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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 151 KB, 1200x1200, 1676338311598014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19769628 No.19769628 [Reply] [Original]

are gordon ramsay's scrambled eggs actually good? I like mine not looking like slop.

>> No.19769633

No, but Marco Pierre White's are incredibly delicious.


>> No.19769646

>looks like baby vomit

no thanks

>> No.19769654

Gordon's is baby vomit. Marco's is a breakfast made for kings. You obviously do not know eggs or the finer nuances of cooking them. Before speaking about such matters again I would kindly suggest you go to egg school.

>> No.19769661

>hard as rock toast

>> No.19769664
File: 994 KB, 1825x417, vomit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moist scrambles

>> No.19769670


Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.19769675

mate he is just selling overpriced copper cookware to maladroit rich people

>> No.19769689
File: 45 KB, 640x996, 1000000891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu. I love my eggs over easy but if I'm eating scrambs, I want them solid and pillowy.

>> No.19769695

Little did you know I’m the principal of egg school. You get detention

>> No.19769697

>I like mine not looking like slop.
Sounds like you answered your own question, fucko. They're good on very crusty toast, that's about it.

>> No.19769699

Principal dunce of egg school more like it!


>> No.19769709

I have graduated from egg school

>> No.19769714

Joking aside, both of these guys are making vomelette because the French are very paranoid about "burning" the eggs. Both Marco and Gordie represent the French cooking style.

>> No.19769716

scrambled eggs are supposed to be nuggets of egg.
french style cooking is just bad.

>> No.19769725

Show me your diploma. NOW.

Imagine having the palate of a picky toddler.

>> No.19769747

anon, you're allowed to have a preference in what you eat. it's not the 1930s.

>> No.19769800

DO NOT CALL ME HITLER, ASSHOLE. If someone eats only french fries and chicken tenders, and calls everything else disgusting I WILL make FUN OF and INSULT that person.


>> No.19769826

Stop screaming adolf.
Some people just don't like eating stuff with booger texture.

>> No.19769827

>I like mine not looking like slop.
Cook it ever so slightly longer then. They're delicious.

>> No.19769832

Look Mine Fuhrer, I'm going to eat rubbery scrambled eggs with fucking ketchup and theirs nothing your goosestepping ass can do about. Go tell the Gestapo.

>> No.19769837

Hahahahaha YOU'RE ONE OF THEM! Tendies baby, tendies baby! Stinky, stupid tendies baby!

Eat your doodoo and yuckies all you want. Just know your tastes are weaker and far more pathetic than most.


>> No.19769865

i like them

>> No.19769905

For me Thomas Keller has the best method for a french scramble.

>> No.19769943

idk, i hate eggs (i cook professionally)

>> No.19769955
File: 394 KB, 412x412, yucky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very far from a picky eater - I am a very adventurous eater who will try almost anything once and dislikes very few foods.
>mfw moist scrambled eggs

>> No.19769959

>i hate eggs

>> No.19769960

Sounds like you had/made shit eggs. Did you cook them, or did you have marco pierre white to make them for you?

>> No.19770462

I want scrambled eggs not fucking custard

>> No.19770496

>I like mine not looking like slop.

>> No.19770518

> "I love simplicity"
> 8 minute video for scrambled eggs


>> No.19770520

Europeans all think scrambled eggs should be wet goop, so no

>> No.19770521

For me, it's the Jacques Pepin omelette.

>> No.19770523


>> No.19770525

The French ruined cooking desu

>> No.19770529


>> No.19770530

They make good bread and cheese at least

>> No.19770538

>french style cooking is just bad.
What the hell?

>> No.19770540

>Imagine having the palate of a picky toddler.
Imagine preferring literal baby food and pretending you aren't a picky toddler

>> No.19770555

this was very relaxing to watch. can't stand watching gordon cook cos he's so wired on cocaine and everything he says stresses me out. shall watch more marco vids after seeing this.

>> No.19770556

If you think marco made baby food I have very bad news for you.

