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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 940x940, Coors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19727553 No.19727553 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite session beer to enjoy a 12pk of in the 5% to 5.9% abv range?

I find that 4% beers aren’t worth the time or money, it takes all 12 beers just to get a mild head buzz, and when I get into the 6% range with a 12pk I run the risk of ruining the next day.

>> No.19727560

You posted it. I like Yuengling as well but Coors is less heavy and I like it more overall.

>> No.19727564

Cobra Kai made this look pretty tasty. Also made fried bologna look pretty good too.

>> No.19727579

I've never seen Cobra Kai, but fried bologna sandwiches are absolutely based.

>> No.19727644

What an oddly specific alcohol content range

>> No.19727719

When you get older and don't just funnel vodka directly into your anal cavity anymore, you start to notice the difference in abv in things and how your body handles them.

These days the 4% ones don't do shit, the 5% do shit, and the 6% rekt my shit the next day. For 12 packs of course.

My days of drinking 9.5% beers are behind me sadly, and thankfully.

>> No.19727776

Drinking alcohol is the most cucked thing I can possibly imagine. You’re pretty much just poisoning yourself because
>muh it makes me dizzy lol
Total alcohol drinker death

>> No.19727788

For me it’s 3 voodoo ranger juice forces to start and I then drink banquets/yeunglings til I pass out. While smoking on the camel turkish royal red pack.

>> No.19727797

>voodoo ranger juice forces
I swear they taste exactly like if you had an IPA and then just dropped a shot glass full of Hawaiian Punch in it. Oddly enough, I'm still not sure if I love them or hate them

>> No.19727808

To me it just tastes like slightly alcoholic carbonated orange juice, but then you realize it’s 9.5%. They’re dangerous, which is why I limit myself to three.

>> No.19727810
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>> No.19727814
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>> No.19727817

I drink alcohol because it tastes good, the relaxing effects are just a bonus. Yes, some people naturally have a palette that enjoys alcohol, and it isn't an "acquired taste." My parents let me have a beer when I was 13 thinking I wouldn't like it and it would put me off drinking until I was older but I loved it and was like "can I have this instead of soda from now on?" and they were like "oh shit, what have we just done!"

>Kill teetotalers. Behead teetotalers. Roundhouse kick a teetotaler into the concrete. Slam dunk a teetotaler baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy prohibitonists. Defecate in a teetotalers food. Launch teetotalers into the sun. Stir fry teetotalers in a wok. Toss teetotalers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a teetotalers gas tank. Judo throw teetotalers into a wood chipper. Twist teetotalers heads off. Report teetotalers to the IRS. Karate chop teetotalers in half. Curb stomp pregnant black teetotalers. Trap teetotalers in quicksand. Crush teetotalers in the trash compactor. Liquefy teetotalers in a vat of acid. Eat teetotalers. Dissect teetotalers. Exterminate teetotalers in the gas chamber. Stomp teetotaler skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate teetotalers in the oven. Lobotomize teetotalers. Mandatory abortions for teetotalers. Grind teetotaler fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown teetotalers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize teetotalers with a ray gun. Kick old teetotalers down the stairs. Feed teetotalers to alligators. Slice teetotalers with a katana.

>> No.19727841
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>I drink alcohol because it tastes good, the relaxing effects are just a bonus.

>> No.19727912
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Orion. Superior rice beer.

>> No.19727981
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>Not letting a 14% rock you to sleep and tuck you in and be your breakfast
couldn't be me

>> No.19728007
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>Total alcohol drinker death
that's the plan

>> No.19728370


>> No.19728386

I wish there was a package with like four 9% beers, and six 4% beers, start off really high and then ride the wave for a couple of hours.

I used to mess with those Victory Golden Monkey beers, they'll fuck you tender. Can't remember if I've had Juice Force.

>> No.19728445
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I drink beer because it tastes good not to get drunk

>> No.19728469

Post body

>> No.19728495
File: 358 KB, 1300x1300, 1672550332765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally what I do with Old Rasputin. Buy a four pack, drink them, then switch to a 4-5% lager.

>> No.19728497
File: 413 KB, 2560x1440, 20200908_170548-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some Coors Banquet the other week and found it pretty good, if a little sweet and corny. At that % range I'd look at Helles, or for this time of year, festbiers. picrel is like 5.8%

>> No.19728513
File: 113 KB, 1100x1100, Lone-Star-Beer-6-bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer pic related, but I'll take Banquet over anything else if it's on tap.

