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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 612x612, a-woman-wearing-sari-cooking-in-a-kitchen-using-gas-stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19742548 No.19742548 [Reply] [Original]

>wife decides to make shepherds pie for dinner
>literally every cooking utensil, dish, a strainer is used
>have to run 2 full loads through the dishwasher to clean it all
It's nice to come home to a meal, but this is insanity. Managed to use every measuring cup, ALL the strainers, multiple pans... for a 2 person dinner that could easily use like one skillet,a bowl for mashed potatoes, and an oven dish for finishing.
This is madness.
Do women copy what they see on those competition cooking shows? They know that's dramatized right? Cooking doesn't have to be fucking pedal to the metal.

>> No.19742550

Tasted good. We are American so don't hurt me too bad if you are Bri'ish or something.

>> No.19742555
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20230926_155845223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.19742556

Women like intricate dishes. Doesn't mean they can pull em off but meals that only contain a couple of ingredients don't register in their mind. That's been my experience dating them anyway. When they age that need usually dwindles down .

>> No.19742557

women have poor forward-planning capacity which is why they always date assholes instead of nice guys like me

>> No.19742560

I use my dishwasher for storage because I'm not a lazy fucking slob. I wash what I use while I'm cooking.

>> No.19742564

Happens when u make something for the first time. But the bigger concern is, why didnt she instinctively clean during down time.

>> No.19742570

I've noticed this too. Damnest thing.

>> No.19742586

>implying women are intelligent

>> No.19742590

You know the dishwasher is more efficient than hand washing right?
Not only am I saving money, I'm also free to do other things while the dishes wash.
Only blacks and Asians use their dishwasher for storage. Asians do it because they misunderstand the inputs involved in dishwashing. Ironically they are supposed to be better at mathematics.
>muh laziness
You are using a computer. That's probably the laziest thing you could do.

>> No.19742592

Funny how my mom has the same complaint with me and my father. I guess all families are different

>> No.19742603

i use my dishwasher for sex

>> No.19742620

Stop being lazy and wash the the large stuff by hand.
We only use the dishwasher for mugs, glasses, plates, small bowls, cutlery and it usually only runs once a week (2 person household)

>> No.19742633

Get an ethnic model. Mine is IndoCaribbean and doesn't do that shit, but that's mostly because excluding rice or roti, everything is just one pot shit + leftovers (roast fish and leftover oil down, for example).
I make more of a mess because I cook multi course meals (roast chicken, sauteed spinach, butter braised carrots and mash with gravy, for example).

>> No.19742636

I use the copious amount of cabinets I have in my kitchen for storage and my dishwasher for dishes because I'm not a shoebox dwelling poor.

>> No.19742639
File: 172 KB, 905x800, spank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am an Ameritard, but wouldn't it be "RESULT"
(you aren't wrong, I just hear Bongs say that more often than they do "Outcome")
Also, you are in the top 90 percentile if you have a wife that also scratch cooks for you--Don't be too hard on her for using every utensil in the house, women are just natural consoooomers.
Some weekend you should cook with her and teach her CAYG, and if she doesn't turn her over your knee for a spanking.

>> No.19742642

>dishwasher is more efficient than hand washing
That's a blatant boomer generalization and depends entirely on your water heating method and local electricity prices

>> No.19742655

It was madness when she would cook for me when we were in college. few years later she would have cookware cleaned by the time food was done and I wash the dishes we eat off of afterwards.

Mash to meat ratio is tweakin

>> No.19742666

NTA, and while I'm not advocating using your dishwasher as storage, I handwash because I don't want consoomer chems all over the things I eat and drink from.
If you wanted to go the same route with a dishwasher, you can fill the cup halfway with baking soda and use ONE DROP of a good, non-scented detergent.
I just can't understand how people willingly add all manner of fragrances and "Softeners" to their Air, clothes, and dishes.
It's like people WANT CANCER.
>Clothes smell like artificail flowers and chemical dust
>dishes always have a slight film of "SCENT"; Water glasses ALWAYS have a slight foaming if filled with non-aerated water
>Plug-in CANCER oil that the chemists won't even use at their own homes.
Oh well...Good for the economy I guess.

>> No.19742671

everything written here is pathetically dumb