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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19800631 No.19800631 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this site so against (white) rice up to the point it is demonized, but advocate for potatoes?

>> No.19800644

Nutrient profiles

>> No.19800652

Who cares? I'm not going to your clickbait bitch website.

>> No.19800658

potatoes are quite nutritious though. white rice isn't. potatoes win

>> No.19800659

Sure. But would it really matter if a complete meal? People don't eat white rice alone.

>> No.19800662

>Why is this site so against
>some completely made up bs

>> No.19800665

Biology doesn't actually care whether or not you think a food is a side dish

>> No.19800667


The fuck are you on? Go back to your aa sessions.

>> No.19800683

White rice is composed of shorter carbohydrate chains. These are broken down quickly, which spikes your blood sugar more, which causes you to gain fat, and the energy supplied doesn't last very long. This is less true of the longer carbohydrate chains found in potatoes.

>> No.19800695

Go wear a mask you fool, it's not even Halloween yet.

>> No.19800702

cause majority of co/ck/s are white trash from mid america who eat Cincinnati chili and fast food. rice is foreign and weird unless youre eating chicken with broccoli take out. dont @ me niggas idc. also white rice is infinitely better than potatoes

>> No.19800711

You come across as a jealous scumbag, are you eurotrash?

>> No.19800718

Rice is nice but the potato is obviously the superior crop, it's more nutritious and more flexible.

>> No.19800723

What kind of fag writes like this?
> dont @ me niggas idc.
What does that mean you stupid fag?

>> No.19800733

I like both

>> No.19800737

It means he's a twitterfag.

>> No.19800739

>White rice is composed of shorter carbohydrate chains. These are broken down quickly, which spikes your blood sugar more, which causes you to gain fat,

And because of this, people from, Vietnam, China, Japan, Laos, Cambodia, etc. are super obese compared to potato eating countries, Oh wait a minute . . . .!

>> No.19800740

>Asks what it means
>Clearly followed the instructions
Really makes you think

>> No.19800741

Only the red menace eats White Rice

>> No.19800744

Yeah that is weird. I was about to reply with this.

>> No.19800749

No, reading gibberish is still gibberish, trying to decode it will still result in worthless gibberish.

>> No.19800750

I would say rice is far more flexible than potatoes. There's really not much you can do to it without going towards the unhealthy route like frying them. With rice you can make all sorts of dishes without frying.

>> No.19800753

I didn't say that if you eat white rice, you'll become fat. I described the reason that white rice is less filling and more fattening than potatoes. There may be many reasons east Asians are less obese than westerners, but the chemical make-up of rice is not one of them.

>> No.19800765

Don't those commie socialst fucks eat red rice?

>> No.19800775

jealous about what i live in america i just know good food, and i dont seethe when people eat things that slightly different from the norm

>> No.19800779

1. buy an ad
2. take your meds

>> No.19800784

they're skinnyfat lanklets

>> No.19800785

A potato can be baked, roasted, boiled, mashed, fried, braised, broiled, steamed, grilled, and probably smoked. If you're in a hurry you can microwave it from raw. You can eat it on its own, sliced as part of something like a gratin or a salad, or finely mixed as with a fish cake. It's better for you, if you care about such things. White rice goes just as well with just as many different things, but is itself basically just white rice whatever you put on it or in it or around it, it's not the power ingredient a potato is.

>> No.19800787

potatoes are based
rice is cringe
simple as
unless you're talking about manomin, the good berry of the Chippewa peoples.

>> No.19800886

Potatoes > Bread/Pasta > Rice

>> No.19800906

I eat rice with potatoes.

>> No.19800911

Bread >>> potatoes/pasta/rice. Nobody pumps the smell of baking potatoes into their stores to lure customers.

>> No.19800919

Mabe not baked, but McDonalds smells of fires

>> No.19800972

What the fuck is so hard for you faggots to understand about calories and the law of thermodynamics? Fucking imbecile slit your fucking wrists open.

>> No.19800991

I've noticed that asians dont want to eat potatoes becuse they think it will make them fat, and europeans don't wnat to eat white rice for the same reason.

>> No.19801007

slav(e) infestation

>> No.19801037

Asians also commonly think you'll die if you leave the fan running overnight because it sucks all the air out of the room. I've told you the biology involved, it's simple and non-controversial, if you don't believe I'm telling the truth you should look it up yourself.

>> No.19801074

Their relevance, since these are biochemical processes.

>> No.19801077


>> No.19801082

>Big rice advertising on 4chan

>> No.19801107

I fucking love rice, but OP asked and that's why people demonize rice.

>> No.19801353

Yeah and the civilized populations of those countries are experiencing significantly increased rates of diabetes now.

>> No.19801410

Maybe so but not highly relevant. Why is "rice isn't terribly good for you" such a controversial statement?