>> No.19770558

Pure denial and delusion. You're defending him like he's your personal friend, he isn't. He doesn't give a fuck about you

>> No.19770570

No dumbass. You are so ignorant about eggs and egg related doshes you lack any and all discernment over a good french scramble and a shit one.


>> No.19770580

Frenchanon here
Maybe we made a mistake with scrambled eggs

>> No.19770581

Imagine a literal frog flunking out of egg school. PATHETIC.

>> No.19770606

Shut the fuck up you goofy faggot, jesus christ lmao

>> No.19770620

Show me your egg diploma and I may take you seriously again, for now I will not, egglet.

>> No.19770678

>crack eggs
>put in pan
>heat until not liquid
There I graduated from egg college lol

>> No.19770681

Lets see the official diploma, you egg fraud.

>> No.19770684

You're just going to have to take my word on my eggcelence, anon

>> No.19770691

A lackluster eggsample of scrambled eggs will not convince me. You take me for a fool? I'll have you know i put my eggs in a minimum of 5 baskets.

>> No.19770696

I'm actually not that great at cooking eggs, I always burn them a little bit

>> No.19770709

Watch the marco video. Not only does He provide egg based cooking tips. He provides egg based cooking ethos.

>> No.19770716

I don't wanna make egg slime, I've seen the video several times. I like my scramble to be fluffy and have a bit of bite to it

>> No.19770749

Calling superior, prope, and correct scrambled eggs "slime" is what someone who flunked out of egg school would say.
Let me guess.. You don't like runny yolks because they are slimy and raw egg is yucky?

>> No.19770758

Not at all, my favorite regular fried eggs are over medium. I like them a little goopy but not sheer liquid
Scrambled is a different story

>> No.19770833
File: 2.76 MB, 912x810, sataniadeal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone says scrambled eggs "should" be.
I prefer them firm and browned.
>b-but they're r-rubbery
No, they're more meat-like. That's a good thing.
I, like normal people, prefer them technically overcooked and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.19771076

paid leave would be nice.

>> No.19771091

They invented cooking, dude. Every restaurant in the world works under French methods.

>> No.19771101 [DELETED] 

Holy shut I just watched some dude being a pretentious faggot fir 7 minutes. Kys

>> No.19771267

they're both awful but at least gordon's eggs are edible
I did enjoy all the subtle digs at him, though -- "if you have to take the pan off the heat, you don't understand temperature"

>> No.19771275

I have a PhD in eggineering from egg university mate
where'd you get your deggree?

>> No.19771282

Here’s the QRD, different countries have different styles of scrambled egg, French and American style are distinct extremes.


>> No.19771318

American style is still undercooked here, but it's all down to personal preference. Similar rules apply to bacon as well. I've known people that enjoy their bacon soft and fatty, which I find disgusting.
Scrambled eggs are supposed to be quick and lazy, and usually works best when you substitute the butter with grease from bacon/sausage. All this obsession over slow cooking eggs, or prep work is ridiculous. If you're doing all that work, just make some other dish.

>> No.19771518
File: 136 KB, 306x459, 1696521788024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you see the integrity of the egg has been ruined by overcooking it, what many of my contemporaries may refer to as adding depth via a "crunchy" texture (burnt let's just call it what it is) it loses it's subtle velvety consistency and smooth silky finish, many of my detractors may say "why not just poach an egg, you'll end up with a similarly cooked egg" but you see they do not understand the complexities of the true French method, they simply lack the patience and like barbarians cannot comprehend nor display the level of finesse required in French Cuisine, perhaps they should find another circle of hell to inhabit if they can't stand this devil in hell's kitchen

>> No.19771531
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 1696522155467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jamie Oliver bad because because HAIYAAAAA le fake chinksect said so

>> No.19772246

That shit looks like something my dog puked up.

>> No.19772270

so it looks like scrambled eggs?

>> No.19772274

Woefully undercooked =/= scrambled.
More like wasted eggs.

