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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19732406 No.19732406 [Reply] [Original]

If you were offered a free daily pill that gave you all the nutrients/calories you need and made you feel satifyingly full all day, with the caveat that you could never eat anything else ever again, would you take it? The only drink you could have is water.

>> No.19732410

I'm not that busy

>> No.19732411

no, I'd miss Eucharist.

>> No.19732413

No?! Why would anyone? I'd instantly kill myself if this were my life. Food is one of the simple pleasures of life that nobody can take from me.

The first thing I think when I wake up in the morning is: man, finally I'm not full anymore, let's eat something new.

>> No.19732430

Yes. Fuck cooking.

>> No.19732461

>The first thing I think when I wake up in the morning is: man, finally I'm not full anymore, let's eat something new.
Holy fucking fatass!

>> No.19732469

I do this too and I'm 130 pounds but then I hit my vape and I'm not hungry anymore

>> No.19732472


then i'd be completely dependant of
the single entity that makes it which is obviously gonna be jews. I'd be that easy to kill me as to cancel my pill subscription for making a non-PC joke once ten years ago lol. Plus the obvious sad fuck life of someone that can't even enjoy a variety of tasty food

Thats the dream of soylent and other companies that make nutrition replacement. That instead of a vast network of different economic actors involved in the nutrition process they can become just the one

>> No.19732473

>but then I hit my vape
Holy fucking faggot!

>> No.19732481

If it allows me to do anal without ever having to use an enema again, sure. Save time and money on eating, shitting, and prep.

>> No.19732483

I don't like nicotine at all but I am heroin addict level addicted to it. I've thrown all of my vape shit in the garbage before and dug it out of cumrags and toenail clippings when the withdrawal got bad.

>> No.19732487

I quit smoking in January so I know how it feels. Hope you can get that monkey off your back one day Anon

>> No.19732493

I try not to eat honey nut cheerios anymore so i know how you feel man.

>> No.19732494

Damn dude, just don't do it? I quit smoking by not smoking for 10 days. It was hard at first, but I kept telling myself that smoking is pointless and after cigs I get brain fog. So I just didn't and after 10 days didn't want to smoke.

>> No.19732496

Yeah you ever suck a dick for honey nut cheerios? Didn't think so

>> No.19732506

Done similar, I'm on my last one I saved in case I tried to get off them
Now's the time
Looking to you guys, stay strong, I'll be there soon!

>> No.19732517
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Food takes up time, but it doesn’t hurt me like women and other people.

>> No.19732519

What helped me quit is figuring out why I smoke. It mostly was boredom and social thing. Then I had to replace boredom with something, like cooking (that's how I started to cook) and in social setting I don't have to smoke.
That's how I fixed habital addiction, nicotine though, I quit cold turkey, so it was really hard at first and I was even thinking that I shouldn't quit, or "just one last smoke and then I'll quit", but I managed.
Hope this helps and gives some ideas how to quit. Godspeed anon.

>> No.19732520

No but our throats have a similar gross aftertaste, no doubt.

>> No.19732525

Zoomer momment.

We tried to warn you cringelords

Vapers get like 40x the ammount of nicotine than cigarrete smokers. He is probably been doing it since middle school.

>> No.19732558
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>> No.19732563

I would do it if it actually took away the feeling of hunger like a meal does. My cooking mogs 99% of /ck/ in all likelihood, and I've traveled and eaten better than most people could ever imagine. Food is still food to me, I have seen it all.

>> No.19732567
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leave him alone...

>> No.19732569

only if they pay me enough that I could afford to bang escorts every day.
I would have to replace one pleasure with another

>> No.19732580

>40x the ammount of nicotine than cigarrete smokers
Jesus Christ. How it got through regulations?

>> No.19732584

Land of the free and hooome of the braaaave

Vaping companies used to advertise in sites like cartoon network and edutainment portals aimed at infants. Getting kids insanely addicted to nicotine was always the plan. Its such an easy delivery, it has fruity flavors and can be used anytime anywhere but the nicotine content of vape juices is absolutely retarded high so the addiction to it is a whole different playing field than cigarretes.

>> No.19732587

Best part is that they sold it as a way to quit smoking, a healthier alternative to cigarettes. lmao

>> No.19732612

Going against the grain apparently, but I think it would take it. I love food and would miss it deeply for a long time but the cost benefit just outweighs it. Never having to pay for food again would be such financial freedom. If I were wealthy, it would be a different answer, but grocery inflation is out of control and if you're poor and a majority of your income goes to food & rent, relieving one of those would be a huge weight off your shoulder. It would so much easier to save money, raise a family, etc

yes it would suck to give up the pleasure & joy of food. but frankly, we take our modern abundance and the quality of what we eat for granted. The reality is many people only have the means to eat purely for survival, and I'm sure they would gladly take this pill. I think you'd adapt quicker than you think, and can turn to spirituality to cope in the meantime, there are all kinds of faiths that incorporate fasting or asceticism.

but i mean yeah if you can afford food without stress, it would be dumb to take i guess

>> No.19732614

At least no carbon monoxide or tar.

>> No.19732621

No. Who wants to feel full all the time.

>> No.19732662

If you're poor then food is one of the few pleasures you have in life. It only makes sense if you're some dirt-eating African.

> I think you'd adapt quicker than you think, and can turn to spirituality to cope in the meantime, there are all kinds of faiths that incorporate fasting or asceticism.

top kek. You're 15 years old, aren't you?

>> No.19733760

Why the fuck would anyone do that. Eating is literally consider one of life’s greatest pleasures and doesn’t take up that much time. Sleeping is arguably a greater time killer

>> No.19734254

I think I could manage taking the pill if I could still cook food for others.

