't wanna eat MY chicken, they just want their fucking nuggets!"

>> No.19805778

When he says shit like "making chicken nuggets from scratch is quicker and easier than eating the store bought stuff!" it immediately tells me he's A. never had to clean up after himself and B. never had to raise kids

>> No.19805785

Except he has six kids. I actually just watched one of his shows where he said he fucked up and gave his kid chilies too soon. He was cooking and one of his boys came up and was all “is dat a peppah? I won’t be eatin it den?”

>> No.19805789
File: 253 KB, 2560x2189, IMG_20200310_214150-2-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tell you, the minute you make your own cracklings is the moment you'll never buy another bag of chips ever again.

>> No.19806039

>schools serve unhealthy foods like pizza and fried chicken regularly
>reduce the calories allowed in a school lunch
>don’t actually issue any changes to budgeting or food supplies or standards of preparation
>schools just start serving less of the same food in order to comply
>lol we did it guys this will cure obesity
Michelle Obama fucking destroyed the school lunch system and took credit for fixing it.
The right answer would have been to actually require healthier food and to update the school food supply chains to provide better options.

>> No.19806040

I bet he turns around and shills some black people's chicken guts calls it soul food and slurps it down

>> No.19806044

That's what Jamie Oliver did but he was still hated for it. I remember growing up in England after he made all the meals healthy, pizza was basically a bun split in half, with a tea spoon of tomato sauce and a little cheese sprinkled on top. It was probably more food than a regular slice of pizza on account of all the bread but it was bland.

>> No.19806062

bas3d kids

>> No.19806078
File: 1.27 MB, 1698x1386, 1697431053839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude my kids need 2000 calories of fat and sugar for lunch of my freedoms are being violated
>They need soda and candy bars in vending machines too
I would wager that about 70-80% of the average American child at school could go a lunch or two without any food at all and it would be a net benefit to all parties. Feed the athletes and the actual poor kids that don't get anything else and let the rest go without, they can handle it.

>> No.19806276

It's about time someone fucking said this. I'm not defending modern American school lunches here, but it's complete horseshit to act like they used to be healthier. Every time someone laments old school lunches, it's always shit like this >>19805014 or soda.

>> No.19806342
File: 107 KB, 790x1000, 1515259905061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i got the obama lunches in highschool and the only kids that were fat were minorities and a few whites.

>> No.19806423
File: 2.25 MB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly deep fried chicken cartilage is fucking top tier

>> No.19806427

why not just make proper fucking school lunch?
japan does it using locally grown ingredients, made from scratch in in-house kitchens and it works out to $2 per person a day.
warning, the school nutritionist is hecking cute

>> No.19806432

It’s not so much the meat itself or how the meat has been prepared but you just know the quality of chickens going into chicken nuggets is not gonna be good, it’s gonna be the most unhealthy, hormone injected, 2 week living, cage inhabiting, miserable creature imaginable. That’s why I would avoid McNuggies desu.

>> No.19806465

dunno where you live, but beef tallow isn't rare to find in stores

>> No.19806641

why are the children of all people wearing masks? is japan retarded?

>> No.19806670

Judging by Jamie Oliver’s shows, the lunch ladies don’t actually know how to cook. The biggest issues he had with the cooks was trying to train them that cooking didn’t mean throwing frozen shit into an oven.

>> No.19806698

>watch some random fucking youtube video
>any time someone mentions something that was part of the video you think they watched it too
Holy cognitive bias.

>> No.19806700

Western isn't about doing things as well as possible.
It's about doing things as medicore as possible. But ensuring everyone is equally medicore.
System is build in way you can't exceese certain limit and its really hard to fall under certain limit.
Just like in school food. Its never amazing. But to truly fuck it up. You would have to serve it raw.

