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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 264 KB, 1188x203, cico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19742357 No.19742357 [Reply] [Original]

The guy ate McDonalds for 100 days and still lost weight,

CICO proven right again lmao

youtube grifters, ketolards and other low iq retards on suciide watch lmao


>> No.19742364

Anyone with half a brain knows CICO works. It's the fatties that can't help but eat 3000 kcal in a sitting that have convinced themselves otherwise.

>> No.19742368

but what's even more interesting is all his health markers improved despite eating only fast food and very little veggies/micronutrients in general

>> No.19742394

bein fat is the worst thing you can do to your body

>> No.19742410
File: 501 KB, 480x625, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CICO must sound like some real genius shit if you're the average fastfood addicted american slob otherwise why are smoothbrains always so obnoxiously belligerent about it, it's like you finally found a "scientific" justification for making loud gagging noises at the sight of a vegetable and are beside yourselves with smug fatty joy

>> No.19742417

Fast food isn't the genetically engineered monstrosity it's made out to be. You've just bought into the organic food conspiracy

>> No.19742460
File: 2.79 MB, 3810x2084, 20230818_171957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would. Fat chicks like that have the absolute wettest pussy ever, sounds like you're pulling rainboots out the mud

>> No.19742462

if you're trying to make me gay, it worked

>> No.19742515

Depends on what fast food you're eating, if you're just eating nuggs and fries then yeah you're gonna die of scurvy or some shit but if you mix it up a little bit you're good

>> No.19742524

The issue is you don't know your calories out. Obviously eating less will make you lose weight, but don't act like the human body is understood in any real depth.

>> No.19742525

Your body is capable of synthesising most of the things it needs from other things. Whether this is an effective way of using extra energy is a question I don't know the answer to.

>> No.19742534

Shill thread is a shill thread

>> No.19742664

Weight loss improves health markers regardless of diet

>> No.19742722

I still don't understand how this subhumans could hate everything green so much
literal overgrown children basing their existence off cartoon clips

give the piggies a medley sauted in a bit of butter and olive oil with garlic and shallots

>> No.19742745

Understanding CICO gives you more reason to eat vegetables, not less. You can eat a massive volume of vegetables while still staying within a small calorie budget, which makes it easier to stick to a diet.

>> No.19742749

>wettest pussy
I don't want to think about grilled cheese during sex.

>> No.19742788
File: 1.17 MB, 850x599, summary-of-metabolic-pathways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't act like the human body is understood in any real depth
Oh yeah, it's not as if it's the single most extensively studied thing in the universe or anything like that. Just a black box of mystery and magic.

>> No.19742793

Don't supermodels literally binge smoke cigarettes and stay healthy?

>> No.19742799

>fat Carson Daly saying "there's no way that could work"

>> No.19742813

Only a man can do this diet though. I'm a 5ft female, I would have to cut 1 mcdonald's meal into 3 and skip the soda to lose weight like this.

>> No.19742814

Despite that you could say we dont really understand it deeply. We barely even understand a hydrogen atom which is one of the simplest things in the universe. Dorm room stoner talk aside I agree that cico is both true in the pedantic sense and an effective starting framework for understanding nutrition and controlling one's weight.

>> No.19742817

isn't cico based on thermodynamics?

>> No.19742820

Yes. But you excrete some calories and your body temperature can be altered by changes in diet etc etc so people say it's bunk. But its true in the pedantic sense.

>> No.19742830

Losing weight with fast food turns you into a pedo

>> No.19742877

Well, kind of. Food consumption isn’t like a bomb calorimeter. The calorie uptake can change significantly based on the state of the GI system. However don’t take this as me supporting obscurantist ‘fat activists’, all well-conducted studies unequivocally show that the group of people who gain the most calories from their food are actually on average thin people.

>> No.19742882

Who denies calories in, calories out other than fatties?

>> No.19742886

That wetness is probably from a yeast infection

>> No.19742912

>We barely even understand a hydrogen atom which is one of the simplest things in the universe.
I can get into stoner talk but man, here's a whole-ass chapter on the mechanics of a hydrogen atom: https://faculty.washington.edu/seattle/physics227/reading/reading-26-27.pdf
I feel like this is getting into the philosophical semantics of "understanding". When we have complete description of a hydrogen atom and how it will evolve in a given system, if the issue is that we still don't have an answer as to what's underlying _that_, then you can ask that question forever and it's impossible to ever "actually understand" something.

>> No.19742921

>Food consumption isn’t like a bomb calorimeter.
The angry ghost of Wilbur Olin Atwater is going to swooce through your wall tonight, seal you in an air tight chamber and force feed you a variety of early to mid century diets while measuring your shits until you repent for repeating this.

