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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19744067 No.19744067 [Reply] [Original]

>hear about okra on /ck/
>google it
>looks like peppers
>find some at the grocery store, buy a bag of it
>feels and tastes like slimy peas
so, what's the point?

>> No.19744088

It's culinarily unique due to the sliminess, but not everyone likes it
The sliminess is the point

>> No.19744090

The National Okra Board's summer interns got in a last stealth strike before returning to college. Thanks to your purchase, the internship program will be funded again next year. Did you know that 61% of America's okra farmers rely on government subsidies to survive? Follow @OkraFacts on X for more!

>> No.19744107

They're good fried, or in various soups and stews where the sliminess isn't noticeable. Fried okra and gumbo are pretty much your best bets when cooking with okra.

>> No.19744136
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pickled okra is best okra

>> No.19744149

Okra is both a green veggie and a thickener which makes it incredibly unique for cooking.

>> No.19744160

I think it’s pointless unless you’re a southern grandma who’s planning on frying it up

>> No.19744187

>boil for 10 mins
>let drain
>toss in cornmeal and salt
>shallow fry

>> No.19744202

the slime is the point.

>> No.19744204

actually, it's botanically a fruit

>> No.19744226 [DELETED] 

Yeah, so are tomatoes, peppers and olives..
There goes the whole"Fruit DOESN'T BELONG on pizza!! REEEEEEE!!" argument.

>> No.19744234

Gee thanks mr. autist.

>> No.19744251

Olives are both botanically and culinarily a fruit

>> No.19744253

Skull issue

>> No.19744256

I've had okra sabzi it was breddy gud

>> No.19744310 [DELETED] 
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Am aware.
I also like pineapple on pizza.
*(which is really a Multiple fruit)
Funny thing- Pineapples aren't even from Hawaii, they were introduced by the Spanish from South America and are usually pollinated by hummingbirds.
Whatever...I like ALL kinds of pizza, the only one I would NEVER EVER try again is pineapple and anchovy, and I liked Anchovy and pepperoni pizzas since I was 11.
Seriously. Don't even try it on a bet. It was the first time in my life I threw out almost a whole pizza.

>> No.19744388

actually, peppers are botanically known as berries

>> No.19744399

Fried okree is divine. It's an essential part of brunswick stew, and I put it in some cajun soups and stews, too. I even had Okree & maters at my wedding - classic southern side. Okree is delicious. I need to get it again sometime soon, all the yankees and mexicans moving here mean stores don't even stock it any more.

>> No.19744411

Taste the peaness

>> No.19744443 [DELETED] 

Still a fruit.

>> No.19744956

some of us like our peas slimy, you fucking donkey

>> No.19745794

Put it in stew as a thickener rather than a roux

>> No.19745861

I like okra in stir fry

>> No.19746710

why do people use thickeners instead of just reducing the soup?

>> No.19746743


>> No.19746822

this. indians fry it and serve with naan or add it to a 'soup' that's eaten with rice.

>> No.19747017

1: if you try to reduce a cream based soup you're just gonna curdle it.
2: if you're using bone stock/broth as a base long boiling times will destroy most of the collagen and protein that you extracted from the bones in the first place.
3: long cooking times muddles flavors and makes more delicate ingredients like herbs get lost in the sauce so to speak.

>> No.19747061

Pickled okraa is the shit dawg

>> No.19747147


>> No.19747594

yankee detected

>> No.19747717

Coat and fry it, mix it with canned tomatoes and eat over rice, put in gumbo

>> No.19747728

sweet and salty, what's not to like yah pussy?

>> No.19747814
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>> No.19747882

Meds schizo

>> No.19749173

if you cram it violently enough it will eventually be self lubricating then?

>> No.19749225

My cock is botanically in your mom

>> No.19749232

don't care what poos do with it, southerners are the only ones that know how to cook it.

>> No.19749379

Does it really taste like peas? I never had okra before.

