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File: 217 KB, 1200x900, extra-virgin-olive-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19768985 No.19768985 [Reply] [Original]


Holly shit how the hell you cannot tell by tasting it?

>> No.19768990

I'm only a regular virgin so I can't buy the extra

>> No.19769000
File: 941 KB, 1920x1080, Your Olive Oil is (probably) a Lie 16-18 screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

americans would be consuming old rancid olive oil and say uhmm I love the grassy aroma and taste

>> No.19769303
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Just avoid cheap Italian oil

>> No.19769312

>taste is either indistinguishable or superior
So uhhhh what is the problem exactly?

>> No.19769317
File: 183 KB, 2560x2560, 61ARi31TBjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only buy American or Australian olive oil, other countries have non-existent or completely corrupt labeling and testing. Pic related is good so long as you go for the 100% Californian, the "Destinations" label is just mixed oil from all the countries pumping out the fake shit.

>> No.19769326

ingesting rancid processed lower quality oils doesnt seem like a good idea

>> No.19769339
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$13 a liter at my local Costco. Cheap enough to use it for sautéing vegetables or roasting chicken etc, but still flavorful and complex enough for salad dressing or sauces. I generally trust Costco products, and this company in particular was one that 60 Minutes tested during a segment on counterfeit olive oil and it was the only brand that came back 100% EVOO.

>> No.19769364

Who fucking cares? Fuck johnny harris and his amerocentric horseshit.

This isn't a problem here. https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/industry/fats-and-oils/olive-oil/eng/1454528125433/1454528283159

>> No.19769399


I buy Greek, Argentina, or California

>> No.19769421

same but also p sure this company does blends as well, not all of their products are 100% California afaik

>> No.19769428
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If anyone cares about healh they wouldn't be using process oils to begins with and just the olives (which are tasty on their own).

>> No.19769429
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Yeah, their "Destinations" bottles, these fuckers. Don't buy them.

>> No.19769432

anyone that cares about their health is not eating olives packed in an entire day worth of your salt intake limit

>> No.19769448

okay well what is real olive oil supposed to taste like by itself?

>> No.19769455
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For me it's;

>> No.19769476

Unless you have specific medical conditions that require you to limit your salt intake then eating lots of salt is not an issue. Your body does a pretty good job at telling you when something is too salty by making taste disgustingly salty, and even if you do over ingest salt your it just makes you more thirsty so you can pee it out.

>> No.19769488

>those differing levels
triggers my autism

>> No.19769492

um it’s artisan, hand made chud

>> No.19769494

they're literally the same level anon, are you going crazy or something?

>> No.19769499

In finland the quality olive oils start to be 17-20€ a liter
I mean come on

So I end up not using olive oil

>> No.19769503

I just use more butter now

>> No.19769505

i have started to go through bottles down to the fourth row

>> No.19769545

Spanish and Turkish are pretty good too.
The Italians somehow lost the plot in good food decades ago. There's a pretty fucking good chance,90%+, if you buy "Italian" tomato products anywhere in Europe you're really getting Chinese tomato products, shipped in paste form, with God knows what fillers, then reconstituted with water, some salt thrown in, and canned in cans that say product of Italy.
Don't let the title fool you, It's not just about ketchup.

>> No.19769553

first thing I read on any food product is country of origin and packing location.

>> No.19769556
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I get it anon...but take comfort in the fact the caps' seals are broken.
These aren't unused.

>> No.19769578

I always had too, but they are getting more and more slippery with this shit.
"Packaged in","Distributed by" and "Product of", piss me off to no end, because I know they are bullshit legalese, much like "Made With" or "100% Real". They mean NOTHING and you couldn't do shit in a court of law trying to prove fraud, but that's exactly what it is.
If it has China on the label I'm definitely NOT buying it, but since China has been buying up industrial factories and warehouses around the world, you can't trust anything anymore.
A factory operating out of Minnesota, for example, owned by the Chinese, could ship in all their own products from Chinese companies in China, and manufacture the product in the US plant, and legally print Made in the USA right there on the label.
Do you think they would be honest about it?