>> No.19806710

The dude didnt even respond to tell where he got the information from because the answer is that 1 YouTube video -> 4chan schizos watch it -> 4chan internet common knowledge -> that retard repeats it without any critical thinking

>> No.19806716

Classism disguised as benevolence and class consciousness.
>you mean they eat ALL the parts? Even the yucky bits?
>oh that's so terrible, these poor people are so stupid, I will educate and save them
>look, it doesn't even take more time if you have ingredients prepared and portioned by the crew beforehand and you give it your undivided attention instead chucking some premade ones in the oven and doing something else in the meantime
>this is trivial to me, a TV personality "working" 6h a day so it should be easy for you two parents with full-time employment

>> No.19806720

*health consciousness

>> No.19806728

It’s this, the kind of people they hire to cook in schools in the UK are the lowest of the low working class hags that can’t even cook for their own families let alone school children.

>> No.19806745
File: 109 KB, 941x1021, 1696293636288705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19806747

Lol I remember kids would choose fucking cheesy bread sticks and chocolate milk over the lunches. Kids will find a way to eat garbage if they can. They don't know better, and though they will hate it now, unironically they will thank people like Jamie Oliver later when they aren't diabetic with high blood pressure at 20. Eat a fucking salad, fatty. And no, you can't put a cup of ranch dressing and cheese on it.

>> No.19806872

>Japan does it
Good for Japan, but the west isn't Japan.

>> No.19806906

Christ you're a fucking retard, get off the internet for awhile you terminally online loser

>> No.19806963

swing and a miss pal

>> No.19807022

>Every time someone laments old school lunches, it's always shit like this >>19805014 (You) or soda.
Food is not inherently unhealthy. You think getting 3 freshly made baked cookies one to three times a week was detrimental to my health as a 120lb kid on the track team?
They cost 1$ for the three. They were a supplement, a snack, not the meal.
All the bitch had to do was create financial reasons for the school to adopt better options, not screw over older options because some people were fat.

>> No.19807135

This. Biomechanically speaking there isn’t much difference between a cookie and any other bread product. But, it’s a lot of calories with little nutritional value. Back in the day when schools had recess three times a day and we just ran non stop for the entire time, it wasn’t much of a problem. Chicken tendies and fries for lunch every day isn’t the best, nutritionally speaking, but the macros are fine. Get a vitamin company to single pack a gummy vitamin or something and it would be solid.

>> No.19807629
File: 27 KB, 524x336, 1656953729007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i think i will have ranch tyvm
t. skinnychad

>> No.19807677

Kids like gross shit they probably thought pink slime turning into nuggets was rad.

>> No.19808042
File: 82 KB, 1200x675, jamie-oliver-masterchef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he ate cartilage, tendons and skin he wouldn't look like a dried ballsack at age 48

>> No.19808051

>nothing wrong with eating goyslop
Ok schlomo

>> No.19808648

>he doesn't get fresh manteca from a local mexican grocer

>> No.19808749

Who is Jamie Oliver?

>> No.19809950

I guess you can't win them all

>> No.19810023

>school lunches
Canuck here, you're not expected to pack your kid their own lunch?

>> No.19810028

Amusingly enough, the Americans expect the State to feed and raise their kids even though they claim to hate Communism.

>> No.19810032

>the state needs to provide children lunch but also the state needs to make their lunches as egregiously shitty as fucking possible
The more I learn about the states, the more it seems like they have no consistent stance on social and government programs versus the free market and personal responsibility except that they always choose whichever option disadvantages the most people and impedes socioeconomic mobility.

>> No.19810281


>> No.19810294

It's the entire chicken. Cartilage, tail, skin, innards.

>> No.19810304

but we'll have solar power

>> No.19810305

I buy the high fat ones because it tastes good and I don’t have to add oil to cook the meat. “Drain the pan” is for cooklets who hate flavor.

