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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19737224 No.19737224 [Reply] [Original]

What are your customisations?
For me extra onions and extra mustard is always the way.

>> No.19737229

eight pickle slices, no more, no less

>> No.19737235

I avoid being a fat piece of shit by visiting that shit place so my customisations is avoiding mouth breathers like you.

>> No.19737236

No pickles because they are for women

>> No.19737261

I get mine with no onions, no pickle, no mustard, no ketchup, no burger patty, no buns

>> No.19737295

That's the dumbest cope for not liking pickles that I've ever heard.

>> No.19738407

My local used to offer either fresh onions and what they just called 'chopped' onions. There's a real difference. The fresh onions give it aburger king like taste.

>> No.19738718


>> No.19738724

Extra pickles, extra dead nigger baby brains

>> No.19738822

you cant customise food at restaurants
you can only order off of the menu

>> No.19738827

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19738845

Extra onions, extra pickles. Always.

>> No.19738873

I remove the cheese, the beef patty, the ketchup, the mustard and the bun then I add extra pickles and extra onion and then I fucking kill myself

>> No.19738881

The pickle is the most important part for me, without that vinegary note the already plain burger would just taste like nothing

>> No.19738889

I order them plain and dry with two extra patties
lots of salty beef, little bit of pseudobread

>> No.19738891

Sounds based, definitely trying this next time I'm at Mickey D's

>> No.19738905

I like my mcds burgers to be extra raw and double crammed..it gives it that lil bit of joon say qwa, if you catch my drift.

>> No.19738912

If you ask for special modifications or substitutions on a menu item at a restaurant you have no right to complain if they get it wrong.
If you just order it the default way the cook has made a billion times they will just slam it out perfectly without giving it a second thought.

>> No.19738915

you can only strictly order off of the menu
any "i dont want onions" gets met with "sorry no can do" in most countries
dont want a burger with onions
then order one of the fucking burgers that dont have onions

>> No.19738923

>any "i dont want onions" gets met with "sorry no can do" in most countries
What shithole country do you live in? Even fast food places here in America will let you add/change/remove condiments and actual restaurants will ask you what you want on your burger if you're not ordering a specialty one.

>> No.19738960

I use uber eats with the BOGO
2x quarter pounders
2x 10 piece nuggers
2x big mac
drink if i feel like it
ends up saving around 25 dollars
(no tip get fucked wagie)

>> No.19739676

sounds like a skill issue
>t.mcdonalds worker

>> No.19739690

Why do McDs pickles gotta have Polysorbate 80 and Aluminium sulphate added to it ? Also acidity increases aluminium bioavailability (btw Aluminium is linked to Alzheimer's disease). Grocerie stores pickles dont have aluminium or polysorbate 80.

>> No.19739910

just ketchup please!

>> No.19740028
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I always use the mcdonalds that always gets my orders right. There's is one right close, but they can never get the order right so they never get my business, it always goes to the one a bit further away, but tthen hey nearly always get the orders right.

>> No.19740563

extra cheese, depends whats actually in the fridge, sometimes even some fancy french blue cheese

>> No.19740733
File: 1.35 MB, 720x404, hamberder.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've replaced jamal with a touchscreen display and app interface here, you can get whatever you want on your burgers in burgerland now

>> No.19740739

I wish they would replace most of the wagies with robots that would make the burgers, tendies, and fries. Just hire a few humans to stuff the raw ingredients into the robots, and have one or two to order ingredients (or replace them with robots), and you're set.

>> No.19740746

They tried about ten years ago, but I think the robots kept getting the equivalent of paper jams. Automation technology keeps getting better so someone is bound to take another stab at it.

>> No.19740752

My gf hates pickles becasue she says they're disgusting, I just hate them bc they jewish

>> No.19740758

>My gf hates pickles becasue she says they're disgusting, I just hate them bc they jewish
How can pickles be Jewish?
They aren't even sentient.