>> No.19772287

FPBP I was just about to mention this.
I make this version whenever I make eggs and imo it is good. Fuck whoever puts cream in eggs.

>> No.19772294

Scrambled eggs kind of suck. For me it’s over medium or nothing

>> No.19772329

I'll have you know I got eggsellent grades at egg school, even though my professors were a pretty hard-boiled lot. Made so many yolks I was the class clown. I shelled out good money for my degree, and I will have you respect it, all white? And I still think runny scrambled eggs are worse than more solid ones.

>> No.19772338

If you don't fry AT LEAST 15 eggs per week lower. Your. Tone when talking to me.

>> No.19772365

It looks like it has the same consistency of what my chain smoking neighbor spends an hour hacking up every morning.

>> No.19772420 [DELETED] 

This is the second most pretentious thing I've ever seen in my life. It's unbelievable. This seems deliberately condescending and contradicting of Ramsay while producing an identical product minus cream.
>starts with the shittiest pastel yellow yolk 30 cent eggs
>don't mix the eggs with a fork, I want ribbons
>due to the ridiculously low heat he continues mixing the eggs until they are utterly blended as if he'd scrambled them with a fork anyway
What a fucking hack.

>> No.19772428

This is the second most pretentious thing I've ever seen in my life. It's unbelievable. This seems deliberately condescending and contradicting of Ramsay while producing an identical product minus cream.
>starts with the shittiest pastel yellow yolk 30 cent eggs
>don't mix the eggs with a fork, I want ribbons
>due to the ridiculously low heat he continues mixing the eggs until they are utterly blended as if he'd scrambled them with a fork anyway
>obliterates the eggs with a fistful of salt
What a fucking hack.

>> No.19772432

Marco pierre white cannot be pretentious because he is a master chef.

You on the other hand... You are both too stupid to know what pretentious means, and are most likely still having your mother cook frozen tendies every night because the oven is too scary for you to use because it gave you an ouchie one time.

>> No.19772434

>picky toddler
that’s what scrambles are. I eat my eggs soft boiled or sunny side up

>> No.19772440

it’s not undercooked it’s actually cooked longer than the american style

>> No.19772441

all you did was list things then say they were bad
are you supposed to not be a stupid person because it’s not working

>> No.19772452

cooked longer =/= cooked correctly.
Who the fuck spends 10 minutes undercooking eggs?

>> No.19772455

im done reading your inane comments that mean nothing stupid bitch

>> No.19772475
File: 1.00 MB, 764x575, eggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one. Really proved your point.
If you genuinely prefer the snot consistency over picrel, it might be time for a self evaluation.

>> No.19772490

I know for a fact you have never had proper french style scrambled eggs. Calling them snot clearly projects your picky eater habits.


>> No.19772494

post more stock images you stupid failed drag queen moron

>> No.19772498

its not supposed to be a soup

>> No.19772504


>> No.19772517

Stock =/= incorrect

>> No.19772518

Again with the extreme stupidity. Maybe let those two brain cells work a little longer.

I have made them. I have made them properly. They are objectively better. If your tastes do not align with correctly made scrampled eggs you are inferior in both tastes and intelligence. It is that simple.

Now we really know you're seething squealing about samefagging. Why don't you prove it then.

>> No.19772536

>six shillings 'ave been distribu'ed to yer 'oldings

>> No.19772542

If you're not using a bain marie and taking half an hour to make scrambled eggs, are you even really making scrambled eggs?

>> No.19772559

"Proper" because they're French.
If my tastes do not align with the "correct" way you're right
"Oblectively" better when everything you're spouting is subjective.
Blatant same fagging
No real defense, just ad hominem

How about YOU prove it? You posited the concept. Burden of proof is on you.

>> No.19772560
File: 399 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cringe

>> No.19772564
File: 270 KB, 750x1334, 1696544836000244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out. I can do that too!

>> No.19772572

yeah because you are an actual samefag so you know the tricks
exposed yourself retard

>> No.19772579

Still the ad hom. If you had anywhere to go with your butthurt, you'd actually prove me wrong instead of crying about it.