>> No.19801512

because half the world eats it as their primary food source

>> No.19801538

The law of thermodynamics endures.

>> No.19801572

because potatoes are a white people food

>> No.19801600

I eat White rice at my mid meal of the day and I've been losing weight. Probably because I utilize that energy pretty soon after.

>> No.19801605

>jealous scumbag

Who would be jealous about living in the rust belt and eating trailerslop?

>> No.19801623

The other half eats food that isn't terribly good for them either. I personally drink alcohol often and smoke tobacco occasionally.

>> No.19801634

unless you get blackout drunk every single night alcohol really isn't that bad for you. heart disease will kill you much younger than liver disease. I know it's cherry picking but I personally know a few super fit functional alcoholics but you'd be hard pressed to find someone with a healthy heart that eats garbage all day.

>> No.19801749

because dumb loser poltards
ck feels even worse than it did years ago, which was still pretty bad but slightly comfy

>> No.19801835

Because of westernization

>> No.19801843

>really isn't that bad for you.
It literally kills brain cells
>heart disease will kill you much younger than liver disease.
Comparative analysis isnt relevant here

>> No.19802086

>I would say rice is far more flexible than potatoes

How does someone manage to be as fucking stupid as you? Does it take effort?

>> No.19802231

Yeah I guess you're right. But I remember going to the Dominican Republic and they made rice boiled with meats (salami and sausages was the one I had but they had pork meats too), beans, peas, fish, corn and shrimp. They made others but there was one in particular I don't remember what it was, but it was like a stew or a soup or something? I don't know.

Do explain. I'm clearly too retarded to see how I'm being retarded.

>> No.19802235

brown rice and white rice are barely any different.
life is too short for brown rice

>> No.19802265

rice has high arsenic



>> No.19802438

Just cook it like pasta. The water leeches out 60% of the arsenic then you drain the water.
Boil plenty of water, dump rice in, simmer covered for 25 minutes, drain rice, put back in pot, cover, let sit for 10 minutes, done.

>> No.19802443

I'm not on this board long enough to have my opinions swayed.

>Love potatoes
>Love rice
>love bread
Love carbs, simple as.

>> No.19803165

Dosis sola facit, ut venenum non fit
Quantity makes a poison. Eating rice every day surely is not as good as eating meat every day.
Blueboards: they came from being useful boards for interests to places where anyone have to spew any thing came into their mind

Blueboards are poisonous now.

>> No.19803912

Same. 37 and have no signs of diabetes.. 2 more weeks?

>> No.19803921

There are better variants of rice in terms of both taste and nutrition, while potatoes as a whole (you didn't specify which kind of potato fucking DUNKFASS LAMO) have something for everyone.

>> No.19804774
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Lunch at work today and every day. Michaelwaved with some spice packet from my coworkers Popeyes sprinkled on.

>> No.19804819

>Eating rice every day surely is not as good as eating meat every day.
Again not super relevant

>> No.19804868 [DELETED] 

White rice goes supercritical when wet, to the point where a small amount, mixed roughly 50/50 with water, creates enough heat to cook eggs.
Potatoes just fuck over the Irish.

>> No.19804914

You fiend. You madman. That actually sounds good. I always just thought there was white rice and brown rice because le healthy family hates all white things for some reason. I got some Jasmine rice. That should be the default rice.

>> No.19804942 [DELETED] 

I prefer basmati to jasmine, but not when it costs $5 more/kg... so you might have a point.

All rice has its uses, some uses are just more useful than others.

>> No.19804947

Because people are retarded and believe overt lies about the food they eat. They're psyoped into thinking eating nothing but fruits and vegetables can only be healthy for you and that eating anything else causes a heart attack, all because "experts" on the media told them to think this way. They're socially conditioned to live miserably.

>> No.19804976

OK, or maybe Bush didn't do 9/11 and when people who happily eat large quantities of white rice cheerfully tell you it's a bit shit for you they aren't trying to brainwash you on behalf of Big Potato.

>> No.19804980

potatoes taste infinitely better

>> No.19804984

Bro the entirety of East Asia eats nothing but white rice and dishes that have white rice, and last time I checked they aren't suffering from an obesity crisis but America and Europe are. Maybe you aren't eating enough rice in your diet?

>> No.19805003

Those who deny rice have probably only ever eaten rice that is dry or sludgy.
Moreover, they probably smell the stench of oxidized bran because they don't wash it.

>> No.19805018

white rice is like 200 calories a cup. You eat at most 2 cups with a meal. You are genuinely retarded if you think that's what's making people fat

>> No.19805066 [DELETED] 

2 cups... cooked?

>> No.19805441

yes nigga you think I'm eating raw rice

>> No.19805589 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking that 2 cups of raw rice is 4 cups of cooked rice, and that you might explode.

