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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19713613 No.19713613 [Reply] [Original]

>kale went from a garnish at shitty restaurants to a popular green vegetable
>lobster went from a coastal peasant food to a luxury food

Any other foods that were once considered shit-tier and now beloved by many?

>> No.19713618

Your mother's snatch

>> No.19713710


>> No.19713715

is it meant to smell/taste like tea leaves? or did i just buy bad kale? if not then it's disgusting.

>> No.19713817

skirt steak and chicken wings

>> No.19713836

Fucking hipsters drove up the prices of what used to be cheap cuts of meat like oxtail so that they could make their whiteboi versions of soul food. Granted, I buy it for the same reason but I grew up on the line between lower and middle class so what used to be a cheap staple for us isn't so cheap for people still stuck in that economic bracket.

>> No.19713955
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Still going strong

>> No.19713962

The fuck is that negro
Same for chicken wings but it wasn't just hipsters a large chunk of the black population woke up to the oxtail thing it used to be super poorfags and Caribbeans only

>> No.19713964

The white man's cut of beef

>> No.19713971

Is that tongue?

>> No.19713985


>> No.19713995

Flank/Chuck. The truly chad cut

>> No.19714003

Wrong, it's a hanger steak. I come from a butchers family. My great grandfather who became 104 years old always made me this.

>> No.19714035

For me it's my favorite cut of beef. It's more tender than bavette/flank steak. There's only around 1kg of this in a cow. It's also a cheap cut, if your butcher is willing to part with it. If it's on the menu I'd choose it over any other cut. Ask your butcher, he'll appreciate it.

>> No.19714177


>> No.19714186

>once considered shit-tier
Both kale and lobster are still shit-tier.

>> No.19714513

When was kale considered shit? We've been eating kale since forever where I'm from. Or is this more a where than a when sorta thing?

>> No.19714534

It's not that it's shit, it's that it became expensive "superfood" because a bunch of hippies started consuming it. It's like marrow here in Mexico, years ago, butchers threw the bones to the dogs or gave them for free, now fucking bone marrow is treated as a delicacy

>> No.19714539

Luckily the lazy cunts can never get my precious bone in pork shoulder.
I can consistently get that stuff for a dollar a pound at the end of the month still. Must be because it takes work unlike what some of these other bitches are used to.
And the best part is the leftover bones are perfect for red beans and rice the following weekend.

>> No.19714570

It's obviously a where thing. While it's a national dish in Northern Germany and also the Netherlands it's not eaten in the south.
Americans who hyped it as healthy superfood would also be scared by the upper preparation as it's probably the unhealthiest vegetable based dish in existence.

>> No.19714573

what i'm getting out of this thread is that increased knowledge about nutrition and ability to share recipes ruins everything

>> No.19714583
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>> No.19714949

Only in the plebeian states of shartmerica
Lobsters were commonly seen in the paintings of feasts of nobility in wurope. Fatmericans have just always been devoid of any taste.

>> No.19714973

>Northern Germany is a nation

>> No.19714979

Are we now at the point of euroshart cope where you retards are pretending America wasn't founded by europeans

>> No.19714990

Quinoa was for incan peasants and now a vegan Karen food. To the point Peru has to export it all.

>> No.19714996

I always say that we should forgive the Americans and Aussies for their utterly classless behaviours for this very reason: they were founded by the trash of Europe. What else could you expect?

>> No.19715019

well done lad

>> No.19715027


>> No.19715028

Does peanut butter count as shit tier food?
It was invented by by an African-American king but is now popular in most American households as a sandwich ingredient. I suppose fried chicken and pizza could also qualify as shit tier foods that are now beloved.

>> No.19715044

I heard that the reason why Brussel sprouts became more popular is because they have been crossbreed to be less bitter.
I suppose the same thing happened to kale

>> No.19715054

Related question, what's a sleeper food right now that will blow up in a few years? I feel like gizzards are gonna get big in coastal liberal areas

>> No.19715099


>> No.19715106

>Related question, what's a sleeper food right now that will blow up in a few years? I feel like gizzards are gonna get big in coastal liberal areas
Probably Kraft mac and cheese. It was huge during the great depression, and since we are currently in another economic depression (or a repression, or whatever the politically correct term is that means the same thing), well...