>> No.19742929

This is like saying you understand gravity because you saw something fall

>> No.19742965

Precisely what sort of understanding are you expecting? A sign at the bottom of the universe that says "I did it for the lulz"?

>> No.19743511

CICO is not a diet. It's a biological principle that works in tandem with all diets. You people that keep acting like it's either CICO or (insert diet here) are complete idiots that clearly don't even know how a calorie works.

>> No.19743514

>Fat chicks like that have the absolute wettest pussy ever,
That's sweat, anon. What's wrong with you?

>> No.19743558

Tangent time. What i meant specifically by that is, add 1 extra electron or 1 extra proton somewhere and suddenly now the schrodinger equation cannot be solved analytically. You have to use a computer to get a numerical solution. Try to simulate the behavior of anything meaningful, like a couple molecular bonds, now it's wayyy too computationally intensive for current supercomputers and you have to introduce major approximations. And even if the computer gave an accurate answer, humans would still be lucky to find some generalizable insight from it. Now think about trying to understand something like atp synthesis at the most fundamental level...

>> No.19743572

The point is that people that are using meme diets are fooling themselves with pointless complications and superstitions when all they have to do is count calories. As you said CICO is not a diet, that's why it makes all the specialty diets obsolete and replace it with the simplest diet of all : eat less, move more.

>> No.19743585

We don't even know if the proton's nucleus is well described or not by the quark gluon model

>> No.19743587

damn, the inviolable laws of thermodynamics proven true again?

>> No.19743625

That's true, and to be fair I'm the one that brought up wave integrals, but I don't think the technical constraint denies understanding. We can't enumerate every possible deck of cards but we still understand the properties of poker. We still have the indiscernability of particles and the disproof of hidden variables, there's nowhere for ATP synthesis to hide an ace.
What do you mean?

>> No.19743774

>The guy ate McDonalds for 100 days and still lost weight,
this is some miracle to you? wtf
you shouldn't visit 4channel if you're below 18 years of age

>> No.19743783

She could stand to lose most of her weight. Or sit, I don't know if her knees could stand it.

>> No.19743797

The path integrals are so stupid complicated for the proton nucleus that people just use a basic approximation that apparently fails to describe excited states of it. I think there was actually about it on Quanta a few month ago, where they interviewed the team that did the experiments that showed how the excited nucleus had statistically significantly different mass and other properties than what the approximate model predicted.

>> No.19743866

Wait, this? https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.108.014507
We're way off in the weeds now but holy shit I missed that.

>> No.19743891

Not sure, those seem like latice QCD numerical simulations, whereas I think the other thing was a laboratorial result. But I only read the first and last sentence of that abstract

>> No.19743924

>CICO proven right again lmao
Anyone who ever said otherwise was dumb. That said there are legitimately other factors that can affect ease of weight loss. However anyone who claims you cant lose weigh by cutting calories is wrong.

>The issue is you don't know your calories out.
Not a real problem, If you are not losing weight (and you intend to) then you just need to cut back until your are. You will probably need to keep checking your weight and readjusting your diet. The morbidly obese will probably need to cut their diet back repeatedly if they are going to get all the way to a healthy weight.

>> No.19744162

The issue is you don't know your calories out
You can calculate your calories in extremely accurately and you can get your TDEE extremely accurate too. The discrepency between CICO can be so small that it is negligible in real life and averages out on a long enough timeline.
>but don't act like the human body is understood in any real depth.
This is not an argument and anyone who ever says this is retarded

>> No.19745105

He probably could've lost more weight on an equal amount of calories that isn't poisoning you as you eat it.

>> No.19745125

If you're fat enough that counting calories is a real issue for you, you should simply underestimate your activity levels unless you've done some actual vigorous cardiovascular exercise like running or cycling. Fatties try to give themselves a free pass to eat a burger because they "estimate" that they walked 8km in their office job. Just underestimate your daily steps and the intensity that you do exercise and you'll lose weight.

>> No.19745293
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a serious issue.

>> No.19745606

What exactly is CICO?

>> No.19745768

It's just the statement that if you burn more calories than you take in you'll lose weight.

>> No.19747054

I think CICO can work for people trying to achieve fat loss, but for normal people there's no reason to. It's easy as fuck to not gain weight and remain healthy without measuring a single thing.

>> No.19747067

Also CICO isn't a hard science, it's just the most widely accepted tool. For example, water has no calories but has the largest effect on your weight and can rapidly change it.

>> No.19747075

It's a diet fad for gymbros. They think that the human body is a simple thermodynamic system, like an automobile, for example. Gas goes in, kinetic energy and exhaust comes out. Food goes in, fat goes in. Less food goes in, fat goes out. It has the appearance of science, while having zero predictive power. In other words, it's pseudoscience.

>> No.19747077 [DELETED] 

Gross. Don't post that shit when I'm eating.