>> No.19749396

No it doesn't really taste like peas. Fried okra is kind of like green beans, spinach, or fried green maters (I know it's a wide net I'm casting but it's pretty unique) while when in stew or soup it's more like nopal (...if that helps at all) or again, tomatoes. Sort of.

>> No.19750354

it tastes like a unripe green vegetables

>> No.19750427

>so, what's the point?

it grows when the weather is super fucking hot and everything else is dead.

>> No.19752121

Try bamia stew, it's great.

>> No.19752630

Okra is really the best, it had its cons though.
Cons - sliminess, some can be too tough to eat. That's all.

Great ways to enjoy them,
Breaded and fried - cheap and easy, Walmart sells them breaded frozen for less than 2 bux. Then just dunk them in hot oil
Bhindi masala if you like Indian food.
And one that i had never seen done before but decided to do it myself is, just skewer them together, spray with oil and grill them. The easiest and best, kills the goo too.

>> No.19752827
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>> No.19752911
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>can reduce cream to about at least 1/2 of original volume with no I’ll effects
>what is Demi glacé
Are you literally retarded? Demi glacé is heavily reduced bone broth. It is firmer than jello when you cook it. Kill yourself

>> No.19752923

Not everyone speaks French or is a French chef, chill your frog limbs before they get boiled on the wok.

>> No.19752925

You don’t cook down delicate flavors in any circumstance. You finish with them. Holy fuck I am so mad people like you are allowed to post like you do

>> No.19752939

What exactly do you think ramen broth is, dumbass?

>> No.19752966

The kind of person asking about the reasons to use a thickener in soup/sauce/stew is mutually exclusive to the type that has the culinary skills to reduce cream without curdling or make a non-traditional demi-glace without espagnole (which is made with roux). Basic tips like this are rules for the amateur and rules are meant to be broken by professionals :).

>> No.19752981

i had grilled okra. multiple times. it's ok.

>> No.19752994

Demi-glace doesn't have an accent on the [e] Mr. Smarty-pants. I'm so glad people like you are allowed to post like you do.

>> No.19753092

Fruits and vegetables are not mutually exclusive categories you fucking imbecile

>> No.19753152

Everything you said is PATENTLY false under all circumstances. Reduction absolutely does not destroy gelatin, that’s the most egregious of all your lies.

>> No.19753199

name one fruitveggie

>> No.19753227

idiot, they're called fruitables

>> No.19753262

I said collagen and protein not gelatin. If you want to continue getting ass-blasted over things that you imagined I said then be my guest schizo-kun. I hope your life gets better soon.

>> No.19753275

Are you autistic? Vegetable is a culinary term whereas fruit is a botanical term. There are no "vegetables" in botany - only in cooking

>> No.19753328

They've started selling these again at my local grocer. Aside from snacking on them and making ridiculous burgers/hotdogs, is there any recipes that uses them.

inb4 salad

>> No.19753444

I had this curry in Japan that had roasted tomatoes and okra. Was really fucking good.
Otherwise I’ve had it in gumbo but not really a fan.

>> No.19753446

don't you mean vegruits?

>> No.19753564

I mince them into my relish

>> No.19753666

Collagen breaks down into gelatin. When you heat bones, the collagen is extracted into the water and becomes gelatin. You don’t know your ass from a fuckin hole in the ground, bud.

>> No.19754216

my wife is making fried okra wrapped in bacon with creamed corn. We live in Arkansas (but we're not from the South)

>> No.19754269
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I bet she grows the SHIT out of it. I had relatives there and they farmed nothing but stuff like peppers, okra, and maize.

>> No.19754288

>if you batter, deep fry, salt and pepper it, it's good
no shit
but nobody likes okra or onions or potatoes

>> No.19754313

nah i had battered deep fried okra in a curry house recently, it was great

>> No.19754561

This, okra is made to be fried or cooked into gumbo

>> No.19754607

It is easier to make a demi-glace without the espangole, and I don't think that anyone in the last 20 years has made the ancient Escoffier style over the modern 'heavily reduced beef stock' style, out of choice.