>> No.19772580

Never said because French big dummy. You are the one obsessed with France apparently, hearing it and seeing it when it was not mentioned.

You can't prove or disprove samefagging, as you clearly know. It merely demonstrates your remarkable seethe and cope.

>> No.19772586

if i punched you in the face and you remarked that i used violence what would be the value of that statement
when i insult you it’s not meant to be an argument i’m just calling you a faggy loser

>> No.19772588

Here's the proof little gremlin baby. Two post 3 seconds apart. LOSER HAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE WRONG, BITCH.

well done, buddy.

>> No.19772623

he also put cream in

>> No.19772639

>Never said because French big dummy.
You did, though.
>I know for a fact you have never had proper french style scrambled eggs.

>> No.19772650

WOAH STUPID DUMMY. Never said it was because they were French they were better. That's just the name of the style. How incredibly stupid are you?

Admit you were wrong about the samefagging and I will continue to grace you with my presence.

>> No.19772659

Didn't you say you were done already?
I mean, as much as I treasure your input and am grateful for your insight...

>> No.19772663


No eggs aren't supposed to look like someone already ate them and then puked them back up.

>> No.19772673

First you proved that you had the tastes of a 5 year old, second you proved that you are atupid beyond comprehension, third you prove that you are too weak and pathetic to even admit you were factually a provably wrong about.


>> No.19772680

The french are absolutely awful chefs, I have no idea how the idea that french people know how to cook came about but it is simply not true.

They're not even good at cheese. Literally just bread.

>> No.19772687

>My opinions are facts
You're doing great, champ.

>> No.19772690

The perfect eggs.

>> No.19772695

This is the extreme samefagging. Holy shit.

>> No.19772723

Afraid not, my dude.
Is me. You might just have shit taste.

>> No.19772745

Am I the only one who likes crispy scrambled eggs?

>> No.19772747
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, Perfect scrambled eggs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19772778

not reading the bitch fight but you lose automaticly because you are a phone faggot

>> No.19772815

In other words you will use any excuse to avoid fighting someone you are scared of. At least you admit the truth.

>> No.19772844

how is this a fight and who would be scared of someone so tits out defending sub par scrambles eggs you manly man?

>> No.19772854

Lmfao. You!

>> No.19772856

yes i live in fear

>> No.19772868

I do not eat eggs unless part of some greater recipe, like in baked goods, fried rice, or egg drop soup etc. Who the fuck things just a whole egg by itself in any preparation is appetizing

>> No.19772875

Everyone in the world except you.

>> No.19772877

People with good taste. I will make a plain country style french omelette and people are amazed at how delicious it is compared to american style.

No need to stste the obvious, bucko.

>> No.19772893

The texture and flavor of eggs is disgusting. They are bland and just taste like bad meat. The texture is either goopy, slimy, or rubbery depending on how you cook them. I prefer toothsome food that has acidic, spicy, sour, bitter flavors to it.

>> No.19772895

Is that you, Surly King of the Egg Fort?
It must be, with all your pussyaching.

>> No.19772901

Oh, I got it. Anyone that likes something you don't is wrong. That's a totally normal adult attitude.

>> No.19772906

So you admit you've never had good eggs before, and you can't cook. Cool. I can disregard your shitty opinion now.

Yes. I am king egg, but the pussy aching is not from me. It is from the fine dames I bed with ease after they consume a singular omelette cooked by mineself.

>> No.19772922

I don’t think they’re wrong, I’m simply stating my opinion on them and I just don’t understand what people find appealing in them. A lot of people I know think olives, kimchi, and bleu cheese are gross, but I could chow down on them all day. Just different tastes

>> No.19772929

No, I’m saying that I wouldn’t enjoy even perfectly cooked high quality eggs. It is simply a food that does not appeal to me.

>> No.19772957

Then why the fuck are you in a scrambled egg thread?

>> No.19772967

He is Twitter brained.