>> No.19715173

>It was invented by by an African-American king
Blows my mind that people still think this, George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter. He just figured out a bunch of different uses for it

>> No.19715387

im shocked i havent seen austrian pumpkin seed oil pop up in fancier restaurants and cocktail bars.

only a matter of time which is a shame bc shit is expensive enough as is

>> No.19715397

is kale really beloved by many or do people jsut tolerate it for health reasons?

>> No.19715399

Americans leap at any opportunity to rationalize unhealthy behavior. it's why starbucks and bubble tea are so successful here

>> No.19715411

I made some braised kale once and literally felt high. It's legitimately a superfood and can be delicious if prepared well

>> No.19715415

>austrian pumpkin seed oil
>seed oil

>> No.19715421

i think it's probably a little of each, you have people putting it into smoothies and shit to mask the taste, and then people actually eating it and enjoying it. there are also a ton of preparation methods out there since it became such a trendy superfood (hello kale chips). personally i love almost all greens (except spinach bc oxalic acid very unpleasant to me) so i think kale is pretty great, has a good texture, even the tough stems can be satisfying to chew on.

>> No.19715534

I’m a thoroughbred yank, real venison & maple syrup type, so I’m not too well acquainted with it, but it’s my understanding that this describes soul food rather well. It used to be slave food made from the refuse & sub-par ingredients left over after the rest had been sold or used by the master, but now it’s very beloved & you even see it in well esteemed restaurants. Like I said, I’m not actually familiar with soul food, I was an adult before I saw more than three black people at the same time, but this is my understanding of its history & present standing

>> No.19715577

Seed oil is fine as long as it's virgin. What people fear with seed oil are the solvents used to extract as much oil from the seeds as possible.

>> No.19715760

Virgin oils are better, but still bad

>> No.19715846
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I like kale. It has more of a texture than other leafy greens. You are gay and retarded if you dislike it.

>> No.19715895

kale still sucks

>> No.19715900

>now it’s very beloved & you even see it in well esteemed restaurants.
You mostly see it done with far better ingredients than the slaves were actually given. No high class restaurant is serving chicken feet

>> No.19715921

sliced bread

>> No.19715958


>> No.19715982

It's about time for oyster mushrooms to have their day. People are going to start learning about how carcinogenic portobellos are and start demanding a different option.

>> No.19716014

Are there not local landmark neighborhood restaurants with diner tile & old stoneware? The ones that are on The Guy Fieri Show where there are sexually aggressive 30-50 year old waitresses & fat people eating out of styrofoam clamshells & an old timer who has a camping chair out front for some reason with other old people who says ‘I been commin hear 50 years, back fore when us niggas couldn’t go nowhere else, an Greta June’s battered beef testicles taste good as the day she first puttem onna menu on count the klansmen pelted us with beef testicles that February in July, whooo! Dark times, dark times, but the Black Community of Rockland, Georgia persevered here at Riggy’s Tavern & Slop-house!’ which excites all the black people & then one of the sexually aggressive women gropes Guy Fieri

>> No.19717128

its styrian pumpkin seed oil faggot

>> No.19717134
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>wash and thoroughly chop kale
>massage with lemon juice and coarse salt
>top with olive oil, avocado, sunflower seeds
Wa la

>> No.19717146

literal fucking bones with marrow in them. butchers used to charge pennies/give them away, now the fucking places charge actual meat tier prices

>> No.19717358

Not at all.

>> No.19718445

The rare fpbp with the full flavor of the chan of old and on/ck/ no less…

I guess that explains all the is Jäegermeister good for you and do hot peppers make your ass burn threads…all the best trolls migrated here

>> No.19718458

Wrong. It's from Carinthia.

>> No.19718480

> except spinach bc oxalic acid very unpleasant to me

That explains something in my own odd tastes. Spinach and arugula are pretty much the only greens I’ll eat raw in a salad. All others make me want to gag unless cooked to death in bacon fat, cream, or oil and garlic…or in a broth

I now have a suspicion that arugula has oxalic acids too and that lets me eat them raw too like spinach

>> No.19718486

Fucking ox tail used to be a scrap shitmeat you could get for pennies, now its gourmet.

>> No.19718537
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Pastrami originated as a way to preserve and soften shitty tough cuts of meat, but is now much loved and fucking expensive if you get it at a restaurant that specializes in it.

>> No.19718707

's Feed and Seed

>> No.19718774

Astute. Hearts and gizzards are cheap and delicious.