>> No.19769585

You’re right and I’m sure they wouldn’t be honest about it. Once China starts disguising their shit as above grade organic and non gmo it’s over

>> No.19769615

Let me give you a cold take.
Americans are absolutely incapable of making decent food. All of their comments where they claim that "you can also find in america the best quality X, it's only the hillbillies that eat the plastic crap" are completely delusional. Because they live in their own little pathetic american bubble, they just don't know any better. They are delighted by their flavourless gmo produce that is mutated to provide maximum yield and minimum flavour. They go crazy when they put some low quality dry spice mix in the chlorinated chicken breast, because any kind of flavour that activates their tongue and nose sensors is an exquisite experience. They simply cannot comprehend what it is like to actually be able to distinguish the flavour of different types of similar ingredients, because everything is flavourless in the land of the fat. They cannot distinguish turkey from chicken if it's served cut and prepared. They cannot distinguish hake from cod. Seabream from snapper. Horse mackerel from herring. It is why you often see americans commenting about some exotic meat describing it as "tastes like chicken". Because for americans, chicken is flavourless.

>> No.19769624

It's not fake you can mix any amounts of pure 100 percent Virgin olive oil to tanker of olive oil and call it 100 percent pure Virgin alive oil. You can't get cold pressed olive oil fore 5 dollars a bottle period. If you look at the label fragrants and colouring added you can see the difference. Now if you want the real unadulturated product bust out a twenty not a fiver. Fact is most people can't tell the difference on less you drink it from the bottle as the spices and flavors mask the tast. Honey is the same way as 90 percent of honey is surap at best , If you don't like honey it's becous you never had real honey. Once agean bust out a twenty not a fiver you get what you pay fore. A farmer can't make an authentic bottle of 100. Percent virgin olive oil fore 5 dollars its not possable . virgin alive oil means cold pressed and is less processed.

>> No.19769626

>Americans are absolutely incapable of making decent food
most people are incapable.

>> No.19769638
File: 48 KB, 666x375, IT'S OVER...SEE Ya on the flip side....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once China starts disguising their shit as above grade organic and non gmo it’s over
That's been going on for years now.
While I'm not sure I'd trust PRX now, this article is from 2010, and if was highlighted then, you can imagime what 13 years have done.
Time to do some serious searching online for farmers, butchers and other local food producers near you! near you!

>> No.19769651

Deer sir it's difficult to get quality food in america its all mas produced soked in salt and brine to increase its volume and profitabile its not the America palit or tast buds evin the salad is soked in sugar and preservatives its about long term storage. My lunch came from hundreds of miles away . It's not the quality of the food from our farmers its shity imports . you can't microwave a good meal.

>> No.19769666

Exporting low quality shit that Italians won’t eat themselves is literally a Mafia activity. Americans literally eat our slop and pay a premium for it.

t. Italian

>> No.19769673
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly...you are right about that in at least 85% of Amerilards.
The other ~15% KNOW what good food is, what simplicity tastes like and in addition, what a lot of foods USED to taste like 20-40 years ago, but no longer do, and more than likely grow their own or trade with good farmers to get it.
This isn't as true in other countries, but it's getting there. Just about 80% of ANY population are followers and will take whatever they are given. some place may be more aware of the shafting, but nonetheless, won't rock the boat unless it poses enough of an inconvenience to then to dramatically alter their lifestyle. The slow encroachment of a globalized food supply has effected everybody, usually for the worse, and when high trust societies are shattered into low-trust diversity, everybody suffers because there is less incentive to be honest if everyone else is out for themselves.
This is a sort of Tragedy of the Global "Commons" and enough contingency plans are in place to ensure it will be a slow attrition, speed-walk to the bottom.
I was shocked to find out that France's population tested that 99% had measurable levels of glyphosate in blood tests. I thought they were the zenith of food protectionists.
I thought that Europe had banned it, but no...They are only getting around to doing that since 2017.

>> No.19769682

Italy gets the leftovers of the mafiaoil
t. italian

>> No.19769684

>that Italians won’t eat themselves
Okay SATAN, except you have all the same food problems as anywhere else in Europe and even America--It's not 1999 anymore, and your own people sold the tech to do it to the Chinese.
Sorry, your OWN people sold you out for a pocket full of lira.