>> No.19810307

the school lunch program was instituted after WW2 during the postwar boom as a way to ensure kids got proper nutrition so they could go on to lead great careers and crush the soviets. it actually used to be good. then reagan came around, slashed its budgets (amongst many other things) and it's been a joke ever since

> the more it seems like they have no consistent stance on social and government programs versus the free market and personal responsibility
during the cold war era, the federal government was actually competent at some things and instituted a number of programs for the greater good. one of them being the school lunch program. also the national highways. took like 35 years to complete all of them it but it's still the largest public works project on the planet. post-cold war era nothing gets done. everything is hotly bi-partisan. the government in its current state could NEVER EVER pass something like the national highway act today. remember DDT and how that got banned? yeah if that was still around republicans would be unilaterally against it for ideological reasons and you'd have rightoids spraying it en masse to own the libtards

>> No.19810310

poor kids and niggers expect the state to provide everything
middle class kids bring their own lunch and upper middle or rich kids go to schools with actually nice cafeterias and just eat that. It's even noticeable in colleges desu; I went to a top tier STEM school for two years then dropped out and went to a private catholic college and the food was 100x better than the sodexo prison food garbage they served at the STEM school.

>> No.19810314

Good lord. Dude's only a few years older than me and he looks like he could be my grandfather.

>> No.19810317

I can buy both at ShopRite. My main issue with the tallow is that it's sEaSoNeD. I can't get plain beef grease without ordering it online.

>> No.19810324

Brits, especially the English, tend to age poorly.

>> No.19810396

Lack of nuggs, eat yours today

>> No.19810436

Kinda seems like the prevailing stance in the US is "the free market is always superior and public anything is complete garbage (if you ignore the intentional sabotage of the public works specifically to justify the free market because they give politicians cash)"

>> No.19810446

>emoji left-to-right
>emoji, right-to-left

>> No.19810447

>"the free market is always superior and public anything is complete garbage (if you ignore the intentional sabotage of the public works specifically to justify the free market because they give politicians cash)"
yeah you pretty much nailed it. it's basically become a self-fulfilling prophecy too. any public works projects are routinely over-scheduled, over-budgeted. every contractor and subcontractor is trying to take their own piece of the pie further delaying everything. all this just gives ammo to people to say that government can't get anything done. our country is fucked in many, many ways but i try not to worry about it because otherwise it will just eat you alive and then you end up being here for 16 hours/day seething over every little fucking thing in the world

>> No.19810454

>government doesn't work because one of the two political parties are obstructionists who run for office on the platform that government doesn't work

How does this even fucking happen

>> No.19810470

>poor kids and niggers expect the state to provide everything
>oh yeah so do rich kids

>> No.19810499

>How does this even fucking happen
there's been whole books written about it but i think one of the biggest reasons is we lost focus at a national level. during the cold war we had the soviets to be united against. afterward it was nothing.

the rise of 24/7 news networks like CNN/MSNBC/Fox News are also a big part of it. those news networks are a product that's expected to make money so they constantly need something to be bitching and moaning about something to keep eyes on them. this led to people being addicted to the news and watching it all the time and always getting outraged over something and constantly being mad at someone/something. countless, countless examples of this, i've seen it happen in my own family. they get obsessed with politics. these news media stations are a malignant cancer that ought to be firebombed but i fear it's pandora's box, it's already over.

>> No.19810505

>one of the two

>> No.19810524

>people have different opinions
>leftoid: How does this even fucking happen
some real big brain stuff here

>> No.19810552

>remember DDT and how that got banned?

Yeah. It was making bald eagle eggs thin and we said oh fuck we need our national bird to not go extinct. It was an act of patriotic conservationist. The fact that you use terms like “rightoids” tells me you don’t know what that means but happily suck nigger dick to meet your daily protein macros.

>> No.19810566

what is it with rightoids and constantly bringing up niggers and their cocks? i thought the JIDF are supposed to be the BBC pushers

>> No.19810613

>he didn’t deny it

You understand there is no “right wing” in America. Right?

>> No.19810689

Evangelicals? The Mises Caucus? Populism in general? The entire GOP has had a major rightward swing since Romney lost, ditto for the Democrats left wing since Clinton did. You were right maybe fifteen years ago but not now.

>> No.19810708

You’re an idiot. None of those are right wing movements. Go back to whatever it is you were doing before you decided to shit up this thread.

>> No.19810734

>gives examples of groups that are right wing
i guess you just like being wrong then, idk. enjoy your brain damage

>> No.19810741
File: 5 KB, 216x234, Lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how much lard is used at restaurants, the amount of "vegetarian" dish that taste so good, yup lard.