>> No.19772975

/ck/ is a slow board, I’ve been in almost every single thread that’s up right now.

>> No.19773406

I'm about to do some scrambled eggs, how should I make them if I want a good mix between gooey, rubber-like and barf eggs?

>> No.19773426

>add chorizo to pan on medium high heat
>cook until grease releases
>add eggs as you feel, then stir until desired consistency is reached
simple as

>> No.19773437

Ramsay's eggs are more of a lumpy egg gravy than anything. Like he fucked up and decided to pivot into a close approximation of scrambled eggs.
It's not bad, but it ain't a scramble.

>> No.19773552

>he brags this

>> No.19773578

Microwave. Before it's finished cooking stop the microwave and mix everything up. The parts that cool around the edge will be more rubbery, and as long as you don't overcook them it'll stay gooey as the retained heat finishes cooking the eggs. You'll probably want to add a splash of milk to make them more runny.

>> No.19773961

off to egg school lads x

>> No.19774215

Heres a better question for all of you.
What color should the egg yolk be, if the chiken was raised in the most free pastrued, natural, healthy diet possible, with no added shit feed given to them.

>> No.19775077

>the reason why you're rushing it is because your pans too hot
it's not because i'm hungry??

>> No.19775242

I made this today. It was really good. I went a little bit more cooked.

>> No.19775393

Pretty based. I hope they were still SOMEWHAT runny.

>> No.19775414

The only thing I took away from Gordon's baby vomit eggs is to keep stirring the scramble and folding it until it forms nice curds. It actually makes a beautiful scramble when properly cooked through :^)

>> No.19775445

Yeah. But it was a mix of both. I really didn't think I would like it. But after trying it, I enjoyed it.

>> No.19775484

You can tell when someone has never tried runny scramble before because they call it snot, gooey, or they say it looks yucky. Pathetic fools prerending to know what they clearly do not. Too stupid to realize they cannot fool anyone who has graduated from egg school.

In reality it has a rich and velvety sauce like texture.

>> No.19775571

how does he get out?

>> No.19775610

what the fuck is it with having scrambled eggs so runny you could put them in a cup and drink them? Who likes this and why?

I prefer the American scrambled egg:
>three or four eggs
>heat frying pan on medium, put 1/2 tablespoon of butter in
>crack eggs in bowl, add salt/pepper
>beat eggs with fork for <20 seconds
>when butter is barely turning brown, add eggs to pan
>should hear a good sizzle
>let eggs sit for a few seconds to set
>use spatula to draw eggs into center from edge, getting large fat egg curds
>do this until eggs are cooked to desired doneness
>just barely glistening is my sweet spot
Perfect, easy, delicious, and doesn't feel like drinking an eggshake.

>> No.19775612

his video is very relaxing and comfy but godfucking damn his eggs are raw. Does anyone actually like this?

>> No.19775617

>t.raised chickens on a farm for 12 years, flock of ~25 laying hens

>> No.19775959



>> No.19775968 [DELETED] 

Fucking revolting. Congratulations, master chef, you made runny undercooked egg spread.
Not surprising from a country that thinks beans on toast in a delicacy.

>> No.19775984

Fucking revolting. Congratulations, master chef. You just made undercooked egg jelly.
Not surprising from a country where beans on toast, mashed peas, and deep fried pig blood are delicacies.

>> No.19776003

>t. Never had good scrambled eggs before.


>> No.19776592

Cantonese eggs are the way to go. Those large folds of egg curds are so much better.

>> No.19776718

Seeing Americans get filtered by properly cooked scrambled eggs is hilarious.
Mutts will eat a shoe as long as they cook it to shit.

>> No.19776719

I like country-style scrambled eggs with nice, big curds. French-style scrambled eggs look like snot and do not appeal to me at all. Note that I've cooked them before and I don't enjoy the texture either. Though I say "texture" it's not entirely accurate because French eggs have almost no texture at all and are like eating chunky mayonnaise.