>> No.19747088

Cock In Cock Out

>> No.19747299

Pedal goes down, speed goes up.

>> No.19747617
File: 149 KB, 1635x854, Ketoschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19748466
File: 252 KB, 1434x1074, 1687799643668453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ketotards think that the human body is a magical vessel that transcends the laws of thermodynamics
fucking kek

>> No.19748518

I think the main point of a ketosis is that a non carb based source of calories changes the process of metabolism and the hormones regulating blood sugar, satiation.

>> No.19748540


CICO is correct. However, the thermodynamics of human metabolism are slightly more complex than apps like MyFitnessPal imply with their food intake - calories burned buttons. Doubly-labeled water studies have shown that increasing exercise does not linearly increase TDEE, because the body adapts to increased exercise by reducing NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). So people think they can eat 200 more kcals a day because they're doing more cardio or whatever, when really over the medium and long term their TDEE actually won't be that different from a low-exercise TDEE at the same weight and body composition. Ofc if you put on muscle that will increase your TDEE over time, but again not in the simple arithmetical way CICO calculators online etc imply.

>> No.19748560

how did a discussion about CICO turn into keto? you guys are schizo. guy said nothing about keto

>> No.19749268

So? It doesnt change cico

>> No.19749485
File: 1.70 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20221202_171148928~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost 100 lbs.
CICO is absolutely the basis for a good diet, but not really "enough".

The biggest issue is that, for weight loss, how you feel is vital. If you eat junk food, you are gonna feel hungry and shitty.
There's also the issue of "calories out".

A meal high in refined carbs and low in protein will take less energy for your body to digest. So by eating stuff like vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, eggs, etc you actually burn MORE calories digesting the food.

Finally there is the issue of what mass you are losing. Starving yourself on empty calories and not exercising is liable to lead to some significant muscle loss. And there's nothng "fit" about being a low weight and still fat.

>> No.19749501

You end doing both on keto because it's boring AF
t.did keto to fix a gut flora problem not to lose weight but I did lose weight and had to regain it afterward

>> No.19749902

>goyslop media parroting chinkslop propaganda all in solidarity for globalist corporiations to reinforce the demon of babylon's talking points.

he drank water instead of soda. calories in, calories out is a meme. It's the hfcs and other sweeteners that fuck your metabolism and force your body to store fat. The fuck is throwing rhymes at you because they think you are stupid like a child.

>> No.19749910

Um curious. Know I could just Google it but can anyone give me a quick rundown and a few tips for CICO? Foid looking for weight loss tips

>> No.19749914

Also, is this supposed to be like a “Look, VShred is right,” moment? I thought he was a grifter as well?
P.S. I should’ve mentioned I’m looking for MAJOR BUT RELIABLE AND LONG TERM weight loss

>> No.19749921

I'm glad to see she made a full recovery.

>> No.19749950


>> No.19750057

Don't need it to be very precise desu, especially just for simple, no rush weight loss.

>> No.19750063

That one keto anon on /fit/ and /fat/ general. Or he used to, not sure if he fucked off or not.

>> No.19750169

>Fat chicks like that have the absolute wettest pussy ever
it's because they can't clean themselves very well.

>> No.19750468

You're referring to the ketoschizo

>> No.19750487

Who ever said CICO didn't work? It's just consuming fewer calories than you burn. That's literally every diet that works.

>> No.19750967


>> No.19751006

god I want to rub her bloated belly while fucking her raw from behind

>> No.19751014

that just sounds like the /fit/ slogan

>> No.19751505

Ok? Nothing I said is wrong

>> No.19751584
File: 37 KB, 480x474, 1676078319483811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat retards think they defy the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.19751597

Define healthy.

>> No.19751704

People get super mad that a four word rule of thumb doesn't account for every possible metabolic and nutritional issue.

>> No.19751822

Water only impacts your weight for a span of ~3 days max. It impacts your weight in the sense that there's more water inside you after drinking but before peeing. It doesn't result in any amount of fat.

>> No.19751908

>Water only impacts your weight for a span of ~3 days max
Do you think that by drinking a glass of water you now weigh 1 pound more for 3 days

>> No.19752014

Probably talking about "water weight" from glycogen. I feel thats a misleading term for this here reason.

>> No.19752025

Probably not because it still doesnt make sense in that context

>> No.19752032

sure it works for weight loss but if you're eating like shit you're still going to have heart, blood pressure issues
and IU've known people that eat healthy but still eat way too much so they don't lose weight but they don't have all the typical fat people problems

>> No.19752038

*eat healthily

>> No.19753832

you actually think the average CICO cultist would eat a vegetable unless you put a gun to their head?

>> No.19754218

people get mad because its essentially a corporate cop out.

