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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19738477 No.19738477 [Reply] [Original]

really strugglin on the diet boys
been slipping up lately, ate a lot of cookies today

>> No.19738481

Just stay fat then you hunk of shit

>> No.19738487

Develop social anxiety so you'll be too scared to come out of your room to eat. That's what works for me.

>> No.19738492

switching to omad then doing some fasts got me out of the snacking habit

>> No.19738496

Right with you bro, I've been trying something that has helped recently. When you cook a meal plan ahead of time how much you are going to eat. Like if you make a big pot of something or cook a chicken. Plan the portion you know you should eat and only put that much on your plate or bowl or whatever. Pack the rest up so you aren't tempted to get more. After that chug as much water as you can right before you start eating. That will help to make your stomach feel full so you aren't tempted to go back for seconds.
Don't give up anon, I know how powerful a drug food is. But we only get one chance at life and being a fatass robs us of most of that life. I never won that battle but maybe you can win it for the both of us.

>> No.19738552

Just start smoking.

>> No.19738994

Same. I supposed to start running and lifting on the 1st september.
I lost a whole month.

>> No.19739006
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Get depressed to the point where food disgusts you.

>> No.19739008

it aint easy, but truth is most of your problems will come from using fuck up as an excuse to binge. so accept you fucked up and move on with your plan. one shit day won't do anything, it's the weeks and months that make you fat.

>> No.19739019
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Read philosophy and cure your moral angst to develop a high time preference lifestyle

>> No.19739173

Okay, he needs to retire now.

>> No.19739415

Been there, use the effect to lose weight and go for runs where the pain never really catches up

>> No.19739422

I need to stop browsing /ck/ while working on my health
I saw >>19735799 last nght and for a brief minute had a debilitating urge to go buy a carton of Chunky Chips Ahoy and cram it down like a fucking animal
Then again, the hummus and vegetarian threads up right now have a lot of useful recipes

>> No.19740083

I started at 240, I've been trying to get under 230 since march
I've made so many lifestyle changes, I'm working out every day, stopped all my sugar consumption except on a special occasion like a slice of birthday cake or something. Don't even use bread anymore I use tortillas now. Seriously I'm cutting calories anywhere I can find them. I'm only at 228
I don't know what the fuck is wrong, I'm barely eating anything
it's almost 4:30 I worked today moving boxes in a warehouse and I've had 440 calories so far. Nothing is working

>> No.19740092

quit the booze

>> No.19740093

Just don't buy junk food. When you get hungry eat an apple. Because of their high fiber content, apples slow-release sugar into your bloodstream throughout the day which reduces hunger.

>> No.19740098

drink metamucil in the morning and only have water until lunch. eat salad or piece of fruit
go for morning walks, walk on your breaks, and again when you get home. eat a healthy dinner. go to bed early

>> No.19740101

I don't drink anything with calories
aside from ice water I drink unsweetend teas for variety like green or earl grey
the caffeine helps as an appetite suppressant too

>> No.19740102

Apple recommendations, top three?

>> No.19740103

if you’re a man, just start lifting weights

>> No.19740109

pink lady

>> No.19740114

I'm pretty sure sugar makes you more hungry, not less. The fiber/fruit meat will help fill you though.

>> No.19740120

my favorite is smitten

>> No.19740131

Cheers. I'll swing by the shop tomorrow. Hopefully they have one of those.

>> No.19740154
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this may sound obvious, but if you exercise restraint at the grocery store you'll be in good shape. i temporarily moved away from my family for work and found i couldn't really be bothered to cook for myself much, and i just buy plain boring stuff at the store so when i get hungry, that's all i have. i wasn't fat before, but heavier than i wanted, and i think i lost almost 10 pounds. also i don't know if you're an alcoholic like me, but booze is a big one. i've started keeping booze in the apartment only on the weekend and beer + wine only

>> No.19740471

What i would look at is, how many "special occasions" do you have a month? And of course it sounds like you track calories otherwise, did you change your counting rules at all. Also there are those low cal tortillas, those seem to work. Also sometimes your body just holds on to water for a couple weeks and then dumps it.

>> No.19741150

>how many "special occasions"
coming up on a lot because everybody has birthdays in september october then halloween with candy everywhere leading into a wedding in november and you know how the winter season goes
it's going to be hard. It already is, I had to decline pumpkin bread 3 times this week

today I had a salmon burger on half a tortilla with some cha
later I had a bag of quest protein chips
I did 2 hours of jiujitsu
now I just had 1/3 lb 99% lean ground chicken made into a patty on top of lettuce with a slice of american cheese melted on top and a squeeze of nandos sauce
I'm about to do leg day which includes squats, lunges, pistol squats, hip thrusts and then a stretch routine
the stretching is going well, I got my elbows to the floor doing a pancake last week for the first time

>> No.19741245

>I exercised real hard and only ate just enough food to keep from falling over
Why would you lie to strangers on the internet? What do you have to gain?

>> No.19741351
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I'm serious, I'm working hard over here

>> No.19742532
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i recently lost 26 kg in a really short amount of time eat ALOT of protein atleast that helped for me you wont feel as hungry that way and i would also use a kcal calculator i realised i could not estimate kcal at all
i also like to think about where would i like to be in the next month i am gonna have to lose weight sooner or later so why not sooner

>> No.19742539

oh i remembered another thing
plan to fail have healthy shit at home that fills you up aswell as start meal prepping