>> No.19734274

yes, but only if i wouldn't go mad from missing food.
never fat
never deficient in calcium, iron, vitamin d etc (which im at higher risk of)
dont have to cook every day any more
never food poisoning or parasites

i love food but the pros seem worth it

>> No.19734555

Would I give up happiness for time and money? No. My happiness is what I consider important. Time and money are only means to that end.

>> No.19735939

yes. my ideal life is not having to eat, drink, shit, piss, shower, or shave

>> No.19736545

you can never have to shave again for about $500, maybe even cheaper. all the others cant be helped though

>> No.19736554 [DELETED] 

So much time left for making shekelberg money and consooming netflix and videogames. So efficient!

>> No.19736758
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>I'd instantly kill myself
how fucking lardbrained can someone be to KILL THEMSELVES if they go ONE DAY without food?

>> No.19736776
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and /pol/ would have you believe niggers can't be BASED

>> No.19736793
File: 666 KB, 460x818, agile faggot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i love black people now

>> No.19736875

Eucharist isn't food. It's the body and blood of christ, taken as sacrament, not nutrition

>> No.19736924

>If you were offered a free daily pill that gave you all the nutrients/calories you need and made you feel satifyingly full all day, with the caveat that you could never eat anything else ever again, would you take it? The only drink you could have is water.
Yes but then I'd spend all my food money on drugs instead.

>> No.19737330

interesting. never knew it was that cheap.
imagine how much more you could enjoy hiking if you never had to shit again

>> No.19737607

laser hair removal fyi

>> No.19737619

No, eating is the only thing I have left

>> No.19738184
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I don't enjoy eating food unless I'm hungry, so if its satisfying all day long then that's just free food for life. Sure.

>> No.19738225
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When I was in prison they had this thing called "lockup load" and everyone hated it, but I loved it because I'd just eat one a day and then never get hungry. Once I got out I kind of kept it up by just buying bags of frozen vegetables and canned chicken breast, put it into a blender and then put it into ziplock bags and freeze them. Then just thaw in the morning and eat it at night.

It's pretty good way to count you calories too because you put the exact amount of calories that you need for the week in the blender and then divide them into 7 bags.

>> No.19738244

This is the saddest thing I have read all year.

>> No.19738264

hey most prisoners that get out only drink the orange snapple because they dont know about the other flavours and thats something i find sad

>> No.19738307

You would have to be a seriously defective human to take this deal

>> No.19738312

how does he do it?

>> No.19738317

And can you believe that I went to prison simply for brandishing a firearm in public to two guys that I thought were going to rob me? Cool thing is that Prison isn't as bad as everyone says. You just sit around and tell stories.

>> No.19738335

I can believe it because we live in a fucked up world that protects the criminal over the victim. If what you said is true I'm really sorry that happened to you anon. Sounds like you took it in stride, seems like you have a good head on your shoulders. I hope things turn around for you in life.

>> No.19738396

its a fucking biscuit you dumb cunts

>> No.19738870

No, food is a core part of the human lifestyle and key to an innumerable amount of social experiences. Cuisine is second only to language in defining a culture. You'd be sacrificing coffee dates, family dinners, cookouts, birthday cakes, the pleasure of refining your own cooking skills, countless new experiences, all to save a little bit of time and money. I would say it's the most jewish thing I've ever heard of but even jews have a rich and varied culinary tradition due to their religion's dietary restrictions, so in that regard you have managed to outjew the jews. Even Soylent and other meal replacement drinks come in varied flavors.
It'd be like asking /lit/ if they wanted to have the sum total of human knowledge downloaded into their brains in exchange for never being able to have an opinion or form an independent thought again. The whole idea is pretty grim.

>> No.19738975

I would only take it if it would result in optimal health, above the basic RDA percentages. I'm talking maxing out hormones, immune system, antioxidants, so on so forth. But if it did so, yes, I would take it without a second thought.

>> No.19738981

yep, this. the opportunity cost of everything i spend on food just to survive, not to mention the time spent preparing it, is massive. sad that something this basic is starting to feel like an untenable luxury for 99% of people, i've stopped buying herbs/citrus/etc and started cooking simpler meals with fewer ingredients because of how cripping the cost of groceries is nowadays

>> No.19739035

if it would make me lose weight no problem
i love eating but mostly because i'm unhappy and being fat is one of the reasons so being full and healthy and just popping a pill sounds great
i can find other things to enjoy other than eating

>> No.19739223

That would be dumb, the lack of fibers would lead to severe intestinal problems.

>> No.19739757

>ruin your digestive track and instantly die the moment there is some supply chain shortage that removes your ability to get that magic pill

sounds retarded.

>> No.19739805

that doesn’t sound good for the digestive system
also no

>> No.19739819

This is a food board, not a fasting board

>> No.19740433

>your entire life
>one day
can you fucking read nigger?

>> No.19740765

Yes. save $ and time, and probably my teeth a little longer.

>> No.19740797

>If you were offered a free daily pill that gave you all the nutrients/calories you need and made you feel satifyingly full all day, with the caveat that you could never eat anything else ever again, would you take it? The only drink you could have is water.
If there was no long term benefit versus eating regular food, I would have to say no.

>> No.19740820

>with the caveat that you could never eat anything else ever again
my brother in Christ, learn to read

>> No.19740834

Yes. Food gives me digestive issues, costs, takes time to prepare and consume. Food is hell.

>> No.19740857

The problem with going to prison isn't the prison itself but the fact that you'll never be able to get a decent job again for the rest of your life. May as well just kill yourself at that point because you'll be poor forever.

>> No.19741266

You could butt chug the wine at least.