>> No.19728525

If I want to drink all day, Modelo (yes I know it's like 4.4%). I'll never get hammered but after the third one I'll be floating a nice buzz.
Up next is Coors if I want to eventually be drunk
If I wanna get drunk on cheap beer fast the PBR black cans are like 6.5% or whatever

>> No.19728538

The one I get for free. Imagine paying for beer.
I would pay for wine or for liquor but not for grain juice.

>> No.19728554

Drinking wine and liquor is better if you have a prolapsed anus I hear. I'll stick with something that doesn't taste like shit, thanks.

>> No.19728562

Texan my whole life and Lone Star sucks ass

>> No.19728565

>Not drinking liquor until you get stockholm syndrome and start to think it's good

>> No.19728580

It has a very high rating on Beer Advocate, I'll have to check this one out.

>> No.19728593

I like it. Maybe you're just one of those types who think beer is an "acquired taste"

>> No.19728596

If you like stout it's pretty good. If you go to a lot of craft breweries the imperial stouts they have are often these syrupy sweet dessert wine type beers which are fine on occasion but not really my thing. Old Rasputin is more like a typical stout just with the flavor and ABV turned up.

>> No.19728601

Maybe, huh? Here's the thing, buddy boy, when you assume, you make an ass out of U and me.

>> No.19728606

I don’t, I drink any cheap beer that tastes decent. For me it’s banquets or yeuglings, of course after I’ve had my 36 fl oz. of voodoo ranger juice force.

>> No.19728642

>t. modelo swiggin juan
because if you were white you would've shilled shiner

>> No.19728725

Problem with Shiner is that most places charge import prices for it now. Banquet and Lone Star are both domestics, which surprises me in regards to Banquet.

>> No.19728887

give me two six packs of hamms and im grilling and wandering in the woods for hours

>> No.19728906
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Not quite 5% but my go-tos are Red Stripe and Genny which are 4.7 and 4.5 respectively

>> No.19728931

Their heffe goes hard

>> No.19728954
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this is the same thing but it tastes much better

>> No.19728961
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>> No.19729023

Genny and genny light are pretty good. They're made with grits.

>> No.19729330
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>> No.19729365


>> No.19729460
File: 591 KB, 800x2079, 24050554_800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonnes of good pilsners within 4,8-5,6% abv.

Pilsner Urquell
Edel-Pils Premium
Bernard Kvasnicový ležák

There are plenty more worth mentioning but im sure you can find it yourselves..

>> No.19729462

I only drink 12% beer and then feel bad about myself when I get drunk from a single bottle

>> No.19729626

Just get two 9.5% and drink 4% for the rest of the night.

>> No.19729925

I thought druk threads got banished to /tv/?
Glorious to see them back thougever!
What we drinking tonight boys?

>> No.19730071

I like that Alec Baldwin is on the can. I've had Pilsner Urquell before, very good stuff.

>> No.19730083


>> No.19730088 [DELETED] 
File: 789 KB, 1488x1111, Can't INTO....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses old maymay
>CAN'T into pasta
Did you get lost? or are you just getting paid to shit up these boards?

>> No.19730097 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 679x477, Hamm's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY Man...
>30pk -$15

>> No.19730102

If you could accurately see the state of the world, you'd be agreeing and joining in.

>> No.19730106


>> No.19730191

Always thought I was generally okay with these, no different than drinking strong shitty wine. But last week I drank one of these before like 8 normal beers and violently threw up twice which is very rare for me

>> No.19730261
File: 127 KB, 1028x1011, 1694199041635579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the opposite. Sort of. Not so much an acquired taste as I simply kept trying different types of alcohol until it "clicked".

What I found is that I hate:

I like dark wines, which are actually good for you because of all the antioxidants in it so anyone saying "all alcohol is bad for you" is just a low IQ retard who's repeating what their local school guest-speaker told them like a fat idiot.

I like malt liquors because of the heavy malted barley flavor and can't stand the bitter-shit taste of extreme hopps or pale ales. Beer is also good for you because it decreases your risk of osteoperosis and heart disease.

I like whiskey, because it has a very strong taste due to its aging and distilling methods. Some of my go-to's are Buffalo Trace, Clyde Mays, and Knappogue Castle 12. Also, Whiskey is, once again, good for you, as it prevents dementia and has even been recommended by doctors as a preventative measure.