>> No.19805634

okay except 2 cups of cooked rice is 1 cup of raw rice and you're autistic

>> No.19805649

>Why is this site so against (white) rice
Confirmed for literally being your first day and first post on 4chan.

>> No.19806142

okay so 400 calories instead of 200, not a big difference

>> No.19806520

Potatoes are infinitely versatile with something for everyone. I hate them mashed but love them baked or hasselbacked, white rice isn’t even the best rice, brown has a much better texture.

>> No.19806530

what he is saying is if the west ate rice like they do potatoes, theyd still be fat, and fatter. your argument falls completely flat because the east simply dont eat even half of what an american does. you thought you had a gotcha, instead you are retarded

>> No.19806538

>It literally kills brain cells
literally doesnt. not forming new =/= killing. children of men

>> No.19806789

Another retard. Yes, 4chan (site), not just this board. What are you on?

>> No.19806798

4chan as a whole isn't particularly anti-white rice and pro-brown rice

>> No.19807429

It's the Irish glowie shills.

>> No.19807435 [DELETED] 

Ireland is one of the few countries without glowie shills, due to the lack of history of imperialism.

>> No.19807469

>Eat rice
>Get sick of it after only a couple spoonfuls
>Have to choke the rest down to get my calories worth.
>Stomach feels a little queasy after(I didn't eat too much)
>Don't feel any different after eating, except the odd stomach feeling.
>Time to shit it out
>Poop has a weird prickly texture, and it makes my butthole hurt.

>Eat potato.
>Gobble it down quickly. Taste nice while it's still warm
>Stomach feels light, as if I haven't eaten at all.
>Energized. Except I don't even realize how much energy I have until I'm thinking about my next meal and I'm still not tired in the slightest, and I think back at all I got done since my last meal.
>Time to shit it out.
>Poop is slick, whole, and glides right out.

I'm just sayin.
I'm just sayin.

>> No.19807475
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I like and eat both.

>> No.19807491

Dude you're supposed to cook the rice, that's your mistake.

>> No.19807553

sounds like a (You) problem buddy

>> No.19808067


>> No.19808123

You might be retarded anon

>> No.19808139

Brown rice is nice though. I quite like that it has a bit more texture to it.

>> No.19808150

I just ate rice and sardines

>> No.19808156

This sounds like you are eating raw rice, you seem to have no problem cooking the potato, why not try cooking the rice next time?

>> No.19808162

They literally got fucked in the ass by the english mutts and still are

>> No.19808454
File: 299 KB, 640x640, AREYOUFUCKINGSERIOUS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just cook it like pasta. The water leeches out 60% of the arsenic then you drain the water.
YOu are COMPLETELY FUCKING out of your BUNKERBUSTING MIND if you THINK for a GOD DAMN second that I will even ever even stoop so far low as to ever have been even close to thinking of ever deciding to accept the remaining 40% of arsenic


>> No.19808503

>I fucking love rice, but OP asked and that's why people demonize rice.

>> No.19808877

The main advantage rice has is convenience. You just stick it in an airtight container and it keeps for ages. Scoop out exactly the amount you want and cook it fresh, which is also a just-add-water type of deal. Unless you're a cooklet who struggles with rice, but they even make appliances for that.
Meanwhile potatoes go bad, and they keep well only at an awkward middle ground between the fridge and room temperature. You need to cook them in units of whole potato. You need to do extra work like scrubbing, peeling, mashing. And a lot of potatoes in the grocery are on their way out so you have to be careful. Meanwhile rice just works.

>> No.19809041

Rice has been processed, potatoes just had the tubers removed and are basically fresh from the ground

>> No.19809050

>potatoes being more nutritious than whitu raisu is a white supremacist conspiracy

>> No.19809224

it's not a conspiracy. I converse with you retards all day every day. and japanese live to like 100 and eat white rice.

>> No.19809399

They're also 4'11

>> No.19809494

nigger eating rice will give you diabetes from blood sugar spikes much faster than starchy potatoes would

>> No.19809735

>Implying white rice is unpopular on an anime website
Confirmed for being your first day on 4chan.

>> No.19809772

Where have you been for the last few years? Rice cookers live so rent-free in many heads there's a thread a day about them. I even saw a "rice hate general" once; I also don't understand why people are so threatened by it. They act like someone is shilling for rice or telling them it's objectively the best food. Posting about rice guarantees 100+ replies and it's all anons arguing, not swapping recipes

>> No.19809898
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This has only been happening in the most recent years, concurrently with the cultural food crisis causing those countries to slowly lose their eating habits in favor of junk food from the west.
Almost like the problem wasn't the rice, but quite the opposite.

>> No.19810049

their metabolism is more adapted to rice because they've been eating it for thousands of years, also small portions because they're poor

>> No.19810054

I'll kill you with my own hands

>> No.19810110
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>nigger eating rice will give you diabetes

>> No.19810113

lose weight fat faggot lmao
ooo nice braphog