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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19774100 No.19774100 [Reply] [Original]

Line cooks, prep cooks, chefs, dishwashers, etc, vent your frustrations with working in a kitchen here

>> No.19774109

>that guy who came into the kitchen to serve his own table

>> No.19774110

Waiter here.
Nothing bothers me since I make a fortune in tips.

>> No.19774113

>Braise a bunch of pork shoulder on sunday to be shredded and portioned the next day
>Come back wednesday and that shit's still where I left it in the walk in
Buncha lazy fucks

>> No.19774129
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I've reached zen while I figure out my next move
I cooked at a place for 5 years, got an A+ cert and a helpdesk job, hated it, and came back after a couple months. I used to get sooooo frustrated at how retarded 90% of my boh coworkers were, but I learned to just let it go. They have no desire to learn, they will never learn, and they will be stuck in jobs like these forever. I will not. I accept their faults and simply pick up the slack without complaint now, I make decent money doing it after all, don't even have to work 60 hour weeks like I used to in my early 20s. I'm finding a way out, I recommend you anons do the same so you can have holidays, weekends, and time for your family and yourself
Good luck!

>> No.19774158

>buy out tonight
>some aerospace company blowing a big old wad of cash at our french bistro
>cocktail hour with open bar, oysters, foie gras mi-cuit w/ apple calvados gelee,
then 4 course dinner
>salad of kale, raddichio, apple, mimolette, walnut or french onion soup or plated foie
>steak au poivre, parisienne gnocci, coq au vin, pollock en croute for mains
>cheese course delices de bourgogne or mimolette or forme au molleux
>pot de creme or creme brulee for dessert

>walk in at 1:00
>chef wants an olive tapenade canape
>my recipe hits the mark and i make some nice oven dried cherry tomatoes to pair with it
>one of the line cooks called in sick so its the chef, me, and one more line guy
>we crush the event
>all of my steaks were perfect
>got tipped 100 bucks

>> No.19774182

>Work at a small non-hotel casino
>Food is very basic bar food like nachos, burgers, wings, etc but mostly scratch and decent
>Usually dead outside of 1730-2000 Monday-Thursday
>Boring and lots of tedious portioning
>Feel like a joke for working there
>Miss the fast pace of working on a real line
>Can transfer to cafe or fine dining restaurants in one of the company's casino resorts
>Worried I'm going to regret it after 3 days
Should I go for it bros? Pay is the same unless I get in the flagship steakhouses.

>> No.19774191

Outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens. i think you already know the answer anon

>> No.19774200

I'm a dishwasher and overall I like my job, at times I enjoy doing it and have fun, but it is often that things get in the way of that and it sucks. What I find the most insufferable is when I am forced to work with retards. I will preface by saying I work in a place that's pretty dirty, I work on the closing shift and me and my homies there are the only people who give a fuck, we work hard to make shit clean, but there's a limit to what we can do. What we can do is ensure our dishes and silverware are cleaned properly. The problem is everyone besides me, this other guy, and our newer coworkers that we trained do dishes like complete imbeciles. The morning shift is pretty bad and lazy but the ones who aren't actually employed as dishwashers are even worse when they do dishes. I mean they will run dishes through without rinsing or scrubbing, then put them up dirty. Constantly touching clean dishes with dirty hands because they don't understand why there's a second person there. Nobody soaks silverware either, some people don't even soak anything. They're obviously not skilled or efficient either, they 100% rely on doing a rush job to not amass too many dishes when under the slightest pressure. The managers just tend to not give a shit or pay attention to what's happening in the pit, they will overlook the job being fucked up.

What pisses me off the most is when they have one of these retard assholes come to help me. I try to make them put away, but then the manager will come in and ask me to switch and let them wash dishes so they can "get this caught up faster". That translates to "let this lackey who's willing to lower his standards so I can go home a few minutes earlier half ass this" and it fucks me over because they will inevitably waste our time when I have to redo dishes or clean the machine after they let a bunch of gunk and trash into it. Because I'm actually skilled, I'll often be in decent shape when this happens too so it's just insulting.

>> No.19774201

I used to do cleaning work for a BBQ restaurant. I was like the cleaning specialist there. My last day there the fucking columbian asshole walks past behind me and said something like "quit wasting time" when I was washing off the rubber cleaning gloves I was wearing. Fucking dipshit... I wasn't wasting time, I WAS BEING CONSIDERATE, UNLIKE YOU, YOU STUPID MONKEY.

I'd been frustrated with it for a while, but I felt much better after quitting. And that was the last time I worked in a restaurant.