Even my wife, who is not an alcohol drinker, enjoys a wine-cooler or white wine on occasion. People who say all alcohol is bad for you and they don't understand why people drink it are certifiable RE-TARDS.

>Depressant so it relaxes your muscles and loosens your cognitive inhibitions
>antiseptic so it's good for wounds and mouth ulcers (any time i get a tongue or gum ulcer from too much citris, some whiskey clears it right up)
>it's better to drink a beer and count your calories from that instead of eating some big fat greasy cheeseburger
>generally just refreshing and a better all-around choice than soda

Anyone who says it's bad is merely:
>parroting their school
>parroting their single mothers
>parroting their retarded protestant parents
>is trying to be a straight-edge edgelord

If you don't like the taste of it, that's fine.

And for the record, I also hate drunkard faggots that hate the taste of alcohol and only drink to get "FRICKEN WASTED DOOD!" as well.

>> No.19730289

I definitely notice a trend with teetotalers, they're usually narcissists and control freaks and are supreme faggot cucklords, much like Rockefeller was, who was a talentless hack, who's father was a literal, actual, gods-honest-truth, fucking snake oil salesman.

The much more based and virtuous man was Andrew Carnegie, who was a whiskey drinker, go figure.

>> No.19730300

>session beer
Imagine becoming a fat bloated piece of shit on purpose

>> No.19730306

They're quite good, if Guinness is the Folgers coffee of beers, this is the coffeshop mocha.

>> No.19730387

>session beer
Is this what alcoholics call party beers? You're not supposed to drink an entire 12 pack by yourself.

>> No.19730391
File: 598 KB, 1376x2048, sapporo-premium-beer-12oz-bottle-6pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a weeb so this is my go-to beer right now.

>> No.19730420

Corona all day, everyday.

>> No.19730427
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>> No.19730654

Unless it's on tap from a keg, you're not drinking Japanese beer, you're drinking beer from Canada/Phillipines.

>> No.19730684
File: 49 KB, 780x1139, BudLight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Session beers is best enjoyed while watching The Sopranos.

>> No.19730686

Yeah it's bottled in Canada but it tastes good. None of the big three Jap beers that are sold in the USA are actually bottled in Japan.

>> No.19730688

Can't even drink 12 beers? I found the faggot LMAO

>> No.19730692
File: 1.84 MB, 3000x3000, AsahiSuperDry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Asahi Super Dry, it's dryer than an old lady's cunt, and just as good, I even had it in Japan. Hard to find in my area though.

>> No.19730713

Based alcohol knowledge talker.
It was put here for us to use and we should use it. It's a tool to be used responsibly.

>> No.19730719
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Every time I crack open a can it's full of liquid.

>> No.19730807

its crazy how much better these are than kirin and sopporo

>> No.19730810


Just buy 2 40s of Steel Reserve. If you have work the next day just have one. If you're free the next day go ahead and stay up late drinking both.

>> No.19730813
File: 284 KB, 703x537, oreo blizzard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like dark wines, which are actually good for you because of all the antioxidants

Drinking poison with a vitamin doesn't somehow make it not poison, anon. That's like saying the Oreo Blizzard is "healthy" because it has some protein and calcium in it.

>> No.19730820

Holy shit are you me, but voodoo ranger vice

>> No.19730844
File: 99 KB, 1079x1046, 5-hours-long-antisemitic-schizo-rant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that sounds so bad and so good at the same time cheers anon.

>> No.19731591

You are actually surprisingly stupid. So stupid I'm amazed you know how to post on 4chan.

Tell me, king retard, what the flying fuck is your liver built for?

>> No.19731598

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Texas Education'''''''''''''''''''

>> No.19731616

>antisimetic rant
>schizo rant

Pick one.

>> No.19731893
File: 60 KB, 650x750, kirin-ichiban-beer-12oz-bottle-6pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to weeb beer, especially the tall boys

>> No.19732000

Must taste like absolute fucking cow shit. Worth it, though. I'd try it

>> No.19732030

WTF does "first press beer" mean? What next, Extra Virgin beer?

>> No.19732143

Tastes good and it makes me stupid(er). That's all I need. I drink hop water too because it tastes good. Really, if I didn't drink beer I'd be drinking diet pop instead because water is fucking boring.