>no, all the poison we put into food isnt OUR fault, its YOUR fault for eatting too much of it

they created CICO and all the memes around it so they dont have to change their practices or pay what they owe to society for intentionally sabotaging the food supply. Its no different from someone parroting pro-ciggertette talking points.

>see, you can smoke a pack a day and not get cancer! It's just oxygen in, oxygen out. As long as you live an active life style, the smoke wont really hurt you. Take responsibility for yourself, stop blaming others for your problems! With us here on the Today Now Show, Boomer McGoodgoy, the healthist chain smoker you've ever met! Tune in and find out his secret to healthy living with ciggerettes!

>> No.19754299

>So? It doesnt change cico
A ketogenic diet uses fat less efficiently which consumes more potential caloric energy from food and body fat.
It's a bit like making diesel from oil and making it from coal. The energy consumed by the engine is the same but the steps taken to get to diesel uses more energy when using coal as the feed stock.

>> No.19754304

is this even english

>> No.19754307

His statement is not incorrect, little Matthew Shepard.

>> No.19754463

Yeah this has been disproven si

>> No.19754557

It's not that interesting when you think about it because it basically boils down to how what you eat isn't as important as how much you eat. You can eat your BMR in butter or you can eat it in hamburgers and neither one is inherently worse than the other for weight loss aside.

>> No.19754653
File: 115 KB, 1000x432, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CICO is real guys\
who posts shit like this

>> No.19754990

is it "syso" or "kaiko"

>> No.19755022

>short term weight loss proof
you didn't prove shit

>> No.19755031

CICO pretty much equals malnutrition because its practitioners are slop addicts
>dies from carboschizophrenia

>> No.19755060


>> No.19755075

I don't think that's true.

>> No.19755083

Ah yes, Lulu Hunt Peters, famed corporate food propagandist. You're not even wrong about the general point but at least point the finger properly and F- try again with that analogy, that didn't even slightly work dude.

>> No.19755201

nta but it was a perfectly good analogy, 4chan doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of analogies perhaps due to autism

>> No.19755338

It's really not, it's just inventing shit to cast the aspersions they want to cast on CICO but madlibbing it to a different industry. Analogies clarify things by referring so something that you can actually extrapolate from.

>> No.19755445

I can't stand people like you. Just because we don't know everything about a subject, doesn't mean we don't know anything. There will always be more to learn, but that doesn't negate the knowledge we have. Stop pretending like you're some kind of intellectual because in reality you're just a dishonest pseud.

>> No.19756281
File: 1.81 MB, 1641x1088, 1665763588963286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CICO is a lie. My body just gets more soft and tubby, the buttery muffin top on my waist continually melting outwards. But I run 5 to 8 miles a week and lift weights twice a week plus only eat 3 meals a day that vary between 400 to 800 calories. So let's say I did 400 breakfast, 800 lunch and dinner. That's a flat 2k in. That's worst case. Worst case I should be at maintenance 2k in 2k out as an adult male. But i just keep getting fatter.

Just kidding, I'm actually getting fat because I also drink 400 to 800 calories of beer and eat 200 to 600 calories of sweets/snacks on top of the above meals. How do I stop drinking bros

>> No.19756361

Oh, MY BAD. corporations PROMOTED a shitty idea to take flack off themselves. thats a HUGE DIFFERENCE between making the idea themselves and simply artifically making it popular/accepted and that HUGE DIFFERENCE must now derail the conversation because you, being the shining bastion of truth and justice, are a stickler for the facts! Information in, information out!

>> No.19756377

That sounds sorta hot

>> No.19756434
File: 741 KB, 720x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The heckin' corporations didn't tell me I'd get fat if I ate 15 BigMacs a day while limiting my exercise to masturbating to drawings of 1400 year old demon lolis and children's section of clothing catalogs. It's not my fault~!

>> No.19756436

just think of drinking as calories and factor it into your daily required kcal. how do you think anorexic women still drink their tequilas and white claws?

>> No.19756712

Yes, describing observable reality instead of an obvious boogeyman generally makes your information better received.

>> No.19756732

Yeah, yeah I know. If you do that, then you'll realize the drinking has to go because reducing the actual food you eat to accommodate for the alcohol calories is a very quick path to serious health problems. There is no room for alcohol in a weight loss diet. I know this, but lack the power to act correctly.

>> No.19757352

Bump to trigger the ketoredditors

>> No.19757461

CICO is correct. It is also correct that CICO is easier to maintain on keto or when fasting.

>> No.19757489
File: 184 KB, 691x574, Laws-of-thermodynamics-Study-Material.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is essentially the first law of thermodynamics. That fat comes from somewhere, it represents energy which itself cannot be created or destroyed. You can use the energy to fuel a system engaging in work. If you're gaining weight, you're consuming excess calories relative to your caloric expenditure. Either do more work or eat less calories.