I'm pretty sure my former employers have been poisoning the well with places I applied to, since I used them on the resume. I wasn't doing great mentally at the time, and I quit very suddenly. And there were some interpersonal issues with the other staff.

I'll just refuse to use prior work history after I change my name legally. I'll say 'they didn't know me by my deadname'. If they have a problem with that, fuck em.

I doubt it'll matter, because I decided a while ago that I couldn't work for other people again. If I'd get some nasty lip from some manager or shift supervisor I'd just kick their face in.

>> No.19774207

sounds like you're building character anon, keep it up. thanks for giving a shit about the dishes

>> No.19774210

>I cooked at a place for 5 years, got an A+ cert and a helpdesk job, hated it, and came back after a couple months.


>> No.19774214

you sound insufferable

>> No.19774245

eat shit, dumbass

>> No.19774255

I was a closing manager for a fast food joint once and now I have old man hands in my 20s from washing so much equipment with harsh chemicals, the gloves were of poor quality so most of the water managed to get into the gloves, haven't been able to "repair" them despite trying lotion and Vaseline, also it was super stressful, the only upside was I managed to have sex with a couple of girls I met working there.

>> No.19774675

Lol I've been going through the same thing as well, I was a shift manager at a fast food place and most of the staff hated me because I ignored their petty drama and actually did my job as opposed to just sitting around and acting like I was back in highschool, I put them down as a reference and haven't gotten a call back from a single place I've applied too and I'm fairly certain they're spreading slander just to spite me, how the hell am I supposed to apply anywhere if I can't use my most recent reference? It's like they're purposely hoping to keep me there permanently so I can suffer an eternity in hell with these bastards.

>> No.19774715
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it's good i just punch in punch out. new chef smoking crack in the bathroom? not bothered. a patron has just kicked a waitress in the stomach? don't care. i cleaned the benches and the floor goodbye.

>> No.19774732

i wonder if experiencing this kind of life will make me appreciate the standard 9-5 with weekends and holidays off a lot more in the future

>> No.19775099


>> No.19775121


>> No.19775135

Civilians will never understand the stress of working in a kitchen.

>> No.19775173

I couldn't stand the crowds and traffic
>>Drive to work
>>Drive home from work
>>Go grocery shopping
>Aisles are choked with dickheads in addition to the elderly and crippled that are always there on weekdays
>>Go out with GF
>Wait for a table, wait twice as long for food, obnoxious children everywhere, have to pay full price for movie tickets.
>>Try to go fishing
>Every good spot is full unless you go before dawn
>>Try to go to the park
>Every Mexican in town is having a fiesta

>> No.19775179

from a former restaurant worker to a current one, yes, you will and it will be glorious

>> No.19775190

>>Wait for a table
Why not just go to another restaurant?

>> No.19775203
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>made the mistake of taking a morning shift
>"Night crew never fucking does anything!"
>"We have to do so much work!"
>They barely started prep even though the entire restaurant is fucking dead
>There's no dishes done to do prep with
>They forgot to start thawing stuff out for the lunch/dinner shifts
never worked another morning shift after that. Time to job hop.

>> No.19775218

>"It'll be about 20 minutes for a table, is that alright?"
>Spend time selecting and going to a new restaurant
>"It'll be about a 30 minute wait, is that alright?"
>Only other option is to eat at the bar like a sad divorcee

>> No.19775226

I always wondered what happens when you cut yourself really badly

>> No.19775253

That's probably American thing or something? I mean, if the restaurant is very popular and busy, why don't make a call and reserve a table to time you want to visit it...

>> No.19775259

At a real restaurant you simply don't but most prep guys have to wear the cut resistant gloves now.

>> No.19775343
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How true to life is this show?

>> No.19775494
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Get out of restaurant shit and go to hotels, we are called stewards anon.
You can build a better career there and move to banquets, cook or waiter if you do good.
>dirty hands touching dishes
Fuck do you want me to do when I have to work cleaning the burnt and greasy cooking trays ard sort the dishes? they will get dirty and that's it.

>> No.19775512

>stressed, working to fulfill 20-30 orders at a time every shift during lunch and dinner hours
>waiters are cunts, yelling at us for the food being cold despite then disappearing for like 20 minutes cause they went on a smoke break and forgot
shitty job, never again. Never felt appreciated, people take line cooks for granted.