>> No.19810751

lard has largely been phased out for cheaper seed oils. the fuck decade you think we're in?

>> No.19810756
File: 77 KB, 1024x877, Yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder how fat those kids grew up to be.

>> No.19810762

>spends all that time going schizo mode about beneficial cartilage and not wasting animal meat
>is fine with the kids eating fucking refined seed sludge however

>> No.19810764

Again, none of those are right wing. There is the Constitution, which is a radical document created by a left wing movement born of liberal philosophy. Every political movement in the US is to the left of that. There is no “right wing” in America.

>> No.19810766

Friendly reminder that this is a cooking board and American political parties are fronts for a single group of unified grifters who wear different colored ties in order to trick you into thinking your vote counts.
Post a recipe, cunts

>> No.19810787


>> No.19810793

Dry rub of equal parts salt, pepper, coffee massaged into a thick steak (cut doesn’t matter) slow cooked over a wood fire.

>> No.19810795

What's your definition of left and right? For most, right is liberty, and left is authoritarian.

>> No.19810812

Coffee? Interesting

>> No.19810816 [DELETED] 

America could really learn a thing or two and take some hints about Japanese, Korean, and Italian school lunches.

>> No.19810821

America could really learn a thing or two and take some hints about Japanese and Korean school lunches.

>> No.19810822
File: 69 KB, 657x282, 5HKFY8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For most, right is liberty, and left is authoritarian.
oh americans are so cute...
both of you terminally online twats are on the same side of the scale. you both want centralized control but for different reasons

>> No.19810826

Equal parts pancake mix and corn flour makes an excellent breading. Especially when double breaded in buttermilk.

That’s oversimplified. And wrong. There are both left and right wing authoritarians. Generally speaking, the “left” trends towards liberalism (openness) and the “right” trends towards conservatism (steadfastness)*. But, there’s so much overlap those divisions are all rather arbitrary and meaningless. A better division might be the difference between a constricted world view and an unconstructed world view. Both came from the same Renaissance liberal philosophy but are expressed differently by Locke and Rousseau, respectively. The labels are doubly meaningless as the American Revolution predates left/right political stances by an entire generation.

>* There’s a recent lament that conservatives only conserve the status quo. Which is about right.

>> No.19810833

>constrained vs unconstrained

>> No.19810843
File: 27 KB, 370x300, Confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19810849

It's the same in America. Sad.

>> No.19810857

You might be shocked to realize what you really look like, how others see you.

>> No.19810876

Chicken skin is underrated, I see no problem in it being put to good use.
Our forefathers used everything of an animal, and they still eat healthy.

The real nightmare would be if it were deep fried in sewer oil, and mixed with mistery ingredients, like china's nightmarish street food culture.

>> No.19810884
File: 1.44 MB, 498x278, IdiotSandwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess i was cooking in restaurants and not shlopshops.

>> No.19810896

No. The left/right political spectrum is one dimensional and that dimension is the degree of authoritarianism. It's why communism is left wing, and anarchy is right wing. There are no right wing authoritarians. There may be dictators which dictate traditional values/norms/culture, but they are not "right wing".

There is no left wing political philosophy which trends towards openness, they all trend towards control - all their policy solutions lead back to some governmental body making decisions for all people. Socialized medical care, government schools, bureaucratic regulatory bodies are all closed systems.

>> No.19810932

>There are no right wing authoritarians.
americans i swear man...

>> No.19810933

Cut potatoes in half. Bake cut side down at 450. Scoop out the insides. Place potato boats skin side up on baking sheet. Brush with grape seed oil. Sprinkle with onion salt, garlic salt, paprika. Back in the oven. Put scooped potato in the blender. Add milk, butter, chives, bacon bits. Blend until creamy. Take potato boats out of oven and flip over, fill with blended mash. Sprinkle with cheese. Back in oven for 20 minutes.

>It's why communism is left wing, and anarchy is right wing

Imagine believing your Sunday school stories were the whole of theology. You’re wrong. Both morally and factually. Because I am ascribing a moral value to your idiocy.