>> No.19740763

Neither are jews but here we are

>> No.19740769

>McDonald's hamburger
>What are your customisations?
Steamed > toasted bun

>> No.19740796
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extra onions and extra ketchup

>> No.19740818
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Once had a 5 minute argument with Jamal over onions
>I'd like a Big Mac with petal cut onions
>Petal cut onions.
>"Pedal cut?"
>The ones that come on the quarter pounder
>*Quarter pounder shows up on the screen*
>No I wanted a Big Mac
>*Big Mac shows up on the screen with regular onions*
>Could I get it with the petal cut onions?
>"Pedal cut?"
>"I don't know what that is"
>The big quarter pounder onions but I want them on the Big Mac
>"I can't do that"
>Why not?
>drive away
Never give these people anything

>> No.19740830

Are you expecting us to believe this story?
Kek. It's dumb as fuck.

>> No.19740831

I didn't know I had this nostalgia

>> No.19740836

>It's dumb as fuck.
So are fast food workers

>> No.19740843

>So are fast food workers
And you expect them to know what petal cut onions are?
Are you fucking autistic? I hate people like you because you make the world a more unpleasant place for the rest of us.

>> No.19740856 [DELETED] 

>Are you fucking autistic?
No but niggers are retarded

>> No.19741170

>He doesn't prefer petal-cut onions.

>> No.19741176
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Hello fellow oldfag

>> No.19741186

God I hate you. I only feel nostalgia for them because I never had one. A friend of mine at school (I think) had one when I was maybe 6-7?

Apparently some tiny part of my brain is still hung up on that.

>> No.19741189

Absolutely none. It won't taste any better or worse than 'stock,' and it increases the chances of the staff transmitting oral herpes to you by a significant margin. "How it comes, please," everytime.

>> No.19741378

> Are you fucking autistic
The question answers itself really.

>> No.19741417

is that really an option? I've never seen that on the app and I've never thought to ask. USA here

>> No.19741425

I work customer service. I fully believe this happened. The people that do this work do it because they have to,
or are too slow to do anything else.

>> No.19741439

I don't bother because it's too much to expect room temperature IQ (Celsius) morons to understand that "Extra" means "Extra" and not "none".

>> No.19741534

I don't eat at McDonald's because their meat contains human flesh

>> No.19741579

the GOAT mcdonalds burger is the double quarter pounder with cheese but substitute normal onions for reconstituted onions and add another slice of cheese. most places get it wrong and won't give you the reconsituted onions, and you can't even customize it on the ordering kiosk, but when they get it right, it is perfection.

>> No.19741582

mcdouble extra pickle is the goat

>> No.19741586

stupid bitch

>> No.19741626

You're not doing a very good job of it since you voluntarily participated in a thread full of said mouth breathers.

>> No.19741648

When I was still eating mcdookies I would get a mcdouble with extra pickle extra onion extra mustard and sometimes I would add mayo too but by that point it's getting kinda wet.

>> No.19741699

get fucked, faggot

>> No.19741785

pol weenie is triggered by pickles being a side at a kosher deli

>> No.19741865

McDouble extra onion X2 has always been my goto

>> No.19741867

Man, I'm sorry to hear about your mental disability, it's so brave of you to go out there and work, wish more tards on this board had the same initiative as you.

>> No.19741876
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they look like this you stupid gpt shill bot

>> No.19741884
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See, you went about it wrong by saying petal cut over and over again when dealing with the redguard, you have to put your request jovially, in a manner that they understand.

>Ay man, was gud, lemme axe you a question homie, y'know dem onions y'all put on dem double cheeseburger jawns, dem THICC ones knowamsayin? Can I get them shawtys on a big mac, ya heard?

And then you say your thanks and enjoy.

>> No.19741895

>what are your extra customisations
Literally anything they will allow me free of cost, I am a poorfag so getting like 3 hamburgers with extra sauce, onions, tomatoes, mustard, sometimes lettuce is basically takeout. Not bad for £3

>> No.19742003


Mayo and extra onions, take off the mustard and ketchup.

