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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19762063 No.19762063 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate some KFC that sat out on a table at a park for 3 hours yesterday.
Ask me anything.

>> No.19762070

When was the last time that you pooped your pants?

>> No.19762073

I never understood the whole “don’t leave fried food in the sun” thing. It’s been deep fried so it’s completely sanitized. A whole week I could understand, but a few hours should be fine.

>> No.19762078

>When was the last time that you pooped your pants?
hmmm... probably 55 years ago.

>> No.19762079

Tender your will

>> No.19762081

Please describe the situation in as much detail as possible

>> No.19762083

which situation? right now or yesterday?

>> No.19762086

The pooped pants situation

>> No.19762088

yeah sorry. I don't remember things from when I was 2 years old.

>> No.19762091

did you have a fun day at the park?

>> No.19762092

I'm sure you've at least sharted your pants since then. Don't lie to us

>> No.19762095

>did you have a fun day at the park?
little kids birthday party. no not really. thankfully it only got to about 90°, but really it was 3 hours of boredom.

yeah I'm not participating in your scat fetish. go be shit faced somewhere else.

>> No.19762096

Dog years at best

>> No.19762112

Based chomo slob anon

>> No.19762113
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>> No.19762116

I'm not the one eating rotten chicken and watching a children's birthday party through "birding" binoculars.

>> No.19762118

your assertion that I am a perv is quite humorous. A typical 4chan attempt at trolling.
1/10 since I replied.

>> No.19762137

for posterity:
it was "extra crispy"
I reheated it in a microwave so rather soggy.
for dinner I will reheat it in an oven to crisp it up.

tasted fine otherwise.

>> No.19762248

Is dark matter real or do we just not understand how gravity works on a large scale?

>> No.19762272

That’s not that big a deal. If it was covered, I wouldn’t think twice twice about that. I’ve eaten restaurant leftovers that sat in my car overnight

>> No.19762289
File: 164 KB, 1080x1052, 1695124310693838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gas gone wrong in your life that you are posting on 4chan at 57 years old? Divorce dad or elder incel? Also, why the fuck are you being a scavenger at your age? Did you just wait for the chicken to be unguarded at some family picnic that was taking place at the park you're obviously living at and steal it like some sort of junkyard dog?

>> No.19762303

Child molesters have to take what they can get

>> No.19762319

You'll be here at 57 too

>> No.19762338
File: 154 KB, 750x750, 1696173636023948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I doubt 4chan will last another 25 years

>> No.19762340

i don't think the world will exist by 40

>> No.19762352

are you ready to meet your maker?

>> No.19762355

>Is dark matter real or do we just not understand how gravity works on a large scale?
I think dark matter is a kluge to explain anomalies in the rotation of galaxies.

>What gas gone wrong in your life that you are posting on 4chan at 57 years old?
you can never leave
>Divorce dad or elder incel? Also,
no and no
>why the fuck are you being a scavenger at your age?
>the party was for my sisters, step daughters daughter she picked up way too much chicken. they generally don't eat leftovers and it was either I take it home or they toss out a whole bucket of chicken.

I hope it doesn't last 5

that's what I thought in 1982

>> No.19762359

>are you ready to meet your maker?
not yet I got at least another 25 left in me.

>> No.19762360

update, it's been about 2 hours and not feeling any ill effects.

>> No.19762366

>you can never leave
I'm 43 and am starting to realize this is very true.

>> No.19762371

Are people really so timid and afraid that they won't eat cooked chicken that has been left out for a few hours?

>> No.19762378

well I was a little apprehensive, but the way fried chicken is cooked and the coating generally means that bacteria can't easily grow on it. there needs to be water present. now if it sat out for another 2 or 3 hours I would have passed.

>> No.19762393

I forgot to mention about 15 years ago my wife made some chicken enchilada casserole and it accidently got left out for about 3 hours. I definitely got food poisoning from that. It took me a while to figure out, because I divided it up for lunches and froze it. so over a period of a couple of weeks I got food poisoning repeatedly. I threw out the frozen lunches and did not get sick after that.

>> No.19762413
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>step daughter

ooof. That's somehow more grim than being homeless and stealing chicken from a picnic. But that with that said, what's it like having kids? I'm 32 and my gf wants kids and honestly it sounds like more trouble than it's worth these days.

>> No.19762427

we didn't have kids, my wife had a condition that required ablation of her uterine walls. so we help out other people and assist young people trying to get through college and so on.

>> No.19762457

fried foods last longer sitting out than other foods

>> No.19762464

Surprisingly wholesome, boomer-anon. Sorry I called you homeless (even if it was kinda funny)

>> No.19762478

Have kids NOW

>> No.19762479

Weird. You're supposed to let food cool down before putting it in the fridge or freezer. I made breakfast burritos left them out for like 30-60 minutes before tossing them in the freezer. They never got me sick.

>> No.19762485

I'm more gen x. I was born too late to be a boomer. my parents were born too early.

don't know maybe there was something in it that had gone bad before it was cooked.

>> No.19762493

did the food poisoning cause any embarrassing diarrhea?

>> No.19762494

>did the food poisoning cause any embarrassing diarrhea?
well I don't know of any diarrhea that isn't embarrassing but you seem a little to interested in feces anon. seek help.

>> No.19762522

Mom, get off 4chan
Youre more or less the same age as my parents. Technically gen x, but more boomers from a cultural perspective. I think the term my mom used was shes "breakfast club gen c, not nirvana gen x". Seems like a great time to grow up desu. Sometimes I wish I was born 20 years earlier so I could have got while the getting was good, so to speak. I do pretty well for myself but I still feel like I only got the scraps.

>> No.19762539

I went from middle class to American "poor", then went to college worked my ass off for 29 years. saved as much money as I could, invested based on advice from actual boomers and retired early 5 years ago. then we inherited (which was a surprise), and now I do what I want. every once in a while when I get real bored I come back to 4chan to catch up on the latest memes and shit posting techniques.

I should have never came here back in 2007.

>> No.19762611
File: 98 KB, 1080x1409, 1691609642196651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cool, anon. After working myself out of food service and getting into tech my gf (who has a masters degree and also works in tech) make 150k as a couple and can finally easily afford a 2 bedroom apartment (with in unit washer and dryer), pay our bills on time and put a little away at the end of the month. So thats pretty much "making it" for millenails.

And yes, 4chan is dogshit, but especially now. It used to be fun baxk in the late 2000s/early 2010s but it's glory days a re long gone. I want to leave but I have nowhere else to go. It's the only "social media" I use anymore and I generally hate it here, although there is an occasional good thread.

>> No.19762650

>150k as a couple
that's pretty good. we did what we did on no more than 90k in our best year. but we are REALLY frugal.

here's a tip go to an investment place. open a roth IRA most investment firms have something called retirement 2030 (or whatever age you want to retire). figure out the maximum you can afford to put in to it each month and do that.

vanguard has one called vanguard target retirement 2030 fund VTHRX which I think is mine. of course you'd want one like 2050 or whatever.

I chose a roth IRA because you don't get taxed when you take money out of it, but you can't claim it on your taxes each year.

>> No.19762687

We live in one of the most expensive non-costal cities in the US so it doesn't go as far as it would elsewhere, unfortunately. But that's the trade-off to live in a tech hub with more opportunities. Easier to break-in but you will be poor while you do it. Hoping to cash out and live somewhere cheap and work remote within a few years.

Thx for the advice. We only just started making this kind of money a year ago. Trying to get out of debt and then look at investing in the near future.

>> No.19762696

Good luck anon.

>> No.19763507

no ill effects after 10 hours