>> No.19757521

I'm on board with this bump

>> No.19757541

Why would someone eating keto be triggered by CICO?

>> No.19757724

It's just common sense

>> No.19758540

Why do retards think CICO = eat nothing but junk food? CICO is literacy just Newton's laws. Saying CICO is a myth is like saying gravity is a myth. If you want to lose weight (from fat anyway) you need to be in a deficit, but you should still be eating healthy food.

>> No.19759035

because it started getting pushed around the time people started talking about how agro giants fucked up the food supply by putting lines in grade school health classes like "kellogg's frosted flakes are the foundation of the food pyramid"

almost nobody except a few internet kooks ever suggested that calorie counting is irrelevant yet all of a sudden this pivot to "bro literally all that matters is how many calories if you disagree it means you hate gravity!!", it's natural to be suspicious when there's a sudden urgent need to change the subject whenever people ask why it's cheaper to buy a 2 liter bottle of corn syrup than it is to buy a 20 oz bottle of water

as a side note, as anyone who paid attention in science class knows (assuming not home schooled) newton's laws are objectively wrong, so have fun with that one :-)

>> No.19759200

Found the keto redditor

>> No.19759263

I haven't eaten meat in 2 weeks fatty mcfatfuck

>> No.19759648

>They think that the human body is a simple thermodynamic system, like an automobile
The energy consumption of an automobile is not directly related to its output. You could sit in a driveway and rev until the tank is empty, or you could do 70mph on a motorway. The human body is similar in that you can burn energy while doing nothing, or burn energy efficiently.

>> No.19759651

The issue with spewing "muh CICO muhfugga" is it ignores that hormones exist and do important jobs in the human body. Here's an example:

Say we have two identical twins. Exact same body composition, put onto the exact same weightlifting diet with the exact same diet. Everything about their training program is exactly the same, except one is given anabolic steroids.

Why does the one on steroids get bigger? CICO? Their inputs were the same!

>> No.19759666

they would weigh the same one would just have more muscle mass, very amusing how you reddit spacers try to summon every ounce of intellect but end up looking like a dumbfuck

>> No.19759672

>they would weigh the same one would just have more muscle mass
And muscle burns more than fat, no? So the one on steroids would eventually weigh less despite their CICO being the same?

>> No.19759676

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.19759682

I'm trying to show you that you don't know the caloric "output" of the human body by using the example of steroids. Two identical people on the same diet and same training program won't have the same result if one is on steroids. If you disagree you're just fucking wrong and need to re-evaluate your stance.

>> No.19759683

you're the idiot with the misconception that muscle burns more than fat

>> No.19759684

realistically the differences in metabolism/hormones make a marginal difference. it's just a matter of adjusting a couple of hundred calories at most, not an excuse

>> No.19759688

>Why do retards think CICO = eat nothing but junk food? CICO is literacy just Newton's laws. Saying CICO is a myth is like saying gravity is a myth. If you want to lose weight (from fat anyway) you need to be in a deficit, but you should still be eating healthy food.

The point of the video posted was that there is no good or bad food or healthy and healthy food when it comes to fat loss; it's all about portions.

Besides if you ask 5 people what healthy food is you will get 5 different variations. There is definite answer, even in scientific circles, on what 'healthy food' even is.

>> No.19759696

>sure it works for weight loss but if you're eating like shit you're still going to have heart, blood pressure issues
Did you even watch the video you fucking retard?

The whole poitn was that the guy in the video NOT ONLY LOST WIEGHTbut HIS HEALTH MARKERS IMPROVED.

Meaning he has better blood pressure, better working heart etc.

And he ate nothing but McDonalds. Stop categorizing food as good or bad. You heart won't be magically healhier if you eat salad over a burger. Portion and calories are everything. Now fuck off.

>> No.19759700

>the one on steroids gets bigger
>the one on steroids would weigh less
nice one chud

>> No.19759703

>There is no definite answer, even in scientific circles, on what 'healthy food' even is.
at its most basic form, a high nutrient/energy ratio. but overeating anything makes it unhealthy
peanut butter is an essential food fed to starving children in africa

>> No.19759719

>at its most basic form, a high nutrient/energy ratio. but overeating anything makes it unhealthy
again, too vague.

If you ask keto scientist they will tell you that only meat, eggs butter and lard are healthy.

If you ask vegan scientists they will tell you animal products are bad.

Others will tell balanced diet is he best; others mediterranean diet; others paleo diet.

Ray peat sugars + proteins (avoiding PUFA) etc.

What is even more funny is there are good arguments for every of the 'diets' listed here. There is no clear consensus.