>> No.19742016
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Just a Big Mac for me.
It’s perfect.

>> No.19742028

they mix the blood of gentile children into the burger meat

>> No.19742103
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McDonald's promotes nuclear family in latest ad, and liberals are FURIOUS

>> No.19742281

When my mom got me double cheeseburgers as a teen, I would just wipe off all the shit on the wrapper and eat it dry. I wasn't a little bitch begging the worker to take all the shit off for me and kiss my ass. A fucking hint of pickle and ketchup doesn't rattle me to the core. A lot of you on this board are sissies.

>> No.19742293

Your insecurities are off the charts lmao

>> No.19742320

I stopped buying those when they went from 1$ to just shy of 4$.

>> No.19742321

Regardless you should at least take the hat off the burger to inspect it and make sure everything looks right.

>> No.19743744

Add lettuce and tomato to a mcdouble and it's like getting a QPC deluxe but cheaper.

>> No.19743759

extra onions and pickles

>> No.19743887

They actually call them shlivered onions and it's what they put on the Mc rib

>> No.19743926

Yeah I ask for a Mc chicken "but with the fillet o fish bun

>> No.19743927

no, they do not call them "shlivered onions"

>> No.19745134

So the fillet o fish bun is steamed?

>> No.19745161

big n tasty with only cheese and bacon

>> No.19745186

my McDonald's hasn't added the option to kill self to the menu yet

>> No.19745254

i used to add extra all vegetables to the mcchicken to squeeze more money out of ronald until I realized the shit just tastes better the normal way. now i add extra mayo, preferably on both sides of the breads.

>> No.19746784

No mustard, add bacon. I hate mustard and mayo.

>> No.19746857

Extra cheese, add big mac sauce.

>> No.19747049

Bacon double cheeseburger is already perfect. If I’m going straight home though I’ll ask for no ketchup and use Whataburger spicy ketchup instead

>> No.19747123

I tried this but Big mac sauce really needs sesame bun to work

>> No.19747160

For me it’s
>jamal speaks
>drive away

>> No.19747169

No it isn’t, the patty of the quarter pounder is the whole point, dum dum.

>> No.19747434

McDicks is steamed beef, the same quality as USDA prison patties. Enjoy your cafeteria food.

>> No.19747603

Just extra pickles

>I like pickles
>if forces them to give me a fresh one since it's modified
>the change is small and easy enough not to piss off the wagies to the point they fuck with it

>> No.19747732

2 Double Cheeseburgers (extra pickles) and I dunk the burger into a pile of ketchup like it's a nugget. Pure bliss.

>> No.19747739
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>> No.19748298


>> No.19748802

cheeseburger only onions please
it's a simple addition by subtraction. mustard makes you fat

>> No.19748807

>extra onions
>extra mustard
>extra pickles
>no ketchup
>some salt and pepper
I have no taste.

>> No.19749981

I might actually try this ask anon, it sounds mega interesting.

>> No.19749991

Add Mac sauce, cheese, and maybe bacon and this isn’t a bad idea. All that acid needs some fat to cut through.

>> No.19749999

I never customize because that guarantees semen on it.

>> No.19750041

Hot mustard sauce.

>> No.19750232

>Add Mac sauce

I did this once and the bastards charged me like .33 cents for it. I'm not poor or anything but it just rubbed me the wrong way. Why the fuck am I paying for a dressing. It's not like I ordered a cup of the shit or something. Must be a jewish franchisee owner or something. Has this happened to anyone else?

>> No.19750244

it’s about $.10-$.15 where we are so it’s definitely a franchise thing

>> No.19751066

yeah they think we're trying to get one over on ronald

>> No.19751099

Just standard for me, occasionally I ask for bigmac sauce

>> No.19751107

There is a large markup on that middle bun

>> No.19751648

The absolute state of white masculinity....

>> No.19752801

I order them normally and add more stuff at home
add fresh red onions, its a complete game changer