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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 116 KB, 1500x1125, Cream-Vs-Jam-FIXED2-Graphic-7673a8d8300c4dce910f094cc0fc5089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19770150 No.19770150 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /ck/?

>> No.19770154

I have never had it before but, it seems as though Cornwall way would be the best

>> No.19770155

who gives a fuck?

>> No.19770164
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>mfw clotted cream is $9 for a small jar in heb

>> No.19770177 [DELETED] 

the queen is rotting in hell while niggers rape her asshole

>> No.19770184


>> No.19770190

it's trivially easy to make at home, you literally just bake some whipping cream in a casserole dish overnight at super low temp, let it chill, then harvest the clotted cream at the top

>> No.19770214

What the fuck is a cream tea

>> No.19770231

>let oven run overnight
I don't even like to have a crockpot running when I'm sleeping

>> No.19770275

let it bake all day then and chill overnight. point is, you can make a whole lot of clotted cream for like $4 in ingredients

>> No.19770371

left, only literal monkey brained retards do right

>> No.19770382

As a mutt who has never tried cream tea, I think the Devon Way looks more visually appetizing.

>> No.19770383

when you jizz in tranny ass

>> No.19770394 [DELETED] 

U.S. Steel, Fred Flintstone
Johnathan Taylor Thomas.

"God Bless You" - Jesus
My other post is a Camaro

>> No.19770403
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>> No.19770411

sorry, uhh, Cornwall Way

>> No.19770422

Why would you want the cream to not melt???

>> No.19770423

I've never heard of clotted cream or cream tea before
My mum would just whip some cream and do it like the left

>> No.19770432

Who the fuck is Devon?

>> No.19770435

It doesn't matter you limey cunt, I put both to the side.

>> No.19770554

>$4 in ingredients
and whatever else you're paying in the electric or gas bill to keep the oven going for 12 hours

>> No.19770560

a type of luncheon meat

>> No.19770572

Cents, really. Unless you live in some city with especially beaked nose utility managers.

>> No.19770583

the cream SHOULD melt into the crumpet, do you spread butter over the jam on toast you fucking faggots?

>> No.19770590

He said the Queen, not Kevin Nash.

>> No.19770672

cream then jam.

>> No.19771315

Rope, you uncultured troglodyte.

>> No.19771323

Where I live the local cream basically just turns in to clotted cream right before it goes off. It's not technically the same thing, but if it was served to you without you knowing I think most people wouldn't be able to tell, the texture and flavour are identical, if not better.

>> No.19771324

Anon, become an adult and pay your own bills before getting chirpy about costs you don't understand

>> No.19771343

cream then jam then cram.

>> No.19771355
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ummm sweaty, xer name is Kevin R. Nash and she is beautiful

>> No.19771475

Why do I hate Brits so much? You'd think there'd be some kind of white/ancestral bond but nope.

>> No.19771477

You might be French by blood.

>> No.19771481

No I'm some kind of jew or something. Very pale, had freckles as a kid, blue eyes... the rest is probably Irish. Just your typical mutt without the spic or negro parts

>> No.19771484

My entire electric bill, since our main heating is gas, is about $30 for three people with powerful computers and big TVs who use them all the time, plus the fridge, plus the freezer, and then what the electric stove/oven uses is a FRACTION of that.
I'm tempted to get the clamp meter out just to prove what a stupid motherfucker you are

>> No.19771485

>No I'm some kind of jew
There's your answer.

>> No.19771496

And mine for a single person is 160. What’s your point you stupid fucking retard?

>> No.19771563


>> No.19771603

Devon, because you can spread the jam on instead of getting a huge dollop
A bonus cream tea horror story: one time I ordered some in scotland, and they used fucking single cream intsead of clotted cream. It's like they had never seen one before.

>> No.19771718

So that makes me hate brits?

>> No.19771739

Absolutely the Cornwall way.

>> No.19771742

That you're either the dumbest motherfucker ever when it comes to negotiating an electric contract or you have no idea whatsoever what running an oven costs.

>> No.19771960

your inherited genetic neurosis makes you hate whites in general, but for some reason you have decided to focus on those who come from those particular islands

>> No.19772048

I prefer the Devon way, besides the Cornish people annoy me and I don't like them.

>> No.19774320

I love whites. Kys

>> No.19774348
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devon with greek yoghurt instead of clotted cream

>> No.19774353

You most likely have at least some English ancestry too then.

>> No.19774362

Don't you have a license to pay and dildo to receive limey?

>> No.19774451

There's no negotiating an electric contract. What are you talking about. Im not the same guy but I would love to see your 30$ a month electric bill in a 3 or 4 person home.

>> No.19774535

scones suck so bad

>> No.19774543
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First of all, it doesn't fucking matter which way you do it, retards.
Second of all, scones are shit. I always wondered what "scones with jam and clotted cream" was. Clotted cream is just shitty whipped cream that isn't sweet and is lumpy. Scones are just American biscuits (REAL BISCUITS) that are hard, dry, and shitty.

