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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19717552 No.19717552 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19717555

Americans make all food better. Even sushi.

>> No.19717559

Best American Pizza > Italian Pizza > American goyslop Pizza

And if you want to know what I mean by best Pizza, look up what Portnoy gives good scores

>> No.19717561

Neapolitan pizza is wet and sloppy. Sure, the crust is awesome and buffalo mozzarella is a delicious ingredient, it's just poorly executed in that format.

>> No.19717656

>Sovl vs souless

>> No.19717686

>Why do these people build all these unique houses while the mega commie block houses look all neat and proportionate thanks to the cheap ingredients!

>> No.19717692

someone with a vagina finally said something totally useless

>> No.19717696

...for the millionth time, you vapid cunt.

>> No.19717701

Because it was crafted with fresh ingredients and favors a more rustic traditional method of food preparation as opposed to the sterile automated uniform franchised ideas of the american pizza

>> No.19717799

it's not even funny how much more appetizing the left pizza looks over the greasy shitty right one.

>> No.19717812

ITT numales melting down

>> No.19717842

I love how you're forced to use lots of emotive language to make it seem like there's anything special about the Italian pizza, while attributing fresh ingredients to a purely regional thing.

>> No.19717854

>Americans make all food better
the american pizza looks like a plastic zombie of a food. Poison. Its disturbing. The Italian pizza looks like a living food.

>> No.19717861

Because it actually looks like it's forged out of edible products through a natural preparation. American pizza looks like artificially generated slop, like they took American "cheese" and decided "bros lets apply this to a pizza and ruin everything on it including the base"

>> No.19717870

Not going to argue with his pizza credibility but his scoring system is dumb he plays up every dumb mom and pop there is but gives Domino's the lowest score . Domino's is not that bad and your favorite mom and pop is not that good

>> No.19717872

Why don't you dumb niggers make pizza to your own tastes

>> No.19717874

Fuck off, Dmitri. Go get your ass handed to you on the Krim like every other patriotic Russian age 16-45. The fuck you're doing on our cooking board anyway?

>> No.19717876
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>misshapen, rotten, can barely hold its structure, literally falling apart
>uniform, perfect, even color, same reliable taste everytime

>> No.19717881

>t. tastelet

>> No.19717996

I think he was being ironic.

>> No.19718011

Italian ones don't come from a factory

>> No.19718043

Friendly reminder that "authentic" Italian pizza is a hipster meme that people pretend to enjoy to appear sophisticated and worldly.
Friendly reminder that pizza was a shitty peasant dish that only became palatable when Italian immigrants arrived in America and had enough money to afford to make their pizza taste good.
Fuck I hate pretentious "foodies"

>> No.19718050
File: 3.43 MB, 706x720, pizza good.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza good

>> No.19718054

Calling pizza a "peasant dish" is the most pretentious thing you could ever say. You're like one of those fag redditors who has to constantly say "LOBSTER WAS PRISON FOOD"

>> No.19718065

Treating a meal that exclusively poor people would eat as le artisan culinary experience is retarded on its face, scream "reddit" all you want.

>> No.19718073

>Jo nesbø

>> No.19718077

Dude it's fucking food, what are you even talking about. Go outside , nobody in the real world acts like your internet addicted fantasy world you created.

>> No.19718083

Mouthbreather with weak recessed chin. Her sons are doomed

>> No.19718091

>He's never been to a place that serves "authentic pizza"
Idk sounds like you're the one who needs to go out more

>> No.19718107

What a shit take.

>> No.19718113

You are such a faggot dude, you probably think going to a Thai or Mexican restaurant owned by actual Thai or Mexican people is "hipster".

>> No.19718127

Cool argument. I like how you said nothing of substance.
That's my point. Real italians started making pizza that was actually good the second they came to america, whereas white hipster faggots in America (like you) soy face over "authentic" (read anachronistic), shitty pizza.
You're pretentious and your pizza tastes like shit. Deal with it.

>> No.19718133

No one needs to make an argument to counter opinions, much less shit ones, opinions are things that you think are true, not others and therefore worthless to argue against, at least if you have any understanding of formal logic (you don't).

>> No.19718135

you are a child who can't cook

>> No.19718164

>Seething this hard over simple facts
Enjoy your overprices, crappy pizza, you pretentious faggots

>> No.19718166

see >>19718135

>> No.19718193

I make my own pizza you retarded shitter, it's less than 5 dollars per pie.
Imagine being retarded and wrong.

>> No.19718199

I don't care about your dog shit lunchable pizzas, you faggot. That's not what I'm talking about. But thanks for broadcasting how insecure you are about your cooking

>> No.19718206

> Domino's is not that bad
1. Their tomato sauce has little actual tomato flavor, likely because they use the cheapest shit available.
2. Their crust (and all their other bread products) has 5x the amount of salt than it should. Salt should enhance flavor, not overload it.
3. Their dipping sauces don't have nearly enough emulsifiers as they should, which means you play russian roulette on whether your garlic sauce is good or watery puke.