>> No.19810997

Public school lunches is prison-tier food and if Jamie Oliver wants to feed kids healthier he needs to start killing Sysco lobbyists instead of shaming kids about their food preferences.

>> No.19811008

Feel free to make an argument instead of behaving like a slack jawed retard.

>> No.19811010

It’s worse than prison food.

>> No.19811019

this, it's unironically worse than prison food.

>> No.19811040

Make a fire with logs the size of your forearm. Create a foil pouch. In that foil pouch place: chicken quarter, cut potatoes, onions, carrots, salt, pepper, knob of butter. Seal foil pouch. Double wrap. Knock over the fire to one side and scrape the coals to the other. Bury the foil pouch on the coals. As the fire burns and new coals are made, pile them on your foil mound. When it smells so good it feels like you’ll die if you don’t eat it right fucking now, wait five minutes then dig dinner out of the coals and tuck in.

The best I can say about your statement is that you’re not even wrong. You don’t know enough to understand how wrong you are. “Right wing” specifically deals with monarchies. Republicanism is a “left wing” political ideology. I can’t make an argument as you aren’t educated in the subject well enough to understand it.

>> No.19811086

>expect him to be against the processing or maybe the additives
>he's just against them using the less than appetizing parts of the chicken
What causes this?

>> No.19811091

He's from the UK, they can't get away with using the same additives as in the US.

>> No.19811095

for the 2nd time, refer to >>19810822
it's all about individual freedom, not left/right partisan bullshit. "right" and "left" wing authoritarians are on the same end. take a minute and really look at it, i know your corn syrup-addled brain may have a little trouble with it at first but trust me, it makes sense

>> No.19811107

After WWII the Republican party was commonly called the "us too" party because they basically just agreed with the dems. This shifted in the 60's and was fully codified with Nixon who set the stage for Reagan. You can see how things played out from there.

>> No.19811147

from what i can tell, french and japanese food are among the best food cultures? do the french have good school lunch as well?

to me, it is amazing how japan get the details right. they clean their broth so that it looks appealing to the eye, they always use whole/unprocessed food, they invent stuff like soy sauce to even make use of what would be garbage vegetables into delicious fermented foods. tonkotsu is just a prime example. specifically using bones and cartilage/gelatin to utilize the fat/flavor that wouldve been discarded anyway. there is no such thing as trash when it comes to animal products, so i respect anyone that uses the entire animal.

>> No.19811163

Yes, and lunch is taught and graded much like a class
You have to sit quietly and practice etiquette and eat in courses, then you discuss what you ate and what you liked and disliked
It tends to be very seasonal food and at the end you typically eat fruit and one regional cheese
>t. Frenchfag
At least that's how they did it in the 80s and 90s but I don't think anything changed except now it's probably all fucking halal

>> No.19811206

Anyone else remember him getting really shitty with the one mum who brought meals from the fish and chip shop to the school and passed it through the fences like they were filming a Holocaust movie? He dropped the "I'm a cheeky little cockney chap I am I am!" routine damn quick.

>> No.19811230

because anything but the finest cuts of muscle meat is for the lower classes and limey brits are obsessed with walking squawking and slopping like the royal landlords and status signalling

>> No.19811245

the parties don't stand for anything. anybody in politics is trying to grab and much cash as they can before they get shown the door or find a way to fix their elections and have your very well taken care of staff do all your work for life. nobody with an actual job factors into any of what they do

>> No.19811256


Taking the autism of restaurant perfectionism and trying to apply it to the public sector with totally different aims and resources.

>> No.19811431


>> No.19811623


>and anarchy is right wing. There are no right wing authoritarians.

American political education, everyone.

>> No.19811634

hence their uniform accents?

>> No.19811692

Color me shocked halal food is still banned: https://karenlebillon.com/french-school-lunch-menus/
I wonder if that's everywhere or just in the smaller villages, I'll have to call my brother he moved back, er, well, he was extradited, not like he had any choice in the matter

>> No.19811709

Historically, you're correct. However we're not living in the past, and we use left/right to describe the politics of today and not of long dead Frenchmen.

