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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19707412 No.19707412 [Reply] [Original]

>ypipo dont season dey food
why are american blacks so proud of having to cover up their shit cooking with 5kg of walmart mystery flavour concoctions?

all you need is salt, pepper, and thyme

>> No.19707417 [DELETED] 

Because they're dumb apes, Mute/ban me idgaf

>> No.19707425

No wonder they have high blood pressure.
But it’s probably because they had access to shit tier meat for a long time
>racism outside of /b/

>> No.19707435

Socioeconomics strike again...

>> No.19707440

need dem seasonin' programs

>> No.19707445

They're poor people who wonder why midwest public school and prison food tastes bland.

>> No.19707447

>No wonder they have high blood pressure.
this here
black americans absolutely load their food down with salts, seasoned or otherwise
obviously its not limited to blacks, but it is prolific

>> No.19707448

Why are whites so insecure about the amount of seasoning in their food?

>> No.19707452

Cus we get teased about it online and we’re not used to being the butt of the jokes, so we’re a bit thin-skinned :-(

>> No.19707455 [DELETED] 

>being a fag outside the closet
go bak

>> No.19707460

My ex is AmeriBlack. The dumb bitch's family couldn't cook for shit.
Worst fucking macaroni cheese I've ever had. And dear Christ, those collards were so goddamn limp and bland. How the fuck did they manage to cook the flavour out of collards? Oh, I have to put hot sauce on them, you say? Well now. Why didn't you say so?
>munch munch munch
And now they taste like slightly spicy, slightly vinegary but still mostly bland nothing. Great. Good job, Pearl.
The macaroni cheese was also bland, by the way. Another mystery.
No wonder my ex was happy when they had supermarket cold cuts for dinner instead of actual food lmao

>> No.19707475

All the flavor in collards comes from the butter anon. Did they not use enough?

>> No.19707479

How did her butthole smell, pal

>> No.19707488

More than half the black males you see in the USA are convicted felons. Their perception of "wypipo food" was school cafeteria food, followed by prison food. They then assume that this is normal everyday "wypipo" food.

>> No.19707617

You ought to be shot.
First time I had collards was when j was at school in the US and one girl I kinda had a thing for (there are very few blacks where I'm from so they're kinda exotic to me) brought them in for a Friendsgiving we had at school before everyone went home for Thanksgiving weekend. Hers were made with smoked turkey tails and onion stewed together.
That's it. Good and simple.
When I cook them, I do it like we do most tough greens where I'm from except with the addition of bacon: remove the collards ribs then blanch, chop and saute the leafy bits with chopped bacon and some sliced onion and chilli. Lower the heat to let them cook down, tossing occasionally so that every bit gets a chance at the bottom of the pan. The result makes no potlikker but the greens themselves are the best you'll ever have.

Honestly? Like cocoa butter/shea butter and baby wipes. Bitch was constantly using baby wipes.

>> No.19707744

Black food = fair food.

>> No.19707773

>all you need is salt, pepper, and thyme
For me, it's salt, pepper, garlic powder.

>> No.19707777

>from the butter
you mean bacon grease

>> No.19707788
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Oh come on now

>> No.19707802

I hear blacks have inherit need to over season their food because they're use to eating rotten meat or spoiled goods. Especially poors who do not wish to waste or throw away a day's paycheck.