Their toppings are okay, but it's pretty fucking difficult to mess up pepperoni. Dominos is one of the shittiest tiers of pizza.

>> No.19718208
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Don't stop posting your retarded opinions, they are really fun to read.

>> No.19718216

Looks like shit and you burnt it, retard

>> No.19718223

Post pizza you made

>> No.19718237

I don't make pizza pies, I make cream pies in your mother

>> No.19718280
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>In this episode of autism chronicles we encounter yet 4chan poster who confuses opinions with facts and who reacts poorly to people having different tastes
You should double up on your autism meds for the day.

>> No.19718294
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I made a bacon, red pepper, onion, cheddar cheese and one shredded mozzarella stick.
Plus I garliced up the bacon grease and coated the dough in it.
Apf and bread flour mix.

>> No.19718310

>t. autistic

>> No.19718312

looking good fellas mamma mia.

>> No.19718318
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They posted a homemade shitty pizza instead of neapolitan, pic related is how it should look. That american pizza looks like a frozen pizza

>> No.19718405

Who even eats shitty Italian pizza?
>zero food hygiene when they are produced
>shitty burnt bread
>garbage tomato sauce
>shit topping

The literal only reason this stupid "MUH ITALIAN PIZZA" meme even exists is because of the commercialization of this phrase. There are a lot of "Italian Pizza" businesses and therefore you see people literally defending this meme with their life, because their income depends on it.

It's always the same. The moment someone calls out how shit Italian pizza is, you always get a shitty comparison between a $40 Italian Pizza and a $3 mass produced pizza.
Of course a $40 pizza is better than a $3 pizza.

But the moment you put the pizza comparison in the same price category, the Italian pizza always loses hard. Every time you hear a Italian "pizza enjoyer" cries out if you say for example "pineapple pizza" is not because of the pineapple. It's simply because pineapples aren't typically Italian and therefore they can't brand it "Italian pizza".

That's the biggest reason why Italian pizza is so shit. It's only about brand and zero about taste or quality. This burnt garbage was never good and is only expensive for the shilled meme.

The best pizza is
>normally cooked dough (if it's burnt like shitty Italian pizza, throw it in the trash where it belongs)
>hollandaise sauce
>your favorite meat "gyros style" (it doesn't have to be gyros, but it should be split like gyros)
>your favorite cheese
>optional: stuff like pineapple if you like the taste

And that's it. The perfect pizza. And to no surprise, it's the exact opposite of the Italian garbage meme pizza.

>> No.19718429

you can say american pizza is shit just by looking at the colour. it looks like plastic

>> No.19718430

>Neapolitan pizza is wet and sloppy.
It's just like your mom.

>> No.19718435

pontificate the manual penile stimulation

>> No.19718436

you must be the most retarded of your city

>> No.19718485

this is an ignorant take. italian pizza is desirable because its the only style cooked at near 1000 degree temperatures. this gives it a unique smokey flavor and light texture that's not possible with standard gas ovens.

>> No.19718507

>I hecking love my grease disk! TASTES LIKE FREEDOM!

>> No.19718534

t. mcmansion owner

>> No.19718546

>confuses opinions with facts and who reacts poorly to people having different tastes
If you're gonna call this out, you gotta call out EVERYONE who did it, even those who agree with you.

>> No.19718584

>the mega commie block houses look all neat and proportionate thanks to the cheap ingredients!
Ivan Ivanovich used the ol' spicy stone in the cement trick!

>> No.19718594

>unique houses

>> No.19718600 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19718879
File: 3.59 MB, 706x720, good pizza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good pizza

>> No.19718882

I heard Dave Portnoy gives cock a 10/10

>> No.19718899

If you burn a pizza portnoy gives it a 9 minimum

>> No.19719152

grease disk>water disk

turd world subhumans seething

>> No.19719157

She looks like my cousin

>> No.19719189
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Because the Italian pizza is made at home with the purpose of being eaten. While the American pizza is made in a factory with the intent of being sold.

>> No.19719194

But the reverse of that is true in the millions.

>> No.19719205

That looks fucking amazing, I am sorry but this looks wonderful. I want this

>> No.19719491

I only like plain cheese pizza, with a moderate amount of smooth tomato sauce (please no large solid chunks of tomato), and it has to be blisteringly hot so that the cheese is melty and borderline fluid instead of all gross and congealed and squared-off like some frozen mozzarella stick

>> No.19719502

This, except the American one is the one with SOUL because it's actually good instead of being mafioso protectionist "pay me the moneys for you certification goy" pizza.

>> No.19719510

They both look like good zas even though I wouldn't get pepperoni

>> No.19719546

lol no if anything he's a sick fuck that likes 19 year old girls

>> No.19719561

the best pizza is small franchises. what a lotta pizza is the goat.

>> No.19719571

they are both good for different reasons in their own way. not everything needs to be a contest!!!

