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File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1440, jambon-beurre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19788006 No.19788006 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine thinking you need anything more than bread, ham and butter for a sandwich

>> No.19788010

you're an amateur, i don't even need bread, ham, or butter for my sandwich

>> No.19788126

Tyrone and Jamal doesn't count

>> No.19788128

no pickles no soul

>> No.19788138

You can have some cornichons on the side

>> No.19788159

cornichons are terrible like all this trendy tiny vegetable crap fags and women love

"I want more skin and less delicious insides"
statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged

>> No.19788169

What an Israeli thing to say.

>> No.19788172

Trendy? They're literally ancient

>> No.19788192

So? Trendy fags love antique shit.

>> No.19788237

I just don't see them as trendy, they're just a pretty typical pairing for a jambon beurre

>> No.19788241

I'm vegan so can I just get the bread, plz :3

>> No.19788249

Ham sandwich needs mustard. Mustard chads rise up

>> No.19788290

I'm genuinely how someone come to that lifestyle if it didn't arise from parental brainwashing.

>> No.19788295

I pity the fools who never had propper bread.

>> No.19788303

The fuck is up with Europeans and butter on sandwiches?

>> No.19788313

What's up with Americans and mayo on their sandwiches?

>> No.19788345

based as fuck
ham sandwiches need one side of the bread buttered, the other side mayonnaise (NOT faggot "whips" or whatever), brown AND yellow mustard dotted gently over the meat and if a New Yorker is present, bite the bullet and put some ketchup on there so they die of despair.

>> No.19788359

Mayo only goes on a turkey or chicken sandwich. Freak Euros put butter on every sandwich. Horrendous.

>> No.19788362

Try eating a bean sandwich without mayo and you'll change your mind

>> No.19788369

It’s pretty fucking good butter

>> No.19788373

salami, butter, cornichons, fresh baked baguette, ocean view, bitchy pale brunette

>> No.19788374

hold the ham. I just need some cheese and tomatoes.

>> No.19788382

My boomer parents put butter on the pb&j sandwiches they sent me to school with. It wasn't until I was 19 when I realized why every pb&j I made alone tasted like a carb bomb.

>> No.19788387

Nah. Just a shit ton of English mustard or dijon mustard. Don’t know what brown or yellow means

>> No.19788390

>bean sandwich
Is this some kind of vegan abomination?

>> No.19788415

Don't care about you being autistic.

>> No.19788420

>carb bomb
you are a retarded sorry anon

>> No.19788437

You’re the one being autistic with mayo, and specks, and New York, while also putting ketchup on your sandwich. I’m just a mustardpilled mustardchad

>> No.19788458

Did not ask about your mustism

>> No.19788462

what temp do i have to heat bologna up to before i can eat it

>> No.19788561

>he needs butter
you need cheese though.
quit being anti-human.

>> No.19788562

is for lessers.

>> No.19788564

I use both on everything call the police I don't give a fuck

>> No.19788622

Shalomahomadingdong my goy, now that would be a very Israeli thing to say, oy vey

>> No.19788643

I'm calling the fat fuck police for your crimes against gravity.

>> No.19788690

>I'm calling the fat fuck police for your crimes against gravity.

>> No.19788752
File: 3.59 MB, 500x333, Brother Ben.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brie and butter*

>> No.19788909

makes sure to filter the niggers
i like mustard best tho

>> No.19788911

i wish i could get bread this good. fucking koreans own all the breadstores but just bake treats

>> No.19789165

>butter instead of mustard
haha stupid nigger!

>> No.19789169

>not making mustard butter
you have much to learn, you huge fucking faggot

>> No.19789190

I remember moving to France in 2001 and thinking why the fuck do they slather butter on a sandwich instead of mustard. It makes it all slimy and slippery.

>> No.19789291

Easy, it comes from Instagram brainwashing.

>> No.19789531

>Zoomie didn't know anything until his parents stopped nursing him.

Many such cases........

>> No.19789532

for me, it's butter, cheese, ham and pickle

>> No.19789534
File: 1.49 MB, 250x156, ADEA33F9-83CC-42F4-B62E-BBDB00C43131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutts don’t butter their bread in a sandwich

>> No.19789541

And still you don't get it.