>> No.19776063


>> No.19776079

>Pay is the same
Hell no

>> No.19776092

>get a job as a line cook
>first salary, about 80 dollars less than expected
>ask the owner
>ah yes, we dock the pay of kitchen staff for broken equipment, plates... we distribute the costs evenly, we had to replace a freezer this month


Ok, BYEEEeee

>> No.19776290

Isn't that illegal? repairs are normal operating costs, i'd report them

>> No.19776302
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>>all of my steaks were perfect
The real test of skill. Well done anon

>> No.19776308

It was ages ago, I was 19, the owners were some literal psycho turkish people. They had other obvious criminal stuff going on as well on the side. I don't think it is normal for a restaurant storage room to be used to house copper scrap.

>> No.19776330

>work as dishwasher for 2 years
>always got complaints about taking too long because i would focus shit until it looked clean TO ME
>start going faster
>almost have a panic attack and end up quitting because i the thought of me not washing something good enough would lead to someone getting sick and weighing on my conscience or making the restaurant look bad
i wish i could care as little as half the people who work these jobs with me

>> No.19776379

go back

>> No.19776408

>serve at diner
>watch cooks
>practice my own food
>boss asks me to be cook
no way fag

>> No.19776430

This place was also a fucking ticking time bomb when it came to hygiene and using rotten ingredients. No surprise there. I got out of there after the first month.

>> No.19776522

>violent mentally ill tranny
you can’t escape your past since it’s also your future.
i sincerely recommend you 41% now and save yourself the trouble. death by walk-in could be a nice way to go

>> No.19776544

It's strange to me that the people who want to make threads to bitch are always the most insufferable faggots.

>> No.19776567

casino is a good gig. you get regulars and if you are nice to them sometimes they are good tippers. as long as you dont mind the secondhand smoke and crushing depression

>> No.19776746

I once worked at a chinese restaurant that had a bar in it. It was a tiny place with 5 tables and mostly just takeaway. It soon became clear to me the only reason it had a bar was so the owner could be drunk 24/7.

>> No.19776910

>I remember the time I worked in a restaurant...
wait! I never worked in food service. I got a real job and retired at 52.

>> No.19776924

Clean dishes anon, I'm talking about people with dirty hands not washing them before they unrack clean dishes, completely ruining the point of what you're doing.

>> No.19776944

That's the spirit.

>> No.19777525

This anon again; I got a call back from an application I put in a couple weeks back with a different company for a line cook job at a French fine dining restaurant inside a resort. The chef mentioned that after the interview there would be a "practical" and said I would need to bring my knives but didn't mention anything else and he seemed to be in a hurry so I wasn't able to get a better idea of what that would entail. The restaurant hasn't opened yet so I can't get any information on what they serve beyond "French Mediterranean." Any ideas what they might have me do?

>tl;dr What are some things to be prepared for in a fine dining practical interview at a French restaurant?

>> No.19778106

>How true to life is this show?
not enough sex or drugs

>> No.19778114

can't imagine actually wanting to work around a bunch of pakis babbling away in their 3rd world terrorist language while chopping onions 2bh

I hope star trek replicators become a thing asap

>> No.19778563

Story of my life, anon, except I tell them to shove it up their ass, and call them out for not living up to my standards.

>> No.19778815
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They wanted me to make a mirepoix, make hollandaise, prep an already gutted fish, and cut a whole chicken into 8 pieces.
>Easily made the mirepoix
>Fucked the first hollandaise up but they let my do it over again and I got it
>Adequately prepped the fish
>Got absolutely fucking filtered by cutting up the chicken
>Didn't get the job
I've never felt like such a fucking retard in my life

>> No.19779258
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>its a "morning was completely dead yet somehow none of the morning dishes or prep was done" episode
>its a "oh the morning prep guys left early there was nothing to do" when everything needs to be done episode
sometimes i want to kill the managers who let them leave more than the actual workers themselves, they aren't managing fucking shit.

>> No.19779277

Sad to hear it anon, but don't give up. You can get the job you deserve!

>> No.19779486
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Keep your chin up, Anon. Consider this an opportunity for personal growth. There's lots of videos on Youtube on how to prep a chicken, as well as any other cooking tasks you feel you want to learn.

>> No.19779761

you must be a woman

>> No.19780007

Youve never cut up a chicken? Its pretty easy for future reference

>> No.19780558

that's the best way to troll a kitchen worker thread, good job

i haven't worked in a kitchen in 5 years but when i hear the ticket printer go off i still involuntarily twitch

>> No.19780577

My male cousin makes a lot of tips. He says it is because he does all the work while making himself look busy (aka pity me please). He's not that innately handsome, but he cleans up well too.