>> No.19769691

>clear glass
>pure EVOO
Lol, lmao even

>> No.19769696


>> No.19769773

It's shipped in cardboard boxes, and I keep it in a dark cabinet 99% of the time. Any additional UV light exposure due to the clear glass is completely negligible.

>> No.19770084

>how the hell you cannot tell by tasting it?
Most people buy the cheap shit.

It takes years for olive oil to go rancid. Years.

>> No.19770126


>> No.19770130

Is it at least made from hand by virgins?
That's all I really care about.

>> No.19770145

As far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with the Global Blend.
Consumer Lab tested it and the only flaw they found was the human taster rated it 1 out of 10 (higher score = worse) on the rancidity scale. However, the objective chemical test results showed its peroxide level was like 5 or less whereas oil is rancid at 30, meaning the human taster was full of shit like most "professional tasters."

>> No.19770152

Also, to read the Consumer Lab roundup on extra virgin olive oil which you're supposed to need a paid subscription to read, just read the cached Google link (LOL).

>> No.19770158

>Holly shit how the hell you cannot tell by tasting it?

Because next to milk and honey it’s the most adulterated food out there. If all we’ve tasted is the bad stuff, how do we know the good stuff?

>> No.19770219

From the Consumer Lab roundup:
>Chemically, products were tested by an independent laboratory blinded to product identity for the following:
>Free Acidity (Free Fatty Acid Content) — This is a measure of the quality of the oil.
>Purity (Fatty Acid Composition) — Basic percentages of fatty acid types are expected within a certain range for olive oil, distinguishing it from seed oils that should not be present.
>Rancidity (Peroxide Value) — A rough indicator of the amount of primary oxidation of olive oil... the Peroxide Value must be no more than 20.
>Absorbency in Ultraviolet (UV) — This provides information about the quantity of oxidized oils in the product, indicating the quality of the oil, state of preservation, and changes brought about through processing.
>California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil Global Blend — Medium (2023) — Considered Virgin The taster... perceived it as slightly rancid - a score of 1 out of 10. Consequently, the tester did not consider it to be "Extra Virgin" olive oil, but "Virgin" in IOC and USDA grading.
>Carapelli Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil... From a chemical perspective, the oil was not rancid, as it had a peroxide value of 5.96 — well below the limit of 20. However, this was the highest peroxide value of the products in this review, most of which were around 3 to 4.
So, essentially, the only reason they graded the Global Blend as Virgin and not Extra Virgin is the taster thought they detected the slightest hint of rancidity, which was directly contradicted by the chemical test results. It's objectively not rancid, and the Fatty Acid Composition test demonstrated it's not cut with cheap seed oils.
The three olive oils they ended up grading as Extra Virgin were:
>California Olive Ranch 100% California Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Lucini Italia Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Life Extension California Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oil

>> No.19770239

Interestingly enough, going by the USDA scale, Consumer Lab's human taster rated Kirkland and Trader Joe's EVOO "unfit for human consumption." I know a lot of people rave about those EVOOs.
And, since most human "professional tasters" are obviously full of shit:
>all of the products met the standards for extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) that ConsumerLab.com applied, assuring that each was made from the oil of olives -- and not other seed oils -- and was properly processed.
So, according to objective chemical analysis, all of the following EVOOs are genuine, properly-processed olive oil:
>California Olive Ranch® 100% California Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Medium
>California Olive Ranch® Extra Virgin Olive Oil Global Blend - Medium
>Carapelli Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Colavita® Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Goya® Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Gundry MD™ Polyphenol-Rich Olive Oil
>Kirkland Signature® [Costco] Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Life Extension® California Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Lucini® Italia Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Terra Delyssa® Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
>Trader Joe's Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil

>> No.19770244

Did they test Colavita? I usually buy the California 100%, but I decided to give Colavita first cold press based on a friend's recommendation.

>> No.19770248

oh, I guess Colavita is okay then

>> No.19770282

Looks like Colavita is NAAOA-certified as well - they do lab testing.

