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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19720141 No.19720141 [Reply] [Original]

Why is pancake eaten with sugary filled poison syrup?

>> No.19720145

me at the back

>> No.19720146

it tastes good. is somebody forcing you to put maple syrup on your pancakes?

>> No.19720147

I wish social media was banned everywhere

>> No.19720149

Me also in the back

>> No.19720150

why are all americans autistic? except girl in the back, she based

>> No.19720153

I will never be this happy

>> No.19720155

Because it’s in our dna. Also, fuck off.

Technically 4chan is social media by strict definition

>> No.19720156

shit thread full of dipshits getting baited by some gay webm that has nothing to do with food

>> No.19720158

me in the back as well

>> No.19720159
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Tfw Islam was right about everything

>> No.19720161

Not even by strict definition. It just is social media. You don't need profile pictures to be social media

>> No.19720163

She's not really that happy

>> No.19720197

if you are such an expert in happiness why aint you happy?

>> No.19720210

happiness is for children

>> No.19720216
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>> No.19720221

If I worked in the kitchen and saw customers doing this, I'd put the special ingredient in their food

>> No.19720223
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>> No.19720227
File: 3.43 MB, 706x720, pizza good.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pancake good

>> No.19720231

Ah yes, the hateful, vitriolic death stare of a woman at another woman who stole her spotlight, even though she too made the effort to visit the wafflehouse in her underwear.

>> No.19720236

her reaction to the autistic mutt is completely natural. cope and seethe queer

>> No.19720238

I am that disgusted cutie in the back

>> No.19720247
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>> No.19720276

Based woman at the back, I'd have the same disdain.

>> No.19720291

>Baleful stare at the fat slob dancing for slop to get tiktok likes
Any human that doesn't have this immediate reaction needs to rope.

>> No.19720326

Judging by those arms, I bet she has a huge dumper

>> No.19720334


>> No.19720338
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Why is yogurt/granola/oats eaten with sugary filled poison orbs?

>> No.19720346

I will never be this retarded.

>> No.19720354

shut up!

>> No.19720365

why is your thread served with a poison app's video?

>> No.19720368

we are banning it.
4chan is not social media because nobody here has a social life.

>> No.19720373

there is nothing natural about paying attention to what others do outside of assessing threat.

>> No.19720376

you think in reverse, anon.

>> No.19720381

Angloids are obssesed in making everything sweet. They are addicted to sugar and corn syrup so no matter the food they will turn it into candy

Porkchops? Drown it in apple sauce
Turkey? Drown it in fruity sauces
Steak? Drown it in bbq sauce
Potatoes? Drown it in gravy
Salad? Drown it in dressing

And so on and so on. I hated eating with americans because they can't make anything that doesn't taste sweet

>> No.19720384

maybe if you are no chin virgin on your way for weekly haul of cheetos. Normal people observe enjoy, judge and study their suroundings

>> No.19720386

you think in reverse, anon.
normal people don't pay attention to others outside of threat because we have shit to do.

>> No.19720387

What ever happened to ticktock being banned? I couldn't care less about China collecting data on a bunch of retarded kids, but I was really looking forward to all those retarded kids acting like it was the end of the world.

>> No.19720388

Lol at the disgusted face the woman in the back makes

>> No.19720390

God I love women enjoying food

>> No.19720392

chuck norris over here

>> No.19720395

One of my favorite parts about living in the city was getting off work, grabbing a beer and sit on my stoop and people watch, totally natural

>> No.19720398

>Porkchops? Drown it in apple sauce
>cooking pork with apples could be one of humanity's most ancient recipes. This combination appears in some of the oldest known cookbooks. Even before that, though, long before humans invented writing, early inhabitants of Central Asia's Tien-Shan Mountains had access to both foods
>Turkey? Drown it in fruity sauces
Are you talking about cranberry sauce? Even if you consider that "sweet" it's eaten more as a side/condiment.
>Steak? Drown it in bbq sauce
Steak isn't eaten with bbq sauce.
>Potatoes? Drown it in gravy
Gravy is sweet now? Compared to butter? Nah.
>Salad? Drown it in dressing
It's literally not salad unless it's dressed. This is true everywhere in the world.

>> No.19720403

i am sorry you are tunnel vision autist. Normal people have enough brain power to do both.

>> No.19720405

look at that pathetic white gurl in the back looking like she's above that when she's the same level of trash eating at IHOP.

>> No.19720408

at least she is white. thats a win on its own

>> No.19720410

Fatties cant even tell how shit their eating habits are since they are so normalized

>> No.19720412

She's staring in disgust at a retard performing like a clown in a public place to get retard likes on a Chinese spyware app, which is a perfectly natural reaction.

Imagine what she's seeing from her perspective, it's a fat whore jiggling around like a moron, presumably after having set up a fucking camera on a tripod, and probably recording lights in a booth at an IHOP. She just wanted to order some shitty pancakes at her local slop palace and ended up in the background of a retarded fetish video designed to monetize 13-60-year-old virgins' masturbation habits, she's right to be disgusted.