>> No.19780596

i have a theory that /ck/ is either where shills with MFA degrees practice their craft in between shilling fast food products or they test out large language model chatbots ability to make believable human characters in short-form posts

not saying you're a robot necessarily, anon, but i have been thinking about dead internet theory after playing with ChatGPT and Dall-E 3 and it has led me down some dark mental detours.

you guys ever wonder if maybe nothing is real? and actually maybe even the word "real" doesn't mean the same thing it did 20 or even 10 or 5 years ago?

>> No.19780612

i had 3 black coworkers at the last restaurant i worked at in New Orleans 5 years ago. 1 is dead of alcoholism, 1 is locked up on a gang-related attempted murder charge, and 1 is still a friend of mine who hits me up for CashApp requests and calls me to bitch about his insane babymama every few weeks. in fact i am wearing his t-shirt right now. last time we saw each other in person we each drank 6 beers and a half a bottle of whiskey and it ended with me hiding on my roof while he stalked around my house with a steak knife, shouting "ima cut you like a bitch!"

he found Jesus a few months after that incident when he cut back on drinking for medical reasons (he got shot on the highway in chicago in what he claimed was a random act, and then later admitted was a conflict stemming from a disagreement in a foot locker store) and apologized, and now we've been on good terms ever since.

he told me a funny story. his brother got some money for an athletic scholarship so he immediately dropped out and used the money to buy a dodge charger before they could take it out of his account. the charger was promptly stolen and crashed (or maybe he crashed it and fled the scene) but it was insured so he got a second charger. within a week, a hurricane came through the new orleans area and a tree fell on it, totaling it. he got a third charger and was finally free and clear, dedicated to keeping it safe and long-lasting...until my friend borrowed it and crashed it through the side of someone's house while drunk and "doing the dash" when his phone fell in the passenger seat and he tried to pick it up while speeding on a residential street.

my friend fled the scene obviously and made it home, when he broke the news to his brother, his brother pulled a gun on him and now they're beefing. my friend related all this to me completely matter of fact, like it's just normal

what i'm saying is, one of the best parts of working in a kitchen is the random samples of humanity you meet.

>> No.19780618



>> No.19780627

How much of a cut does the BoH get? As a line cook I usually end up with an extra $200-300 per 2 week pay period from tip share, and that's if I didn't work any caterings and get a portion of that tip. Those are usually good for at least $100 a pop.

>> No.19780628

Even if everything is false, I am. I will feast upon the carcass of the dead internet while taking a shit, then enjoy swimming and cooking with friends in real life.

>> No.19780637

what's real and what's not real is a paradox. Let go of it, or don't. Life wasn't meant to exist, but it does. Make of it what you will, or don't. It doesn't matter anyways, but it does

>> No.19780648

Ha Ha Ha
This thread should be re-titled as "how I failed in life'.
Moan all you like, wagie, you should have listened in school.

>> No.19780664

>custies who think they're 'family'
>consistently last walk in of the night, servers still take their orders to avoid verbal harassment
>still there during staff meal and just not getting the memo
>"You took it off the menu after two days? What do you mean you can't make me X? Make it for me or this is the last time I'm eating here"
Had the last guy on Friday. We were running a roasted half chicken the week before and the first two days of the week. The chicken was shit not made to order, and a pain in the ass to fire even precooked and combied before broiling. Our combi broke down the day before so we smoked all the chicken and changed plans. Explained to him it was smoked chicken but otherwise we could make it happen. He ordered a fucking well done burger. We had already pulled all the ingredients for his one off chicken special and brought them to line.

>> No.19780699

>The chicken was shit not made to order, and a pain in the ass to fire even precooked and combied before broiling.
We just threw it in a convection oven. Didn't last long because it still had a ridiculous fire time due to the chickens being huge.

>> No.19780835

I've been oversalting and/or overcooking an annoying FoH manager's "manager meals" because he keeps putting them in after 8:30 when it's only me and frequently (2-3 times a week) orders with so many substitutions that they no longer resemble anything on the menu or orders steak and eggs which entails walking to the walk in to retrieve the eggs and walking all the way across the line several times including to the server's salad station to drop and retrieve toast all while making any orders that come in. He also would bitch to the wait staff that his food was bad before I began this sabotage. The fucking guy had the gall to complain that I fucked up making what was a chicken parm made with children's menu chicken tenders and marinara sauce on the toast breakfastfags use for French toast.
I tried talking to the kitchen manager and he told me it wasn't his problem. Am I in the wrong here? Am I acting like a bitch?