>> No.19759744

Self control is like a muscle, you have to use it to make a gain. Set small, achievable self control goals (for example, saying ‘I’m not going to drink for fifteen minutes’ after you get the urge to drink) and keep increasing the times. If you. Additionally realize the times when you typically drink - probably when you are unhappy, stressed, tired, etc. and orient your coping strategies around specific habit changes (‘In situations like these I am often tempted to drink, so I’ll go read a book outside for a while.’) Eventually it will become a habit, you’ll break out of drinking, and will be mentally stronger.

>> No.19759911

Umm did you forget about matabolism retard? I eat half an apple and a can of tuna and I get fat. My body won't let me lose weight.

>> No.19759923

>science doesn't know about my snickers and reeses diet
plebs lol, I eat like a king and lose tons of weight.

>> No.19759981

The fucking irony of that statement

>> No.19760034

Some people have medical conditions and it is almost impossible for them to lose weight even when they eat a healthy diet.

>> No.19760202

Of course it works. I lost 80 pounds while stuffing my face with the most unhealthy shit. Doesnt mean its healthy but it was the only thing that worked for me. I couldn't endure other diets. In the end I think it's always healthier to be at a normal weight.

>> No.19760317

The idea is that you're eating to lose weight as in stop looking fat, and calories are the main measurement in this solution.

>> No.19760322

lol, lmao

>> No.19760341

It actually does lol.. ~6 calories per day to maintain a pound of muscle vs ~2 for fat. (Though thats if youre in a coma and a bigger factor would be that heavier people are going to do more work just walking around regardless of body composition.)

>> No.19760977

>keto scientist
Oxymoron, kek. Keto is the dumbest thing magazine tabloids have thunk up in the last 100 years. Same diet, rebranded, over and over again.
Meanwhile people are going bald from lack of carbs and getting kidney failure from stuffing down lard and bacon.

I will not do the hairloss meme fad tiktok diet. Shalome rabbi.

>> No.19761600

So apparently CICOtards are so brainrotted by their cult that they think the alternative to only eating twinkies and coca cola is to eat nothing but raw meat? No wonder health care spending in america is like the entire GDP of the EU

>> No.19761604

>despite their CICO being the same
Their CO wouldn't be the same then, would it, you retard?

>> No.19761614
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that's exactly why it's a dumb thing to even mention
it's like saying "losing weight is accomplished by burning more fat than you store."
to lose weight, simply reduce the mass on your body
no shit, retard. that doesn't mean people cant discuss various strategies. what benefit is there to stating the obvious?

>> No.19761626

see >>19759684
diets and strategies are a scam. neurotic fucking mutts trying 1000 different fads to take the easy way out. count your calories andor eat balanced, normal fucking food cooked from scratch
since you lack culture and are rootless and will interpret the above as making mayonnaise "salads" , maybe pick up an european recipe book or browse https://cooking.nytimes.com/ which i know is decent

>> No.19761630

impressive. you nailed putting that round block in the round hole.
i'm proud of you, bro

>> No.19761635

>what benefit is there to stating the obvious?
You haven't dealt with people who sincerely think the amount of food they eat isn't the reason they aren't losing weight.
I've literally had people tell me to my face that they eat a normal amount, or even some schpiel about a yogurt and fruit for breakfast and then a dinner with no snacks, but because of the medications they take they absorb more weight from the food, and because of their old age their metabolism is slower so they spend significantly less calories.
The obvious needs to be stated because these people are fucking retarded when it comes to the fundamental laws of the thermodynamics.

>> No.19761647

no I have encountered plenty of people who are full of dumb excuses. like 99.999% of people would fall under the category of being able to lose weight by just consuming less or burning more, or both (realistically by eating less mostly)
they probably do have wacky hormones going on (particularly *from* being a lardass), but they'd correct themselves after a while. it's just hard at first, like quitting any addiction.
but none of them claim to be breaking the rules of thermodynamics, or that anyone else is. they think their bodies are different with regard to calories out, hunger triggers, etc. which is probably true to a degree (due to their own fault), but it's also not permanent

you're right (obviously) about what would work (eat less), but you ruin it by bringing laws of thermodynamics in, because nobody is claiming that the calories are literally disappearing or spontaneously manifesting.

