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19755885 No.19755885 [Reply] [Original]

Which do you prefer? I tried both this weekend and I like them both a lot. The creaminess of the nitro is really something.

>> No.19755895

Last time I tried Guinness was 15 years ago. I thought it tasted like vomit. But I'm still not sure if someone had actually puked in my glass. I should try again..

>> No.19755902

I had one a long time ago as well and thought it was disgusting. Now it's delicious. Funny how tastes change.

>> No.19755911

Been living in Ireland 6 years and never tried the one on the left. Wouldn't normally drink Guinness out of a can but on the occasion I do I always enjoy it. Love it on draft but it's getting very expensive to drink in and around Dublin...

>> No.19755917

One on the right^^^

>> No.19755923

>Wouldn't normally drink Guinness out of a can
You're supposed to pour it into a glass following the proper method.

>> No.19755957

I've never tried the extra stout. The draught in a can is OK, but it's not as satisfying as a proper pint poured on tap at the local Irish pub. There's nothing like walking down to the pub, ordering a big breakfast with an Irish coffee, and washing it down with a few pints of creamy Guinness fresh from the tap. The little nitro widget in the cans does a good job of giving the beer a decent head, but the texture of the actual beer just isn't the same as a proper draught beer from a keg.

>> No.19755968

>he draught in a can is OK, but it's not as satisfying as a proper pint poured on tap at the local Irish pub.
If you say so. I'll never know so it doesn't matter much to me.

>> No.19755975

German here. I tried it one time and it was a terrible experience. Would not recommend.

>> No.19756051

Americans make better stouts and porters

>> No.19756084

I tried a Founders porter and it tasted too much like bitter coffee.

>> No.19756241

I prefer the cans when it comes to Guinness.

>> No.19756288

Every Guinness I've ever had tasted faintly of soap. Not a fan.

>> No.19756292

canned draught in a glass is second only to keg poured. I love guinness it goes great with steak or a cigar

>> No.19756358

I like both but extra stout is 5.6% alcohol so I like it better

>> No.19756448

IPA's and draughts do taste like vomit. Anyone who says otherwise has either restrained their senses from contacting those notes (and didn't take notice of doing so) or is a dubious witness. ;)

>> No.19756453

I believe it's kind of baby taste but I've always had a sweet spot for sopporo personally

>> No.19756708

Guinness is fine but imo only worth it if you’re at a place that has it on tap. Don’t forget to drink it in big gulps like an Irishman would

>> No.19756717

you mean checkers, buddy

>> No.19756744
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It's been like 8 years for me which is kind of crazy to think. Used to hit up this place that went hard with the whole irish pub thing and they did a pretty good job at it. Would go often with a buddy before he decided to become a actual faggot. Maybe I'll stop by after work one day for dinner and a guinness even though i'm sure a pint is probably like $7 now or some shit which makes me want to punch someone.

>> No.19756767

Extra stout is solid. Draught might as well be bitter water.

>> No.19757030

Castle milk stout is much better

>> No.19757185

>There's nothing like walking down to the pub, ordering a big breakfast with an Irish coffee, and washing it down with a few pints of creamy Guinness fresh from the tap
Sounds like a fantastic Saturday morning. I wish I had a bar or pub to just walk down to but in the burbs it's only houses for miles around

>> No.19757380

I like stouts and other dark beers, but not Guinness.
I think it's the nitro, because I've never tried a nitro beer I really enjoy. May be a similar thing for you.

>> No.19757561

Try the Extra Stout, it's not nitro.

>> No.19757571

Regular Guinness is just black water, completely flavorless. The Extra Stout on the other hand is an excellent dark beer.

>> No.19757575

I just drank one and it is certainly not flavorless

>> No.19757595

Ok, I guess you'd say Coors isn't "flavorless" either then (it is.)

>> No.19757604

The fact that it doesn't taste like overpowering nasty bitter coffee like "real" stouts is a bonus.

>> No.19757648
File: 375 KB, 500x500, b9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cans don't explode when you leave them in the freezer, retard.
>Muh glass bottles

>> No.19757657

Tasty beer is tasty beer, man

>> No.19757658

Who are you responding to?

>> No.19757666

and who is he quoting

>> No.19757669

It doesn't taste like anything. Real stouts, like their 'Extra Stout,' don't taste like nasty bitter coffee.

>> No.19757676

I didn't think it was drastically different to the Extra Stout. Not as strong but the mouthfeel was very good in return.

>> No.19757693

Oh, you're just memeing, I'm off then, enjoy your yous.

>> No.19757705

Lol, do you think the nitro doesn't have any effect on how it feels when you drink it? Because it does

>> No.19757963

bottled guinness is terrible. the canned one is a thousand times more popular for a reason (the air thing inside)
the only problem is the laughable 4.2%. they really should offer a stronger version that is at least 5.2%. I heard there is one but only in very few shithole countries

>> No.19757976

You sound like a bitch

>> No.19757985

My friend, who is a tastelet, thinks Guinness tastes like a "nose bleed".

>> No.19758001
File: 190 KB, 1080x1080, 1690704139094415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just drank them both again, side by side. I think the main appeal with the Draught is the nitro and how it makes the drink feel. Hearing the nitro engaging when you open the can is also cool. It has a decent taste, but I assume the nitro is weakening it and the reason the beer seems so light, so it makes me think it's a bit like a gimmick. The Extra Stout on the other hand is just a solid, good beer. I enjoyed both (for somewhat different reasons), I'm glad I tried both, but I think I'll be sticking with the Extra Stout.

>> No.19758003

maybe they are iron deficient and picks up that flavor more easily

>> No.19758140

They are completely different. If you can't pick up on that you should really keep trying different beers

>> No.19758144

Popular =/= good

>> No.19758191

I much prefer Guinness original and I'm happy paying the extra 60p for 4 tind

>> No.19758204

not in this case. canned guinness is great. bottled only exists because people want to try a non canned guinness but nobody ever buys it ever again

>> No.19758207

Extra stout and draught are completely different stouts. Draught is for people who don't actually enjoy stout

>> No.19758334

draught is more of a porter. It's only dark in color and body it drinks more like a light beer

>> No.19758345

They changed their export recipe years ago

>> No.19758371

IMO the only way to enjoy modern guinness is poured from a draught.

For bottles/cans, Guinness original is better.

>> No.19758499
File: 110 KB, 722x755, 1692522335781248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irish stout
>It's neither stout in abv or flavor
>only drank by hildren that bitch about their malt being too bitter

>> No.19758503

I only drink Guinness when I want a stout and it's the only such stout the bar has. Happens more often than I'd like.

Gets mogged hard by imperial stouts

>> No.19758518

Pretty sure he meant he'd normally get it on tap, bro. When the can tells you to pour it into a glass, it's a safe bet most would heed the command.

>> No.19758831

thats cause its a porter

>> No.19759370

If it tastes good it tastes good