>> No.19720419

Ironically, the only one of those things that people eat "habitually" is salad.

>> No.19720420

Most autistic and gay post on this entire board rn

>> No.19720424

Those are arils not orbs

>> No.19720426

the fat pig at the front is the female equivelent of a sòyboy

>> No.19720433

Shes got a whale neck.

>> No.19720435

"Aril" doesn't refer to a specific shape. You might as well say that maple syrup is AKTSHUALLY a sap, not a syrup.

>> No.19720438

I put lemon juice on my pancakes (UK) ,then again only have them once a year. Theyre nothing special.
That fucking mong in that video wants a fork through the eye

>> No.19720451

My brother used to put peanut butter and jelly on his pancakes, then again he also put it in his oatmeal, I guess he had a thing for PBJ

>> No.19720455

Seasalt on oatmeal is the best

>> No.19720460

>used to
and now he is probably in jail

>> No.19720466 [DELETED] 

One time I asked for maple syrup at Denny's in South Carolina, the waitress said "what's that?" She was a nigger btw

>> No.19720474

>she was a nigger
And you were eating at a Denny's.

>> No.19720483

In South Carolina, which is the headquarters of Denny's btw

>> No.19720487
File: 246 KB, 712x522, If-Only-You-Knew-How_bitchy-things-Are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Fat Attention Whore cunt even posts using a fucking made up word from a snickers commercial. I'll bet she's an insufferable, boring, walking commercial parrot. Not a single thought in that head deeper than a 10 second soundbite.
Somehow, in her mind, everybody else needs to know this repulsive, mundane idiocy about her--because, "Ya'Know...I'ts MEE!!"
Hope she falls for the upcoming booster push.

Neither will she.

>> No.19720489

I've eaten Spam in Minnesota. It was exactly the same as the Spam I at in Hawaii or New York or Oregon or Florida.

>> No.19720490

No, he grew out of it, the way normal people grow out of using ketchup when they hit 10 years old

>> No.19720491

The Whale (2022)

>> No.19720492

But they aren't in even orb shaped you retarded ape.

>> No.19720493

I had Chick fil-A in Plattsburgh, NY, it was not the same, the cups aren't Styrofoam

>> No.19720500
File: 1014 KB, 500x263, SOOOPA-TROOOPA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not horrible for an hours work..
2 ways to go:
1)Super clean
2)Paper cut-outs <---(you)
>dat filename doe
>But I did have breakfast at 3am...

>> No.19720501

Finna die of cringe fr fr

>> No.19720503

so why is he in jail?

>> No.19720508

I got an ick from her display right here

>> No.19720509

Impersonating an officer

>> No.19720512

While you're right, get it together dude. The seethe is unreal. Mutts living in your skull rent free.

>> No.19720529

girl in the front is based

>> No.19720534
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>Imagine what she's seeing from her perspective,
What we missed:
>Fat drunk cunt, being loud and demanding in a public eatery.
>talking at top volume about nothing whatsoever
>Constant attention seeking behaviour, thinking every time the other patrons turn to look at her clownish act, the spotlight shines only on her.
She's probably one of those "Women" who screeches at top volume whenever she sees someone she knows that she hasn't seen for 3 days, the same fucking screech they blare out whenever something "Bad" is happening to/around them.
This is habitual from early childhood--you know the ones. The shitty little kids who screech constantly because their shitty parents never told them the story of The boy who cried Wolf.
A true scourge on polite society.

>> No.19720541

monkey like sugar!

>> No.19720546

Hangry has always been used informally retard. Plus it's officially been a word in the Oxford dictionary for a few years now. Pick up a book.

>> No.19720563
File: 780 KB, 1244x750, Pondering The Aril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It Matters not...

>> No.19720564
File: 23 KB, 500x367, 1672755129170607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but yeah, hangry has been used for at least 15-20 years. I still hate the term, though. Like, are you a fucking animal? Not eating every 4 hours somehow turns you into a horrible person and you have no control over the process? Do you really feel mild hunger pangs on a different level than everyone else? Or maybe you don't really feel anything, so the slightest discomfort is enough to set you off? Like a baby? The idea that there are people walking around who aren't constantly in pain but hiding it, because they understand they're not the center of the universe, is still fucking crazy to me.

>> No.19720579
File: 403 KB, 1337x711, Doubleplusgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hangry has always been used informally retard.
You fucking Zoomers... You all think you know what you're talking about...yet hilariously DON'T.
>...when Snickers had their “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” ad campaign in 2010
>M-W & Oxford english: added 2015
Just KYS, you are terminally commercialized.

>> No.19720588

>i've never heard the term until a snickers commercial so nether have you
You're the one who sounds underage here.

>> No.19720598

Sounds like someone is hangry, Champ.

>> No.19720602

>you are terminally commercialized
Says the retard who thinks an extremely common slang term was invented by a Snickers commercial

>> No.19720603
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I'm more surprised people haven't caught on to these "viral" marketing campaigns yet

>> No.19720608

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you implying that people don't understand that TikTok "influencers" are marketing shills?

>> No.19720617

And start with this shithole so I can finally be free