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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 841 KB, 790x797, Macncheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19726528 No.19726528 [Reply] [Original]

The review is IN.

Has there even been a worse sell out than this hack? Another abysmal tv dinner from the famed Chef who once sneered and scolded anyone who used anything frozen.
What went the fuck wrong?

>> No.19726533

what would YOU do if your career was basically over anyway and people would start giving you a shit ton of money for nothing? I cant blame him. gordon has been a celebrity first and a chef second for many years now anon.

>> No.19726537

Sneered and scolded random people just cooking their dinner at home, or professional chefs in actual restaurants?

>> No.19726541

He regularly espouses the use of only fresh ingredients in his many videos. He hates microwaves and he hates frozen food - the ultimate red flags of an utterly dog shit chef - a chef should be able to know and use all forms of food and not sneer or bicker about style and types of cooking he views unkosher.

>> No.19726542

you know hes producing a show right? do you know what that means?

>> No.19726552

And? The message he puts across in his many programmes and shows and youtube videos are utterly wrong in many cases. He has been exposed as an utter hack who is completely out of touch and utterly elitist

>> No.19726556
File: 991 KB, 1018x670, ssm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Only women and submissives love cheesy smells. You can tell if a man is a complete homosexual la-la polari speaking homo man if he likes the strong flavour of cheese.

>> No.19726560

he sure knows a lot about male scrotal odor

>> No.19726563

learn to separate a character being played and the actor behind it, what are you 16?
and then you suddenly care about the message being sent on a fucking reality TV show like kitchen nightmares is the worst show on american television. nice joke.

>> No.19726571
File: 779 KB, 916x751, 1690182043708414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF he markets a particular message, character and modus operandi then gets rightfully mocked and ridiculed for it he is an idiot. His entire business shtick is hilarious. This is the man who cannot cook a fucking grilled cheese sandwich. Why should anyone take any recommendations or tips from a genuine hack?

>> No.19726574

Lets all think about stinky cheese manly balls every time we're having dressing or chees to eat.
What a weird faggot lol.

>> No.19726577

youre pretending that a show made with entertainment in mind somehow has an educational standard to fulfill. yeah you can ridicule him for making a garbage show but not for not teaching people proper cooking techniques on a show about making fun of stupid people.

>> No.19726579

have you watched the review you posted?
apparently it's delicious

>> No.19726580



So nothing to do with people cooking dinner at home? OK, thanks for playing, you lose.

>> No.19726582


>t. little zoomzoom who thinks the internet is real life

Yeah, why would anyone take restaurant business advice from a man who has spent decades running extremely successful restaurants?

>> No.19726583
File: 1005 KB, 957x592, shit cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramsay shills incoming.
>Here's your grilled cheese bro.

>> No.19726584

He has lots.
You do not.
He wins.
He thanks you for the free advertising though, anon.

>> No.19726585

>He genuinely thinks it was Ramsay who came up with excellent business strategies and not the investment group he deployed once he grew a few million.

Fucking KEK. Ramsay is a face and a brand. He has literally nothing to do with anything of his 'businesses'. He struck lucky with television then had his cronies do the rest of his work for him once he got those sweet TV contract deals in.
What a spastic you are. Ramsay beyond 2004 is a chef as much as my microwave is a dishwasher.

>> No.19726586
File: 205 KB, 1024x677, 1660167545436699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Numerous reviews trashing his 'product' and calling him a worthless sell out are boosting his capital

>> No.19726589

He has more money than you.
He wins.

>> No.19726590
File: 597 KB, 696x612, 1655476834798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>6 dollars for a little over a cup of cheese and pasta. Not even any meat.

>> No.19726592

He can't cook a grilled sandwich. He'd lose if he had all the money in the world.

>> No.19726594

He has more money than you.

>> No.19726598

He has more money than you too.
and he doesn't give you a penny for shilling for him
email him perhaps and ask for a dividend?