>> No.19761665

people need to hear that, and you don't seem to be entirely on the same page about Calories Out. sounded like you were doing the metabolism hormone cope to justify trying different diets
and that proves it.
>they think their bodies are different with regard to calories out, hunger triggers, etc. which is probably true to a degree (due to their own fault) but it's also not permanent
it literally doesn't make a significant difference. HuNGer TriGgErS is plainly not an excuse. not being able to control their hunger IS why they are a LARDASS. newsflash: hunger is totally normal and they won't die from it. this obsession with snacking is absurd. hunger is great and clears my mind
they just need to cut calories until they start losing weight for fucks sake
side note: this disassociation between oneself and the body is what atheism does to a mf. speaking about "my brain", "my body" in that way is absurd and lessens control over oneself. assumes some sort of "silly goofy stupid process" of "muh body" is working against your will. YOU, your body, your brain is the exact same thing
/unhinged rant over

>> No.19761701

i'm not on a different page about calories out, except in clearly different cases like if someone is on high doses of testosterone or something like that, or rare exceptions

i didn't say it's a good excuse, i said it's harder for an addict at first. quitting drinking is harder for an alcoholic than someone who drinks occasionally. i can also embrace my hunger. i know it's true. it does have a good meditative quality to it.
everything you said there is more convincing and relevant than thermodynamics, that's what i'm saying. because nobody is claiming energy is being created or destroyed

>> No.19761744

ITT: Thin people who never dieted a day in their life are weight loss experts.

>> No.19761867

The benefit is if your iq is below 75, all that complicated stuff sounds like a jewish trick, and “CICO” is reassuringly simple enough for their microbrains to comprehend without getting confused aka angry

>> No.19762281

Retarded ketolard, you type like a redditor

>> No.19763163


>> No.19763242

You will never be a woman

>> No.19763285

CICOtards getting desperate

>> No.19763348
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>CICO is literacy just Newton's laws.
And JUST LIKE THAT, everyone is going to ignore the abject retard.
Do you even KNOW what Newton's 3rd law is?
Hint: If you push something hard enough, it WILL fall over.

>> No.19763363

While this is true, try putting oil in the gas tank, and glycerine in the crankcase...
oil is caloric energy, and glycerine IS alubricant, sooo...
I'd just like to have everyone lower their guns for a moment and reflect on the fact, that right now, ITT is one of the FEW actual old-style 4chins discussions anywhere to be found here...
let that sink in...

>> No.19763370
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BTW..I'm not really arguing against you..
Just refining the argument.
Have another (you)

>> No.19763403
File: 3.01 MB, 640x360, Really...I am dissappoint..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing a McD's advertisement from Good Morning America
Do you even know how viral marketing works?
Did you even look at the documented daily intake of that shill? Do you believe a mass media outlet that ran in lockstep with all the others in order to get you to become a guinea pig for free for an experimental "Treatment" by companies that are well documented to have LIED over and over to the serious detriment of people's health?
Holy shit! this isn't even about Vaxtardation...It's about your credulousness in the face of mountains of evidence that corporations that are given free reign by the "Revered institutions of Health" to decide what is good for us ALWAYS have their bottom line in mind before anything else.

>> No.19763414

how much do you weigh

>> No.19763665

>eat the same amount of calories I did when I was 25
>slowly get fat when I didn't before

Fuck you faggots. There's clearly more going on here. Metabolism slows as you get older.

>> No.19763667

Are you just as athletic/muscular as you were at 25?

>> No.19763677

>Metabolism slows as you get older.
I wonder what the CO in CICO stands for.

>> No.19763715

>work out just as much
>it doesn't matter because I now have to work out significantly more with the same calories in because my metabolism has slowed down

>> No.19763772

>with the same calories in
Have you considered changing that.

>> No.19763800

Unless you're 50+ you have a serious medical condition.
Or much more likely you're lying on the internet.

>> No.19763827

So you agree. You can't just keep doing the exact same CICO your whole life because there are factors outside of it than change how the body handles calories. Thanks for conceding.
>you have a serious medical condition.

>> No.19763854

if you're working out "just as much", you're probably spending less effort and calories on it because your muscles are better

>> No.19763857

>You can't just keep doing the exact same CICO your whole life
Nobody said that both calories in and calories out will independently remain the same forever, retard. The point is that you need to have your calories in match your calories out, no matter what complications occur on either end. "DUDE CICO!!! XD" is a call for you to acknowledge that, if your CO decreases for whatever reason, including "slowing metabolism", your CI will need to be adjusted to compensate. Fatties that don't even engage with the base premise of CICO are the only ones that try to discredit it.

>> No.19763901

Of course it did, thermodynamics is a law after all.

>> No.19764004

>it’s a diet fad for gym bros
No that’s just literally how your body works.

>> No.19764862

CICO reigns supreme.

>> No.19765761

Ketolards getting angry that nobody agrees with them other than their redditor hugbox

>> No.19765804

how much pizza should i be eating?

>> No.19765811
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>every TDEE calculator includes age as one of if not the first factor
>what the fuck you guys didn't warn me about this

>> No.19765832
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>> No.19766941


>> No.19767756

Ketolards deserve death

>> No.19768026

low iq fad diet cultists think everyone else is also a low iq fad diet cultist, imagine my surrprise

>> No.19768635

Super Size Me is still bullshit to this day.
Limiting his steps is ridiculous and he still hasn't released what he ate.

