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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19715891 No.19715891 [Reply] [Original]

Blood is literally spilling out from this dangerously undercooked meat. How can anyone find this appetizing?

>> No.19715897

That's not blood it's myoglobin

>> No.19715906

it isn't blood but i also wouldn't care if it was

>> No.19715931

It is clearly blood. Semantic games do not change that.

>> No.19715939

You think it's blood because it's red or what?
>oh no cherries! fuckouttahere!

>> No.19715945

>noooo that meat has too many electrons in it I can't possibly eat Fe2+ myoglobin I only eat Fe3+ myoglobin

>> No.19715954

Because some of us embrace our carnivorous side more than you do, OP. I like to run my slices of steak through the blood just to mop up more of its flavor. You do know you’re eating a slaughtered animal, right?

>> No.19716003

>blood spilling
you didn't let it rest

>> No.19716015

my parents never let meat rest after cooking but then again they cooked the shit out of it so it probably didn't matter

>> No.19716018
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>> No.19716019

whats wrong with blood

>> No.19716021
File: 113 KB, 454x409, Screenshot_20201021-173524~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium rare niggas are mentally ill

>> No.19716022

Protip: the number of electrons doesn't change, only the atoms to which they are assigned. Net charge is zero or you would get a coulombic explosion in every bite.

Disclaimer: this post was created using 100% post-consumer recycled electrons. No electrons were created, destroyed, or harmed during the creation of this post.

>> No.19716026

Blood is wrong, it's myoglobin

>> No.19716034

Blood comes from the flesh of animals, not cherry juice. Therefore its clearly blood.

>> No.19716051

It’s delicious.

>> No.19716055

Blood doesn't come from flesh either, therefor it's clearly cherry juice

>> No.19716057

Shut up retard

>> No.19716068

redox innit bruv. iron is oxidised, something else is reduced

>> No.19716080

Iron is an essential nutrient.

>> No.19716120

Iron helps us play

>> No.19716125

Blood is awesome, nigger

>> No.19716129

Iron is in blood. It is red like blood because it is blood.

>> No.19716130

look up the etymology of blood and then return to your favorite website my niga.

>> No.19716140

>How can anyone find this appetizing
umm how can anyone find chunks of flesh sliced from the corpse of a sentient being that was tortured its whole life appetizing?

>> No.19716163

try harder

>> No.19716256

That isn't blood, retard.

>> No.19716261

It's not kosher.

>> No.19716269

who asked jews

>> No.19716279
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If I get a cut I will drink all the blood that comes out because it's tasty and delicious.

>> No.19717255

the amount of braindead reddit children unironically taking this seriously is embarrassing

>> No.19718098

It's meat from a cow, not a goblin, and it doesn't belong to you.

>> No.19718151

>i'm just PRETENDING to be retarded!

>> No.19718162


>> No.19718253

Its always funny to watch carnists do mental gymnastics to rationalize their thirst for the blood of innocent animals.

>> No.19718260

BRO i love FLESH ok i love eating BODY PARTS of CUTE ANIMALS and the cuter they are the TASTIER they become when they are GRILLED

>> No.19718264
File: 1.08 MB, 3024x4032, d3se3q7792t71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not undercooked though, the texture is more comparable to a well done steak than it is to a raw one.
Picrel is an actual undercooked steak.

>> No.19718317

>Blood comes from the flesh of animals
The education system has really failed kids these days. You should know where blood comes from by middle-school. Children these days are so fucking stupid they might as well be left to believe the heart processes thought.

>> No.19718350

That's so disgusting. Do butchers use syringes to inject blood into meat?

>> No.19718398

God entrusts us to be good husbands to nature and in return we get to eat meat

>> No.19718403

My favorite website no longer exists.

>> No.19718406
File: 176 KB, 1440x900, rick and morty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God entrusts us to be good husbands to nature and in return we get to eat meat

>> No.19718421
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>> No.19718428
File: 183 KB, 414x657, 1685610973246046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember first seeing the blood from a rare steak as a child and thinking "Fuck that's so cool, I bet it's delicious"
I don't know what's wrong with you, OP. Are you one of those silly cunts that faint when you nick their finger?

>> No.19718438

>Picrel is an actual undercooked steak.
Actually rare steak.

>> No.19718448

>How can anyone find this appetizing?
I agree, they should have let it rest longer, they'll do better on the next steak.

>> No.19718608

There's myoglobin-laden water spilling out from this rare steak. Why didn't you let it rest before cutting it open?

>> No.19718612

I would if my blood were that thin

>> No.19718652
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>> No.19718657

Reddit is still up according to isitdownrightnow.com

>> No.19718778

You cooked it too long and didn't let it rest. Stupid fucking nigger

>> No.19718822

It's not blood, and that's not undercooked
You've clearly never seen blood nor even done cursory research to back up your claim.
Literally google what the red juice in cooked meat is. If you can't accept that, god help you.

>> No.19718824
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, Who Laughs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a cruel joke.

>> No.19718842

That's blue rare, not rare. Rare is red all through the centre but without the jelly consistency

>> No.19718862

Blue-rare is COMPLETELY raw, which is hard to tell from photos. Parts of that steak of definitely raw and some are medium-rare to medium depending on your definition. You need a thermometer and the piece of meat. That steak is cooked POORLY.

>> No.19718888

It looks like the red's been bumped up to 100% in the shadows. Chances are it's just a rare steak cooked a little too hot, and cut 2 mins too early with a bad photoshop job.

