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19708279 No.19708279 [Reply] [Original]

How do I know if this Mead will kill me? I just put it together, first time making my own alcohol

>> No.19708282

Did you disinfect the top part

>> No.19708285

you aren't supposed to put whole ass slices of apples

>> No.19708306

Has anyone ever died from home made alcohol before?

>> No.19708310

Erm. I put hot water into the whole thing and shook it around O.o at least I think I did. I bought the jug new because I accidentally peed in the previous jug due to my alcohol problems

>> No.19708316

if it goes through a strong fermentation (lots of bubbling) it almost definitely won't kill you. even a bad fermentation probably won't kill you. but it won't taste as good.

>> No.19708458

Drink it and then observe whether you die

>> No.19708475

a bad batch will taste like shit.
mead is generally very safe. its much easier to go wrong with stuff like kombucha and elderberry cordial

>> No.19708842
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If it's hissing, bubbly, and doesn't smell like absolutely rancid shit, you'll be fine.

>> No.19708848
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>> No.19708895

Trust your senses. If the smell makes you feel sick, then odds are it will make you sick.
Putting slices of apples in a cyser is pretty common. The peels help add some tannins that the juice lacks. I typically remove whole fruits after about a week or so though because they don't really add anymore after that point, and they can start to sort of decompose and give undesirable flavors if left in much longer.
I'm sure somebody has died from alcohol poisoning, or just general chronic alcoholism from drinking primarily homebrewed alcohol, but generally speaking unless you SEVERELY fuck things up (using poisonous ingredients) or completely ignore your bodies own warning signals that it's unsafe (smells/tastes absolutely revolting like rotting flesh etc) then homebrewed alcohol is perfectly safe. I've brewed hundreds of gallons of beer and mead in my life, and only had to throw out a single one gallon batch of mead because I had a brain fart and forgot to sanitize the fermentation vessel. Smelled like wet dog and toe cheese when it was done. I still gave it a very small teeny tiny taste that I spit back out just out of curiosity. The flavor wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, but I still threw it out because I don't want to fuck around with something that smelled that bad and might have been infected with harmful bacteria.

>> No.19709593

So you made prison "pruno"? Why?

>> No.19709604

Did kingcobrajfs inspire you to do this? Getting botulism TWU

>> No.19709612

You're supposed to spray some sterilizing liquid in the top filter like alcohol etc ngmi

>> No.19709976

Peels, cores, seeds etc. contain pectin which will turn in to methanol though.

>> No.19709997

It's all good man the alcohol kills all the bad stuff. Make sure to drink loads my good friend.

>> No.19710101


>> No.19710122

you obviously don't know shit about making alcohol, if that faggot accidentally made ethanol he'll probably kill himself by drinking this

>> No.19710241

Well they didn’t go mouldy, so it’s probably a good sign for OP

>> No.19710244

No, he wouldn't. Normal alcohol isn't concentrated enough to off you before you vomit it out, even if it's all wood alcohol. Now, if you start distilling, it gets interesting.

>> No.19710279
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I am fucking amazed he didn't get some horrible poisoning from the first batch.
He was putting those rotten chompers on the bottle and then setting it back into the closet to ferment.

>> No.19710290

Don't be a pussy, drink your toilet wine

>> No.19710398

How much do I have to sanitize the vessel if it’s a brand new jug? My steps were, based off reading various people’s recommendations online:
>get brand new untouched jug
>fill it with a teeny bit of very hot but not boiling water
>added in honey
>added in apples
>added in rest of hot water
>shook it up until it was a uniform honeywater mixy mixturepoo
>added in the yeast (whole packet) and a tsp of yeast nutrients
>popped on the airlock and threw it in my heckin closet

>> No.19711027

There's no chance of it killing you, worst case scenario it gives you the shits.

>> No.19711209

Fermentation and distillation are not the same thing. Only distillation could have a risk, fermentation would have to somehow go very wrong for you to get sick, like you'd have to add something that is poisonous on its own or something idk what you'd have to do

>> No.19711841


Drink a mouthful.

If your vision gets fucked up, you brewed methanol.

>> No.19712638

this only happens with distilled drinks

>> No.19712724

If it's brand new you pretty much don't have to worry about it. If you're lazy you can buy a new jug everytime instead of sanitizing.

>> No.19712738
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We are about to witness an underage die from alcohol poisoning, aren't we?

>> No.19712800

It's funny how using internet lingo from 20 years ago will now get you called underage.

>> No.19712839

Gen alpha has a meme called skibidi made using source engine. 00s internet is when the first memes came around and it has kind of set the standard for what a meme is. Kind of like how the printing press led to fairy tales being full of 15th century anachronisms.

>> No.19712848

These things can only swing one way or the other. Either it will smell absolutely horrible and you can barely bring yourself to smell it, or it will smell weird but you won't be gagging at it.

>> No.19712855
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Yes, there have been reports of people who brew alcohol at home especially amateur mead/kombucha brewers who underestimate the strength of the alcohol content after the fermentation period and end up becoming giving themselves alcohol poisoning becasue the taste is so mild they can't notice it. t. happened to my mead guy

>> No.19713006

In college, I made two gallons of mead in glass carboys. when fermentation period was done, I added the chemical to stop the yeast from producing, but forgot the chemical to make them stop eating, and sealed the carboys and stored then under my dresser right next to my bed. One random Saturday, many weeks later, I'm pondering what to do with my day, and there's an explosion of glass. If I had been standing there, my knees down would have been obliterated. I realized only one had exploded, so I donned my parka, goggles, and some gloves and unscrewed the top. I'm also lucky it didn't explode in my face right then. Some parallel universe me's are cursing themselves for being young crippled retards. The mead was too sweet, but I was content knowing I now knew how to make an unpredictable, noticeable bomb that would explode in an indeterminate amount of time.

>> No.19713009
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tampico it's got what yeast craves. it's got preservatives

>> No.19713016
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I've had a sour batch of mead before, taste like vinegar, like rubbing alcohol just nasty.

Then I learned how to disinfect and never touch the mead once it gets brewing. Literally don't touch it and put it in a fucking closet, don't even get close to it. Remember most infection comes because you touch the inside of the bottle or even after you seal it up as bacteria can still somehow get in. You should disinfect then immediately make the mead.

I usually take a shower too before I do it especially if I've been outside all day.

Meads not bad but alcohol is bad for you it damages your organs.

I would get a hydrometer and test tube to test the alcohol level before drinking, and personally I don't see a point in making mead yourself unless you plan to sell it which is risky, and also I don't plan to make it because it means you need to drink it all which would take a while and it forces you to drink it.

>> No.19713027

Remember kids, brush your teeth

>> No.19714242

skibidi is based