What's the bet you're American?

>> No.19789623

>rent free
Why are americans like this?

>> No.19789629

>I don't understand how anyone could have any thoughts or opinions of their own
No, you probably don't.

>> No.19789643
File: 159 KB, 1200x1800, lana-del-rey-gets-leggy-while-she-goes-shopping-and-grabs-dinner-with-her-sister-in-portofino-italy-110522_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thoughts or opinions of their own

>> No.19789648

Shhh anon, don't you worry your little head about it and just keep doing whatever somebody else tells you to do.

>> No.19789655
File: 71 KB, 480x660, 1660083723599539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attempts to be an authority
*coughs and spits* stop it

>> No.19789664

This is a perfect example of your inability to understand and process simple information instead of parroting something somebody else told you to say.

>> No.19789677

I already told you to quit it vegan. Sheesh, I knew the brain would underperform when not getting proper nutrition but I didn't know your ears would stop working as well.

>> No.19789681

See, an absolutely perfect example. When did I say I was vegan? I didn't, because I'm not. Yet you went straight to your pre-recorded responses that you got from someone else. You didn't even take half a second to think before you did it, like a good little robot.

>> No.19789690

Only stinky vegans get so assblasted when someone says shit about vegans.
To prove you are a vegan *unzips* I've got the one exception to the rule. Enjoy this schmeat.

>> No.19789718

You seem to be out of ideas. Perhaps someone will come along soon to tell you what to think.

>> No.19789725

>broken record
Your boring

>> No.19789743

>The robot is confused by someone having different thoughts to him

>> No.19789761

No one became a vegan by thinking.

>> No.19789769
File: 473 KB, 977x1200, 5997eb9bd5781c65fac07cd9d3138729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yellow mustard

This is the combo

>> No.19789770

You can have the bread with imitation meat and imitation butter, because nothing tastes better than stuff that tastes like shit yet have the audacity to say it tastes the same

>> No.19789775

Because it tastes good, is good for you and gives your sandwich a bit of moisture

>> No.19790453

For me it's:
>Bread with olives in it
>Roast chicken
>Medically unsound amounts of salted butter

>> No.19790476

I made a ham sandwitch from ham that I cut myself off of a real ham I cooked. God damn bros. Deli meat is absolute fucking shit. It was so good.

>> No.19790482

europoors are right on this one. I think americans dont do it because we keep our butter in the fridge and so its not easily spreadable.

>> No.19790494

They think animals are cute and smart. Both are incorrect.

>> No.19790499

Ham on bread is not Japanese

>> No.19790515

we generally use mayo and honestly the idea of using butter sounds gross. i love butter on toast and bread in general, but i don't want butter on my sandwich, i want mayo. except on grilled cheese sandwiches, where i use both.

>> No.19790692

Who the fuck claimed it was?

>> No.19790811

I'm stating a fact. It's not good because it's not Japanese. Deal with it.

>> No.19790814

How about vegetables you fucking fatass

>> No.19790821

I've seen photos of people eating ham sandos in Japan, deal with it

>> No.19790833

It's not Japanese, so its not my problem to deal with.

>> No.19790933

Shut the fuck up weeb fuck.

>> No.19790963

Reminder that any kind of salad ruins the mighty ham and cheese. Don’t be that guy.

>> No.19791071

I wish we could do this in the USA. Only thing we lack is baguette.
Even a shitty jambon I bought at the louvre was a million times better than the bread we can find here unless you go into a big city and pay 19 bucks for a baguette. Fuck being near brown people

>> No.19791092

Chainbaker has several baguette videos that work for home ovens

>> No.19791127

I might just try. I miss baguette so much

>> No.19791282

This has to be a troll. No way are yous this fat.

>> No.19791286

Try piccalilli

>> No.19791586

you may only use cornichon as a side snack

>> No.19791598

this is why no one respects French cuisine anymore

>> No.19791605


This doesn't work if you're in the states because stupormarket "ham" is so vile. Needs to be masked by vinaigrette/mustard to be palatable.