>> No.19780900

I do possess a robot-like ability to spit paragraphs of text about mostly inane topics, but alas, I am not a robot. Oh well, watch me crank that robocop

>> No.19780909

what do you do for a living?

>> No.19780950

I'm a software engineer for a major tech firm and make over $600,000 a year.

>> No.19781148

so you're a nerd?

>> No.19781259

it's OK anon you just got learning experience
start buying fishies and chickens and learn how to prep them. then you'll have learned new skills which will help you get your dream job

>> No.19781263

call food inspection on them :)

>> No.19781269

>shilling fast food products
this is 100% true
This board really sucks because it's just shilling kfc and chik fag a all day
>they test out large language model chatbots ability to make believable human characters in short-form posts
/pol/ is filled to the brim with bots. I can't imagine other boards being that much different.
>not saying you're a robot necessarily, anon, but i have been thinking about dead internet theory after playing with ChatGPT and Dall-E 3 and it has led me down some dark mental detours.
My friend. If you don't like what someone is saying, just call them a shill or a bot and deny their human existence. It will make your life a lot easier.

>> No.19781272

>1 is dead of alcoholism, 1 is locked up on a gang-related attempted murder charge, and 1 is still a friend of mine who hits me up for CashApp requests and calls me to bitch about his insane babymama every few weeks. in fact i am wearing his t-shirt right now.

>> No.19781277

>until my friend borrowed it and crashed it through the side of someone's house while drunk and "doing the dash"
black people really are something else sometimes. My black buddy does similar things and then also tells them as a matter of fact. Like, it's just something that happened and there was nothing that could be done about it. Even though there were so many ways to avoid this from ever occurring.

>> No.19781278

imagine lying on a taiwanese grilling forum

>> No.19781283

keep poisoning him bro
He's a dick and you're doing God's work.

>> No.19781631

what memo
the memo that you’re the slave and they are the master and it’s your job not theirs

>> No.19781711
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>Dice an onion like a tomato
>Coworkers always get triggered even though the dice is perfect

>> No.19781778


You leveled up from that interview.
It provided value so that is a win.

>> No.19781787

i worked as a dish bitch for a while
shortly after i left one of the line cooks got arrested for raping 13 year old girl

>> No.19782694

>>Dice an onion like a tomato

Also that sounds like something most people wouldn't notice or care about.

>> No.19782704

dumb lizposter

>> No.19782802

Instead of halving it at the root then slicing by length, depth, and width to get a dice you cut it into rings then julienne, then dice.
>Sounds like something most people wouldn't notice or care about
I can see you've never worked in a kitchen full of middle aged Mexicans.

>> No.19783214

>do a little bit of extra prep for stuff like whipped butter and sauces because i know it will be a shitshow if we happen to run out
>guy who works on the day after me uses this as an excuse to not do prep, so when i come back after that there's barely enough, so i need to do it again

i've been out of the line for a while now but thinking about it still irritates me
also obligatory fuck servers literally and figuratively

>> No.19783278

god I hate turks

>> No.19783671


>> No.19783754

lol god dam.
this is 100% the shit i miss working in shit kitchens with whacked out people.

>> No.19784188
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shut the fuck up and make my steak well done peasant haha just joking probably gonna send it back and say its overdone just to fuck with you

>> No.19784189

enjoy the spit steak

>> No.19784254

Yeah, helpdesk can be pretty brutal, especially if you have some dickhead on the other line. As soon as I could specialize, I jumped ship to networks and I never looked back. Good on you for making it, Anon.

>> No.19784281
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Don’t fall into despondency over this man. Fail with dignity and learn from this experience. Also, don’t psyche yourself out going into the next interview, it’ll affect your confidence and cause you to underperform. Believe in you!

>> No.19784448

I'm a waiter. The kitchen staff are a bunch of untermenschen who I hate, they resent us because most of us are young and going places and they're all fat and often literally deformed. The front-of-house is run by these nasty Romanian women who I also despise

>> No.19784473

>literally have to fight my way into a dishwasher position
>they treat me like shit and make me handle 3 operations at once
>leave after two weeks
who are all of these mystical anons who get to wash dishes and do fuckall else all night

>> No.19785178
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thanks for sharing. what the fuck

>> No.19785185

wouldve been believable if you said 200k unless youre the gigachad of coding

>> No.19785348

>Kitchen is full of middle aged Filipinos
>Still have to listen to at least 10 Drake songs a day
>Won't even let me put on some Zappa