>> No.19776741

And they will fight to the bitter end defending their poor tastes.

You just admitted you suck at cooking. Lol.

>> No.19776751

Why do zoomers hate Ramsay so much? Is it because he's a masculine male who doesn't paint his nails like their favourite youtuber "chefs"?

>> No.19776755

Babish is ten times the chef this tv celebrity hack is.

>> No.19776756

I do them until they're a bit less runny than this but it is damn good

I would definitely not cook them this way unless you are doing them on toast plus salmon (or bacon or something I guess)

For a normal scrambled egg or egg sandwich the normal way is best

>> No.19776761

Once again Japan wins.
Rolled egg > western sloppa.

>> No.19776766

Omurice dumb bitch.

>> No.19776779

Holy shit do you actually believe this? Yeah Ramsay has become the villain in his own story but seriously he could beat Babish in any conceivable contest except maybe sucking dick

>> No.19776804

I'm millennial, and I think Ramsy is stupid because either he CAN'T cook a grilled cheese sandwich or he hates his audience so much that he can't be bothered try a second take at lower heat. Either he's an incompetent chef, or he's unworthy of being respected. Plus he's a shill. Maybe he was a great chef years ago, but how many hours per year does he actually put in a professional kitchen now? He just licenses his name for fags in Vegas to make BORGIR. He's like Trump, but for food instead of real estate.

>> No.19776822

their egg sandos with milk bread are pretty gas

>> No.19777004

Nope, Babish would win any dick sucking contest against hack ramsay.

>> No.19777029

it look like a watery yellow poop with a vomit in it i swear the god i wont eat it even if it taste good

>> No.19777035

Imagine having such a disgusting mind that you immediately look at delicious eggs and think of shit and vomit. How sad.

Judging food by looks alone really locks you out of a lot of delicious food, bud. You're like the personified version of an instagram bait restaurant. Lmfao.

>> No.19777131

literally the slimy goopy consistency of baby diarrhea, i'll pass and have eggs with the exact same flavor but an actual good texture thanks

>> No.19777148

Two types of people in this thread.

People who are so picky and tasteless that they instantly liken a delicious egg preperation to feces and vomit.

People who actually enjoy food for taste and texture, and are actually willing to give something they aren't used to eating a try because they actually love food and cooking.

>> No.19777154

I don't eat baby food, sorry.

>> No.19777161

Listen buddy, I wasn't going to go nuclear until you started talking shit but here goes: the only people who like french scrambles are yurophiles and "trained" chefs because they think it makes them more legitimate because FRANCE = GOOD. If you want to eat eggs that have the consistency of curdled milk that's your business but don't pretend it makes you a foodie any more than some scumsucking chink on the streets of Shanghai eating rotten tofu or flip that eats literal garbage seasoned with dumpster juice.

>> No.19777201

Lmao. What a stupid opinion. You are clearly in my first category.

You too. Lol.

>> No.19777208

*takes a shit in a skillet*
Hmm... it's the wrong color.
*snort* *hawks a loogie*
*stirs it up*
There we go: nice and yellow. Like Got a fresh order of french scrambles ready for you, friend. Oh no, wait. It needs some more texture.
*strokes out a nice thick load of chunky gamer cum on your plate*

Now it's ready; eat up!~ ;)

>> No.19777209

Nigga this is eggs Benedict and he’s making a fucking hollandaise sauce not scrambled eggs!

>> No.19777221

i don't get the americans in this thread. yeah the texture is looser and creamier in this type of eggs. so what? do americans not eat creamy foods? i genuinely don't get it. don't you have literal cream of chicken canned soup? don't you have stuff like sausage gravy?
why are you so angry at this method of preparing eggs? is this some weird posturing thing? is this some weird nationalist "freedom fries" type of thing where you must hate it because it's european?

>> No.19777230

>do americans really?
Do yuropoors really enjoy eating sludge-y eggs?