>it's all about individual freedom
So we agree, you just have an extreme view of politics where everything is to the left of where you are. That's fine, but it doesn't refute the political spectrum being authoritarianism v. liberty.

"Right wing authoritarian" is a contradiction. Name one and describe his political philosophy.

>> No.19811717

>"Right wing authoritarian" is a contradiction. Name one and describe his political philosophy.
pinochet :DDDDDD

>> No.19811748

>That's fine, but it doesn't refute the political spectrum being authoritarianism v. liberty.
so then why did you say that right wing authoritarians don't exist, which is laughably and patently false?

>> No.19811776

>military dictatorship is right wing
i guess stalin and china are right wing too, they just get to pretend to vote

>> No.19811798

This, enjoy some slop as a not-common thing

>> No.19811909

The pink chicken nuggets were actually healthy, what jamie did was start a movement to put a tax on sugar this caused the companies to put more chemicals to replace the sugar now it's aweful and the drinks are too expensive

>> No.19811917

> we use left/right to describe the politics of today

No we don’t. They’re plastic words. They don’t mean anything. And yet they mean everything.

>> No.19812010

was pinochet left wing?

>> No.19812026

Kids with fast metabolism don't get fat, my ex ate junk food all day and became an instagram influencer, maybe dumb retarded parents should stop having fat fuck kids

>> No.19812564

he wasn't even a real boy

>> No.19813067

What's even wrong with nuggets? It's just neurotic white people who think only the skinless boneless boiled no seasoning breast meat is the only part of the animal fit for eating

It's the same animal, and the fat is the best part. When I make roast chicken the beat part is the wings with all the crispy fat and skin, and the second best part is basically boiling all the cartilage so o make nice soup out of it

He just thinks like high calories = bad food, or some shit.

>> No.19813165

Its literally poor people bad anon, nothing deeper.

>> No.19813169

how does the fast metabolism meme explain the energy side of it? It's not enough to convert the food into energy but the energy has to also be spent or stored.

>> No.19813179

Because burning more energy is what a fast metabolism does?
The heart beats faster, they breathe more, the body heats up more and they sweat more, sleep less.

>> No.19813193

any school lunch kinos showing good lunches that aren't some fancy private / prep school?

>> No.19813202

probably not as fat as Jamie Oliver himself.

>> No.19813218

Do you really think there isnt a market for that

>> No.19813219

My college used to serve delicious chicken and burgers before switching to absolute garbage when the kitchen “went green”

>> No.19813226

My college made a mean udon noodle soup during winter that i wish i took a picture of, but where everything was flavorless overpriced trash this was a godsend

>> No.19813901

Yeah but "meatballs" are a colloquialism that is separate from a chicken meatballs. Like, if you order spagbol with meatballs you'd be surprised/annoyed if it showed up to show table with chicken nuggets on it.

>> No.19813918

I'll say it again: Kids don't have the refined taste or the self-control to demand healthy meals from their school, and a lot of them would starve if it wasn't provided. So Jamie Oliver's stunt is pointless. He should be punishing/flaying school administrators for feeding kids prison food. "Kids are our future" sure rings hollow considering how we sustain them in the richest country on Earth.

>> No.19814006

Processed foods have a high rate of preservatives and nitrates which isn’t necessarily good for you in quantity. There’s also a psychological connection between chicken nuggets and McDonald’s. Even if the ingredients list is completely different. Fast food has a high concentration of fat, salt, and sugar. Which again isn’t great in quantity.

I don’t have an issue giving kids “fast food” equivalents if they have decent macros. A hamburger and fries is meat and potatoes, no need to really dress it up as “adult” food. And if you can get the kid to sign on with the lettuce/pickle/onion/tomato I’m not sure what the difference is between that and a steak, baked potatoes, and side salad. And if you’re really worried about micros, then give them all a Flintstones with breakfast.

When I was a kid we had a weekly menu of hamburger, tacos, spaghetti, pizza, fish. That’s where taco Tuesday came from. They needed to use up the leftover hamburger meat.

Kids are almost autistic when it comes to their palate. They like what they like. No need to get fancy with it.