>> No.19785455


>> No.19785890

Started as a dishwasher, learned prep, then learned all stations on the line. Basically know the entire kitchen. Fuck expo, though. Boring as fuck.
Shift schedule vary depending on where someone is needed, i.e. some shifts I'll be on the line, some I'll be prep, some I'll be dish bitch, some will be day and some will be night.
Aside from a scant few workers, most of foh and boh are bros. We consider ourselves more of a family instead of coworkers. A customer was once sexually harassing one of our nicest, most sweetest waitresses and management on duty had to literally stop every one of us guys in boh from going out and kicking this dudes shit in.
Most of the bitching that can be heard is about customers being assholes. Especially when you have customers or a party, 10,12 or even a 15 top, come in less than 30 mintues from closing. That is utterly disrespectful to all the staff. You see open/close times posted and you willingly choose to ignore them. Fuck you.
Fuck managers, too. Especially the GM. Fuck him. Pompous, arrogant, egotistical, condescending, no fun allowed asshole. All my KMs were once one of us, worked their way up from the bottom, so they know what it's like to be going down. They know the stress, pressure and tension that can come with job. GM, though, he's managerial class. Never worked in 'raunt before he was hired to manage our place.
Expects 1 person to do the work of 2 ppl in half the time of 1 person. Wants us to accomplish shit he wouldn't, and couldn't, do. Some of us like shit done properly with attention payed to details, which takes slightly longer. Shit can be done faster, but quality will be absolute ass. No one likes this fat fuck.

>> No.19786256
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stories like this are the only reason I visit this fucking site, thank you

>> No.19786600

Corporate or mom and pop?

>> No.19786720

All good waiters are actually men.

>> No.19786734

$100 seems a bit mid-range for a French bistro with a menu like yours. It must barely buy a bottle of wine there.

>> No.19786762

Dried stains won't kill anyone especially if gone through the drying cycle of a commercial dishwasher (unless they are allergic) but even slightly fussy customers might return a plate or start asking for cutlery if there is even as little as a water stain on it. So it is justified to do a good job cleaning dishes as returned meals are very costly in time and invariably lead to lower tips. Conscientious waiter sees stain on plate, has to ask cook to transfer to new plate, dish comes out late. Waiter does not notice, fussy customer does, plate goes back, comes around and customer either complains that it's the same "dirty" food in a new plate or claims that the food is now cold. Either way it's a loss.

>> No.19786806

Corporate. I've worked at local mom and pop kitchens before and they honestly were a fuckton better in every regard. Corpo kitchens can be be good or bad, depending on the managers and directors.

>> No.19786943

Mom and pops can be good or bad, really depends on the owner and whether or not they know what the fuck they're doing, but fuck corporate
t. bartended/managed at a M&P for over 7 years

>> No.19786958
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love to serve with a smile. cute and handsome.
mexican. Love that my customer are happy and always served on time

>> No.19786969
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have you noticed blacks don't like pickups?

>> No.19786981

Yep. I prefer men to make and bring me my food. Wamenz are to make and serve me my drinks. I love bartenders. Dated 9 of them from like age 25-42

>> No.19787081

small gripe, working at wendys on federal holidays on mondays suck. Dumpster is always overflowing because apparently we can't get it emptied the day before.

>> No.19787087
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>replaces you
Nothing personnel

>> No.19787213

I can't stand you pieces of shit that leave the kitchen with your apron on.

>> No.19787299

another gripe, I work the grill and almost every time I have to do something like restock the freezer, we get a bunch of orders and I have to just drop or rush whatever im doing.

>> No.19787340

kitchen nightmares taught me that line cooks are all braindead retards

>> No.19787372

I would love to tell you to shut up you are not wrong. Most people working in the kitchen are alcoholics, idiots or both.

>> No.19787390
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Working in a kitchen is making me roicist against indonesians bros, got a supervisor who's just "I'll do the bare minimum ignore basic guidelines myself but I'll shit on you if you don't do everything my way even if yours work better and make up crap to shit on you more"
Bitter old ladies should not be given any power
Also fuck customers who come very very close to closing and not being able to say no to them

>> No.19787409

>Also fuck customers who come very very close to closing and not being able to say no to them
Get mad at your management, bro.
If a restaurant says it's open until 12 then you should be cooking until 12 unless there's a sign that says "kitchen closes at 11"

>> No.19787412

At my bar we had an older black guy brought on for maybe 6 months and everything was good at the start till he started showing up with a plastic grocery bag filled with duece dueces that he had outback in an old pickle bucket
Motherfucker got hammered on more than one occasion while on the job, thank God he wasn't the only one on the line when that shit went down

>> No.19787560

jokes on u ive already left without paying

>> No.19787690

>Also fuck customers who come very very close to closing and not being able to say no to them
at my old place it was 30 minutes before close, that was over 5 years ago. now even a minute before closing the managers scramble to serve them whilst all the waiters have already went home. it's whatever considering dish bitch never finishes on time.