>> No.19777231

meme rotted brain

>> No.19777238
File: 535 KB, 1183x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is the "ultimate" of french-style eggs made by mr. knorr stockpot bouillon himself
>not sludgy
yes it is merely a meme

>> No.19777240

you're a memerotted brain because you can't communicate without memes

>> No.19777242
File: 98 KB, 680x383, yare yare will banjokes ever learn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your chunky tapioca pudding eggs, anon.

>> No.19777244

It's eggs, not soup or chowder or mac n cheese. I prefer my eggs to be cooked. The problem with eggs that are super runny is that they aren't cooked, and you might as well eat them raw at that point if you want runny eggs. Same problem with boiling meats instead of frying them: you simultaneously suck all of the flavor out of it while somehow making sure it's not cooked consistently.

>> No.19777262

Imagine having poop on your mind 24/7.

An interesting take! I've seen a video where albert roux makes a "3 star" scrambled egg dish and he adds either poached or boiled quail eggs on his scramble haha.

>> No.19777267
File: 206 KB, 602x572, Iron Giant hipster telling you to take it easy kiddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19777274

le omelette du fromage honhonhon

sacre bleu

>> No.19777297

Bro! So tru. I was hecka frikin madz.

>> No.19777619

Post a pic of the ones you made

>> No.19777634

but isn't that easily faked by feeding them with foods that color i orange? caratoids if I remember correctly?

>> No.19778006
File: 216 KB, 700x467, bng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugh how disgusting! It's all slimy, it looks like vomit, gross, how could you eat that
>no I won't try it, I'd rather have REAL food

>> No.19778031

so what you are trying to say is what you call "scrambled eggs" is in fact not scrambled eggs, but just an egg gravy? then stop calling it scrambled eggs. it's egg gravy. or even better, since you usually add half a lb of butter into it you're just making hollandaise.

>> No.19778240
File: 247 KB, 460x635, thetamago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is an artist, you fucking heathen. He spent ten years learning how to make the eggs.

>> No.19778281

no he's fucked up. yours too. why no sasuge?! no onion?! no paprika?! better do silly pancakes...

>> No.19778291

Ramsay can't cook.

>> No.19778304

anon has a point
call it for what it is.
egg gravy
egg stew
egg sloppa

>> No.19778393

It doesn't matter. Every anon here will have an opinion but the color of the yolk doesn't reflect flavor or nutritional value.

>> No.19778843

I mean he fucked many of the service girls from his shows... Wich lead to a crisis in his marriage...cause he fucked all the chicks you see on his shows..mhmm...i think he don't care at all if the eggs are scrambled or if the eggs are indeed grenades... Guy is on suicide mode...

>> No.19779095
File: 175 KB, 1200x1197, egg-gravy1-1668807191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on board with calling it something different. You guys already claimed "egg gravy" though.

>> No.19779168

I tried it for lunch and I like it this way!

>> No.19779791

Jesus, who needed in your gas chamber this morning?

>> No.19781049

>Slime on toast
Thank you, masterchef Ramsay-san, I will now ruin my family's morning by cooking this for them.

>> No.19781056

the darker and oranger the better.

>> No.19781083

Gordon Ramsay is a gourmet chef, his skills were cultivated for lies expensive, complicated gourmet dishes that are cooked in a restaurant setting. The problem is he's a celebrity now and needs to be able to market his skills to the average person. There's only so many gourmet recipe tutorials the average person will watch because realistically they know they're not gonna spend the time and money to cook some of the fancier dishes Gordon would normally cook. Gordon clearly doesn't have all much experience cooking normal people dishes and when he does he highly overcomplicates them and they turn out awful, just look at literally any time he cooks a hamburger, it's absolutely ridiculous every time. After decades of gourmet cooking, cooking like a normal person doesn't even make sense to him and there's now far more videos of him reinventing the wheel for simple every day dishes than there are of him making gourmet dishes that suit his skillset.

>> No.19781089

Idk why "lies" is in there, ignore that.

>> No.19781097

It's fucking delicious. Garnish with tarragon and you've reached heaven.