>> No.19754617

I see you are a man of culture

>> No.19755527

who doesn't like onions?

>> No.19755538

tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, peppers etc etc
many such cases

>> No.19755686

>never having fried before

>> No.19755762

You don't eat okra raw.

>> No.19755979
File: 13 KB, 400x400, large_b0b6bd13-6a71-4b21-898f-7a8aa0637cb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your ass to Sprouts and buy okra chips IMMEDIATELY

>> No.19755993

>the sliminess is the point
It's also delicious. People tend to like foods that are delicious.
Try making a gumbo without roux, file, or okra. You can reduce it all day and it's never going to get to the right consistency unless you started with stock that was already 50% gelatin. "Thick" doesn't refer to the ratio of liquid to solid ingredients, btw. It refers to the consistency of the liquid itself.

>> No.19756014

>be me
>stocking up for impending hurricane
>swing by frozen foods section
>only two items remain
>Lima beans and okra
>tfw my disdain for both is shared by the public at large

Okra is like kale, people only say they like it to be nice

>> No.19756035

For me, it's chopping them up and stir frying. Very tasty.

>> No.19756529
File: 83 KB, 735x1102, easy-fresh-fried-okra-recipe-for-lunch-dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this. Also seems like not many people that had okra have had fried WITH NO BREADING. The oil contacts the surface of the okra and shrinks them up like voodoo heads into this concentrated crispy side instead of crispy outside/soft inside texture you get with more common breaded recipes.

>> No.19757003

Put okra in a bowl, pour a little olive oil on top, salt + pepper or what ever seasoning you want. Toss them around so everything is good and covered. Put in air fryer for 8-10 min pull the basket and shake them around real good and air fry for another 8 min. Once you get it figured out it's bretty gud.

>> No.19757008

you fry it

>> No.19757072

>frying with olive oil
enjoy your aids

>> No.19757092
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>i'm extra virgin
>therefore all olive oil is extra virgin
Classic projection.

>> No.19757152

no other olive oil exists, the rest is vegetable oil

>> No.19757161

>the rest is vegetable oil
As opposed to fruit? Of course the extra virgin is also a fruit. The projection is unreal.

>> No.19757175

quit sperging, any olive oil that isn't EVOO is mixed up with other oils. the definition of vegetable oil is mixed plant oils

>> No.19757193
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Sometimes it's amazing how many things anon can get wrong in such a short post.

>> No.19757230
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Cactus is very slimy and similar in taste/texture too, but the last time I was preparing some from fresh picked, I had spines stuck in my fingers for like three weeks afterwards

>> No.19757241

Slice it then boil it and skim off the slime. Then put it in seafood gumbo (not chicken and sausage or land protein gumbo).

>> No.19757255

Breaded and fried okra is like junk food to me. I could eat a bag of that stuff. It's a southern thing.

>> No.19757297

what about aloe vera?

>> No.19757389

The skins are really bitter and the inside is just pure slime/goo, it's not useful as a vegetable

>> No.19758803

>hear about okra on /ck/
>actually stupid enough to eat some
lol we got you good, sucker

>> No.19758816

>it's not useful as a vegetable
You've never eaten aloe? It's a common jello-like thing to put in drinks at boba tea places.

>> No.19759063

Nor are they exclusive to plants!

>> No.19759069

I've had it in various drinks from the Mexican store sure, I'm saying it's not something you can just use in salad or stir fry etc

>> No.19759075

Other board's obsession with AI-generated content has made me paranoid of any square images

Anyways, if you're going to eat okra, you might as well go full slime and just eat natto like a sick fuck. At least people will properly shun you for that.

>> No.19759087

natto tastes nasty though. okra just tastes like an unripe vegetable

>> No.19759088

>if you're going to eat a grapefruit you might as well just eat a pumpkin
>i mean, if you're going to eat something orange you might as well go big!

>> No.19759097

Okra is great, you guys just don't know how to cook it. Heat and acid will kill the slime.

Here's a cook-a-long I did earlier this year where I made bhindi masala (bhindi means okra, masala means spice).