>> No.19732150

ESL detected

>> No.19732304

Kike detected.

>> No.19732317

it means the first press of the wort is used in brewing the beer.

>> No.19732335

I've brewed hundreds of gallons of beer and never heard of "pressing the wort."

>> No.19732343

look up parti-gyle brewing if you care to learn more

>> No.19732510

Jackass, they charge import price for a chugger.

>> No.19732644

>I have sex for love not to feel good

>> No.19732720

I just had a super satisfying shit, bros.

>> No.19732851

That doesn't make shiner a import Retardus IV

>> No.19732854

It feels good to drink something that tastes good. If I get a buzz or more that's a nice bonus.

>> No.19733306

You wish, third worlder. Learn Engililish.

>> No.19733513

I find coors strangely sweet

>> No.19733518

Bro you don't actually drink an entire twelve pack regularly enough to notice this shit, do you?

>> No.19733640

If they don't get any effect out of 12x 4% beers (equivalent to basically a pint of 80 proof liquor), clearly they do.

>> No.19733727

I never said it was an import, I said they charge import prices for it.

>> No.19733743

Based Hamms enjoyer

>> No.19733904

Coors has a hint of banana flavor to it.

>> No.19733907

Why yes nigger, I do.

>> No.19733910
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>> No.19733921

Hamm's (4.6%) just showed up in my area, but you have to buy it in a 24pk, no 6pk or singles to try out first. I hear it's some real hood jungle man shit. I'll try it one day, just not looking forward to spending $18.99 on an unknown product.

>> No.19733927

PBR (4.8%) tastes like shit, I'll drink almost any beer, but I just can't do PBR.

>> No.19734034

I only drink Yuengling because I'm an American and not a pinko commie homosexual.

>> No.19734042

just bought two 4.1%s and a 6.66%

>> No.19734054
File: 527 KB, 3168x3080, pepe_hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink alcohol that's brewed or distilled in my own state.

>> No.19734364

tastes watery to me but not in a bad way

>> No.19734613

>Trying IPA for the first time
what is this

>> No.19734619
File: 2.55 MB, 2340x4160, lager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you friend. Goodspeed.

>> No.19734622

most dumb frogs do

>> No.19734630

My state has high quality beer, whiskey, and rum, so it is not dumb.

>> No.19734640

indian pale ale, sir

>> No.19734643

this is the shittiest beer on earth. why do upstate new Yorkers love it so much?

>> No.19734653

50c a beer in NJ. Pottsville PAs finest

>> No.19734655
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Wish that Rhinelander would bring back their shorty bottles.

>> No.19734662
File: 10 KB, 224x224, _70578332_019685763-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a protip stop being an abusive step dad and get off your fat ass for something besides abusing your step kids you drunk fuck. Get a meeting and a sponsor. This is a cooking board.

>> No.19734670

leave me and my wife's son alone

>> No.19734672

>this is a cooking board
>posts cartoon frogs and ugly meth head kids
take your own advices faggot face

>> No.19734677

alcohol isn't cooking either 'tard

>> No.19734704

Honestly man I've tried pretty much everything under the sun and at this point I almost exclusively drink bud heavy. I know it's got a higher ABV than your range but I'm a bit of an alky and will kill a 12 pack over the course of a day without getting super fucked up.

>> No.19734812

>Can't even drink 12 beers?
how fat r u .

>> No.19734823

Fuck juice forces. Taste like an IPA took a pull off a tropical punch vape pen.

>> No.19734824

>Calls me the third worlder
>Can't spell English

Projection. Go back to Mexico.

>> No.19734829
File: 869 KB, 822x808, Natural-Ice-Domestic-Beer-30-Pack-12-fl-oz-Cans-5-9-ABV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's Natural Ice, Can't Beat The Price!

>> No.19734830
File: 310 KB, 1600x1200, 20170703_004006074_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do bongs really?

>> No.19734835

When these stop being produced, I stop drinking beer, simple as.

>> No.19734868

Bud Light 4.2%
Budweiser 5%
Bud Ice 5.5%
Bud Light Platinum 6%

Bud Heavy, are you talking about Budweiser or Bud Ice, they’re both in the prime 5% - 5.9% range. I don’t mind Budweiser, maybe a bit watery. I love Busch Ice, but I feel weird buying it after the tranny cans.

