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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19710728 No.19710728 [Reply] [Original]

To what extent should food be "seasoned"? Also why is this so racialized? To me it seems like some foods only need simple salt or maybe pepper, and some foods are really enhanced by having a lot of spices.

>> No.19710736

It’s racialised because you keep making threads like this one

>> No.19710735
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It's completely subjective, I know white people who won't touch a raw onion, and I know white people who collect hot sauce like the meme troonjak. As with anything subjective you can project your insecurities on it and argue for hours with strangers, both of you knowing full well you could save time by agreeing on a fixed definition but you love to fling shit at each other so nonwhites will crack a mild inoffensive joke about whites being scared of spice, and whites will in response have a mount pinatubo scale tantrum and start screaming every racial slur in the book and advocating for mass violence because someone said they don't like spice. It's an infinite source of internet fun.

>> No.19710738

wypipo dont season dey food is just cope because people will seek out any vector possible to attack whitey. however the counter-argument from butthurt stormfags of "UHHH IT'S BECAUSE NEGROS HAVE TO COVER UP THE TASTE OF ROTTEN MEAT" is equally as cringe.

>> No.19710742
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>> No.19710745

I can't eat raw onions but I also like spicy stuff and hot sauces. Raw onions (and cucumbers) just become the only thing I can taste if they're in a dish.

>> No.19710764

I don't understand the point of overly spicy food. All you're doing at that point is just masking the actual flavor with something else. I guess thats why niggers made that meme to begin with, because whites actually care about the flavor.

>> No.19710772

some people can taste the garlic AND the ginger. some can't, and for your kind there is always boiled chicken breast and imodium.

>> No.19710779

You can reduce diarrhea by just not eating garbage food to begin with. Are you black/brown?

>> No.19710798

I haven't had diarrhea since maybe 1998

I don't need to ask if you're white because you just told me

>> No.19710815
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I can't imagine getting diarrhea from picrel, it must be utter misery. I'd probably kms, must be why they say spicy food is white genocide

>> No.19710816

What is 'overly' spicy?
And lol
>whites actually care about flavor
That is why the French drench everything in butter and cream? Lol.

>> No.19710824

nigga go take a creative writing course or something the bait attempts are just getting pathetic at this point

>> No.19710827

>didn't even deny it
Relax brown boy

>> No.19710830

Lmao even

>> No.19710845

Got your ass.

>> No.19710846
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what would there be to deny, exactly? use your words, white boy.

also did you know someone has invented white bread with no crusts so whiteoids can have a sandwich without getting explosive diarrhea from the overwhelming flavors of the maillard reactoin?

soon people like you will be able to live normal lives with the help of science! if only they could come up with skinless hot dogs too...

>> No.19710854

Because you follow Instagram and other social media which are certified brain rotting propaganda. Grow up, uninstall the apps and go meet people face to face faggot.

>> No.19710855

You're the one with brown skin. Not me.

>> No.19710870

every night I pray, god please give me pimply skin cancer pink pig skin so I can experience the joys of getting diarrhea from common vegetables

>> No.19710883

Sure thing brown boy. No matter what you do for the rest of your life you will always be looked at as inferior.

>> No.19710898

it must be incredibly frustrating to be told you deserve to be at the top of the pecking order and seeing all these browns get ahead of you despite your supposed birthright

>> No.19710920

>Also why is this so racialized?
The ongoing protestant reformation had a heavy influence in early America and one of the key tenets was self-denial and a rejection of extravagant food. Bland, unseasoned meals was literally part of the religion, it's the same reason Britain gained such a reputation for awful food, hundreds of years before the WWII rationing people usually point to.
By the time slaves in America were adopting christianity, the reactionist bent was less immediate and they were picking up a more back to roots interpretation emphasising salvation through personal faith and adherence to the scripture. The congregationalist nature of their churches encouraged a more shared a celebratory relationship with food.

>> No.19710953

now protestants are marrying homos and paying tithes to ordained minister guy fieri.

>> No.19710981

the shittier the ingredients the more spices you need to cover it up
white people can afford quality ingredients

>> No.19710983
File: 142 KB, 1300x1390, woman-in-fear-of-domestic-abuseviolence-EE0RJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>African American
Seasoning means dumping whole cans of salt and garlic powder, literally demented ape shit that will give you arritmia.

they season stuff, just badly. Think cheetos and mayo go with everything, They like sugar in things that shouldn't be sweet, like their stupid apple sauce porkchops or drowning good meat in a liter of bbq sauce

Can only eat their terrible quality food if they drown it in peppers and sauces so as not to taste anything else. Applies to Indians too

Dey don't be seasoning their food, except unironically. Japanese food is all bland and umami can go fuck itself

Butter folded over 100 times

Everything salted and pickled, no one else but them enjoys it , they do weird mixes of things that shouldn't go together

>Mediterranean cuisine
Truly the real master race culinary culture that gets things just right. The best ingredients of Europe, the americas and asian spices combined to perfection.

Its either amazing of horrible, there's also a bunch of different cuisines in there to make a generalized statement

>South Korea
Decent traditional cuisine soiled by horrible americanized slop and viral trends

>> No.19710991

I thought you were alright but you're obviously a closeted koreaboo

Korean food is not good, and what ruined it was japan

>> No.19710997

i like kimchi

>> No.19711000

Black people don't know most of lowry's is just powdered vegetables, MSG and salt.