>> No.19726600


>grew a few million
>not successful

OK kid, let's see how many restaurants you own.

>> No.19726603


>T. Zoomzoom who thinks the internet is real

>> No.19726604

You don't need to make it this obvious that you're underage you know.

>> No.19726606

I don't know OP, looks better then the shit Kraft sells though I still wouldn't want to pay the premium for having fucking Gordon on the box of my Mac'n Cheese.

>> No.19726607


You're the one who won't shut up about a fucking YouTube video zoomzoom.

>> No.19726609
File: 83 KB, 950x521, IMG_9266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling for him
Says the retard who’s obsessed with him.
Top Kek you fucking moron. .

>> No.19726610

He's can't replace your dad.

>> No.19726622

i'll talk about him as much as i fucking want mate.
if you don't like it you can go to another thread on /ck/
its simples isnt it?

>> No.19726627


So you admit your knowledge of him comes from that one YouTube video? Kek. Fucking kek. You lose little zoomzoom.

>> No.19726630

Imagine samefagging this hard over Ramsey of all things. How sad must your life be to worship someone that can't make a sandwich.

>> No.19726632


Another braindead zoomzoom.

>> No.19726636

It means that he should be held to a higher standard as a public figure in the field, not lower.

>> No.19726640
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, 1659719862783985.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gordon internet defense force has finally arrived

have a grilled cheese

>> No.19726641

Apparently so.
He’s a regular.
Ramsay’s success makes him seethe for some reason.

>> No.19726652

maybe in an ideal world thats true but its definitely not the way american TV is right now

>> No.19726661

looks tasty
what's the problem?

>> No.19726663

Ramsay never had a problem with frozen food, only liars who sold it as fresh

>> No.19726670


Braindead zoomzooms have declared it bad because...BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK!

>> No.19726693

He certainly wants restaurants to not use frozen food.
Though I don't remember him ever caring about what people do at home.
He didn't have an anti-nuggies crusade like Jamie Oliver.

>> No.19726781

You faggots are something else. That page is from the Anton LaVey's "The Compleat Witch, Or What To Do When Virtue Fails".

>> No.19726788

Oh damn, I forgot about that.
Jamie Oliveoil showing those kids how nuggets are made and asking if they'd still eat it. Every one of them said yes.
That fucking retard even made a special point of mentioning that the icky skin is used in the nuggets. That's the best part of the chicken, asshole!

>> No.19726790


>> No.19726795


The best part was when he introduced health meals and the kids hated it so much their mums were throwing burgers over walls and shoving fries through the school fence into their kids mouths like they were starving to death in a concentration camp.

>> No.19726830
File: 9 KB, 150x225, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had to go back and double check this wasn't some insane fever dream. as it was so bonkers and

Jamie also called one of the mums a "twat" and "a big old scrubber". That cheeky cockney chappie routine goes out the window fast with these control freak cunts doesn't it?

>> No.19728281

These kids will grow up to be fat Norfmen and regret their parents enabled their shitty eating

>> No.19728285

love me nuggies
simple as

>> No.19728293

Kids who grow up like this end up being diabetic and having hypertension at age 20 and grow resentful of their parents. Guarantee every kid that raised their hand for more nuggies is now obese, it's been ten years

>> No.19728363

The dumbest form of Satanism.

>> No.19728442

Fuckin A. I'd hope that edgy pseud is eating blue cheese dressing out of the devil's ass crack for eternity if I wasn't so sure he'd be enjoying it.

>> No.19728450
File: 16 KB, 296x445, satanists btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like the bar is high for that or anything

>> No.19728451

Actual Satan worship doesn't really exist. "Satanism" is just secularists using the First Amendment to push secularism. They don't actually care about a statue of Baphomet being on government property, they just don't want the Ten Commandments.

>> No.19728478

Nobody's talking about that, we're talking about what a faggot LaVey was.