>> No.19720001

What the fuck is wrong with America? A high quality italian margherita pizza is under 10 euros, usually 7-8 euros and it costs 2-3 euros to make, you are getting ripped off

>> No.19720004
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>a pretty girl brapmaxxing on greasy food

it's like you're inside my brain

>> No.19720263

He doesn't have to ;-)

>> No.19720352

She is fat, her arms are bursting out of that shirt

>> No.19720355

God yes she does. Imagine the farty sex you will have with her, her blubber jiggling back and forth as you pummel her. She'd probs have another slice right after being creampied. Even just laying there and eating will have her out of breath.

>> No.19720391
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>the italian pizza is made at home
Most italians don't have pizza ovens at home for neapolitan, it's a fork-and-knife restaurant dish usually. You've probably never been to Italy or America. I'd recommend Italy.

>> No.19720404

I want my slop to be homogenous, corporatized, neutralized, standarized and mass produced for maximixes profits without human input with as less value and individual quality as possible

God Bless Amerimart

>> No.19720416
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>> No.19720456

>Their dipping sauces
america is hell on earth. their "cuisine" needs to be banned asap

>> No.19720464

Italian cooking is what happens when a culture values tradition over innovation. Italian meal times seem almost ritualistic in the sense that everything needs to be like it’s been for hundreds of years or else the days ruined. You change things up for one meal and next thing you know you’re getting slapped and bottles broken over your head

>> No.19720792
File: 2.01 MB, 670x720, love pizza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love pizza

>> No.19720826

It's nice to see body positive people enjoy themselves

>> No.19720887


>> No.19721061
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Just get a superior Swedish pizza

>> No.19721180

and Lo Jesus told the people the Truth, and they hated him for it

>> No.19721183
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> clueless cooklet take

>> No.19721737

at some point salmon with beer was also a peasant dish

>> No.19721849

Why are women like this

>> No.19721858

Forget having standards, everything needs to be as current year corporate apporved as possible.

Message brought to you by the goyslop association of america and Open Society

>> No.19721866

You mean Gay Pornoy?

>> No.19723371

At the end, Pizza is still a poor food I mean it is basically bread with sauce and cheese at toppings. Why do you complain? That does not give you a sense of intellect

>> No.19723400
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That's not how you use pontificate
Pontificate is not synonymous with ponder

>> No.19723436

Same reason why vetter tasting european cheeses look like a mess from the inside whilst American milk product reconstituted slop parading as cheese is all uniform and same looking slices.

>> No.19723580
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>> No.19723588

Pack up and fuck off weeab.

>> No.19723708

The one on the right doesn't even look like it is made with food

>> No.19724409

Because italian pizza was literally just a snack bakers made while testing out their ovens. American pizzas developed as a street food in new york so even portions and bigger portions worked out economically.

>> No.19724435

Is a Neapolitan Pizza better than a Little Caesar's Pretzel Crust Pizza?

>> No.19724467

>commenting on how food looks
Dago pie tastes better because it's not made of cardboard and muh 150% """natural*""" cheese food by-product.

>> No.19724472
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Yes but but not the Deep Deep Dish.

>deep deep deep, deep deep deep

>> No.19724486

18 naked cowboys in the showers

>> No.19724597

that is because italy still has not discovered the genius american technique of baking the dough for a short time before putting the toppings on

>> No.19724871

>Italian cooking is what happens when a culture values tradition over innovation.
It remains objectively superior to everything else?

>> No.19724906

is she buff or fat? also sauce?

>> No.19724908

I will keep eating my cheap Dominos pizzas and you will seethe. It is infinitely better than Italyslop.

>> No.19725067

>he doesnt make his own pizza
Damn my pizza is far better than Domino's and cheaper too, sucks to be incompetent

>> No.19725599

It shocks me how rarely this is done, I thought I was the only one who put my dough in the oven for a few minutes before saucing and topping it. Makes sure the cheese doesn't break and the crust maintains a perfect crispness even after a long time out of the oven. How this hasn't caught on to be done for all pizzas I'll never understand.

>> No.19725946

I think my uncle died there at Rahm Ranch, that's what they called it back there, they would make the "cowboys" run in a circle until their feet bled and they they gassed them in the "showers".

>> No.19726893

American pizza is better than italian pizza but not for the retarded reason she gave
it's wet and sloppy if you fuck it up.

>> No.19726921


>OMG why isn't it perfectly round to appeal to my raging autism and why isn't it covered in a million toppings so I get maximum calories when I shovel it down my cavernous maw?!??!?!

>> No.19726987

American pizza is the perfect representation of amerilard mentality
> take a tasty and somewhat healthy food
> transform it into cheap quality goyslop
> "That's good bang for the buck!!"
USA ruined everything they took food and made it shit, they took western culture and transformed it into this retarded white guilty and gender crap

You guys had more value when you were chasing moles and wore feather hats. In retrospect, Hitler was the lesser evil

>> No.19727428

On the left:
>thick, tomato-y sauce
>whole slices of mozzerella
>fresh basil
On the right:
>garbage cheese-product
>salty-ass mass produced pepperoni
>no visible sauce