>> No.19734894
File: 377 KB, 666x1000, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a leaf for me its Labbat blue this is the most beer beer of all domestic beers in this country

>> No.19734914

Beer is disgusting.

>> No.19734929
File: 191 KB, 1290x1399, 1599477412117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought that exact picrel last Sunday at HEB for $5.98.

My boomer bossman and I drink quite a few beers near the end of the day. Usually keep Coors Banquet, Shiner Bock, or even Pilsner Urquell in the cooler.

I ran into the Hamm's at HEB just randomly. I remembered it from one of these types of threads and snagged it.

Not bad at all for the price. Very crisp, refreshing and decent flavor to it. It had a slight metallic taste to it, but that may just be the can.

Boomer bossman says they used to call them Hammsters.

>> No.19734940

I disagree.

>> No.19734944


>> No.19734945

So is your family tree.

>> No.19734951

It is. Whiskey tastes much better.
You are correct.

>> No.19735032


>> No.19735637

the entire point of being a teetotaler is to furiously masturbate about their moral superiority
there is legitimately no other point to it other than to be as big an insufferable faggot as possible

>> No.19735970

Bought a variety pack of my local (highly rated) craft brewery's beer. IPA, wheat beer, pale ale, pilsner. All of it was fucking disgusting. What do I try next?

>> No.19736005


>> No.19736200

IPA’s can sometimes taste like grass clippings and soap, but the other beers you listed are very easy drinking.

hum….there are sour beers (I hate them, but some people like them), and yeah maybe try some stout beers, dark lagers, shit like that. You might also want to start with something lighter and work your way up, try a Miller High Life (4.6% Lager).

>> No.19736223

I will probably try stout. I normally drink ~100 proof whiskey so abv isn't an issue, all of the shit I tried just tasted awful.

>> No.19736228

Also of the limited number of beers I've had beforehand I have had some wheat beer that I liked. Even the wheat beer from the craft brewery was awful, tasted fucking sour.

>> No.19736288

That's standard practice though. What's the point in advertising that? They don't even make a second press "small beer"

>> No.19736296

Beer and Wine are food, not drugs. I'm convinced all the anti-alcohol propaganda of the 20th and 21st centuries are the result of complaining women, and men fell for their shit test.

>> No.19736543

Well shit, I could have sworn it was 6 the last time I bought a case. Talking about budweiser. Great beer.

>> No.19736873

Well I picked up a pack of Founders Porter. Fucking excellent. Will be continuing with stouts and porters.

>> No.19736960

>12 beers
>mild buzz
my ass

>> No.19738266

why do people on the internet always lie like this? 6 beers is enough to heem most people.

>> No.19738337
File: 139 KB, 858x940, StupidFaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom zoom

>> No.19738538

i'm sure they use the second press for something. it's just not sold as kirin ichiban. and no, that is not standard practice. just look it up ffs

>> No.19738548

you have to consider that most people who brag about not being phased by 12 beers
1. are fat
2. are alcoholics with tolerance
3. drink throughout the entire day, not just in the evening like normal people
4. probably underestimate how sloshed they actually are due to perpetual drunkenness
you are correct to say that regular, well-adapted people are heemed well before their 12th drink

>> No.19739312

The fact that zoomers don’t know what a session beer is hilarious. I feel like I’m trying to explain advanced algebra to a dog or a black person. kek

>> No.19739317

I thought this was tasted a bit like PBR, I know a guy in Canada (he's Indian of course) who loves this shit.

>> No.19740147

a session beer is by definition <5% abv, retard

>> No.19740170

>t. probably drinks gallons of soda pop every day and sees no problems with it

>> No.19740178

everyone I've known who drinks Hamms is the most ratchet ass person ever

>> No.19740186

it's not 2011 anymore. being a hipster isn't cool anymore

>> No.19740198
File: 54 KB, 429x600, ganny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my ganny boys?

>> No.19740676

5% is gay and a waste of time.
>get fat
>don't get drunk
Who drinks this shit?

>> No.19741588

Indian as in from India or Injun?

>> No.19741606

Checked, but it depends how fast you drink them. Height and weight also play a factor, so does your tolerance. If you drink a lot, 6 beers over the course of an evening isn't a massive undertaking.

>> No.19741622
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 8880789422110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno if this is still the case, but the last time I went to Quebec a year or two ago you could still get pic rel or Blanche de Chambly @ $27 for a two-four (well, two cases of twelve beers). Absolutely insane deal considering those are both actual good beers, and the cheapest domestic adjunct lager in Ontario is over $40 a case.