>> No.19718880

Imo, Kale being popular is a meme.

I still hate it.

>> No.19718892

I think bugs and plant based foods will become much more popular in the future, although I doubt vegans will eat bugs because they are sentient creatures just like cows, humans, and pigs.

>> No.19719160

>t. self hating hipster

>> No.19719179

>chicken wings
used to be a throwaway cut
>bbq ribs
again just a cheap shit of meat for poor people became expensive
>beef brisket
a nasty cut of rubbery fatty beef the jews loved to sell out of their jew delis due to the cheapness now cost $90 for one

>> No.19720240

>Any other foods that were once considered shit-tier and now beloved by many?

Literally every cereal that isn't just normal ass wheat, corn, or rice: barley, oats, rye, millet, especially the more obscure ones like sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa. I don't think there's an entire food system that's had as steep of a profile turn as that of the "brown cereals" all becoming whole/super foods. White bread & white rice used to really be the dream.

Which is wild because in poor dirt-eating countries this stuff was inexpensive to grow (thinks like buckwheat, barley, and quinoa, are basically just cereal producing weeds), but now that they're """super foods""" 3rd worlders can't afford them.

>Related question, what's a sleeper food right now that will blow up in a few years?

I feel like if North Americans gave Quorn/the flesh of the 'Fusarium venenatum' fungi, a chance they'd really like it.
I definitely see it as having more potential as a meat alternative than fucking bugs or the overly processed "beyond meats". I'm not sure why it isn't more popular already- are Americans more commonly allergic to mushrooms or?

>> No.19720245

there was a huge marketing campaign to make americans love bacon, nobody touched the stuff in the early 60s or something

>> No.19720253

>a meme

>> No.19720254

For years the major buyer of kale in Australia was Pizza Hut, as they'd draped it on their salad bar. It was something like 80-90% of the kale sold in Australia went to that.

>> No.19720262

To be fair the European lobster is of higher quality than the American and it was mostly lower classes of Europeans that went to Europe and they weren't used to lobster.

>> No.19720280

>lower classes of Europeans that went to Europe
Went to America, surely. If you were already doing well in Yurp, you'd have had no reason to leave.

>> No.19720286

rip OP

>> No.19720289

>chicken wings
How poor are you? They're, like, $1.49-$2/lb lmao

>> No.19720293

I think any of those offal pieces will remain unpopular. Too polarizing a texture and people just have a gut reaction to internal organs.

>> No.19720298

Well it’s blatantly obvious these days we didn’t send our best.

>> No.19720323

Nigger what? I've been buying this shit by the pound for years to feed it to my pet lizards, it's cheap as balls. Are you poor or just retarded?

>> No.19720374

Even that has blown up in price.

>> No.19720463


>> No.19720622

Kale is not expensive and if you think it is, then I'm truly sorry for your circumstances.

>inb4 "buh, it's more expensive than it was a couple years ago!"

Yeah, everything is retard. Inflation is a bitch and politicians are retarded, kale is still cheap as fuck both relative to other foods and in absolute cost.

>> No.19720628


>> No.19720638

That is not actually true. Most early Americans were small landholders and the only poors were indentured servants.

>> No.19720675

>Most early Americans were small landholders and the only poors were indentured servants.
Small landholders at that time was considered among the lower classes in Europe so you're just confirming what I said.

>> No.19721750

Skirt steaks cost almost as much as filet mignon by me.

>> No.19721761

More in my area since they never get discounted. You can sometimes catch filet for as low as $7-8/lb but skirt never gets anywhere near that low.

>> No.19721762

>What else could you expect?
Two world wars euroqueer. Or would you rather be speaking German or Russian right now?

>> No.19721772

These guys nailed it. I work at a supermarket and chicken hearts fly off the shelves. Same with feet but those are already skyrocketing in price.

>> No.19721797
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Gizzards are a traditional dish in the north of Portugal (where I'm from). It's called moelas, which is the name of the actual organ as well. Tomato, paprika, onion, garlic, beer, stew it soft.

>> No.19721816

I assumed it was a staple grain in their society. It's very tasty and nutritious, big fan.

Shut up Klaus

>> No.19721818

>would you rather be speaking German or Russian right now?
I speak German, tho. And can sort of read and understand Russian. I'm really bad with Slavic languages.