>> No.19770286

stop with this lie
look at what you're buying because its labeled

>> No.19770321

If an EVOO has a NAAOA, Applied Sensory or COOC seal on its label, it's been lab-tested and verified as genuine.
Look for olive oils with one of these seals on the label.

>> No.19770332

for the record, it's NAOOA

>> No.19770364

Imagine not getting it delivered by the 10 gallon barrel from your family's olive farm in Greece. Tastes amazing and it is a deep green gold. It solidifies at fridge temperature and my Grandma gets it for free, only paying delivery costs.
Stay away from Spanish "olive oil."

>> No.19770389

69% percent isn't even regular virgin, let alone extra virgin.

>> No.19770822
File: 880 KB, 1024x1024, AOVE-1-L-LATA_1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Olive Oil is one of the best
Fuck you! Go pay debt

>> No.19770881
File: 43 KB, 788x222, Olive-Oil-process-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows what's real anymore? I'm sticking to only small Greek labels. "Molon Lave" stood out when I was perusing my local Greek bakery's olive oil selection of similarly small brands.

>> No.19770899

Kek great thanks for the note about peroxide levels. If I'm looking for olive oil at no more than 5% peroxide I'll consider this brand.
Of course I'm looking for olive oil based on the taste, and it tastes rancid, so I'm not going to buy it

>> No.19770901

Big Greek Oil shilling ITT
>just buy the 10 gallon drum from Yiannis souvlaki shop, he gets his from his nonna

>> No.19770917
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Why do oiltards vote against their own economic interests?

>> No.19770950

I bet you trust human listeners to judge speakers and headphones more than objective frequency response/distortion measurements, too.

>> No.19770961

An overly salty diet increases risk of heart diseases.

>> No.19770967

Blah blah blah shit your pie hole Mohammed. Try going one day without seething about your superior American masters.

>> No.19771012

I hate how stores put the good stuff on the top shelf, right under the fluorescent lights. Perfect way to destroy the good stuff, it was never worth the money anyway, thanks to that.

>> No.19771080

Just like most of the food in the US.

>> No.19771085

Olive oil is for faggots and try-hards anyway.
Best oil is Avocado oil.

>> No.19771096
File: 34 KB, 600x450, Health-Benefits-Of-Canola-Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The best is canola. It's better for cooking in almost every way. Also delicious tossed with crisp chilled garden harvest vegetables which I'll be doing tonight.

>> No.19771115

Free enterprise, bud. If you don't like it move to Russia.

>> No.19771133
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So true, I'd recommend a spoonful after waking up and before bed

>> No.19771185
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It's a very healthy oil yes. Canola has much less saturated and monounsaturated fat and more vitamin E and K than olive oil. I mainly use canola which is a healthy oil because it is very low in saturated fat (7%). Like olive oil, it is high in monounsaturated fat (63%) but is much better for cooking with. Especially at high temps. Canola oil also contains a significant level of polyunsaturated omega-3 fat (9-11%), In addition, canola oil contains significant amounts of phytosterols (about 0.9% by weight) that reduce the absorption of cholesterol into the body. So basically, it's the best and healthiest oil for me. Also better priced.

So yeah, all around Canola is pretty much the winner. Oh... I forgot it has a much higher smoke point which means you can use it for more types of cooking than other oils.

Did I mention it's also much cheaper?

>> No.19771227
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>Canola oil is extracted by slightly heating the crushed canola seeds dissolved in the hexane solvent or by cold press method [4]. Finally, it is refined using water precipitation and organic acid to remove gums and free fatty acids, after washing and filtering the oil they bleach it to lighten the color, and deodorizing using steam distillation [4]. Refining methods largely remove vitamin E, carotenoids and chlorophylls during bleaching [6] and deodorization processes [7]. Refining process renders canola oil a hydrogenated mess of trans fatty acids and their consumption may lead to heart problems, blood platelet abnormalities, increased cancer risk and free radical damage [3].

>> No.19771243

Its industrial Sneed oil shill again

>> No.19771251

>he can't refute!

Lost again.

>> No.19771263

>During the extraction process, oil is separated from its protective seeds, and the fragile polyunsaturated fats are exposed to heat, light, and air. As a result, the delicate omega-6 and omega-3 fats can begin to oxidize or break down even before making it into the bottle, especially when exposed to high heat.