>> No.19814121

>why not just make proper fucking school lunch?

this is the difference between diversity hires in a multicultural nightmare and people who care about their own people in a racially homogenious society.

>> No.19814166

>richest country on Earth
What does Belgium (median income of 228.594€) have to do with any of this?

>> No.19814180

>Meat separated by machine and formed into a ball
>Meat separated by knife and formed into a ball

>> No.19814960

this guy ruined the childhoods of millions of british children after he got turkey twizzlers cancelled

>> No.19814996

This >>19813179
Not having a fast metabolism isn't an excuse to say that you can't lose weight because "muh genetics" like retards claim, but if you do have one it makes staying thin easy as fuck. All through my childhood and well into my late 20s I could eat as much as I wanted and whatever I wanted basically and never really had to worry about gaining weight even though I wasn't especially active. That's still mostly the case, though I've gotten a bit more conscious of how I'm eating because it's definitely started to slow a bit. Any time I eat, especially if it's something calorie dense I basically radiate heat. My wife loves it in the winter, hates it in the summer.

>> No.19815003

228 yuroshekels isn't really that high of an income anon

>> No.19815194

I have no clue which youtube video you're obsessing over and never even specifically mentioned seed oils. You sound like an unhinged radical.

>> No.19815202

The obese kids didn't get fat off of school fucking lunches. They got fat eating at home.

>> No.19815219

Ease up on the progfundie brainwashing, Bugs

>> No.19815229

Nah if DDT were around the Democrats would be screeching "Trust the science!" while flat out denying all the bad shit coming out about DDT as "misinformation" and "conspiracy theories". They would double down even harder on its usage since it was now an issue of ideological dogma.

>> No.19815233

>one of the two

>> No.19815238

>private school
>the state
The absolute state of your intellect jej

>> No.19815251

Progressive fundamentalists are the current day evangelicals and populists, buddy.

>> No.19815963

>my retard gym buddies said it was bad therefore its bad

>> No.19816134

To be clear, you think that companies that buy healthy, well raised chickens to sell the meat just throw away all the meat and skin that isn't usable in their main product? You think they just huck the remaining carcass in the trash rather than making nuggets or something like that out of it? Yes, the cheap nuggets are made with the scraps from the cheapest chickens, well done for figuring that out, but there are also more expensive nuggets made from the more expensive chickens because what fucking corporation is just gonna throw out money like that? They paid for the whole chicken, you can bet they're gonna use every scrap they can.

>> No.19816137

Vote for politicians that actually fund school lunches (hint: this means not Republicans) if you want schools to spend their budget on training cooks.

>> No.19816145

Literally all my lunch ladies were white. They made the same garbage as everyone else. Dumbass.

>> No.19817334

I make sausages at home, I'm not inclined to bitch about how chicken nuggets are made.

>> No.19817341
File: 2.27 MB, 320x568, I&#039;ll bet she smells like Lysol and mildew.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww...Now I HAVE to post it..

>> No.19817357

bait or mental retardation

>> No.19817363
File: 1.67 MB, 2000x1500, Yep, That&#039;s LARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was clearly bait..
But imagine not frying in either Lard or Tallow...
It's pretty crazy how good you feel after eating a plate full of french fries fried in lard or tallow; Almost an inverse relationship with eating the same thing fried in sneed oil.
Also, I have no idea why, but they stay hotter for much longer too.
>one day try an experiment
>1/2 a bag of frozen fries baked, other half deep fried in lard
>baked fries got cold in less than 5 minutes, even though they are lightly browned and sizzling/whistling right out of the oven
>Lard fries are still hot in the middle after 15 minutes
Weird, huh?
This is apparently also well known in England and Belgium, where the fries are almost always cooked in Tallow.