>> No.19787762

The chef used to come over and check if I’d packed takeout correctly constantly, now he trusts me and only occasionally fixes difficult to pack ones :)

>> No.19787989

u must be doing well, keep it up
proud of u :)

>> No.19788005

Wait, how did it cook those foods without screaming and hating each other??? I need to TASTE the hate my food to enjoy it. I need to taste the contempt the chef has for his coworkers.

>> No.19788203

so true
the food tastes so much better when you take a 20min smoke break before cooking
these robots will never know what it means to be a chef

>> No.19788217

good shit mate

>> No.19788275

>Also fuck customers who come very very close to closing and not being able to say no to them
True. At my place we close at 11pm, but kitchen breakdown and clean up starts at around 10pm, maybe earlier if slow. That's also when they start sending servers home and all that will be left is 2 or 3 servers. Management wants us all out the door no later than 11:20. It's shit balls when customers come in 15, or even 10, mintues till closing and they can't be turned away. They have to be served. Shits been put up and stored away, everythings been cleaned, floors are being scrubed, and all burners are in the process of being turned off by that point. We've had customers stay until nearly 12pm and as long as they're there they have to be served if they order anything. Management won't say anything because that could possibly upset paying customers and they possibly won't return. Instituting a no food after X time, or only drinks after X time policy is also off the table. That could be turning away potential profit. It's murder for the cooks, but absolute seething hell for dish dudes because nothing can be left in dish pit and it's usually the last area that needs to be cleaned.

>> No.19788327
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When I worked on a sushi bar, my first job had two days of the week as dollar sushi day. We scheduled it as a way to push out old fish before rotating in the new stuff. We would serve single pieces of smaller pieces of nigiri.

There was this family that came every dollar sushi day, only on dollar sushi day, and always during dinner rush. They ordered nothing but dollar menu sushi, and never spent less than $100 a person for a family of five.

I was there for three years, and they didn't miss a single day in that time. My friend eventually poached me to a steak house in town that wanted to put sushi on the menu and that paid a lot better, but we never got the same ingredients. Took him years to get tuna that wasn't saku due to suppliers.

>> No.19788788
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How long does it usually take for one of these jobs to kill someone on the inside? Been working as a dishwasher for about 10 months and I feel like my soul is almost withered up and gone. Anyways what do you guys use to moisturize your hands? I've just been kinda ignoring how dry my hands have gotten since I started this job but now it's kinda getting to me.

>> No.19788868

Recently went from a line cook to a starbucks barista. It's nice having a benefits and working almost exclusively with college girls. But they all have boyfriends and I miss my mexican homies...

>> No.19788885

being is soul crushing
as for the hands get O'Keefe's

>> No.19789880
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>3rd generation family restaurant
>still very successful selling slop to low class peasants
>family falling apart, no one can get along
>we are greek so its even worse
>Kitchen a complete mess, wont fire the head chef as they think he will blackmail them

Fucking kek
Sometimes you just cant fix everything
Ill just continue waiting tables making a full time income working 25 hours a week and hopefully they all just sell soon

>> No.19790055
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You all should get addicted to meth and lose your cook job, family, and home to live the life of a wandering hobo who found Jesus is more important than money as you get on disability for your mental illness that prevented you from going to college

Have a stephen starr recipe from 3 years ago as proof i was in this dirty business

>> No.19790063
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Also Robert de Niro can suck my non existent dick. Me holding my hat the day I walked off the job without telling anyone

>> No.19790257

I make $600,001 a year, so yeah, you're wrong sweetie ))))))

>> No.19790441

Something with coconut oil in it.

>> No.19790526

Nicely done. Might have done a sorbet palate cleanser before those mains considering how rich the appetizers are. The salad would serve but it sounds like not everyone got that.

>> No.19790609

Hands nerves are hurting from gripping the main water hose.
I need to fuck off from dishwasher already.