>Because of canola oil’s high polyunsaturated fat content, as part of the deodorization process, some of the unstable fats are converted to trans fats. Samples of canola oil have been found to have up to 3.6% trans fat content. Since this results in less than 0.5 grams per 14 gram serving, manufacturers have been able to get away with leaving trans fat content off of nutrition labels, and may even claim “zero trans fat” on their bottles

>While partially hydrogenated oils are generally no longer found in the U.S. food supply, canola oil refined using high-heat could have upwards of 4% trans fat content that is able to skirt by labeling laws and pass as “trans fat free.”

now kys

>> No.19771264

>He still can't refute

Lol. Stay mad fatty.

>> No.19771299

>No. The best is canola.
Fuck off retard. Canola oil is closer to the oil in your car engine than actual food. This video should be mandatory viewing for any good goys falling for the seed oil meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kGnfXXIKZM

Goddamn americans and their stupid fake engineered food bullshit. Butter, beef tallow, olive oil, if you use literally anything else you have no taste, no taste at all.

>> No.19771308

Refute what? The saturated fat is not harmful if consumed in moderation, it's naturaly present in may food like meat, eggs, butter, diary products, etc.

>> No.19771401


>> No.19771405
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you beat me by 18h.

>> No.19771409

>Medical advice is.....le BAD!!!!
Enjoy your dry mouth and hydration issues. Stay salty, you faggot kek

>> No.19771855
File: 415 KB, 1440x2401, 1679234272407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting infographics from the poojeet version of WebMD
>Good morning sirs, please to be guzzling seed oils sirs, they will be giving you the healthy heart.
The unironic seed oil shills always remind me of this female "nutritionist" on Twitter who did an experiment where every morning she'd eat a bowl of oatmeal with all the same measured amounts of ingredients for a week then test her cholesterol. First week she used butter in the oatmeal. No change. Second week she dumps in a bunch of "heart healthy" canola, and SURPRISE! Her cholesterol was through the roof. She freaks out and immediately tries finding anything else to blame other than the fact that canola is poisonous garbage.

>> No.19771958

>solidifies at fridge temperature
mine does this and I buy the cheapest blended shit they sell

>> No.19772088

>Canadian frankenfood

>> No.19774709

Just got back from Florence and Rome. While the pasta dishes were vastly superior to anything ive had in America, mostly everything else was the same or worse. My tomatoes i grow taste infinitely better, my Florentine steak and pork tenderloin were worse than anything in America. I actually would've agreed with you, but now having ate some of the supposed best cuisines from top teir restaurants, i realize europeans are largely full of shit, pathologically obsessed, and will do anything to gaslight americans to be self deprecating and buckbroken like yourself.

>> No.19775496

I just buy steak and cut the fat off and use that throughout the week
just a little square inch of the white stuff greases up my whole cast iron so I can cook eggs or whatever
that one guy is right I'm american and I've had good food only like 2-3 times in my life.

>> No.19775504

If the label on the olive oil you're using can't explain where the hell it came from, then yes it is questionable.

>> No.19775506

"Extra virgin olive oil" doesn't mean anything in the US. A manufacturer could define EVOO as 50% olive oil and 50% gutter oil, and that's perfectly legal in the US. The entire country is a scam.

>> No.19775527

What do you think of olive oils that label themselves as organic? Does that make them more genuine or what the fuck does it mean?

>> No.19775858

>0.9g difference
>oy vey

>> No.19775897

You don't drink the brine anon

>> No.19776127

>dry mouth and hydration issues
Oh no! The HORROR! I've eaten too much salty food and now I'm THIRSTY and need to drink water! Whatever will I do? It's not like I live in a first world country where they pipe it directly into my home!

>> No.19776227

We keep the good shit for ourself and export the nasty crap to amerilard with a premium price because you fat retard don't deserve better.

>> No.19776468
File: 98 KB, 600x500, DEEBLY GONCERNED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italian brands repackaging Chinese Tomato Concentrate competing with Chinese Knock-offs of said Italian Brands using the same Chinese Tomato Product
Jesus. What a depressing documentary