>> No.19817377
File: 68 KB, 720x752, 1688487563911908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bland unseasoned raw ground beef on a pan
maybe she'll season it later
>"all this grease is disgusting"
disagree but ok nothing wrong with wanting to eat healthy
>straining ground beef
weird but ok i guess that's fine

>> No.19817467
File: 226 KB, 666x375, SquarePidzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag here. Up until the mid-80s, American school lunches were good, nutritionally complete, healthy meals prepared daily and for under a dollar.
Used to be that you'd buy a ticket and request your milk preference,(Whole, 2% or chocolate,) first thing in the morning right after the pledge of allegiance. This enabled the lunch staff to prep the right amount of lunches to minimize waste and have a count for the milk purveyors who would usually deliver a couple times a week.
In the late 80s, corporate interests started to work their way into the schools. First with gifts like soft drink machines, AV equipment and food kiosks, then securing contracts to provide the school "lunches" which really turned out to be a money grubbing scam.
My high school contracted to Marriot/Stouffers, and in the course of a year, we went from being able to have a full school lunch with optional extras for about $1.25+, to having to wait in one of several different lines to get different components, all of which were $1 minimum. The State law required there would still be a small regular lunch line, but they made SURE that it was the shittiest cafeteria food ever, Over cooked canned green beans, stale breads, etc.
This also ushered in the trend of schools being built like malls, and the cafeterias being like food courts.
Not hard to see how it all went to shit so quickly when the next layers of shit,(politics and entitlements,) were shoveled on.
TL;DR: School lunches didn't used to suck, but corporate greed and politics eventually made it so. Parents too.

>> No.19817480

Jamie Oliver is one of the worst celebrity chefs I've seen and almost with 100% certainty will fuck up the recipe with some ingredients that have absolutely no place in the dish.

>> No.19817495
File: 241 KB, 375x555, Tiresome Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right on with this.
Unfortunately, it appears to be just another case of "Do fish drink?" in that anons are so steeped in BlueTeam™/RedTeam™ brand affiliation, they will miss the fact that, at the top, they are BOTH fucking scamming everyone.
Hell, most probably don't even get that 95% of these boards are paid shills and b0ts. After the realization that this place actually had sway in the real world in 2016,(for good or ill,) multiple NGOs and agencies flooded in to do their best to destroy it.
It worked.

>> No.19817534
File: 1.81 MB, 1200x900, GildedAge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left, right, Red, blue...It's all bullshit, and these guys are all eating at the same restaurants together and going to the same clubs at the end of the day.
It's ALWAYS been like this.
Mark Twain even wrote a scathing book about it in 1873 called "The Gilded Age"
He would have been at home here, pre-2014, that is.

>> No.19817554
File: 340 KB, 407x408, Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 11.47.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever get a craving for that pie get some picrel

>> No.19817584

>the mid-80s
>under a dollar.
So, about three dollars now? Seems that school lunches still cost about the same, huh?

>> No.19817593

go back to facebook

>> No.19817612
File: 68 KB, 1174x710, 1674163988754600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I remember watching that documentary when I was like 11 after my yuppie fried at the time recommended it to me

>> No.19817615
File: 282 KB, 777x612, School lunch 1960s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll have to go back to pre-1984
>pic related

>> No.19817623

>Checked and Kek'd
First time I saw it, I thought similar.

>> No.19817665
File: 81 KB, 666x375, Frozen Pidzer Miami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll keep it in mind, but I usually just make my own.
I do occasionally get a frozen/take and bake pidzer for "Fuck it" days, usually from Aldi.
I was just there a few days ago and noticed they started selling pre-made pizza doughballs in the deli meat section. Great option for you doughlets out there.
This one looks like it would go great with playing Miami hotline.

>> No.19817708

No...Read it again.
It went from $1.25 to ~$5 buying all the shit ala carte.
Kek...I've never even had a Facefuck/LifeLog account, you zoomer faggot.
Go back to watching TikTok

>> No.19817740

>bone in chicken

It’s a wonder we survived.

>> No.19818181

Fucking this, I remember years ago that people were freaking the fuck out about things having "mechanical separated chicken" in the ingredients list because they were too retarded to understand that literally just means "chicken than was shredded up by a machine"

>> No.19818352

>pizza is unhealthy because... because it just is ok
It's bread, tomatoes, cheese, and meat. Hell a burger is beef, bread, cheese, and some condiments. It's amazing, the hoops people jump through to pretend some types of food are unhealthy.

>> No.19818360

>completely and utterly proving anon's point