>> No.19719255


>> No.19719264

Checked and that's obviously mid-rare you can tell by the texture

>> No.19719275

Myeh... the grey's definitely got the right thickness to be med-rare, but it looks like it drops to room temp immediately at the division. Like a med-blue. It could just be the colour correction.

>> No.19719297

>say medium well
>server hears medium rare
>receive raw steak
i hate it

>> No.19719328

Nobody does, that's why the head and neck are cut off and the blood drained out. Meat is food for survival purposes only, no one actually enjoys eating it.

>> No.19719343

>Medium well
Why so picky? Just ask for it burnt to fuck

>> No.19719412


>> No.19719430

>iq so low they have no rebuttal

>> No.19719441

>Meat is food for survival purposes only, no one actually enjoys eating it.
are you retarded?

>> No.19719564

Also could have been a retard cooking a partially frozen steak.

>> No.19719806
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>Meat is food for survival purposes only, no one actually enjoys eating it.

>> No.19720211

The Pittsburgh Blunder. I like it.

>> No.19720222

10/10 bait OP, you really trolled the shit out of /ck/.

>> No.19720232

This is what the average vegan actually believes while their body is completely breaking down from malnutrition and screaming at them for real food

>> No.19720267

as the smartest species on earth its our duty to reduce the suffering of those animals we utilize.
if prices of intensively farmed meats were the same as free-range, no rational person would support the horrible treatment that some animals go through.
im not even against meat eating, but i think animals deserve respect and a life free of uncessary pain, especially if they are being bred just for our consumption

>> No.19720278

that sir is juice. and youre supposed to sop it up with garlic bread and mashed potatoes

>> No.19720279
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It tastes better.

>> No.19720281

posting in a poopy thread

>> No.19720284

I would drink little baby's blood if it tasted awesome and I could get away with it.

>> No.19721153

that is extremely concerning

>> No.19721254

>if prices of intensively farmed meats were the same as free-range
agreed. I raised chickens for 12 years, and to see them locked in tiny cages until they die breaks my heart. But I fucking cannot afford $8/lb chicken. Sucks

>> No.19721556

I buy eggs from a couple of different family friends or obscenely expensive ones from the grocer if I'm going to eat them raw in a dish. If I need them for baking, dressings, clarification, or I'm going to cook them I buy the cheap stuff for consistency and price.

>> No.19721578

this but unironically

>> No.19722088

About food? No one. You're supposed to ask them about financial stuff, not food.

>> No.19722136

Do not ask them how the lox is made.

>> No.19723476
File: 62 KB, 600x378, signal-2021-10-24-08-32-08-276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I love killing livestock and drinking their blood, because I'm a predator. I look at a sheep and get hungry thinking about consuming its flesh. You sound like a peasant who is only comfortable with grains and leaves. Weak.

>> No.19723560

eti mology

>> No.19723564

>That's not blood it's myoglobin
They always say this, but where is the blood in raw meat then?

>> No.19723617

>t. Science believer

>> No.19723628


>> No.19723631

Straight facts b

>> No.19723658

your gf must be happy

>> No.19723664


>> No.19724281

don't worry, I tried it once and it was pretty meh.
it's really not worth the hassle.

>> No.19724297

Thread should have ended here but unfortunately this board is full of unfunny retards with shit bait replies. Fuck all of you.

>> No.19724298

In a different place? They drain the blood out because blood makes meat taste bad and spoil quickly

>> No.19724417

>caveman: wow when I cook this meat it tastes better and is easier to digest
>his retarded low t faggot descendants: omg are you cooking your meat? don't you know that's not sophisticated!
Imagine being dumber than a caveman.

>> No.19724429

You understand that piece of meat is overcooked and the photo has been altered, right?

>> No.19724458

You understand that meat isn't overcooked till it's charred black, right?

>> No.19725044

Found the Canadian

>> No.19725273

This man is more advanced than a caveman.
this man is less.
Meanwhile, I eat everything charred black. None of you are able to compete with me.

>> No.19725290

Humans are natural herbivores, we know this because it was agriculture that built civilization. The idea that we ate meat back when we were cavemen is revisionist history to establish the social construct so they can sell you the unnatural idea of consuming meat and animal products.

>> No.19725301

Are you unfamiliar with human teeth, Anon?

>> No.19725305

Yes women totally love herbivores that's why we so many single mothers today

>> No.19725402

Humans do not have sizable fangs like carnivores. If we were meant to eat meat then we would look like vampires. It should tell you something that we consider such creatures as monsters.

>> No.19725416

>If we were meant to eat meat then we would look like vampires. It should tell you something that we consider such creatures as monsters.
You seem to be incapable of differentiating between carnivores and cannibals.
And if you want to nitpick the issue, the whole vampire thing is just a bunch of antisemitic blood libel. So if you think vampires are monsters, then you probably think Jews are also monsters.

>> No.19725520

Are you kidding? Everyone eats meat when they can. "Herbivore" means less than you think.

>> No.19725555

>You seem to be incapable of differentiating between carnivores and cannibals.
Is there really a difference?

>> No.19725560

>Is there really a difference?

>> No.19725608

It looks uneven and overly cooked desu.

>> No.19725640

People who believe this have never eaten a meal prepared with actual blood, like blood soup or something. If it was really blood, the smell would tip you off.

>> No.19726097 [DELETED] 

This is exactly why the government is a good thing. The people are toddlers who can't control themselves. The government needs to control and tell them what to do so they don't kill themselves. You did this too yourselves.

>> No.19726730

Like on foot? Because... you're "Canadian".