>tfw the song choices at my place are
>random popular pop songs
>some bon jovi and freddy mercury
>mariachi ballads

>> No.19790769

i'm in the same situation except i stayed in IT and am never going back to working in food. i found a small company that is easy to work for, let's me choose my own projects, and barely ever comes to me for IT support, and if they do it's usually really simple tasks. i have better benefits, in place of some i did not have at all, the company regularly caters the workers lunches and we have a picnic every year.

back at that restaurant i had coworkers that literally made my job harder every single day, if they even showed up at all, and every task that posed even the _slightest_ of challenge fell onto me. i'd have to constantly correct people who did not want to learn, because they could not, and could not do the most basic of tasks like cutting a piece of bread, or peel an onion. from answering customer's questions on the phones for them, to correcting miscalculated change, fixing the store's shitty ass old computers, apologizing for other managers when they're in a bitchy mood and don't want to do it. they would also argue with me over petty bullshit because their brains were so underdeveloped and childish they could not see anything from an any angle that wasn't "their way," even if it was in contradiction to corporate's official directions. an example would be the opener arguing with me about keeping some of the prep in its brine. i would have to literally show her, a bin of expired peppers that were mushy and inedible, because you are keeping them in the brine. your customers also complain to me about how wet their bread is, because you are putting wet veggies on the sandwiches and you do not realize why you wouldn't want to eat something like that.

honestly it was storing so much anger in me i physically couldn't do it anymore. i don't know how i, or anyone could have, tolerated being in such a horrible environment, especially for how long i did this for. i simply knew no better. i took all my paid time off "to decompress" then never showed up again

>> No.19791296

I’m an 8.5-9/10 good looking 6’3” dude.
I worked BOH as a teenager and the Thai woman who owned the restaurant tried to convince me to work out front before every single dish shift but I was too afraid I’d fuck up.
I’m still afraid I’ll fuck up but I’ve come to terms with the fact that with the current state of things even when I’m done with my degree, the only decent living I’ll ever make might be from killing the game at tips.
How to into FOH?
Where should I seek a job to maximize tips?
I would like to be good at my job but I’ve accepted that looks is a huge part of it and I need to work with what I have.
I’m not a himbo but I can damn sure pass for one if I have to.

>> No.19791315

cook told me "bleu cheese can't go bad, it's already got mold in it"

>> No.19791344

>maximize tips?
Either have big tips or work in a gay resto.

>> No.19791362

I’m fine with either.
I guess I’m really wondering about the stepping stones.
I don’t expect to go work at some elite, huge tips, ritzy restaurant out of the gate.
Where is somewhere that will provide me with adequate training so that I can move forward and upward?

>> No.19791368

I’m reading my own words and realizing how retarded I sound.
I just need to go find a locally owned semi-classy to high class place.
I will get a job as part time dishie, and use my wit and charm to get the owner to agree to train me FOH.
I am not afraid of hard work.
In the words of perhaps the greatest poet of our generation, esketit.

>> No.19791416

I like your approach of getting a foot in the door as dishie at a kinda nice place
personally I think that’s way better than just starting from the ground floor at Applebees or something lmao
but I have also never seen someone go from dish pit to FOH

>> No.19791723

Idk, I feel like it’s not a terrible plan.
I’ll be able to make pals with BOH and show them (and the owner) that I’m not some uppity little bitch, and then I’ll have a little bit more flexibility with training.
It does kind of hinge on my ability to charm the owner/ manager/ whatever into giving me a shot FOH.
I’ll just have to be very candid about my intentions when interviewing/ shakin’ hands and introducing myself.
I’m actually stoked about the idea of socializing with a new group of people.
I feel like this has the potential to go quite well.

>> No.19791754

>young and going places
You will believe this until you're still waiting tables in your early thirties and then the truth of the matter will finally sink in

>> No.19792129

This kek

>> No.19792761

>I have a black friend
>He begs me for money all the time
>He got drunk and tried to stab me but its cool because he found Jesus

>> No.19792871

Which episode of Kitchen Nightmares is this?

>> No.19793124

holy shit you are a beta faggot

>> No.19793227

>bunch of untermenschen
That's a lot of fancy talkin' to say 'illegal immigrants.'

>> No.19793930

>haha you're still making 70k a year in tips? get a real job!!
Waiters should be separated from the kitchen worker tag.
We are above you retards making 3 bucks an hour washing dishes or 'chefs' making 9 bucks and hour.

>> No.19794079

bag balm all day, baby.
grease yourself up and keep those gloves on

>> No.19794109

Better than being the overworked prep guy.
Linecooks get all the glory....

>> No.19794434

HA! Yeah, the illegal sweaty overweight Mexicans are just soaking up all that glory.