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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19723165 No.19723165 [Reply] [Original]

OIF/OEF Veterans how do you cope?
MREs from our era are way out of date and flavorless if not dangerous.
Iraqi food is unattainable in the majority of the US.
How do you cope with these missing meals? Some MREs are still available but most of my favorites are long gone. I even miss the Veggie Omelet. I miss Iraqi food but nowhere to get it. It's all a craving I cannot quench. Even Rip Its are unattainable.

>> No.19723223

>eating Iraqi food

I was there to kill them...KILL them, not murder them. I wasn't there to pump up their economy.

MRE's, and field rats, are, and have always been, garbage, so I don't know what the fuck you're on about "missing" them.

Fuck Muslims, fuck the war, fuck the politicians that sent us there, and FUCK YOU.

>> No.19723226

I killed my share too, but some of their food was pretty good desu senpai

>> No.19723228

I am a grown ass adult who isn't functionally retarded so if I desire food from a different culture I just buy the ingredients and make it myself.
You were there to do both, but E-Anythings don't really comprehend that part 99% of the time.

>> No.19723233

>E-Anythings don't really comprehend that part 99% of the time
funny how all the E-Anythingilings knew that OIF was BS and all the O-(((Somethings))) just KNEW it'd end in victory for the US.

>> No.19723239

You didn't kill anyone larpfag, go play cod or something

>> No.19723246
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hmm, ok

>> No.19723247

I was there on both the E and O side, and I thought it was an exercise in futility at best, as did my seniors as a butter bar, as did my staff later on. No amount of propping up an economy can make Iraqis human after centuries of shenanigans. They still, to this day, barely wipe their asses.

But we're lying if we pretend most of the lower enlisted had any fucking clue (mostly because they didn't care) what the larger mission even was. The "I wasn't there to pump up their economy" comment is a sign of that mentality.
Anon there are hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone who have been in firefights in the last 20 years, not exactly a rarity.

>> No.19723248

>I am a grown ass adult who isn't functionally retarded
Retards can't tell if they're retarded. Retard.
I'll take the KBR d-fac shit, at any given FOB over anything the locals offered any time. Hell, the g'damn Italians hooked you up with vino at their d-facs.

>> No.19723251

I'm so stupid I can't cook food because it's le heckin foreign!

>> No.19723253


>even Rip Its are unattainable

I saw some at the local Dollar Tree not long ago. I thought about getting a can for old times sake but the mere thought hurt my molars, stomach, and pancreas lol

>> No.19723256

Did you guys have the orange cream ones ever, or just the red/greens? Toward the end of the GWOT they started giving us more flavors, only took them decades, lmao.

>> No.19723258

>this nigga just said the DFAC was better than the local food
Fobbit or?

>> No.19723259
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>PL says he's bringing a "mortar" back to the CP.
>brings this chunk of metal back with half a hole in it
>instantly recognize that it's not a mortar but a recoiless rifle because I'm not a fucking noob LT
>look at the size of the hole
>pull out a ruler
>hole is 120mm in diameter
>send the PL on his way

You know what caused that hole.

God bless LT's....they're like puppies that need encouragement and discipline alike, and if raised right, grow up to be good dogs.

>> No.19723262
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>I'll take the KBR d-fac shit, at any given FOB over anything the locals offered any time
Oh yea, that was straight gourmet cooking. I only had that, at best once a month going back to the COB. Our JSS had nigger army cooks. You can imagine how that went.

>if we pretend most of the lower enlisted had any fucking clue (mostly because they didn't care) what the larger mission even was. The "I wasn't there to pump up their economy" comment is a sign of that mentality.
Every officer I knew believed wholeheartedly in the OIF mission. Every enlisted knew better. NCOs just maintained order.

LTs are retards, I thank god mine was a good one. He had been to Iraq as a contractor before so knew how to not die.

>> No.19723264

Glad to see a patriot be PROUD to KILL for ISRAEL and the LGBT

>> No.19723265

the war ended bro what are you still doing there

>> No.19723266
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>lower enlisted

Funny...the Rangers and grunt infantrymen I lead in A-stan and Iraq 11sure as hell seemed to know more than your dumb ass.

>> No.19723268
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>> No.19723272

When I went to KBR the Navy was doing almost all of the cooking at the DFAC and they were disgustingly shitty cooks
Anon nobody called you lower enlisted, you just can't fucking read.

>> No.19723275

Tell Yllescas he can suck my cock if you still talk to him.

>> No.19723276

Glad to see yet another fucking moron that thinks soldiers fight for anything other than their own survival.

>> No.19723279
File: 88 KB, 888x784, DSCN0060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OIF/OEF bros
let's just admit we were all fucking retarded...

>> No.19723284

>LTs are retards,
Most LT's are what they're trained to be...same as NCO's and privates...and puppies.

>> No.19723288

Retarded? No. Exploited? Yes.

Somebody has to be trained and prepared to face legitimate threats. It's not their fault that the politicians exploit that fact, it's the citizens that don't care what their politicians are doing.

>> No.19723301


We had the CITRUS X variety, which was this undefined flavor that will probably give me stomach cancer in the future. Can't wait for the commercials to be compensated for it.

"Did you or a loved one ever consume Rip Its on deployment between 2003-2016? You might be entitled to compensation."

>> No.19723305

Is that meant to be the inside of an Abrams? It's a fucking rust bucket, you have no idea what you were fighting for company man

>> No.19723309

This is why the US has never won a war since WW2, here you have a perfect example of children discussing their favorite literal zogslop, this used to be the most powerful military in the history of the world guys

>> No.19723310

yea, i'm sure you're an expert. Can you describe how to clean your friend's guts and blood out of the subturret?

>> No.19723312
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>> No.19723313

>I am a grown ass adult who isn't functionally retarded
Dunning Kruger

>> No.19723322

With a bucket of hot water and a rag bitch, you are govt issued property, you don't get to have feelings when fighting per NATO doctrine, what a waste of time, money and men when you started a war and fucking lost lol

>> No.19723326

>you started a war
Nope. Was worth it, though, to get the experience needed that makes it easy to kill pussies like you.

>> No.19723337
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This is your brain on mutt propaganda, with things like GPS and thermal imaging technology you somehow lost against uneducated farmers with soviet era weaponry, how fucking useless can you be?!

>> No.19723353


You assume any of us actually enjoyed that bottom-shelf energy drink

>> No.19723359

Should've picked the other team then traitor

>> No.19723370

>(You) enter thread
>quality of thread drops immediately
Have you considered that you should repent and not be a kike anymore?

>> No.19723399

>tells it for what it is
>labelled a kike
Highest IQ posting

>> No.19723410

>worship a kike
>somehow saves you from being a kike
What lol

>> No.19723429
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>the inadequate beta male continues to seethe

>> No.19723438
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More veterans committed suicide than confirmed AQ and ISI KIA's after the Iraq war, who's the bitch now haha

>> No.19723453

>who’s the butch
>posts extremely gay animu
It’s you, mate.
No contest.

>> No.19723462

Watch out everyone this guys got Iraq war syndrome which is totally a legitimate and medically evaluated physical and mental illness, it's real serious guys please be respectful