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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19800536 No.19800536 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19800550

this affects me how?

>> No.19800552

Maybe the ketchup from McDonald's. I only buy premium ketchup that has a completely different flavor from Heinz.

>> No.19800563

That's all shit, Del Monte ketchup or Wegman's store brand blows the shit out of hunts and heinz.

>> No.19800572

a tablespoon of sugar has 3,2 grams of sugar, according to the USDA. that's slightly less than 10 grams for 3 tbsp.
an average glazed donut has 15 grams of sugar.

>> No.19800573

>Not making your own ketchup at home
Get outta here scrub.

>> No.19800602

It might have more sugar, but I doubt it has more calories. I'm looking at the ketchup bottle and it says 102 calories per 100g grams, and 3 tablespoons is what, 50 grams? A doughnut has way more than 100 calories.

>> No.19800635
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>european friends visits ameribros
>mfw seeing them chug chocolate milk and copious amounts of 'chup with their french fries (they ordered fries like 15 times in the week they were here)
My expectations were shattered. Chupping is more important than most realize.

>> No.19800647

It doesn't have more sugar, and calories are a shit way to manage your food intake. What has more calories, a cup of oatmeal or six tablespoons of sugar?

>> No.19800649

>buys unsweetened/sugar free ketchup
Now what?

>> No.19800688 [DELETED] 


>> No.19800690

sugar has less volume when dissolved
also HFCS is more than likely what's in ketchup, which is more concentrated than table sugar

>> No.19800728

OP should have specified American ketchup. I'll believe any claim when it comes to American food and HFCS. I heard American bread induces diabetic shock in ducks.

>> No.19800747

3tbsp 'chup has 9.9g sugar.
One Krispy Kreme has 10g.
A glazed from Dunkin has 15g.

>> No.19800831

Ho many cars are there in keptchup and how many are there in donut?

>> No.19800844

Ketchup is a mildly popular method of "vandalising" someone's car. There has also been more than one road accident involving the spilling of ketchup from trucks, plausibly covering some cars. There are no recorded car accidents or car-related pranks involving a giant novelty-sized donut. Therefore, while we may never know exactly how many cars are currently in ketchup, if any are at all then it's very likely to be greater than the number of cars in donut.

>> No.19800846

>also HFCS is more than likely what's in ketchup
Talk for yourself, Chuck McFuck III

>> No.19802050

>not mushroom ketchup

>> No.19802085

>buy sugar free version
>it's even sweeter than normal one just with fake sweeteners
why do they add so much sugar to 'chup? it is just gross imo...

>> No.19802129


>> No.19802229

meanwhile a donut is like 300kcal and 3tbsp of ketchup is like 30kcal

>> No.19802234

3tbsp is only 1 short of a quarter cup
Who the fuck uses that much ketchup?

>> No.19802241
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me, on a hotdog

>> No.19802325

so ketchup doesn't have more

>> No.19802331


>> No.19802369

Heinz Ketchup has 20 calories & 4g of sugar per tablespoon, so that would 60 cal & 12g sugar for 3 tbls. A dunkins glazed donut has 260 calories, and also 12 g of sugar; all those extra calories come with the pile of fat included in the donut.

Honestly sugar gets a bad rap when it comes to obesity; American sugar usage has been declining since the year 2000, and today is about the same as it was in the late 1980s (when people were a lot less fat). Cheap vegetables oils are the major culprit when it comes to the growth of obesity. Americans just keep eating more & more of them, and all those extra calories explain bulk of the obesity issue. (The rest of the obesity issue can be explained by the moderate increase in grain consumption + more sedentary lifestyles - consumption of other food groups (meat, dairy, fruit, veg) has been pretty steady for the last few decades.

>> No.19802586

3tbsp of ketchup

That's about as much ketchup as your average 'murican will drench their single serving of fries, though. Not to mention whatever is added into a burger or one single hot dog like >>19802241 . Then there's amount of calories from adding a shit ton of mayo and the negligible amount in mustard.

The bad rep with sugar comes from the amount consumed in one sitting and the way it's used in mass production to create a bliss point. 260 calories isn't a lot, but fatties never stop at just one doughnut, one cookie, etc. And most consumers lack a refined enough palate to recognize when they're being manipulated by excessive sugar masking any lack of nuance in flavor. So they just scarf that shit down.

>> No.19802613
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I don't like ketchup, no idea why. I don't hate it, but I just don't use it or eat it, I am indifferent about ketchup. I think about ketchup far less than most other people.

>> No.19802675

Why is it so hard to find ketchup that isn't sweet? Sweet ketchup is ass.

>> No.19802685

Heinz is about as good as it gets but you can just add extra vinegar to it.

>> No.19802698

They sell no sugar added ketchup.

Or just make your own. It's easy.

>> No.19802742

Have you tried just eating tomatoes

>> No.19802760
File: 441 KB, 1170x1913, 358B1AFE-76C7-4F53-8A9F-A045511AB452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pay 4$ for the non goy version

>> No.19802893

I use a chili (more like chili flavored) ketchup that is 1100 kcal/kg so it can't be more than 25% sugar by weight since sugar is something like 4000kcal/kg
interestingly enough, Heinz 'chup sold here has even less calories so sugarmaxxed ketchup must be an american thing

>> No.19802914


>> No.19802920

Are we talking about added sugar, or the whole carbohydrate content?

>> No.19803062

it might if I put either of those edible mistakes into my body at any point

>> No.19803371

what's it taste like compared to regular heinz?

>> No.19803441

Yes, and that's why plain glazed donuts suck ass

>> No.19803482

>using candy red goo instead of chili sauce

>> No.19803496

He just described how it could you dunce.

>> No.19803553

Because sugar-addicted retards will actively recoil if anything they eat isn't drowned out by a sickening level of sweetness.
They find any other flavor to be unpalatable and refuse to engage with it further. So products need to be sweet to sell.

>> No.19803674

not as good, I usually have to add some sugar

>> No.19803889

Grab some tomatoe paste and mix it with vinegar and dilute it a bit with some water. It tastes like that.

>> No.19803936

More tangy, still has a natural sweetness but not nearly as sweet as the usual stuff, overall it's so much better.

>> No.19804356

So you've never eaten french fries with other people before, ever

>> No.19805943
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No it doesn't
3TBSP ketchup 9 grams
Donut 15 grams

>> No.19806198

>natural flavoring
do you actually convince yourself something with that?

>> No.19806268

3 tablespoons of ketchup is quite a lot of ketchup. One donut is a normal quantity of donuts.

>> No.19807133

Carbs are sugars.
Your own pic indicated that 3 tbsp is 15g, which is disgusting when you think about it.

>> No.19807140

A real goyslop sauce. It's just tomato sauce with a ton of sugar. No one that cares about his health eats ketchup.

>> No.19807241

>9 grams
Should we tell him?

>> No.19807266

nobody cares what you think ketolard

>> No.19807587
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>> No.19808823

Tastes terrible too

>> No.19808833

My more expensive product has less sugar in it while still tasting sweet because I paid more for it.

>> No.19809010

Man you must be in the AV club because that's some wild projection.