>> No.19759100

The point is that okra is not particularly pleasant to eat, in terms of either texture or flavor. It is, as the newborns say, mid. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that you are not eating it for the slime factor, in which case you should go big or go home. Natto is also good for you, at least that's what I tell myself when polite company asks to move to another table when I order it in public.

>> No.19759113

I've made American style stewed okra too and didn't had issues with slime.

>> No.19759127
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When's the last time you saw someone eat a grapefruit? Lot's of people don't think they're very good, so if you are eating one the only logical conclusion (lol) is that you're eating it for the color. And if that's the case, you should go big and go home. Imagine ordering an entire pumpkin at a restaurant and eating it with a grapefruit spoon! Polite company will ask to move to another table (when they catch a whiff of you).

>> No.19759139

They move because I'm intentionally odormaxxing with garlic and onion, not because of the pumpkin. That's for the protein.

>> No.19759272
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It's really good fried high heat Indian style, not slimy at all and just a crisp, slightly charred cruciferous flavour like roasted broccoli.

>> No.19759391

I only like it in gumbo

>> No.19760232

I've had fried and stand by my statement.

>> No.19760530

It was a cheap, local southern veggy. Yeah, it's slimy, but it's pretty good. I THINK it's also a natural "thickener" for gumbos.

>> No.19761309

They like to combine okra, natto, and mountain yam in Japan because of their sliminess.

>> No.19761319

based slime enjoyers

>> No.19761348
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>> No.19761800

Am I the only one who finds it very strange that an English speaker who's been alive 18+ years (kek) discovered the 4chan food board before ever encountering okra in their entire life?

>> No.19761876

i've never even seen it for sale

>> No.19761879

air fryer 400 degrees 10 minutes for crispy okra

>> No.19762039

it's a southern thing. no one in the north knows about peanut cola either

>> No.19763795

>it's a southern thing
Yeah, it's more associated with Southern food than anything else in the US, but okra is sold in every grocery store in the country. I grew up in Hawaii and we had fresh okra in the grocery store in the 90's. Southern food is not some big mystery. Virtually everything "Southern" is available everywhere; it's just not as common. The rest of the country doesn't drink peanut cola, but we all know it's a thing. We also rarely eat grits, but everyone knows what it is and has at least tried it a few times.

>> No.19763802

I don't see how you can get any more southern than Hawaii in the USA. It literally is further south than any other state.
I mean, they even eat SPAM in Hawaii.

>> No.19763825

We always ate our chili with rice when I was growing up, and I just assumed it was because Hawaii. Everyone in Hawaii does eat chili with rice, but it wasn't until years later that I found out we ate it that way at home because my dad grew up in Louisiana and that's literally the only other place in the country where that's the norm.

>> No.19763828

And Spam is from Minnesota - though people in Minnesota don't really eat it.

>> No.19763851

The Legend of Anon: Okra of Slime

>> No.19763904

those are all just berries that natural evolution or humans selectively bred to be massive

>> No.19764321

yes, and? berries are fruits.

>> No.19764861

Stupid pseuds always raise this point without understanding that in the culinary lexicon, fruits and veggies are defined differently. Yes we all know that it's not consistent with botanical classification but its a system that works. It's always the toddlers who don't even cook that interject with this "ackshually" bullshit. Go back to Rally's.

>> No.19764866

Okra should not be larger than about half your finger length for ideal consumption.
Also you should cut off the tough parts around the stem (not a cut through like a carrot, peel it kind of)

>> No.19764928


This recipe seems really good

>> No.19764963

Bhindi masala goes great with peanuts

>> No.19766825


My mother can cook it without slime, I have been unable to conquer it. Thank you for the thread.

>> No.19767646


>> No.19767650

Do you mean they used okra/bhindi for vegetable pakora? I've done the same. But not as good with shitty chickpea flour as the breading.

>> No.19767652

Cruciferous is not a flavor.

>> No.19767678

Okra gives my female toddler an extremely itchy vulva.

>> No.19767878