>> No.19774548

The English will be forgotten but the Irish will live on forever

>> No.19774572

A bold choice
>Implying I watch television

>> No.19774721

Lmao, isn't your prime minister also a gay streetshitter?

>> No.19774727

No he's the nepo-hire that dresses in blackface

>> No.19774918

England already secured its immortality through its language and its diaspora during the colonial era. Irish is a dead language and it’s diaspora comprises primarily of brown eyed Amerimutts who think the sun total of Irish culture is drinking on st Patrick’s day.

>> No.19774925

The Irish never had an empire. Imperialism destroys nations from inside and out.

>> No.19774986

the Rothschilds financed the British empire and fully bankrolled every anti Napoleon coalition. Truly the proto-Amerimutts

>> No.19775002

What happens if I mix the cream and jam together into a somewhat homogeneous mixture and put that on the scone?

>when it comes to negotiating an electric contract

>> No.19775007

How did my retarded ass quote >>19774451 but forget to tag the post.
Did I fucking manually copy, paste, and greentext instead of highlighting and clicking the post to reply?

>> No.19775022
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Devon Lee

>> No.19775028

cream is naturally sweet, your tastebuds are fried by oversweetened candy

>> No.19775182

This is a skubfight tier question.
You won't get a single answer from the UK, because we will fight to the death over it.
You can't give a meaningful answer if you're not a bong, in the same way that I as a bong do not get to throw my hat into the ring for the correct way to do a BBQ.

>> No.19775433

>as a bong do not get to throw my hat into the ring for the correct way to do a BBQ.
That's because you lot put the cream on TOP of the sauce, instead of under it. Barbarians

>> No.19775469
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>Birmingham cheeky chicken

>> No.19775498

The cornwall way assumes that the scone is being heated up. Scones aren't usually heated up. They're torn or cut in half as part of a cream tea or just by themselves.

The preference depends on whether you want cream on the roof of your mouth first or not. Try this out: spread one half with cream and other with jam. Sandwich together and take a bite. Now turn upside down and take another bite. What is the difference if any?

Btw - I suspect the real reason for the disagreement is that both areas have a similar cake and wish to differentiate themselves in some way to add a bit more meaning to their existence.

>> No.19775515
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If I had this I'd probably put the jam and then the cream because I figure that you couldn't really spread the jam if it's on top of the cream because the cream is soft and of course creamy. Of course, you'd get around this by putting on the cream and then dolloping on the jam, but I don't like it that concentrated. I'd rather put some jam on the scone, spread it to my liking, and dollop cream on top. Just my intuition, though.

>> No.19775560
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Then the $5 more for the premade makes up for the difference, doesn't it?

>> No.19776341

fresh scone jam and cream is literally one of the 10 best foods ever

>> No.19776381

Cornwall. Clotted cream can be dolloped more easily than can jam.

>> No.19776474

begone yank

>> No.19776666

devon, because in practice the cream melting is not a concern, but the jam making the scone soggy is
it's easier to push the jam around on top of the cream than the cream on top of the jam
the jam is runnier and doesn't need a firm base to be spread

>> No.19776670

but where's the semen?

>> No.19776831


>> No.19777175

I probably gained like 5lbs when I stayed in the UK for a month, purely from eating fucking scones with jam and clotted cream every goddamn day. Shit is delicious

>> No.19777186

>Divine scone into top and bottom halves
>Apply jam to half of each half
>Apply cream to the other half of each half
>Eat like a black and white cookie

>> No.19777421

>who gives a fuck?
The British.

>> No.19778012

>There's no negotiating an electric contract. What are you talking about.
NTA but you really should at least ring them up and ask every couple years, you don't even have to threaten to leave.

>> No.19778019

Aaron go bra or whatever

>> No.19778022

>gommunism diddly
god did dun stop the qeen lul

>> No.19778044

Its easier to spread jam on cream than to spread cream on jam.

>> No.19778045

Devon way, the cream acts like butter.

Cornwall, as always, a shit

>> No.19778103

Scots are not human

>> No.19778104

Should go butter, jam then cream.

>> No.19778168

Ask what? The rate ebs and flows based on multiple variables throughout the year, as euros found out recently. America is no different. What would I be negotiating?

>> No.19778177


>> No.19778179

it's scone

>> No.19778332

Ask if there's any deals on or a better tariff to switch to.

>> No.19778390
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devon because that's the way my mum did it

>> No.19778408

There aren't. You're either residential or commercial and they slap a meter in based on those categories. There are different companies you can go through, but typically their rates are all pretty similar due to government regulations

>> No.19778621

I've got a bottle of cream in the fridge and this thread has been tempting me to make scones.

>> No.19778623

Devon is best, if your clotted cream is melting in UK room temp you're eating slop

>> No.19778929

Devon. The Cornish may have invented the king of pasties but I don't trust their ways

>> No.19779064

Slit the cake vertically, stuff the jam there, and fork in the cream at your discretion.

>> No.19779105

The Devon way. I find the cream falls off with the Cornwall way.

>> No.19779130

>who gives a fuck?
The Cornish. Fuck 'em.