>> No.19742505

by definition, you're a faggot

>> No.19742509

a 12pk of 5.9% beer will fuck you tender, are you 600 pounds or something?

>> No.19742510

I don't know, he's brown, but he shits inside a toilet

>> No.19742511

I love that posts on /ck/ stay up for weeks at a time instead of hours, there can't be more than 10 fat asses using this dead board lol

Verification not required.

>> No.19743672


>> No.19744242


>> No.19744267
File: 271 KB, 348x480, creemore_lager_can_glass_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I buy most often; 5% apv lager with a clean palatte & slightly-sugary finish

>> No.19744293

that's one gay ass looking can

>> No.19744301

Ahh Creemore now thats a good beer, I loved it much more before the goys at molson bought them out and ruined it

>> No.19744313

only a closeted fag worries about how a "can" with blue on it looks

>> No.19744381

only way it'd look gayer is if it was a montucky can

>> No.19744390

>shits inside a toilet
Indian. if he was shitting INTO it he'd be the firewater kind but he's swimming around in it like the Ganges back home

>> No.19744404

only a childhood gay rape victim would be concerned how others view things as gay or not but yet still try to repress his uncles throbbing member and hot sweaty breath on the back of his neck by posting about a can that is obviously gay looking and feels offended by being called gay by an anonymous poster even though he's been trying to repress those feelings for years but fears they might be too hard to fight even though he wants to because as much as he doesn't want to be gay, he still drinks a beer with a gay looking can

>> No.19744610

Mega based

>> No.19744711

12 pack
>money is an issue
miller high life
>money is not an issue

>> No.19744727

Fag can

>> No.19744758

You're the kinda guy who says "sportsball" aren't you?

>> No.19745332

>it takes all 12 beers just to get a mild head buzz

Based alcoholic

>> No.19745571 [DELETED] 

I once made a bet with a guy that I could deliver 400 cases of Coors to a party he was hosting from 4 states away in 28 hours or less. Was epic.

>> No.19745721

Kirin tastes the same as the beer in the OP pic. Sapporo and Asahi are better.

>> No.19745739

I thaught Alec Baldwin preferred taking shots

>> No.19745751 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 640x960, Enjoy your CANCER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else disturbed by the fact that all these recent "Alco-pop" releases don't have to reveal their ingredients?
With all the food fuckery going on these days, I want to be able to at least know what industrial sludge I'm putting in my body so I can prepare for which path of palliative care and pharmaceuticals I'm going to be tethered to for the rest of my life in a few years.
FFS, they could be making the shit with Chinese factory artificial sweeteners,"Reclaimed" industrial waste products and old lots of RV antifreeze, and you wouldn't know.

>> No.19745781 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 2004x2239, Hammsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than a dollar a can..Not bad.
See if you can find the 30pks. of 12oz. You may need to shop around. In my area, only 1 out of 3 krogers carries them, but even though it's in Brown-Town, It's worth it for $16-$18.

>> No.19745793 [DELETED] 

Everyone I've known who uses the expression" is the most ratchet ass person ever" is a ghetto rat.
How would you feel if you replaced your fire detector battery this morning?

>> No.19746030

asahi is significantly than both

>> No.19746061

Asahi feels great to drink, but Sapporo has a more "beery" flavor in my opinion. Asahi seems like it's better for binge drinking.

>> No.19747300
File: 1.20 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Pint of the Black Stuff

>> No.19747358
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>$15 for a 36-pack of some of the worst beer in the world?
don't mind if i do

>> No.19747591

Alcoholic beverages are just preserved carbohydrates.

>> No.19747627

now this is what i tell myself after beer 5 "its just sauerkraut but wheat"

>> No.19747648

It's what I remind myself to avoid packing on the pounds with too many pounders.

>> No.19747666

Unfiltered wheat beer is basically a vitamin B complex supplement.