>> No.19768685

Because cicofags know they live a lie so they need to bring drown a better lifestyle so they'll feel better

>> No.19768807
File: 61 KB, 627x680, reddit home of the ketogenic diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19768829

i swear this antiketo fag is the only reason keto ever comes up on /ck/

>> No.19768925

how nice of you to show a picture of me holding up that mirror for you

>> No.19768931

More like an overfilled recovery.

>> No.19768988

Based ESL retard

>> No.19768998

>no u
Peak Ketoschizo intellect

>> No.19771453


>> No.19771638

ok fatso
Just don't choose the mega McBacon and Lard special, exercise and you'll be fine
>but too much sodium
Drink water

>> No.19771676

It's pronounced "chink", I think

>> No.19771736
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Are there really people who argue against CICO on here? I know ketobros can holes in their brain, but god damn. If you happened to a substantial amount of weight on any diet, it was only because you had a calorie deficient, whether or not it was intentional. Are there really full-grown-ass adults in the developed world who drive and vote who need to be told that? Pic unrelated.

>> No.19772127

There is a strong correlation between people who think there is no nuance when it comes to CICO and low IQ people.

>> No.19772170

>pick up an european recipe book
>or browse https://cooking.nytimes.com
lol fag

>> No.19772190


>> No.19772193

This knowledge came to me in a spirit vision

>> No.19772320

There's even greater correlation between people who think their bodies violate the laws of thermodynamics and low IQ individuals

>> No.19772351

i'm an intermittent faster, but it's only a tool to help restrict calories in. I think it's fine to follow whatever diet trend as long as you understand it's just window dressing for CICO.

>> No.19772371

personally i use anabolic androgenic steroids to increase calories out

>> No.19772383

Actually to be honest nobody ever said it was bad so actually you’re being weird and stupid? probably from /pol/
i’ve never been wrong about anything and neither have scientists

>> No.19772387

i can tell you’re mad
but why would you expose yourself so easily?

>> No.19772647

Muh YouTube keto grifter

>> No.19773386

It's perfectly possible for your body to convert very little of the food you ate into energy (making you feel like shit and lethargic) and to convert most of it fat. No laws of thermodynamics broken.

Not a ketotard, and I'm probably thinner than 99% of itt

>> No.19773751
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>sounds like you're pulling rainboots out the mud

As a fatty fucker myself, you've just crushed my appetite for them like a chihuahua under my last fuck.

>> No.19773760

nah CICO totally doesn't work, i'll have you know that i literally eat 63k calories worth of food every single day and i totally still lose weight because rather than a human body i have a magical furnace in my body that just ignores things like calories cause i'm just special and the laws of thermodynamics just don't work on me

>> No.19773783

You could just be shitting all the food out and not absorbing it because of some health problem, in which case the calories in are just much lower than whatever is on the label. If you can't absorb it, you can't count it as a calorie into the system. Same reason keto folks tend to negate insoluble fibers.

>> No.19773793


>> No.19773845

CICO is obviously right, but the problem is that some people just mindlessly say "CICO" when someone asks for dieting advice. That's the end, not the means by which to reach that end. It's kind of like being asked "how can I prepare for this footrace", and answering "you need to be faster than the other runners".

>> No.19773865

>and answering "you need to be faster than the other runners".
No. CICO doesn't compare you to anyone else but yourself based on your own weight, diet and activity. It literally says if you're still fat/gaining weight you need to eat less or burn more calories. If you're skinny/losing weight you should eat more, assuming you're trying to gain weight. It really is that simple. Crying because someone else eats more without being fat as though that invalidates CICO is stupid. Obviously that person is either eating/absorbing less or burning more calories. Are you fat? Do you want to be a normal bodyweight? Then stop making excuses.

>> No.19774004

I love how it makes lards seethe, knowing that Keto is the most popular and effective means of fat weight loss through CICO. It's the "WOW, IT TOOK ALL 5 OF YOU TO BEAT ME" of diet bro-science.

>> No.19774018

Keto makes people point and laugh because they know you're retarded enough to fall for the modern equivalent of the sun beach diet.

>> No.19774126

that guy does not represent all people who eat fast food

>> No.19775407

>No. CICO doesn't compare you to anyone else but yourself based on your own weight, diet and activity.
dog it was a two-second analogy and you're looking too deep into it
it was just an example of someone giving unhelpful advice

>> No.19775419

>CICO is obviously right
What about it is right? The whole point of CICO is that nothing else matters. But you're saying other things matter, so CICO is wrong.

CICO people being wrong doesn't negate the need to account for calories and TDEE, any more than refusing to join the "it's ok to be white" crowd makes it suddenly not ok to be white

CICO is a political meme pushed by agro giants and junk food pushers scared they'll lose their giebs, and has nothing whatsoever to do with actual health or body recomposition