>> No.19747850
File: 2.53 MB, 640x1138, 1642620885116.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking beer
just drink plastic bottle bottom shelf bourbon like I do
just mix it if you can't stomach it
you can't stop yourself from drinking? just get blackout drunk every night and hate yourself

>> No.19748202
File: 201 KB, 351x474, pride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partial towards the "ice" beers since they tend to be less sweet and are strong enough:
Milwaukee's Best ice (corny, pungent and kind of heavy for a lager)
Natural ice (watery but has no offensive taste)
Old Milwaukee ice (corny but has some "off" flavors)
Icehouse (kind of sour and very corny, a bit too sweet at the same time)
Molson ice (very dry canadian beer taste)
Labatt ice (not as dry as Molson but not too sweet)

The "classic" malt liquors are not bad either:
Olde English 800 (it's 5.9% here)
Colt 45
King Cobra (probably the most watery beer you could drink at 6%)

Bud ice tastes like cleaning chemicals though, fuck that stuff.
Standard Budweiser and Michelob amber bock are good.

Once you go above 6.0, the cheap lagers start to taste bad. But 5-6 percent tastes good enough without being watered down.

I'm not a frequent drinker so two 24oz tallboys of any of these products will get me drunk enough and no hangover.

>> No.19749088

>The beer... refreshing

>> No.19749099

Why does craft beer taste like fucking shit? Shouldn't it be better than macro beer?

>> No.19749495

high life baby

>> No.19749514
File: 106 KB, 802x1170, IMG_2963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a 24 pack of some steveweisers

Budweiser is unironically my favorite beer

>> No.19749569

You will never be a woman

>> No.19749618


>> No.19750303

Based Texas Rattlesnake Enjoyer

>> No.19750409

But he didn't call Shiner an import? He simply said the price they charge for it are reflective of an import. This isn't the own you think it is

>> No.19750413

I truly wished I enjoyed it because it's still on sale after the whole tranny thing

>> No.19750419

and you'll never have a woman sexually

>> No.19750477

This is the next thing I'm trying out and I'm so excited to pick it up. Just got paid too

>> No.19750485

Unironically some of the worst pisswater I've ever had to drink, where I am you used to be able to get a 12 pack of lager or a big can of boxer ice. The 12 packs disappeared but I still get the big cans of ice when I feel like homeless larping.

>> No.19750498

This shits fantastic, even though any in the US is made in CA. Kirin light is superior though, nothing more fucking refreshing. Harder to get your hand on

>> No.19750516

Haven't you seen top gun, zoom zoom

>> No.19750652
File: 73 KB, 580x773, full_6d5e9e2a-915f-410c-bf8a-e486eb0ed0d3_580x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey its me again, yea I agree. here's the label-design before they got bought-out haha. still a good beer tho

>> No.19750664

OK I agree the original design isn't gay, it's fucking gay. Sorry.

>> No.19750735
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>> No.19750759
File: 8 KB, 271x398, austin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone Cold is a Coors Light chad

>> No.19750877
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>> No.19751028

He's drank Bud, Miller, and Coors through out the Attitude Era on TV, sadly he brings his terrible Broken Skull beer now. You'd think if one man on Earth would have chose a good beer for his brand....

>> No.19751462

it's the perfect season for this kind of thing. all these oktoberfest marzens are in that range and are great.

>> No.19751945

Same, drank it more often specifically because I kept watching Johnny Lawrence casually being an alcoholic with it

>> No.19752092
File: 106 KB, 820x436, IMG_2945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drank about 10 steveweisers and a pint of voodoo ranger last night

I am hungover bros, thank god for Gatorade, that cures it like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.19753569
File: 71 KB, 375x450, budvcoorsvmiller_card-375x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wins this triple threat?

>> No.19753607

after getting into stronger beer it's hard to go back to 5%ers its like sipping water which sucks because I used to love them

>> No.19753671

Time for a tolerance break, anon. That or start ordering shots with a beer back.

>> No.19753672


>> No.19754098
File: 37 KB, 200x530, muenchnerhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and munchenpilled

>> No.19754138

good idea

>> No.19754213

this shit is cheap as fuck compared to the other belgians and nearly as good (in some cases better), i am a big fan of it
miller lite easily

>> No.19754346
File: 453 KB, 1200x1600, Hoegaarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19754368

The first wheat beer I tried was Blue Moon and I liked it. I got a pack of Hoegaarden later and also liked that, so I decided to get both and try them side by side. The Hoegaarden was significantly better and made the Blue Moon taste like shit in comparison. Had to almost force myself to finish the rest of the Blue Moon lol

>> No.19754427

Do me a solid and try Allagash White. It keeps winning awards.

>> No.19754436

Been meaning to, will probably pick up a pack soon.